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The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. - Religion - Nairaland

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The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by ictplotter(m): 9:48am On Jul 23, 2023
The original Slave Bible was published by Law and Gilbert publishing house in London in 1807,
So you know how there's this thing called the slave Bible? Yeah, let me tell you about it. Back in the day, during the time of slavery and all that messed up stuff, Christian missionaries tried to spread their faith among African slaves. But instead of teaching them the whole Bible, they pulled a sneaky move and gave them a heavily edited version called the slave Bible. They basically took out any parts that could potentially inspire rebellion or empower these poor souls. And guess what? They even manipulated the text to maintain the notion of African inferiority and justify their enslavement. Can you believe it? It's like they wanted to strip them of their humanity just because they were different. This twisted action is just another sad example of how power dynamics and Christianity can be used to dehumanize people.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 9:55am On Jul 23, 2023
It is not just Christianity, while the Bible was used by the TransAtlantic Slave merchant, before then there was a worse form of slavery, it was called Trans-Saharan Slave Trade, the Koran and Islam was forced on our people. The Arabs raped our ancestors and weaponized the offspings and sent them back to Africa to finish the work. These tribes that are warriors for Allah are actually programmed offsprings of raped Africans.

Africans were killed, raped and homes burnt and villages sacked.

Both Islam and Christianity are poisons of the mind. Only Africaans without knowledge of our distant history go into these religions.

Christians are defeated slaves of Rome and Europe while Muslims are defeated slaves of Arabs.

They are ready to fight and kill fellow Africans for their Gods without even knowing the source of their mind control program.

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Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 9:57am On Jul 23, 2023
It is not just Christianity, while the Bible was used by the TransAtlantic Slave merchant, before then there was a worse form of slavery, it was called Trans-Saharan Slave Trade, the Koran and Islam was forced on our people. The raped our ancestors and weaponized the offspings and sent them back to Africa to finish the work. These tribes that are warriors for Allah are actually programmed offsprings of raped Africans.

Africans were killed, raped and homes burnt and villages sacked.

Both Islam and Christianity are poisons of the mind. Only Africaans without knowledge of our distant history go into these religions.

Christians are defeated slaves of Rome and Europe while Muslims are defeated slaves of Arabs.

They are ready to fight and kill fellow Africans for their Gods without even knowing the source of their mind control program.
Islam came before christianity?

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Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:05am On Jul 23, 2023

Islam came before christianity?

Arab Slave Trade, called Trans-Saharan Slave Trade used the Desert Route and conquered Africans from the North and Central while Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, came through the Merchant Ship from the coasts of Atlantic Ocean, but Arab Slave Traders penetrated Africa before the Europeans and did more damage to Africans then Western Traders.

They met both ways in Nigeria and Agreed to form a truce since they are on the 'same mission'. That is why our Leadership was handed over to the Fulanis, who themselves are brainwashed offsprings of the Africans in Sex Camps.

Instead of depending on war to get more slaves, Arabs set up camps where strong slaves and other arabs fuccked black women and their offspirings were again sold into slavery, hired as assasins to kill other blacks and bring in more slaves.

Islam damaged us, Christianity damaged us and we are supposed to know these facts. That is why our History is NOT taught in schools.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:06am On Jul 23, 2023

Arab Slave Trade, called Trans-Saharan Slave Trade used the Desert Route and conquered Africans from the North and Central while Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, came through the Merchant Ship from the coasts of Atlantic Ocean, but Arab Slave Traders penetrated Africa before the Europeans and did more damage to Africans then Western Traders.

They met both ways in Nigeria and Agreed to form a truce since they are on the 'same mission'. That is why our Leadership was handed over to the Fulanis, who themselves are brainwashed offsprings of the Africans in Sex Camps.

Instead of depending on war to get more slaves, Arabs set up camps where strong slaves and other arabs fuccked black women and their offspirings were again sold into slavery, hired as assasins to kill other blacks and bring in more slaves.

Islam damaged us, Christianity damaged us and we are supposed to know these facts. That is why our History is NOT taught in schools.
When was the arab slave trade?
When was nigeria created?
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:08am On Jul 23, 2023

They met both ways in Nigeria and Agreed to form a truce since they are on the 'same mission'. That is why our Leadership was handed over to the Fulanis, who themselves are brainwashed offsprings of the Africans in Sex Camps. .
Please this is false.
The fulanis were a force to reckon with before nigeria was created, look up “mande people”.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Nobody: 10:08am On Jul 23, 2023
No be small damage these people cause o
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:09am On Jul 23, 2023

When was the arab slave trade?
When was nigeria created?

