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Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? - Religion - Nairaland

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Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Nobody: 10:39pm On Oct 13, 2011
God is the Creator and Master of the natural world. Satan is only the master of illusion. He deals in hallucination and deceit. Any limited powers over nature he may possess are entirely circumscribed by God, but he can control susceptible minds. People in Satan’s power are obsessed and hypnotized by evil. The source of black magic’s power is fear. Academic writers have documented the life and death power of pagan magic over people who believe in it.

[b]Dr. Herbert Basedow (1925), in his book, The Australian Aboriginal, has presented a vivid picture of the first horrifying effect of bone pointing on the ignorant, superstitious and credulous natives, and the later more calm acceptance of their mortal fate: The man who discovers that he is being boned by any enemy is, indeed, a pitiable sight. He stands aghast, with his eyes staring at the treacherous pointer, and with his hands lifted as though to ward off the lethal medium, which he imagines is pouring into his body. His cheeks blanch and his eyes become glassy and the expression of his face becomes horribly distorted. . . . He attempts to shriek but usually the sound chokes in his throat, and all that one might see is froth at his mouth. His body begins to tremble and the muscles twist involuntarily. He sways backwards and falls to the ground, and after a short time appears to be in a swoon; but soon after he writhes as if in mortal agony, and, covering his face with his hands, begins to moan.[/b]

After a while he becomes very composed and crawls to his wurley. From this time onwards he sickens and frets, refusing to eat and keeping aloof from the daily affairs of the tribe. Unless help is forthcoming in the shape of a countercharm administered by the hands of the Nangarri, or medicine-man, his death is only a matter of a comparatively short time (Walter B. Cannon, “Voodoo Death,” American Anthropologist, vol. 33, 1942).

Another anthropologist described the circumstances in which superstitious fear can take hold:

[b]In “Voodoo Death” (Cannon 1972 [1942]) a person violates a taboo, such as walking on sacred ground, [or] eating a forbidden fruit, and, shortly after discovering that a taboo has been violated, the person is dead. The closely related phenomenon of “hex” death (Seligman 1975, p. 1977) occurs when a person learns that they have been cursed by someone with the appropriate technical knowledge and supernatural authority. As in the case of voodoo death, hex death kills within hours or days. While such deaths exhibit a fairly standard set of physical symptoms, they cannot be attributed to external agents such as poisons or bacteria nor to externally induced physical trauma. The death is psychosomatic.

A person who violates a taboo has broken the deepest rules of their culture and thereby is thrust outside the protective web of memes and traits which give meaning and structure to the world. The person who is cursed believes that someone else has severed the link between their soul and the cultural forms and practices in which that soul lives its life. Such people are in a situation where, in effect, they see no hope of ever again satisfying their higher reference levels. They are cut off from their culture. That kills them as surely as being cut off from food or water (William Benzon, Culture as an Evolutionary Arena).[/b]

In spite of the power pagan sorcerers and witch doctors hold over people who accept their authority, Christian missionaries confront “powerful” witch doctors with immunity to curses and black magic. I personally recall a confrontation between a Christian missionary in Haiti and several witch doctors at a famous voodoo shrine, the missionary laughing at their threats while ripping their inverted cross fetishes out of the ground and throwing them into a nearby lagoon.

On another occasion, a voodoo houngan actually placed a curse on a son of this missionary, only to die himself in the time frame he had set for the death of the boy.

Another witch doctor cursed the womb of a woman newly converted to Christianity. When she became pregnant, she fled to the mission compound and lived there for several months out of fear for her baby. Concerned for her feelings, but realizing that she was giving in to her fear, the missionaries helped her understand that the witch doctor’s curse had no power over a believer indwelt with the Holy Spirit’s power. She moved back home, and in a few months delivered a healthy baby boy.

The Bible describes the awesome power of the Creator (Genesis 1; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalm 8:3-4; Proverbs 8:29; Proverbs 16:4; Isaiah 44:24-28), a power that instantly brought the material world into existence and is equally capable of instantly destroying it. The feeble magic of demons and sorcerers can no more thwart such boundless power than a grain of sand can stop a tsunami or a drop of rain the eruption of a volcano.

Obedient people empowered by God’s blessing and immersed in His favor are impervious to Satan’s power. A loyal child of the Creator stands in the power of the Creator (Genesis 15:1; Proverbs 18:10; Ephesians 6:16).

