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Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Maynman: 12:12pm On Aug 13, 2023
I wish You peace my man, we are both saying the correct thing just having two different world views. Ur view is that evil is evil and my view is that some evil is necessary to avoid a greater Evil.
An hitler fan will also say this.

I wish you love.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Kobojunkie: 12:12pm On Aug 13, 2023
see ba, in the old Israel culture Kingship was also a popularity thing, reason why Saul hated David and why Absalom almost took David's throne while he was alive. David was a well respected King but He never announced His successor in public, He told only His Priest and His Wife Beersheba.
If Adonijah had gotten David's Concubine as a Wife, He would use it as a tool to increase His popularity amongst the Israelites and also to make claim that He was the rightful heir given that He was the oldest son of king David. It is also to be Mentioned that Solomon had a love Hate relationship with many parts of Israel which is why immediately He died they broke off from His Son Rehoboam and left the Bloodline of David to rule Judah..
Kingship was popularity and not of God during the time or David who Himself was chosen by God? undecided

2. Adonijah, by violating God's very Law which decrees no man should yearn for his father's wife would gain popularity with the people in his cursed state enough to become King of Israel? undecided
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by chukkystar(m): 12:22pm On Aug 13, 2023
Kingship was popularity and not of God during the time or David who Himself was chosen by God? undecided

2. Adonijah, by violating God's very Law which decrees no man should yearn for his father's wife would gain popularity with the people in his cursed state enough to become King of Israel? undecided
She wasn't David's Wife, she was His concubine. Him making Her His Wife would help hide Her shame and still keep Her in the House of King David. Also the Lord chose King Solomon but don't forget that there were also present many other supposed Messengers of God who would have also told people Adonijah was Chosen by the Lord
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Kobojunkie: 12:29pm On Aug 13, 2023
She wasn't David's Wife, she was His concubine. Him making Her His Wife would help hide Her shame and still keep Her in the House of King David.
■ Also the Lord chose King Solomon but don't forget that there were also present many other supposed Messengers of God who would have also told people Adonijah was Chosen by the Lord
1. Does the Law of Moses recognize a wife apart from a concubine? undecided

Her shame? She is noted as having belonged to David by His own sons, where is the shame in that? undecided

2. You mean the false prophets in the Land at the time? You mean God would have sat back and watched the false prophets upturn His very selection for the throne at that time? undecided
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by wirinet(m): 12:36pm On Aug 13, 2023
see ba, in the old Israel culture Kingship was also a popularity thing, reason why Saul hated David and why Absalom almost took David's throne while he was alive. David was a well respected King but He never announced His successor in public, He told only His Priest and His Wife Beersheba. If Adonijah had gotten David's Concubine as a Wife, He would use it as a tool to increase His popularity amongst the Israelites and also to make claim that He was the rightful heir given that He was the oldest son of king David. It is also to be Mentioned that Solomon had a love Hate relationship with many parts of Israel which is why immediately He died they broke off from His Son Rehoboam and left the Bloodline of David to rule Judah..
What you are positing still makes no sense. King David had numerous wives and concubines, so what made Abishag special that she determined who would be King? From the story, we are not even sure of the relationship between Abishag and King David. Some say she was brought in to warm is body and bed, but it was said she remained a virgin, meaning King David had not defiled/raped her.
As I said, King David had already been installed as King, I does not make sense that people will demand a change of Kings because one of King David's son married one of his concubines or wife.

Adonijah did not marry Abishag, defiled her or even approached her, instead he asked for permission from the king (his brother). His brother could have said no, then that's should have been the end of it. If Adonijah had gone ahead and had sexual relations with Abishag after David's refusal, then he would have had a point in murdering his brother, but he just became blood thirsty and murdered an innocent man.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by InvertedHammer: 12:38pm On Aug 13, 2023
There was a man named adonija, Solomon older brother he went to meet king Solomon mother Bethsheba to make a request that if possible king Solomon should give him the virgin girl given to their father king David when king Solomon was told his brother request he got angry and put him to death...
So here is my question bcoz am somehow confused is king Solomon action right or wrong

The more in depth you read the Bible, the more you will separate yourself from the Biblical God and start seeking answers that will lead you to the truth.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 12:38pm On Aug 13, 2023
This is a silly assumption and conclusion. undecided

U must be silly.....u this schizophrenic human being...please if u cant dialogue in a civil mannner...please clear off my mentions
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Fredoh(m): 12:40pm On Aug 13, 2023
Though Adonija’s intentions wasn’t pure,
but that was a humble request which could have been refused,
more also, he politely approached Solomon’s mother first!
but a King does not takes calmly whatever poses a threat to his leadership!