When did Arab Slave Trade happen

ChatGPT =

The Arab Slave Trade, also known as the Trans-Saharan slave trade, occurred primarily between the 7th and the 20th centuries. It involved the capture, sale, and transportation of African slaves across the Sahara Desert to North Africa, the Middle East, and regions of the Indian Ocean.

The Arab Slave Trade predated the Atlantic slave trade by several centuries, and its intensity varied over time. It was facilitated by Arab and North African traders who established trade routes across the Sahara to acquire slaves from sub-Saharan Africa. The enslaved individuals were often forced into domestic servitude, agricultural labor, military service, and other forms of exploitation.

The Arab Slave Trade persisted for many centuries and had significant impacts on African societies, leading to the depopulation of some regions and the disruption of social structures. However, it is essential to note that the scale and nature of the Arab Slave Trade were different from the later transatlantic slave trade, which involved the forced transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas.

It's important to recognize and study historical events like the Arab Slave Trade to better understand the complex and interconnected history of the world.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by ictplotter(m): 10:11am On Jul 23, 2023
It is not just Christianity, while the Bible was used by the TransAtlantic Slave merchant, before then there was a worse form of slavery, it was called Trans-Saharan Slave Trade, the Koran and Islam was forced on our people. The Arabs raped our ancestors and weaponized the offspings and sent them back to Africa to finish the work. These tribes that are warriors for Allah are actually programmed offsprings of raped Africans.

Africans were killed, raped and homes burnt and villages sacked.

Both Islam and Christianity are poisons of the mind. Only Africaans without knowledge of our distant history go into these religions.

Christians are defeated slaves of Rome and Europe while Muslims are defeated slaves of Arabs.

They are ready to fight and kill fellow Africans for their Gods without even knowing the source of their mind control program.
Did you have a slave Quran?
Pls why did Christian missionaries came to Africa with a slave Bible and hide the original Bible with themselves?
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:11am On Jul 23, 2023

When did Arab Slave Trade happen

ChatGPT =

The Arab Slave Trade, also known as the Trans-Saharan slave trade, occurred primarily between the 7th and the 20th centuries. It involved the capture, sale, and transportation of African slaves across the Sahara Desert to North Africa, the Middle East, and regions of the Indian Ocean.

The Arab Slave Trade predated the Atlantic slave trade by several centuries, and its intensity varied over time. It was facilitated by Arab and North African traders who established trade routes across the Sahara to acquire slaves from sub-Saharan Africa. The enslaved individuals were often forced into domestic servitude, agricultural labor, military service, and other forms of exploitation.

The Arab Slave Trade persisted for many centuries and had significant impacts on African societies, leading to the depopulation of some regions and the disruption of social structures. However, it is essential to note that the scale and nature of the Arab Slave Trade were different from the later transatlantic slave trade, which involved the forced transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas.

It's important to recognize and study historical events like the Arab Slave Trade to better understand the complex and interconnected history of the world.
When was nigeria created?
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:15am On Jul 23, 2023

When did Arab Slave Trade happen

ChatGPT =

The Arab Slave Trade, also known as the Trans-Saharan slave trade, occurred primarily between the 7th and the 20th centuries. It involved the capture, sale, and transportation of African slaves across the Sahara Desert to North Africa, the Middle East, and regions of the Indian Ocean.

The Arab Slave Trade predated the Atlantic slave trade by several centuries, and its intensity varied over time. It was facilitated by Arab and North African traders who established trade routes across the Sahara to acquire slaves from sub-Saharan Africa. The enslaved individuals were often forced into domestic servitude, agricultural labor, military service, and other forms of exploitation.

The Arab Slave Trade persisted for many centuries and had significant impacts on African societies, leading to the depopulation of some regions and the disruption of social structures. However, it is essential to note that the scale and nature of the Arab Slave Trade were different from the later transatlantic slave trade, which involved the forced transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas.

It's important to recognize and study historical events like the Arab Slave Trade to better understand the complex and interconnected history of the world.
Chatgpt too.

the Trans-Saharan slave trade predated Islam. The trans-Saharan slave trade was an extensive system of human trafficking and enslavement that took place across the Sahara Desert in Africa, long before the rise of Islam. It began around the 7th century CE and continued for many centuries, extending well into the 20th century.

Before the spread of Islam, the Trans-Saharan trade routes were already established for various commodities, such as gold, salt, ivory, and other goods, as well as for the movement of people. Slavery was a part of these pre-existing trade networks, and different African societies had their own practices of enslavement before the advent of Islam.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:16am On Jul 23, 2023
If you are an African and you are a Christian or a Christian. What my mind tells me is that you are either ignorant of what these religions are, how they were forced on your ancestors or you are stupid.

