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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit (1591 Views)
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Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Nobody: 8:42pm On Jun 05, 2023 |
Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Style or Quit Music Entirely Seeing a gospel music OG, who no doubt is super talented, struggle musically breaks my heart severely. Sometimes, I wish she didn’t return to the music scene after several years of leaving. She definitely would have still been getting royalties and invitations to perform at special occasions, and that honor would have remained untouched. But then she probably returned because of how much music streaming pays, or maybe because of calls from fans and pals for her return. However, since her return, it hasn’t been rosy. The streams haven’t been massive, and I believe people who lured her to return would have probably abandoned her just like LP supporters have done to Peter Obi and his mandate recovery. The reason for Chioma’s struggle is nothing more than her failure to evolve to the current standards of gospel music. She has remained stuck in her old pattern of music, which does not suit the taste of contemporary gospel music audiences. I will be discussing Chioma Jesus’ pitfalls under the following points: Her Sounds: Gospel music has surely evolved from times when gospel artists just went to the studio, sometimes unprepared, and just sang what the spirit lays in their hearts with a natural voice. No effects! No retouches! Just as the spirit lays in their hearts, with a natural voice. No effects! No retouches! Just freestyle with a plain, natural voice and tone, coming straight from the throne of grace. Nah! We are no longer in those eras. These days, an artist doesn’t just receive inspiration and rush to the studio. You plan, replan, spice up the lyrics, and even after recording, do a lot of finishing touches to appeal to your audience. Currently, gospel music is even moving from studio-type records to audience live recordings, which of course are groovier. Chioma Jesus, however, has remained stuck in the 2006 style of sound, which of course is far outdated. Her Videos: One other reason why audience live recording is the most preferred style of sound nowadays is because of its awesome video content. While recording your songs, an artist also gets to capture the moment, experience, and audience response. From this live recording, an artist can even get a glimpse of how well a song will do when released. The unplanned and spontaneous audience response from live video recordings is also soul-chilling and can make you love a song you didn’t like at first. Unfortunately, Chioma Jesus’ has also yet to come to terms with this style. She still uses those archaic styles of shooting videos. Still shoots videos on mountains, valleys, and grasslands where cows are being grazed, and is still stuck in the pattern where an artist will shoot a single video with more than 18 outfits. Where choreographers would tie wrappers on their waists and hold handkerchiefs in their hands and dance all these ancient cultural dances, and where unnecessary dramas are acted on a music video just to extend watch time. Nobody loves this kind of dramatic video anymore. If it’s not an audience live video record, then it should simply be a classy modern one. Her Dress Sense: I might want to cut her some slack on this, especially concerning her age, but then Chioma Jesus should stop dressing like Deborah the prophetess if she truly wants to augment her acceptability in the contemporary gospel music scene. Most gospel music audiences, i.e., streamers, are young people between the ages of 17–35, so you would definitely have to appeal to almost all aspects of their fancies to get their attention. Dressing like an executive of a Catholic Women's organization is okay, but does it appeal to your target audience? Wearing ancient head-ties and ancient deeper-life types of garments is fine, but doesn’t it scare your audience? I didn’t say she should dress indecently, but then she should free up a bit. Be more classy and trendy. She should borrow a leaf from Sinach. Her Music/Album Covers: Recently, I came across one of her songs on Boomplay, and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud, at the kind of cover that was used. So old and outdated. For goodness’ sake, doesn’t Chioma Jesus see what modern days gospels do? Or is she just refusing to upgrade her style? Gone are the days when album and music covers would be like "Eze-igwe Cherebium entertainment presents" in capital letters and huge fonts. Or when the artiste’s studio picture that looked like wallpaper was used as an album or music cover. Gone are the days when dramatic illustrations like thunder, lightning, fire, or earthquakes were inserted at the top left-hand side of the music cover, and a pastor firing demons with his bible was inserted at the bottom right of the cover. No! These dramatic illusions are outdated. We are gone past the days of Isaka, Aki na Ukwa, and Osuofia in Maldives. We are in modern times and even the gospel shouldn’t be lagging behind. Mercy Chinwo’s recent EP Cover proves that a gospel album or music cover can be fancy and still glorify God. Chioma Jesus should please stop living in the past. Bonus Point: Maybe Chioma Jesus should also consider doing a change of name. Maybe from Chioma Jesus to Minister Chioma or Minister Chommy, Chomz, or Chomzy. Yes, we are children of God, but that doesn’t mean we should be old-fashioned. Mummy Chioma Jesus, you can do better ma. From a Concerned Fan 2 Likes
