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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Islam for Muslims / So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. (17276 Views)
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So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by akinsmail51: 7:42pm On Jun 18, 2023 |
1/10 The starting point concerning relationships between married couples is that [they’re supposed to be] lasting and ongoing, not [ending in] divorce and splitting up. So it’s not right that a couple mention divorce during an argument or dispute; instead, each must do his [or her] best to calm the situation down and solve the problem. 2/10 [Consider] the ḥadīth: “A believing man should not [completely] hate a believing woman [he’s married to]; if he were to hate some aspect of her character, he should [at the same time] be pleased with another one of hers.” Meaning: a husband should not hate his wife just because he sees a mistake [she’s made] or comes to know of a sin [she’s fallen into]. And a wife is likewise addressed with the same. Who’s someone who never makes mistakes?! 3/10 A wife mustn’t lend her ear to everyone who offers [her] advice, even if [that person] were the closest of close people [to her] like [her own] sister or a friend. She should only consider those who advise her from among them [whose advice is] in accordance with the dictates of Islamic law and wisdom; then [that person’s] advice will bring about more good, prevent harm, and fix what’s wrong. How often it is a piece of advice looks like mercy on the outside while its inner reality and effects are [really] separation and conflict. 4/10 If both husband and wife were to take care of their individual responsibilities in family matters, in their marital life, and in whatever’s related to [their] children—and that [happens] by their fulfilling [all] obligations [in Islam] and knowing the rights [of others]—we wouldn’t find, under the portico of [any] court of law, anything of disputes concerning that. 5/10 Polygyny is a matter that Allāh has legislated for numerous wisdoms. But many men who’ve engaged in polygyny have marred its image, [not having done it properly, it] then becoming a cause of losing their family and children. And they’ve put people off [polygyny] as well—those who’ve made it their primary occupation to [get other] men to do it; in fact, they [even] insinuate that those who don’t do it are lacking in their manhood!!! 6/10 Among the reasons [marriages] break up is weak moral restraint, falling into sins, and laxity about that; sins have a tremendous effect on the occurrence of disputes. But few are they from married couples who wake up and realize that. 7/10 That there’s trust between husband and wife is a matter of utmost importance. A man’s looking out to discover [something bad] from his wife and waiting for her [to slip up] and a woman’s doing the same to her husband is proof that things aren’t stable [in a marriage]. Doubt entering between husband and wife is an announcement of a [potential] split and is a path from among the various paths that lead to divorce. 8/10 [The way] some husbands point out their wives’ faults [to them] again and again and then follow that up by mentioning their desire to get more than one wife is one of those things that kills the joy [for a wife] and leads to ruining a good thing and driving [her] away. Then what kind of love does a husband expect to get [from her] after that?! 9/10 A wife’s showing she doesn’t need her husband, whether that’s by her being employed or by some other way, and [her] working to take over being in charge [of the family] from him, or fighting with him over it: all of that is from the causes of instability in a family. 10/10 The love [between a couple facing marital difficulties] has to be renewed; the differences and things holding them back from being together, put an end to–without them piling up, after which fixing things becomes difficult. And [there must be] a resolve to take advantage of every means of bringing hearts together in order to keep out all cold treatment and distancing, [both of] whose growth the devil promotes and paves the way towards. Shaykh Dr. Muḥammad ibn Ghālib Al-ʿUmarī (may Allāh protect him) 19 Likes 1 Share
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by mainman7(m): 11:48am On Aug 11, 2023 |
Thanks so much for sharing this awesome points. All Glory to ALMIGHTY. Marriage guarantees future of Humanity, belittling marriage would eventually lead to extinction of Humanity. When there is no more marriage on Earth means their is no more True Love and Tolerance. 5 Likes |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by RedPiller(m): 11:51am On Aug 11, 2023 |
AlhamdLillah for the topic 2 Likes |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by Kingluqman(m): 11:51am On Aug 11, 2023 |
Helpful |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by Chetas81(m): 11:56am On Aug 11, 2023 |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by ideamonster: 11:58am On Aug 11, 2023 |
OP, I have an honest question: How does this address the ongoing husband shortage? We now live at a time when men are not financially stable enough to take on the full role of provider in their daily lives. And we all know that women prioritize financial stability. So how do these points help address the fact that women aren't getting married to struggling men the same way that our grandmothers were in years past 2 Likes |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by MrOposter: 11:58am On Aug 11, 2023 |
There is no manual to these things. Just be a good person and know how to handle issues with your spouse through communication, I'm sure you guys will be fine 11 Likes |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by zoeymikey(f): 12:02pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
[quote author=akinsmail51 post=123882573]1/10 The starting point concerning relationships between married couples is that [they’re supposed to be] lasting and ongoing, not [ending in] divorce and splitting up. So it’s not right that a couple mention divorce during an argument or dispute; instead, each must do his [or her] best to calm the situation down and solve the problem. 2/10 [Consider] the ḥadīth: “A believing man should not [completely] hate a believing woman [he’s married to]; if he were to hate some aspect of her character, he should [at the same time] be pleased with another one of hers.” Meaning: a husband should not hate his wife just because he sees a mistake [she’s made] or comes to know of a sin [she’s fallen into]. And a wife is likewise addressed with the same. Who’s someone who never makes mistakes?! Wahala for people wey wan marry ![]() |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by OKUCHI11(m): 12:06pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
Dem follow Hadith or North... majority of the marriages na them produce offsprings wey dey give us masala for the country... But watch as dem go come after me ooo 2 Likes |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by motayoayinde: 12:08pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by MAMMAN777(m): 12:24pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
Jazaakallahu khairan for this wonderful topic. 1 Like |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by stevups(m): 12:28pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
Good 1 Like |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by ganye1: 1:16pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
Jazakallah khairan. |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by MrPRevailer(m): 4:36pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
TRINITY EXPLAINED. God And Man Are TRINITY-BEINGS. Bible Scriptures ALLAH misinterpreted the meaning of Begotten Son of God "God does not have A WIFE neither does he beget nor is he begotten" Question please: Muslims, if good works alone could atone for your sins, why did God command to Moses/Musa the blood of animals (blemishless goat/sheep/bull) for an atonement of sins or sin offering?? The Bible's old testament is the book of the Jews. |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by Jerryhare: 4:36pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
Every Friday your topics that eventually make front page don't use to pass first page, you hardly see people contributing out of thousands of Muslims on this forum |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by yuzjet(m): 5:37pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
I needed to read this at this point. Jazakallahu Khairan!! |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by BoboNogoDie: 9:05pm On Aug 11, 2023 |
Most important thing: As a girl: DON'T BE A SLǓT YOUR SĒXUAL PURITY IS VERY IMPORTANT! DON'T THINK YOU CAN PLAY SMART AND EAT YOUR CAKE AND HAVE IT.... VIRGINITY is the greatest gift you can give to any man. You can give multiple men Love Care Children and even marriages BUT YOU CAN ONLY GIVE ONE MAN YOUR VIRGINITY. MAKE SURE IT'S A MAN THAT WORTH IT! |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by ANTlSLAAM: 12:08pm On Aug 14, 2023 |
Jerryhare: Infact na half page |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by athorello(m): 8:03pm On Aug 14, 2023 |
akinsmail51: Sensible posts but Seun requesting people to say they're muslim before they can comment in Islam theme posts is a useless idea. Meanwhile Christian and atheists posts are open to all (we're open). Nevertheless, great lessons for marriages. |
Re: So That It Doesn’t Get To Divorce: 10 Pieces Of Golden Advice. by Jerryhare: 11:10am On Oct 15, 2023 |
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