It angers me that Africans have forgotten their God, the source of all humans, who designed them first before the albino mutation that gave rise to diversity of progenies who survived the cold ice regions and returned back to kill, enslave and take away of symbols of our past glories.

Am I a racist, nope, I simply consider other races as my offsprings.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:16am On Jul 23, 2023

Islam damaged us, Christianity damaged us and we are supposed to know these facts. That is why our History is NOT taught in schools.
Slavery was VERY common in “nigeria” before any religion came.
We even have a term for it in yoruba “eru”.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:18am On Jul 23, 2023
Am I a racist, nope, I simply consider other races as my offsprings.
That’s what Hitler thought too.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:20am On Jul 23, 2023

It angers me that Africans have forgotten their God, the source of all humans, who designed them first before the albino mutation that gave rise to diversity of progenies who survived the cold ice regions and returned back to kill, enslave and take away of symbols of our past glories.
The word “God” was first used by the Christians to describe their isrealite god, yahweh.
There was never a time “African” worship a “God”.

Is it not a shame that the albino mutation were able to conquer your ancestors and your “God” was looking for how many years now? 😂
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:27am On Jul 23, 2023

Slavery was VERY common in “nigeria” before any religion came.
We even have a term for it “eru”.

Before Religion came,

Your argument is that Religion came AFTER Slavery. Let me burst your brains now with that Religions are -

As civilization evolved, selling human beings became very much a crime. And the Romans invented Mind Control Programs using the Abrahamic Texts (Ibrahim in Islam is Abraham in Judaism and Christianism).

The mind control programs were code named, Savior Programs - The Romans designed Christianity and it worked, then King James of England modified it and Americans adapted it into the Slave Bible.

Arabs modified the Old Testament and wrote stories of Mohammed and force these dogma on their slave regions and till today, these slaves and the offsprings of these slaves are reproducing and propagating and killing for Arabs indirectly.

Economies of Jews and Arabs are empowered annually from Pilgrimage by their conquered slave offsprings and new recruits.

In essence, the slavery continues and we have Arab Leagues, Islam banks keeping money with the Arabs etc etc.

So Slavery continues and every worshipper of these Religions are slaves of these foreign criminals.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:28am On Jul 23, 2023

Before Religion came,

Your argument is that Religion came AFTER Slavery. Let me burst your brains now with that Religions are -

As civilization evolved, selling human beings became very much a crime. And the Romans invented Mind Control Programs using the Abrahamic Texts (Ibrahim in Islam is Abraham in Judaism and Christianism).

The mind control programs were code named, Savior Programs - The Romans designed Christianity and it worked, then King James of England modified it and Americans adapted it into the Slave Bible.

Arabs modified the Old Testament and wrote stories of Mohammed and force these dogma on their slave regions and till today, these slaves and the offsprings of these slaves are reproducing and propagating and killing for Arabs indirectly.

Economies of Jews and Arabs are empowered annually from Pilgrimage by their conquered slave offsprings and new recruits.

In essence, the slavery continues and we have Arab Leagues, Islam banks keeping money with the Arabs etc etc.

So Slavery continues and every worshipper of these Religions are slaves of these foreign criminals.
There was already “religion” in africa.
Heard of Kemet?

There was slavery in “nigeria”, kings had slaves, when you go conquer a place you take their women and children and make them slaves, read yoruba history.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:29am On Jul 23, 2023

That’s what Hitler thought too.

I am glad you could could read Hitler's thought.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Nobody: 10:29am On Jul 23, 2023

Please this is false.
The fulanis were a force to reckon with before nigeria was created, look up “mande people”.

The Fulanis happened to be a tool in the hands of the Arab jihadist. This was because the Fulanis were the first to meet with the Arabs upon invasion into Africa.

Now, the Arabs were able to capture a few of them and subsequently converted them to Islam and this was how Usman dan fodio came about. Fodio was a tool in the hands of the Arabs and was further brainwashed to continue to carry-on the jihad down south.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:31am On Jul 23, 2023

The word “God” was first used by the Christians to describe their isrealite god, yahweh.
There was never a time “African” worship a “God”.

Is it not a shame that the albino mutation were able to conquer your ancestors and your “God” was looking for how many years now? 😂

The great news is that my gene has been cleaned up and yours has not. Your children may not likely be free too. You are even ignorant of the origin of the word 'God'.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:31am On Jul 23, 2023

The Fulanis happened to be a tool in the hands of the Arab jihadist. This was because the Fulanis were the first to meet with the Arabs upon invasion into Africa.

