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Life Is Not Fair There Is No Black Jesus / There Is No Black Jesus / No Black Man Will Go To Heaven - Prophet Agya Dan (Video) (2) (3) (4)
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The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 2:50pm On Jul 29, 2023 |
This is the land which came forth for Japheth and his sons as the portion of his inheritance which he should possess for himself and his sons, for their generations for ever; five great islands, and a great land in the north. To Yapeth was given the Northern parts of the Earth which accounts for the minimum amounts of UV rays which gives him his white and yellow skin. To Shem was given the Middle parts of the Earth which accounts for medium amounts UV rays giving him his olive tone to brownish skin tones. To Ham was given the Southern parts of the Earth which accounts for maximum amount of UV rays that gives him his very dark brown and black skin tones. This conclusion is the combination of science and the Bible.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 3:06pm On Jul 29, 2023 |
There is no Yapeth Jesus or white Jesus.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 3:47pm On Jul 29, 2023 |
The lying masks |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 4:53pm On Jul 29, 2023 |
. The Earth does not move and it sits at the center of the known universe. The Sun actually goes around the Earth. A. Winter is when the Sun is at its highest altitude circling the Northern part of the Earth. This is also winter for Middle Earth and the west season of the Southern part of the Earth. In some portions of the extreme North winter is six months. B. Spring is when the Sun is at mid altitude circling the Middle Earth. It is also last portion of the wet season of the Southern part of the Earth. Fall is in between Summer and Winter in the Middle Earth. C. Summer is when the Sun is in the lowest altitude circling the Southern part of the Earth. It is the dry season of the Southern part of the Earth. 1 Like
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 5:22pm On Jul 29, 2023 |
Are the pictures from the Hubble telescope real? ![]() They let you know straight away that the so called pictures of far away galaxies is not real they are computer generated images. All the known stars that make up the firmament have been recorded by Man for thousands of years, make up the zodiac and astrology. There is no deep outer space of dark matter. The Earth is not spinning around the Sun and the Sun travelling around a galaxy. Millions of galaxies they claim with billions of stars in each. These are all lies from hell.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 5:26pm On Jul 29, 2023 |
In biblical cosmology is a vast solid dome, created by God on the second day of creation, which divides the primal “waters” into upper and lower portions. The word is found in the King James Version, Tyndale, Douay-Rheims, and other early English translations of the Bible. Today it survives as a synonym for "heaven". Ancient Man was more intelligent than the modern Man.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 6:06pm On Jul 29, 2023 |
There is no Edomite Jesus |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 8:52am On Jul 30, 2023 |
In order for Man to develop into different colors and phenotypes it would require more time than 6 days or even 6 thousand years as the Bible says So what unit of measurement of time is the Bible using that may have been loss to our knowledge? My contention is that its the Celestial Equinox which is the time it takes for the entire firmament of stars, each star moving at one degree every 72 years with a total of 25,400 years to circle the North pole or Earth's center. That's right a complete cycle of the zodiac. Astrology although reduced to the horoscope in our time was much more refined unit of measurement of time for ancient Man . Everything was dedicated to the movement and alignment of the heavenly bodies in the ancient world. So 6 days could be 6 cycles of the Zodiac which could be like 150, 000 to 155,000 years that Man living in different parts of the Earth developed into different colors and phenotypes .
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 10:42am On Jul 30, 2023 |
Light skin envy is very real and extremely severe among Black people. Light skin envy goes untalked about because its backed up with pseudo logic. Hebrews and Semitic people do not come from Black skin people we have always been a separate branch of the family tree of Man. The central issue concerning the denial of Hebrew Europe is not White Supremacy it's light skin envy coming from Black people period. For many black people including some light skin people have the idea that all light skin people come from White slave owners raping black women or black men having mixed children by white women. This limited view of brown skin people is coming from the superiority complex of black skin people especially the males. Even in my father's family where the members are very dark there is a hatred and envy for light skin as some of the men do not believe that the light skin produced them by mixing with black skin Natives of the Americas although this was the case. Its being promoted in the Prince Hall Freemasonry that the Moors took over a White Europe had sex with alot of white women and the result is a bunch of Creole light skin offspring come about. When the truth is that Hebrews ruled Europe, the Roman and Greek Empires along with ancient Israelites were always a brown skin people. Yet the attitudes persist but brown skin Hebrews do not owe our existence to dark black skin. The light skin Ethiopian Cushites were originally dark black skin males that mated with fair skin Indus women so they do owe their existence to Ham Africa. This is primarily why I focus on the true color of Jesus being brown its to dispell this demeaning lie and degrading view of Hebrew and Semitic people as being genetically less than which is very unscientific. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 1:38pm On Jul 30, 2023 |
The earth is not a spinning ball. 1 Like |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 1:20pm On Jul 31, 2023 |
Matthew 26:24 “The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.” Those who willingly fight against God by going after His anointed, changing His incorruptible truth and destroying His creation shall be cast to the lowest parts of hell. It is one thing to be a sinner but to make war on God bears very serious consequences. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 1:39pm On Jul 31, 2023 |
