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It's Seems We Chose Our Fate Base On Our Past Life. - Religion - Nairaland

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It's Seems We Chose Our Fate Base On Our Past Life. by Brownshoe: 11:33am On Jul 24, 2023
Am a kind of person that like mystery of life a lot,

Now good or bad, it seems we suffer or enjoy the consequences of our past lives, though I might be wrong in my opinion or thought.

Everyday I see good things happening to bad people and vice versa, then I will go deeply in my thoughts, this is beyond any human comphrension.

Guru in the house, you can add yours.
Re: It's Seems We Chose Our Fate Base On Our Past Life. by Maynman: 11:35am On Jul 24, 2023
Am a kind of person that like mystery of life a lot,

Now good or bad, it seems we suffer or enjoy the consequences of our past lives, though I might be wrong in my opinion or thought.

Everyday I see good things happening to bad people and vice versa, then I will go deeply in my thoughts, this is beyond any human comphrension.

Guru in the house, you can add yours.
You suffer because you Desire.
Re: It's Seems We Chose Our Fate Base On Our Past Life. by Brownshoe: 4:01pm On Jul 24, 2023

You suffer because you Desire.
this is not for people like you, find somewhere to react your intoxication.
Re: It's Seems We Chose Our Fate Base On Our Past Life. by Maynman: 4:03pm On Jul 24, 2023
this is not for people like you, find somewhere to react your intoxication.
I can comment anywhere on Nairaland.

Re: It's Seems We Chose Our Fate Base On Our Past Life. by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:54pm On Jul 24, 2023

Am a kind of person that like mystery of life a lot, Now good or bad, it seems we suffer or enjoy the consequences of our past lives, though I might be wrong in my opinion or thought. Everyday I see good things happening to bad people and vice versa, then I will go deeply in my thoughts, this is beyond any human comphrension. Guru in the house, you can add yours.

In this world the righteous are suffering not because they lack what is good but emotionally they're down always anticipating the end of all badness.
So whether they're rich, average or poor they are sober!

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Re: It's Seems We Chose Our Fate Base On Our Past Life. by Nobody: 6:34pm On Jul 26, 2023
Am a kind of person that like mystery of life a lot,

Now good or bad, it seems we suffer or enjoy the consequences of our past lives, though I might be wrong in my opinion or thought.

Everyday I see good things happening to bad people and vice versa, then I will go deeply in my thoughts, this is beyond any human comphrension.

Guru in the house, you can add yours.

Are you Christian?
I think I can only answer from a Christian's Perspective which is: There was no past life...

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