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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most (19995 Views)
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In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 10:34pm On Aug 06, 2023 |
. When people think about polygamy, they imagine a young man getting married to two young women. They see it from the prism of his sexual vanity, and criticize why he is not content with one woman. But in reality, polygamy is a well-established method of human family formation and is present in every single society whether it is legislated or not. This class of women benefits from polygamy 1. Barren women. Most men will not marry a woman who can't bear a child for him. The alternative for such women is polygamy since the other wives can give him a child. 2. Divorcees with children. Most men will always prefer a woman who has never been married before, but being divorced should not deny a woman marriage, and lots of men will not mind marrying such women as second wives and being step-fathers to their children. 3. Widowers (especially with children): This is self-explanatory. 4. Levirate wives; This is related to number three, but differs in the angle that a man marries his late brother's wife, taking care of her and the children. Giving them a home and protection. 1a. Now, bear in mind that there are more women than men. Men are responsible for most work death, and war death, most prisoners are men and men have to be established before getting a wife. A woman generally is ready to marry in her 20s. So with this reality, women will always be available in high numbers than eligible males. 1b. Also, bear in mind that the West seeing polygamy as outdated is actually de facto polygamy. There is no difference between marrying one woman and sleeping with four outside. It is still polygamy. The women whom he didn't marry are the losers in the game since they will not enjoy any conjugal protection from him and the law. 1c. Again, you should bear in mind that monogamy is successful in the West due to its wealth. The social system can take care of single mothers by giving them cash monthly. In other parts of the world, suffering awaits such women, in this case, polygamy transfers the responsibility to the man. 1d. Also, polygamy is actually a burden on the polygamous man, because he now has more mouths to feed, and children and wives to take care of. His pocket has to be heavy. 1e. Polygamy gives women the opportunity to team up and share a high-value man since these men are few in number. In dating, women share the same men, why not in marriage? Most importantly, if polygamy is done rightly, it is equally as good as monogamy. 186 Likes 28 Shares |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by otipoju(m): 11:26pm On Aug 06, 2023 |
pansophist: Nice and well thought out 7 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 11:48pm On Aug 06, 2023 |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by talented321: 11:52pm On Aug 06, 2023 |
Without polygamy many women will not marry'' even now sef single women and single mothers don cover everywhere. Truth about the matter is monogamy can't work in nigeria and many men who live with one woman has many side chicks'' unlike a man who is married with two or three wives and don't have side chicken. 47 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by dgee1(m): 12:19am On Aug 07, 2023 |
1 Like |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Kipaji: 12:19am On Aug 07, 2023 |
As a man that is not closed to being polygamous, I will be upfront about it with women I will deal with. Tricking a woman into believing that she is going to be the one and only one just to surprise her down the line with a new wife is not the masculine or African way. My first wife and her family will know that there is a possibility that a second wife gets added to the team. I insist on possibility because I might decide to stay monogamous. In any case, I will be honest and upfront. No games, no manipulation, no deceit. 77 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:29am On Aug 07, 2023 |
dgee1: It an old comment, decided to make it a topic, then decided again to delete it and replace it with this one. 2 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Amarisco(f): 12:52am On Aug 07, 2023 |
pansophist: I give this 80% 🤭 1a… na. this is an urban myth. We are roughly evenly distributed 1b… half mark. sleeping around and having multiple wives is fundamentally different. But yes, the women lose out 9 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Rokiat(f): 1:14am On Aug 07, 2023 |
1d. Also, polygamy is actually a burden on the polygamous man, because he now has more mouths to feed, and children and wives to take care of. His pocket has to be heavy. Are these men been forced into it? ![]() 12 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by layzie: 1:56am On Aug 07, 2023 |
Rokiat: Is this all u can come up with? 37 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by koladata(m): 5:00am On Aug 07, 2023 |
pansophist i don't really think polygamy should be for only rich men or highly valued men if well planned, if both women are working in a case of 2 women to one man, they can both save three times faster to take care of their family. But all these pastors are coming for your head, Brace for impact bro. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Agp19(m): 6:38am On Aug 07, 2023 |
pansophist: Peace be unto pansophist. Please sir, can you help me with a step by step process to get to Finland on a school visa. Or Better still can I send a dm sir. Your time is much appreciated.. 2 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by tommy589(m): 6:48am On Aug 07, 2023 |
Trust dies much faster in polygamy 7 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Ebubu3: 7:00am On Aug 07, 2023 |
tommy589:bullshit, when it’s open that the man can marry more than one woman and can marry the barren woman, widow woman, etc how then is it a breach of trust? If he opens it up to her from onset before he makes her a first wife that he is polygamous, how is it breach of trust? 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by tommy589(m): 8:32am On Aug 07, 2023 |
Ebubu3: Where do you see breach in my comment? I don't know that's is easy to tell a woman that you love and plan to marry as the first wife, that also you are marrying more after her 4 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by VinnyBaba: 8:38am On Aug 07, 2023 |
OP, All I can say in your Topic is If all Nigerian Men/Guys decide to be Faithful and Loyal to one Woman,🤨 Many of our Girls will STARVE TO DEATH. ![]() ![]() 31 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Ebubu3: 9:03am On Aug 07, 2023 |