The Earth is not a spinning ball. It is not true now that we are on a globe ball spinning through the darkness of empty space and it wasn't true in the ancient world where Man was actually more intelligent. When we die we will not have physical bodies that detect the fives senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. We will be souls that is energy balls of light that is either strong enough energetic wise to ascend or weighted by dark energy that will sunk our souls into hell below. These are metaphysical and alchemical facts based upon the true cosmology of creation that NASA disputes. Billions of dollars are poured into space programs that supports the belief in far away planets and aliens controlling Man. There is nothing above us except for the 7 heavens and demons reside in the depths below us. There are no aliens only demons which are spirits. The Earth is the only plane of existence for material things like bodies of man, animals, fish, etc..Above and below the Earth temperatures are so hot that only spirit forms can exist. These are the facts and I rest my case.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 6:32pm On Aug 04, 2023 |
Male Fraud |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 5:36pm On Aug 06, 2023 |
Song of Solomon 1:5-6 NKJV There is no black Solomon. There is a serious mistranslation of the Biblical text and genealogy. The Semitic people were brown skin and the Hebrew Israelites who spent a sojourn in Egypt mixed with Hamite black skin women, toiled under the hot Sun, became a burnt brass color of brown. Here above Solomon speaks of his color being darkened by the Sun meaning his acquired his tan in an unnatural way, meaning that he was not born darkened. But Solomon wasn't talking at all about the color black but of brown which is the color of lamb's and camel's skin used to make tents that became darkened in the desert Sun. This coveting of Shem's territory and inheritance is way overboard to where this has to be explained yet it shows the people behind such lies true colors.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by HarshBitterTrut: 6:07pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
Science without the politics. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by NNTR: 9:34pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
EnvyandHate: NNTR: There is no white Jesus. Neither is there a black Jesus Personal text: Jesus is not a theologian. He is God who told stories. 1 Like |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 9:59pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
NNTR: Keep Jesus Brown
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by NNTR: 10:14pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
EnvyandHate:Jesus definitely was fair-skinned Semitic people essentially are a shade of brown with a tinge of red (i.e. olive skinned) and would have complexion anywhere from very light to very dark reddish brown Adam was made with red clay Personal text: Jesus is not a theologian. He is God who told stories. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 11:38pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
NNTR: I don't bother with the white Jesus because we all know that it's not true even white people know that Jesus isn't white. The confusion is whether Jesus was black which is why I had to clear this up. I had a Zimbabwean today insist that Black people are the oldest civilization and people. He even said that science says that it's so. Black people are not the oldest. Africa is the least developed continent on Earth and has the lowest I.Q per population despite leading in high degrees achieved in the world among their upper classes. Western civilization is the most advanced civilization followed by Asia who is known to copy us. Yet Hebrews are the original Europeans, our ancestors built the Greek and Roman Empires, we built the Islamic civilization Arabs are Hebrews, and we built the other European kingdoms that would become the European nations today. The white people came from nomads of the cold North of Asia and they had no urban civilization until they migrated into our portion of the Earth. Hebrews are Semitic people and Shem was the oldest of Noah's three sons. Shumera as it was called developed writing and mathematics 1,000 years before ancient Kemet formed, the Hamites were living small villages. This is not about competition to me it's a point I am making about religion. Our allegiance to the Creator for thousands of years kept us blessed with divine knowledge. And even though Kemet obcessed over knowledge they added alot of delusion to it to create a mystery system. Initiates had to go through various false blinds before they arrived at the truth and that's if they arrived at all. Many people stayed on the bottom levels of the mystery system knowing only the falsehoods thinking that they knew. We never developed such as deceptive system and knowledge was seen as a holy revealation from God. What the Kemet people did was make an initiate honor a deity in order to receive wisdom which ultimately belonged to God. Africa remains stagnanted in witchcraft and superstition despite it's very powerful wizards and witches. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by NNTR: 4:41am On Aug 13, 2023 |
EnvyandHate:Yes, there is no white Jesus. Neither is there a black Jesus, yet it doesnt matter, if anyone craves for a black, white, brown or whatnot Jesus, as Jesus, on the strength of the tetragrammaton, transliterated as YHWH or YHVH and crudely verbalised as Yahweh or even Jehovah, will become whatever is necessary, just for you, to be in a place or position to receive the love of God, the gift of reconciliation, the gift of Salvation, the gift of Redemption and the gift from the act of atonement for sin I AM I AM, is the game changer that makes it possible to have a black Jesus, a white Jesus, a brown Jesus and/or a whatnot Jesus. EnvyandHate:Confusion is the mother of learning. Guess what, Jesus sees, after doing a selfie with a smartphone? EnvyandHate:The human race aka homo sapiens were developed from two prototypes Adam and Eve Fact is, Adam wasn’t black nor white, but he literally was a reddish brown man. Its Eve, on the other hand, who was black, and she, in fact, as a black woman, had the mitochondrial DNA (i.e. Eve gene) with all the