Besides; Solomon does not also joke With anything that concerns his libido,
just like his Father who killed the husband of his mother(Uriah) just to possess her.

It’s hereditary

I swear the whole story makes me wanna cringe‼️
I have a lot to say concerning this story but I rest my case‼️
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 12:41pm On Aug 13, 2023

In does times it could be acceptable but today, you don't kill people for asking for a wife.You don't kill your brother for that.

Where ìn my comment did i say it is acceptable today..??

Killed for Asking for wife....?? Please go and read ur bible well if u have one and dont know the story.... he was killed for treason...he forcefulky took the throne with a sitting king still alive...
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 12:42pm On Aug 13, 2023

Exactly, And you defending murder is normal to you, you are using kim jong un as example of someone killing siblings because of power, and it’s all normal to you.

Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by tctrills: 12:43pm On Aug 13, 2023

Where ìn my comment did i say it is acceptable today..??

Killed for Asking for wife....?? Please go and read ur bible well if u have one and dont know the story.... he was killed for treason...he forcefulky took the throne with a sitting king still alive...
Oga, what is it that you have against my comments. Is there anything I wrote that you disagree with?
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 12:45pm On Aug 13, 2023

Oga, what is it that you have against my comments. Is there anything I wrote that you disagree with?

Please leave me...i nor get strenght
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Maynman: 12:45pm On Aug 13, 2023

Yahweh worshipper
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by lomprico(m): 12:46pm On Aug 13, 2023
That's treason. Those days it was considered a treasonable offence if you slept with the king's wife or concubines or anyone the king has obviously slept with, let alone marriage.

Which law states it?
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by wirinet(m): 12:47pm On Aug 13, 2023

Where ìn my comment did i say it is acceptable today..??

Killed for Asking for wife....?? Please go and read ur bible well if u have one and dont know the story.... he was killed for treason...he forcefulky took the throne with a sitting king still alive...

Adonija was murdered for treason? Please show me how he forcefully took the throne of his brother king Solomon.
I dey fear you people o. You are no different from ISIS.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 12:47pm On Aug 13, 2023

Yahweh worshipper

We can dialogue without being religious... but hatred for religion is making u bring religiin into a dialogue thats not even religious....

U need help man...dont let a God u feel dorsnt exist live rent free in ur head
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by wirinet(m): 12:49pm On Aug 13, 2023
That's treason. Those days it was considered a treasonable offence if you slept with the king's wife or concubines or anyone the king has obviously slept with, let alone marriage.
But king Solomon eventually ended up marrying Abishag, his father's concubine, do you consider that treason?
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 12:50pm On Aug 13, 2023

Adonija was murdered for treason? Please show me how he forcefully took the throne of his brother king David.
I dey fear you people o. You are no different from ISIS.

Throne of his brother, king david?? Lol... u dont even know the story enough to know who is david ...
From ur chat..I can see u can read and write..
But u want me to show u a chapter u can google urself without...baba.....read the story urself and have ur opinion....opinion is free
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Fredoh(m): 12:51pm On Aug 13, 2023
Adonijah was already guilty of death for rebelling against his dad, king David

When King David was dying, he instructed Solomon to put some collaborators and offenders to death albeit diplomatically

So that was it...

King Solomon was waiting for the opportunity...

When Adonijah approached King Solomon's mum, Batsheiba, to talk to the king for him so as to marry king David's last wife.
That was the last straw that broke his camels spine...

It was easily perceived that he wasn't contented with his position/situation and wanted more

Very soon, he might want the throne

So Solomon just carried out his father's last instruction

He wasn't wrong

Their dad David killed somebody and rapped his wife but that didn’t cost him his life.
It’s the person that wants to marry his deceased dad’s wife that should die?

Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by chiboycue: 12:53pm On Aug 13, 2023
There was a man named adonija, Solomon older brother he went to meet king Solomon mother Bethsheba to make a request that if possible king Solomon should give him the virgin girl given to their father king David when king Solomon was told his brother request he got angry and put him to death...
So here is my question bcoz am somehow confused is king Solomon action right or wrong

Adonija wanted to marry the virgin girl that was given to his father who was the formal king. He was indirectly indicating his interest for the throne just like Absalom indicated interested in the throne of their father earlier on by sleeping with their father's concubines.