tommy589:just tell her you believe in polygamy. She’ll use her hand to understand. If it’s a young girl of less than 25 you’ll lose her, if it’s 29 and above she will likely stay. 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Sweetvie: 9:51am On Aug 07, 2023 |
You didn't talk about the jealousy and competition among the wives? For me, polygamy is only good for a barren woman coz she has nothing to risk or lose. It reduce life and marital satisfaction. Moreover, polygamy is very expensive 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by mablie(m): 10:16am On Aug 07, 2023 |
Polygamy is marriage to many women while monogamy is marriage to one woman too many.I say no to the plantation ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by tommy589(m): 10:48am On Aug 07, 2023 |
Ebubu3: Have you been married,tried polygamy or know someone that has proposed polygamy to his would be wife before 4 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:06pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
Amarisco: No, we are not roughly evenly distributed. It is not true and has never been true. Ok, I will put it this way. The realities of men make an unequal availability of marriageable men compared to women. Depending on the society, a woman is pretty much available to marry at 18 years old. It is not the same for men. For example, lots of Ukrainian widows have emerged whose husbands had died in the war, over 300k Ukrainian men died just within the last 17 months of this ongoing war. And that's just war. Prisons, work death, low-value men, etc are all in the mix of the few available men, so how will all these women get married? In the West, they can just adopt and depend on social benefits, but the west is less than 15% of the global population. So no, societal stability is burdened on men, and in many cases, men's lives are sacrificed for it. So there will always be a surplus of more women than men who wants to marry. It is from this angle that Islam for example permitted polygamy, not for evanescent reasons. 33 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:12pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
Sweetvie: polygamy is not Eldorado, it's not the best for everyone, and it has faults as well. My point is that polygamy is useful in some situations. And for jealousy amongst wives, let them orient themselves well. jealousy amongst wives is not a feature, its a bug. The wives should de-bug themselves from jealousy, especially when they are not forced into it, and also were not treated unfairly by the man. 21 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:14pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
Rokiat: try to understand things contextually, and refrain from infusing your bias and prejudice. What you said is merely your interpretation, I didn't say or imply such. 16 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:16pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
koladata: Nope, polygamy should not and can not be for poor men. Anyways, no woman will agree to be the second wife of a poor man, so no point discussing that, it is not gonna happen. It is like banning a cow from flying when in reality, it can't actually fly. ![]() 18 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:18pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
Kipaji: Regardless if you are religious or not, the Islam template for polygamous men is very fair to everyone involved. Such as, 1. Possession of sufficient financial resources to provide all expenses of each family 2. Physical prowess for completely satisfying the sexual desires of each wife 3. Observance of complete justice and equality among each family in every way without any favoritism Number three is very important. If you shall abide by the above, then make sure the ladies consent to it, if yes, then you have my blessings ![]() 13 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by 1Sharon(f): 2:58pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
Have you guys actually spoken to any children from polygamous homes to know how toxic it is? 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Savedday2: 3:05pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
Getting married to a 9ja girl is the greatest mistake you can ever make in a lifetime not to talk of marrying more than one 9ja girl that means, even in the grave there won't be peace. Anytime I see a guy marrying them, I always pity him. 3 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by galantjoe(m): 7:58pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
Kipaji: This argument doesn't hold water. Because man divorces his wife or verse versa. Does it mean that he or she knows from abnitio that he would divorce his wife. The answer is no. So polygamy may not be premeditated as you seemingly tagged it trick. Polygamy comes as a result of situations, which may not be present when the marriage was contracted 11 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by mariahAngel(f): 8:46pm On Aug 07, 2023 |
pansophist: What happened to that your yesterday's topic? |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Amarisco(f): 1:01am On Aug 08, 2023 |
pansophist: Your points are valid, hypothetically. But factually according to recorded data, the difference in gender distribution is merely about 0.5-1%. Even in our country Nigeria… so let’s not exaggerate 9 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by FalseProphet1(m): 1:20am On Aug 08, 2023 |
Amarisco:So how come hundreds of ladies are always disturbing me in my spiritual center and other spiritual centers and churches for prayers concerning a husband. Whether you choose to believe it or not, the ratio of eligible men to available women is very low. Because there are millions of men in their 30s who don't have jobs, so they're not even thinking about marriage. Whereas their female counterparts are there waiting for husbands. This means that for every 10 available women, there's only one eligible man. So they'll have to fight for him, and even if he married one out of the 10, he'll still be able to continue having affairs with the remaining 9, because there's a serious shortage of eligible men to marry them. That's the reality on ground. This I have seen. 22 Likes |
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Amarisco(f): 1:24am On Aug 08, 2023 |
FalseProphet1: In this world, not any spiritual realm, & according to census data, there is a roughly equal spread of men and women. fact Maybe decent/valuable men are scarce, but I don’t have the data on that. 7 Likes |
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