possible variations, for every kind of human being. Meaning that, when the DNA of a black woman's mutates, you have all other types of different skin tones and/or hues come about. e.g. white, black, brown and whatnot EnvyandHate:Religion is anything one does with dedication, devotion and commitment. Whatever your zeal is, betrays your religion, the zeal for theft is the religion of a thief or robber EnvyandHate:Genesis 9:25 Then he cursed Canaan, the son of Ham: “May Canaan be cursed! May he be the lowest of servants to his relatives (i.e. The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.) The build up of the corruption on the Earth maxed and/or peaked at Genesis 6:3, prompting a God address to deal with it, now in spite of the wipeout, the anarchy, rebellious and lawlessness gene still got passed on. Go do researches on Dominant and Recessive Allele, Genotype, Phenotype, Homozygous, Homozygote, Heterozygous and/or Heterozygote To what purpose, to what end, for what aim, begs the question, is the obsession over divine knowledge acquisition for? Hmm? Who have these so call 'powerful wizards and witches' epp? Personal text: Jesus is not a theologian. He is God who told stories.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 1:30pm On Aug 13, 2023 |
NNTR: Yeshua Ben Yossef was royalty and his father Joseph was the hidden king and heir to the throne of King David despite that King Herod an Edomite was sitting as the king of Judea. During the Maccabean wars, the Edomites were subjugated by the Jews and forced to convert to Judaism. Through it all, the Edomites maintained much of their old hatred for the Jews. When Greek became the common language, the Edomites were called Idumaeans. With the rise of the Roman Empire, an Idumaean whose father had converted to Judaism was named king of Judea. That Idumaean is known in history as King Herod the Great, the tyrant who ordered a massacre in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the Christ child (Matthew 2:16-18 Imagine someone else forcibly with an army is occupying your kingdom's throne and even though you have your own king you must remain hidden. This is the historical context that's not told in the Gospel. The Elders and Priests were also Edomites so now you can see why they were so envious of Yeshua? Joseph was a mere carpenter but his son Yeshua had traveled and studied wisdom in far away temples and had returned as a great magician. Yeshua had become a priestly king and then he became a warrior king who had armed followers called disciplines who had given up all their wealth to follow him. Did you know that Jesus had descendants? Yes and those children are royalty and I am one of them. We are descendants of the Merovingian dynasty that ruled the Frankish Empire between 451 until 741. We fought the Crusade and took over Jerusalem in the 10th century and in 1119 we formed the Knights Templar headquartered at the Temple of Solomon. We still exist and we are still royalty. It is not right for someone to claim Jesus our ancestor and use His image to give themselves respectability and honor that they don't deserve. Jesus is all about the worship of the one God and obedience to His divine laws. Criminals are using Jesus to mask Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, Vodou and other pagan forms of evil worship. By doing so they are destroying the faith and causing Man to stray from Jesus true mission and teachings. Even some of the Merovingian descendants of Jesus have committed this sacrilege in the quest for money and power. We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father; God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God; begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Belief in one God is essential to the faith. We do not believe Jesus is the physical son of God but spiritual son of God yet unique because of His royal bloodline that traces back to King David. ,..,.,........,....................... ... King Adam and Queen Eve they were not the only human beings that God created. Yet they were royalty because God created a royal bloodline in the beginning and other humans He created to serve them. Royal blood is different that of other humans it is rare among Man. One time as a teen I was having a physical examination along with other peers and the doctors were taking blood samples to find out our blood types. After my time had come and the results were given suddenly the room filled with doctors saying that I had a rare blood type. They asked me what was my father's name and I told them. The doctors commented on the abnormalities of my feet and over llap of my teeth. They then became silent and wouldn't say nothing else. I asked worried was everything alright with me and one doctor said you are fine. Then he said my blood type was rare but not that rare. I am a De France my family are Merovingians. So you see we are not all created the same by God and that is what makes King Adam and Queen Eve different not their skin color but their blood. I have a very unique personality and it is related to my spiritual bloodline. We are blue bloods. Africa has blue bloods too and not everyone claiming to be royalty is a blue blood and not every commoner is common. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 6:37pm On Aug 13, 2023 |
PARANORMAL BLOODLINES It is believed that only special royal bloodlines possessed paranormal powers like the Cwezi. King Rwabugiri IV the great, an ancient Rwandan king was believed to have possessed paranormal powers along with one of his wives. Muhumuza. Rwabugiri was the first king to meet with the Europeans, he resisted slave trade and saved the remains of the Rwandan borders during the scramble and partition for Africa. Also these bloodlines begun breaking the customary laws practicing forbidden customs such as eating prohibited meats, foods, certain fish, reptiles, marrying into hostile or forbidden bloodlines, murdering, breaking oath, abominations, inciting and obtaining curses, abandoning own customs, sodomy, laying down with animals etc. Ability to possess these mystical powers survived among some African peoples until 19th century when heavy interbreeding between clans, tribes and races took place therefore weakening special bloodlines. Although about 85% of all humans have RH positive blood, ALL royal families have Rh-negative blood. Geneticists usually believe the RH-negative factor is the result of an undiscovered mutation that occurred only a few thousand years ago.