Now, the Arabs were able to capture a few of them and subsequently converted them to Islam and this was how Usman dan fodio came about. Fodio was a tool in the hands of the Arabs and was further brainwashed to continue to carry-on the jihad down south.
Please go and read on the Fulani.
The mande people which fulani are parts of created The Empire of Ghana and Mali.
King Mansa is a mande.

Please go and read on it and stop this.

Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:32am On Jul 23, 2023

The Fulanis happened to be a tool in the hands of the Arab jihadist. This was because the Fulanis were the first to meet with the Arabs upon invasion into Africa.

Now, the Arabs were able to capture a few of them and subsequently converted them to Islam and this was how Usman dan fodio came about. Fodio was a tool in the hands of the Arabs and was further brainwashed to continue to carry-on the jihad down south.

This is correct.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:33am On Jul 23, 2023

The great news is that my gene has been cleaned up and yours has not. Your children may not likely be free too. You are even ignorant of the origin of the word 'God'.
Wow, Great news for you.
I am not in bondage like you and your children so I don’t need to be freed.

God is a Germanic word gudan, let’s see who is ignorant.
What does gudan mean? cheesy
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Nobody: 10:41am On Jul 23, 2023

Please go and read on the Fulani.
The mande people which fulani are parts of created The Empire of Ghana and Mali.
King Mansa is a mande.

Please go and read on it and stop this.

Yes I can agree with you on the above. But I want you to understand that the Fulanis found themselves in Ghana and Mali because of the Arab invasion in North Africa.

It was during this conquest that those Fulanis who refused to accept Islam moved towards Mauritania and down to West Africa.

Not all Fulanis are Muslim, there are so many christian Fulanis.

The Muslim Fulanis are the ones whom Usman dan fodio was able to capture and forcefully convert them to Islam through the jihad war
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:45am On Jul 23, 2023

Yes I can agree with you on the above. But I want you to understand that the Fulanis found themselves in Ghana and Mali because of the Arab invasion in North Africa.

It was during this conquest that those Fulanis who refused to accept Islam moved towards Mauritania and down to West Africa.

Not all Fulanis are Muslim, there are so many christian Fulanis.

The Muslim Fulanis are the ones whom Usman dan fodio was able to capture and forcefully convert them to Islam through the jihad war
They found themselves in ghana and mali EMPIRE they created

Why can’t you just read and gain knowledge?

Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:49am On Jul 23, 2023

They found themselves in ghana and mali EMPIRE they created

Why can’t you just read and gain knowledge?

Islam and Christianity are Mind Control apparatchiks of Slavers. The Slave Masters brought these Religions on our People.

And you are confusing people on the thread?
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 10:50am On Jul 23, 2023
@ Maynman

I know you are a willing slave, but your attempt to derail the thread is noted and welcomed, but you can not derail this under my watch.

Islam and Christian are Mind Control Programs of Slave Traders and should be seen as such.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:51am On Jul 23, 2023

Islam and Christianity are Mind Control apparatchiks of Slavers. The Slave Masters brought these Religions on our People.

And you are confusing people on the thread?
There was already slavery centuries before islam and christianity came.

They conquered you same way you have been conquering other tribes.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 10:52am On Jul 23, 2023
@ Maynman

I know you are a willing slave, but your attempt to derail the thread is noted and welcomed, but you can not derail this under my watch.

Islam and Christian are Mind Control Programs of Slave Traders and should be seen as such.
I am not a slave like you, you are a victim slave, you are the one fighting your slave masters for making you a slave.

Before islam and christianity came, slavery was VERY COMMON AND NORMAL in africa.
Get some books and read, victim.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 11:00am On Jul 23, 2023

There was already slavery centuries before islam and christianity came.

They conquered you same way you have been conquering other tribes.

The physical slave method of shipping people evolved into mental slavery. Imagine not having to ship out slaves to work for you, but allowing them to live in their countries while working and sending you money.

Use your senses.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by Maynman: 11:02am On Jul 23, 2023

The physical slave method of shipping people evolved into mental slavery. Imagine having to ship out slaves to work for you, but allowing them to live in their countries while working and sending you money.

Use your senses.
There was already slavery centuries before islam and christianity came.

They conquered you same way you have been conquering other tribes.

Read and stop using your senses, it’s dull.
Re: The Slave Bible And How Christianity Was Used To Promote Slave Trade In Africa. by TheBillyonaire: 11:08am On Jul 23, 2023

There was already slavery centuries before islam and christianity came.

They conquered you same way you have been conquering other tribes.

I do not know if you understand how silly you sound. All over the world, intertribal wars exist and in Rome when you defeat your opponent you take home the wives as spoil of war, it was babaric.

But to move across continents to Buy and Sell People is different from war time.

We are talking about Trading on People like Goods. Use your senses.

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