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Nobody: 9:01pm On Jun 05, 2023 |
This is the voice of lucifer 10 Likes |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by rastaLivity: 9:04pm On Jun 05, 2023 |
You want her to sing those rubbish Pentecostal socially kinda worship abi. You just ended up typing some gibberish epistle. 3 Likes |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by mariahAngel(f): 9:12pm On Jun 05, 2023 |
Chioma Jesus has her audience, who love her spirit filled music as organic as it is, and that is enough for her. The main goal is for her music to truly minister, even if it's to just one soul. 9 Likes |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by bukatyne(f): 9:16pm On Jun 05, 2023 |
See epistle! Did Chioma Jesus complain about her proceeds or the state of her ministry to you? Maybe if there is more concentration on messages from God than fine tuning to suit modern appeal, we would have more gospel ministers than gospel artists. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Pacesetter2021: 5:13am On Jun 06, 2023 |
Op, you have drank full from the cup of Babylon. If anything,your post has made me recognize and honor her more. The bible says clearly that we are not of this world tho we are in it. I thank God she has stayed original to her call Many gospel artists have fallen into satans trap all because of fame. A true gospel follows Jesus, not fame. The very fact that you are not feeling her music is indicative that you two are from two worlds. Find your contemporary people. Thanks. Reminds me of one of the reigning bands doing contemporary praise. It sounded good but I sensed so much iniquity and stopped listening. Some gospel artists have lost it. If you live in iniquity but sing well and have good sound, anyone still connected to the Holy Spirit will be able to sniff out iniquity from the so called catchy song. Let me add, the other day Chinyere Udoma was seen in Odumejes church. He was hugging her,etc etc. You dine with the devil and still haven't risen. All vanity. Kudos Chioma Jesus. Don't fall in. Keep going. 3 Likes |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Kemadealadire(f): 8:04am On Jun 06, 2023 |
Previous commenters have spoken well. Las las, you will give account to your maker. Pleasing God is the whole duty of man not trying to please the world. 1 Like |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by LilMissFavvy(f): 8:56am On Jun 06, 2023 |
It is totally wrong to criticize Chioma's dress sense? There are thousands of people who admire her "moderate" looks. She is a woman I respect so much, I even admire her more than Sinach. You think every woman is interested in wearing wigs, make up, lashes and long nails? . Are you aware that billions of people in the world prefer old songs, I mean ancient music to current music? One of the Facebook groups with the highest number of people is a group that is all about old songs. There are millions of young people who still play old songs from Tracy Chapman, Brian Adams, Phill's Collins, Michael Bolton, Roxette, Don Williams, Marc Anthony, etc. A good song can never become sour, no matter the bad picture quality. 3 Likes |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Belafonte(m): 8:56pm On Jun 08, 2023 |
KunleAkingbadeh: As in eh. |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Klass99(f): 9:22pm On Jun 08, 2023 |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by JeffreyJunior: 9:44pm On Jun 08, 2023 |
I don't know the lady, never heard of her and don't listen to her kind of music but if all you said about her is true, then she is on the right track. Money is not everything. Sometimes, it's best to follow one's purpose in life than follow money. As long as what she makes from her "old school" style of music takes care of her needs, she is fine. More money brings more problems and more confusions so please let the beautiful lady be. Sometimes this money everyone struggles to accumulate becomes useless especially when we don't have much genuine need for it or someone to pass it on to.😔 2 Likes |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by ahnie: 8:25am On Jun 09, 2023 |
Days ago,you criticised and body shamed tiwa savage,here you re today criticising chioma Jesus. It's well with you! |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Nazgul: 8:06am On Jun 15, 2023 |
Till date, I see nothing wrong with her kind of music. You obviously haven't been to the east and is using Lagos standards to rate her. Go to any Eastern church on a Sunday and the choir decides to sing any of her song and watch how people would dance and forget themselves. That's a clear sign that people still love her music. 1 Like |
Re: Chioma Jesus Should Either Evolve To Contemporary Gospel Music Styles Or Quit by Fgo31: 10:50pm On Feb 27, 2024 |
We like her style like that |
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