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 7:18am On Aug 14, 2023 |
What happens if I don't get my RhoGAM shot? If was difficult for royal bloodlines to find the right woman to give birth to a healthy baby. Before modern times alot of royal families would marry cousins not because of incestuous lust but because of the differences between Rh positive and negative blood didn't allow them to breed with commoners. Because of the close relationship between relatives in mixing the DNA would deform causing hammer toes and overlapping teeth. Some cases were even more extreme like the Habsburg dynasty who married brother and sister and son and mother they produced the Habsburg jaw. Some royal families suffered madness like the Frankish King Charles VI and the English King George III who both went mad. There are some key physical things to look for when recognizing royalty besides the Rh negative blood. I’m a prince’: After years of searching for family history, a pastor discovers royal ties to Africa
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 3:35pm On Aug 15, 2023 |
Some people can't take the truth that a world exists outside of their narcissistic self centered view of the world. Nothing is more self centered than the Pan African view of the world which is rooted in paganistic Egyptian worship. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:25pm On Aug 15, 2023 |
Noted! ![]() |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 6:58pm On Aug 15, 2023 |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:02pm On Aug 15, 2023 |
EnvyandHate:OK! ![]() |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 7:19pm On Aug 15, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: Why do think it's so? I would love to see your explanation for all this. Really I would. ![]() |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:22pm On Aug 15, 2023 |
EnvyandHate: Whatever makes you feel better is OK by me but i'm 100% sure that POLITICS is the problem not RELIGION! ![]() |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 8:03pm On Aug 15, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: Religious politics. The Elites have all the wealth they put people into office who they control through secret societies rooted in pagan beliefs. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by EnvyandHate: 1:24am On Aug 16, 2023 |
The claim that all African Americans are Hebrews ignores the historical and scientifically verifiable fact that African slaves were brought from a multitude of diverse countries in Africa. Consequently, the Black Hebrew doctrine conflicts with the ethnic diversity of African Americans. There are many bloodlines here in America and not all have claim to Israel. There are Moabites, Hamites, Edomites and some yet very little amount of Judah. |
Re: The Science Of Skin Color And Race (There Is No Black Jesus) by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:13am On Aug 16, 2023 |
EnvyandHate: Politics is as old as humanity it started right in the garden of Eden when the first human couple rebelled against God's sovereignty so instead of abiding by the standard God set the first human couple wanted to set their own in order to rule as demigods over anyone born after them and since they're the first whatever rule they set will be the order of the day. They were selfish and that's how politics started ever since then humans have been setting standards that will favour themselves but at the detriment of others around them and forcing it on their neighbours! Ecclesiastes 4:1; 8:9 To be a politician you will need the support of other humans around you to fight opposers, that's why politicians device various means to woo supporters. This are the means politicians have been using for centuries: Eloquence, Motivation Speeches, Beauty, Riches, Witchcraft, Racism, Weapons (whoever discovers a more deadly tool gains power) and the last but not the least False Religion. All these tactics have become obsolete today due to intermarriage that's why brainwashing through false religion remains the most powerful tool in the hands of politicians. It was first introduced by a Babylonian King named Nebuchadnezzar {Daniel 3:1-5} this man wanted to use false religion to gain the support of all the people around him so that his kingdom will remain strong that's what other politicians after him turned to National Anthem today. But before you can make millions of people support your kingdom (government) you must first woo them that's why the Roman Emperors stick to Catholicism not Christianity. They knew that with the wave of this new religion brainwashing of the common man will be easy but then what about the pioneers of the religion who were teaching the people how to love (not hate) their enemies as the founder taught them! Luke 6:27-28 That's why they killed all the apostles of Christ in order to establish another religion that will favour the politics of Rome: Roman Catholic Church! So don't think RELIGION is the problem rather it's POLITICS because if each person just wake up to worship the deity of his or her choice without thinking of how to force their rules on those around them {Matthew 10:16} their can never be killing in the name of RELIGION but with false religion many are carried away into killing and getting killed for the selfish ambitions of POLITICIANS! |
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