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If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo - Politics - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo (663 Views)

Whenever I Read Stuffs Like This, I Weep For Nigeria.(screenshot) / Nigeria @59: 9 Pictures That Will Make You Weep For Nigeria / Dele Momodu: I Weep For Buhari… His Wife Has Cried Out Endlessly (2) (3) (4)

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If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo by YungMillionaire: 4:52pm On Jul 03, 2023
Before Arabs brought Islam. Before European brought Christianity. Yorubas, Hausas and Igbos each had a spiritual identity that was an embodiment of their people. The Yorubas had Ifa that encapsulated their world view and nurtured their spiritual essence and connection to the natural world. The Yoruba Ifa is so beautiful that even non-Yorubas who have studied it are filled with such gratitude about the depth and beauty of this spiritual gem. The Hausas also had their own traditional religion that enabled them to live in unison with the natural world while exploring their spiritual essence. And finally the Igbos also had their own rich religious world view and encapsulated in the Nri writings.

The advent of Islam and Christianity destroyed all that. Islam came to the Hausas through vicious/barbaric violence of the Fulani Uthman Dan Fodio. Christianity came to the South through the violence of European colonialism. Remember, that all religion is in essence the veneration of an ancestor. Christianity is the veneration of the Palestinian/European ancestor Jesus. While Islam is the veneration of the Arab ancestor Mohammed. So, today Nigerian Christians and Muslims are told not to venerate their own ancestors but to venerate the ancestors of Europeans and Middle Easterners. THIS IS AT THE CORE OF WHY AFRICAN IS SUFFERING BOTH SPIRITUALLY AND ECONOMICALLY.

Today, its very rare to see a TRUE Yoruba, Igbo or Hausa. When you see a Nigerian, you most likely seeing a NEGROPEAN or a NEGRORAB. We have traded our soul for spiritual enslavement by ARABS and EUROPEANS. When Nigerian Muslims pray they honor Mohammed and sent their spiritual energy towards Mecca. No wonder the Arabs continue to prosper while Nigerians continue to suffer. When Nigerian Christians pray the honor the MiddleEastern/European ancestor Jesus no wonder the Europeans continue to prosper while Nigerians continue to suffer.

Until we take back our SPIRITUALITY. We will continue to be spiritual SLAVES to Arabs and Europeans. And no amount of POLITIKING/LEADERSHIP will deliver us the BONDAGE that we find our selves in. Imans and Alfas, throw away your Qurans and tesbews and return to the religious practice of your ancestors. Pastors and Preachers, throw away the bible and return the Ifa and Nri. Our lands are rejecting us because we have allowed our enemies ARABS and EUROPEANS to use us to desecrate our spiritual authenticity.



Re: If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo by Gherrokid(m): 4:54pm On Jul 03, 2023
The coming of Europeans and Arabians has its pros and cons. The pros definitely outweighs the cons.
Re: If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo by YungMillionaire: 5:07pm On Jul 03, 2023
The coming of Europeans and Arabians has its pros and cons. The pros definitely outweighs the cons.

We don't have to continue to SWALLOW the cons at our own detriment.
Re: If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo by thisisit: 2:32am On Jul 04, 2023
Are the Arabs and Europeans responsible for the National calamity called BAT..

BAT -- Buhari And Tinubu..

BAT is a plague of unconsciously incompetent and SHAMBOLIC leaders ravaging the DESTINIES OF NIGERIANS.
Re: If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo by YungMillionaire: 2:56pm On Jul 04, 2023
Are the Arabs and Europeans responsible for the National calamity called BAT..

BAT -- Buhari And Tinubu..

BAT is a plague of unconsciously incompetent and SHAMBOLIC leaders ravaging the DESTINIES OF NIGERIANS.

Nigeria was heaven before BAT. Nigerians were all millionaires before BAT. Dey play
Re: If You Read This And You Don't Weep For Nigeria, Your Mind Is Far Gone Otilo by ratiani6: 3:01pm On Jul 04, 2023
Cry bawo

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