Sleeping with any of the reigning or immediate past King's wives or concumbines is a way of indicating interested for the throne in those days.

King Solomon saw Adonija as a threat to his throne by virtue of Adonija's request that was why he had him executed
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by BePrepared: 12:54pm On Aug 13, 2023

Solomon considered adonija's action as being covetous of the what belongs to the king's office....he not only wanted the girl, he wanted the throne.......its a treasonable offence..
..its Solomon's discretion to either put such a person to death or not...in my opinion...he would be stupíd to leave such a person alive...

.. however we are in mordern times that laws are different....even kings do not have final say over capital punishment....

Exactly my take, he wanted the throne via subtle route.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Maynman: 12:55pm On Aug 13, 2023

We can dialogue without being religious... but hatred for religion is making u bring religiin into a dialogue thats not even religious....

U need help man...dont let a God u feel dorsnt exist live rent free in ur head
Don’t be an hypocrite, if anything it was you that brought In “religious” into the discussion. Not to forget your subtle insult, which i will be dishing back henceforth.
There is nothing to hate on nonsense, it’s like hating thanos.

You need freedom man.. don’t let a jewish deity you read in a jewish book take you in bondage forever.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by OBIDIENTNAIJA: 12:56pm On Aug 13, 2023
You see after David killed Uriah and stole his wife Bathsheba, God cursed David's lineage and said that even though he committed the sin in secrete, he would bear the same publicly.

Ammon raped his sister Tamar.

Absolom killed his brother Ammon for raping his sister Tamar.

Absolom had sex with David's concubines on the roof for all Israel to see.

Solomon killed his brother Adonija because of a girl.

Solomon went on to have over 700 wives and 300 concubines of which I'm very sure that girl he killed his brother for was among.

This was happening because David their father couldn't keep his díck one place.

This I have seen.
You didn't complete the story. How God punished King Solomon for serving other gods made by his foreign wives and her God warned him about marrying from a certain tribe that will make him serve idol. The kingdom was divided and given to the Medes and Persians., He lost his throne and died also. So that curse na strong one
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 12:56pm On Aug 13, 2023

Don’t be an hypocrite, if anything it was you that brought In “religious” into the discussion. Not to forget your subtle insult, which i will be dishing back henceforth.
There is nothing to hate on nonsense, it’s like hating thanos.

You need freedom man.. don’t let a jewish deity you read in a jewish book take you in bondage forever.

Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Maynman: 12:57pm On Aug 13, 2023

Yahweh worshipper keep playing victim cheesy
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Nyanabo(m): 12:57pm On Aug 13, 2023
You are playing with fire

Kids these days.. you just lack sense. Because I know a matured and responsible man won't act the way you are acting. Not everyone would support your candidate. Know this and have sense.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 12:58pm On Aug 13, 2023

Kids these days.. you just lack sense. Because I know a matured and responsible man won't act the way you are acting. Not everyone would support your candidate. Know this and have sense.
Don't be unfortunate small boy
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by advanceDNA: 1:01pm On Aug 13, 2023

Yahweh worshipper keep playing victim cheesy

Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by Maynman: 1:02pm On Aug 13, 2023

Yahweh worshipper!!
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by President2001(m): 1:02pm On Aug 13, 2023

Was she David's Wife? 🤔😏.

I think it was a Young Girl Solomon Arranged for his father David, to 'Ease his pains'.🤨

And David Rejected her!

So Adonijah was like, If You no Want am, I want the Fresh Babe o. tongue cheesy
Adonija eyes the throne not the girl but trying tricks if Solomon did not emulate him Solomon would have been a dead person
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by wirinet(m): 1:04pm On Aug 13, 2023

Throne of his brother, king david?? Lol... u dont even know the story enough to know who is david ...
From ur chat..I can see u can read and write..
But u want me to show u a chapter u can google urself without...baba.....read the story urself and have ur opinion....opinion is free
I meant to write his king Solomon. Obviously, you should know his brother is king Solomon and not king David, his father.
Oya, I have corrected my self answer the question.
Re: Was This Action Of King Solomon Right Or Wrong? by jonex39: 1:09pm On Aug 13, 2023
According to the law of the land at that time. T whoever sleep with the woman btw Solomon and his brother automatically become the king. David was aware of his brother trick which his mother was not aware of that was why he killed him.

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