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What Nobody Told Me About Pregnancy. Read This If You're Planning To Be Pregnant by Zeegnatures(f): 5:11pm On Aug 20, 2023 |
Hmmmnn, when I think about my experience in pregnancy I will just be wondering why this subject is not talked about enough. That journey of pregnancy can be a rollercoaster ride. May God keep and protect all pregnant women and grant them safe delivery. My first clear sign of pregnancy was my sense of smell. It became really amplified and intense. I could smell things from afar and it was as if I was smelling things too deeply. I don't know how to explain it. When I noticed this, I knew it was abnormal and I tested for pregnancy, it came positive. That's how my pregnancy journey started. Mmmnnn Mood swings You could experience serious mood swings for no reason. You're excited this minute and the next minute you're so angry or sad. It happens very frequently in pregnancy. So if you're around a pregnant woman, please just understand and be kind to her Food Your body will start rejecting certain foods in funny ways. Food can begin to start smelling to you and you will not be able to stand the smell so you can't eat the food. Some women cannot eat any food from their kitchen, it has to be bought from outside. Some women cannot stand the smell of their kitchen, someone else has to handle cooking for that period. Some can eat a certain food and the body will reject it and throw it up. Or it could give serious heart burns. Hmmm, food in pregnancy is a big deal. Vomiting and throwing up. I don't know why it's called morning sickness, you can vomit in the morning, afternoon or night. Anytime at all, not just in the morning. Some people have extreme cases of vomiting where they lose weight really bad and they just cannot keep anything in. It's called hyperemesis gravidarum. That one is a serious case Taste buds There's a metallic taste that comes with pregnancy that I don't even understand. Your mouth will taste very bland. Drinking water is usually a struggle because of this. This is why pepper soup is usually a pregnant woman's favorite because the pepper helps her to get rid of that bland taste. Body changes Get ready for body transformation. Most people gain weight in pregnancy, though some women lose weight. Your body experiences a lot of changes to accommodate the foetus that is growing inside you. Your organs are making room and shifting to allow the baby thrive. Your appearance begins to change. Your breasts get fuller, your stomach gets obviously bigger, hyper pigmentation may occur where your face and neck area gets darker. Your nose and lips may get bigger and filler. Your face, hands and feet may get swollen. A whole lot of transformations and some people may not look like themselves again. I'm sure you've seen those pregnancy transformation challenges on Instagram, it could get really bad. Hmmn Frequent urination; As you approach your third trimester, the baby is getting bigger and pressing on your bladder. This would make you feel pressed more often. In fact you could have finished urinating now, your baby will just turn and you'll feel like going back to urinate. It can be embarrassing sometimes Movement As you get heavier, your movement becomes slower. You can't walk as smartly as you used to walk before. You may even start waddling like a penguin. Yes, it can be that bad. Your walking posture and even your sitting posture would change to accommodate the weight of the baby Spitting Some people experience this in their first trimester while some experience it all through the pregnancy and some don't experience it at all. It's not a funny thing to be holding spit or always chewing gum because of spitting. Time Pregnancy is for 40 weeks, approximately 9 months but trust me when I say that 9 months used to be like 9 years. Time is really slow when you're pregnant. Especially when you're in your last trimester, it will be as if time is not moving again. Pregnancy is a long 9 months indeed. This is all I can remember for now. For other mums who have gone through pregnancy, please share your experience and adviseso others can learn If you're planning to get pregnant, please ensure you have emotional, physical, financial, spiritual support. You need all the support you can possibly get. It's a rewarding journey but it's not an easy one. The first trimester is usually the toughest because the experience is strange to your body and it is trying to understand what is going on. So please have support so you don't break down. If anyone offers to help you, accept it o, with love. You need a lot of rest, you may not be as active as you used to be and that is fine. Regardless of the challenges of pregnancy, it's a really rewarding journey. Beholding your little fragile baby makes it all worth it. If you're a TTC mum, may God grant you your heart desires so you can experience this rewarding journey. If you're currently pregnant, keep holding up, your bundle of joy is on the way. 1 Like |
Re: What Nobody Told Me About Pregnancy. Read This If You're Planning To Be Pregnant by EconomistXplain: 5:22pm On Aug 20, 2023 |
thanks mum 1 Like |
Re: What Nobody Told Me About Pregnancy. Read This If You're Planning To Be Pregnant by Zeegnatures(f): 6:18pm On Aug 20, 2023 |
You're welcome |
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