Since vulnerability to black magic is rooted in fear and lack of trust, Christians can count on God’s protection when they submit to His authority. But if they actively suppress or ignore God’s moral law for selfish purposes, they enter the realm of the demonic and become vulnerable to its power. If they live a gangster’s lifestyle, they become vulnerable to its dangers.  If they live by Satan’s code, they become subject to its rules. Sin and rebellion feed and magnify fear. Trust in God is manifested by a willingness to resist sin.

Christians should also keep guard over their imaginations, thinking of the admonitions of Paul and James:

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8 )

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

If we don’t put our trust in God, we may become more and more obsessed with Satan. In the Middle Ages, imaginations obsessed with Satan’s power led to the witch craze, causing hundreds of thousands of innocent people to be tortured and killed. The witch craze was the consequence of people becoming so obsessed with satanic power that they viewed the normal tragedies of a fallen world as the result of black magic. (See the ATQ article, Did Church Authorities Seek to Eradicate Paganism in Europe by Killing Millions of “Witches”?)

Once a person has accepted the authority of Jesus Christ, he has the Holy Spirit dwelling within (John 14:16-17). All of us are susceptible to the temptations and trials of the “world, flesh, and devil.” However, the Creator God loves us, sent His Son to die for us, and will protect us if we are willing to trust Him enough to do right. The focus of spiritual warfare in a Christian’s life needs to be his own sinful nature and desires. We don’t need any rituals or charms to protect us. Just a simple prayer for protection, and willingness to acknowledge and forsake any conscious sin is enough.2

This baby boy went on to be raised by his Christian parents, attended mission schools and college, and now is an accountant. This family’s courage to resist Satan’s lies made it possible for their family to be lifted out of the most extreme poverty and spiritual darkness to new horizons of spiritual and material hope.

Using the metaphor of a well-equipped Roman soldier, Paul told us how we could be prepared for spiritual warfare. We are to put on the armor of God  (Ephesians 6:11-18 ), which includes:

1.The belt of truth. Since Satan depends on deceit to maintain his power, our first line of defense is always truth. We must never distort or misrepresent the truth, regardless of any advantage we might gain by doing so.

2.The breastplate of righteousness. Any sin in our life leaves us open to Satan’s attack. Even though we are given the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21), we must still continually put on the protection of holy living.

3.The shoes of the gospel of peace. With our feet firmly planted on the truth that we are at peace with God and that He is on our side, we can stand firmly against Satan’s attacks.

4.The shield of faith. In order to quench the “fiery darts” of Satan’s temptations, we must trust and believe what God has said about every area of our life.

5.The helmet of salvation. This is the confidence that there is coming in the future a great victory celebration. It is also referred to as the “hope of salvation” (1 Thessalonians 5:8 ). This helmet protects us against Satan’s missiles of discouragement and doubt.

6.The sword of the Spirit. Since the Word of God is the basis of our faith, we need to learn how to wield it with authority. Scripture is our best offensive weapon against the devil (Matthew 4:1-11; Hebrews 4:12).

After he described the various elements of the armor, Paul said that we are to be in constant prayer. Prayer expresses our dependence on God. We can fight against Satan only “in the [strength of] the Lord and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10). In the power of Christ and with the armor of the Spirit, we will be victors.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Joagbaje(m): 5:04am On Oct 14, 2011
Christians who feed on baby milk truth  can definitely be hurt,oppressed,and defeated by the devil. Especially the kind of baby food you project . Which lack the understanding of spiritual authority ,inheritance and rights of a Christian.

But a christian who goes for knowledge and full understanding of his dominion over every works f Satan . Poverty,sin,sickness,and failure . Will always reign in victory. Always!

Galatians 4:1
1 NOW WHAT I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate;
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by nuclearboy(m): 7:13am On Oct 14, 2011
Christians are people who BELIEVE & TRUST GOD & WALK IN HIS POWER, not boastful empty clashing cymbals who make noise and visit church to "feel among" or get a "pastor's blessings". They have direct personal one on one relationships with God and thus stand just as though they are themselves Jesus.

Christians cannot be afflicted - except of course, you are saying that Peter or Paul or Timothy could have been demon afflicted!

That is the Biblical stand!
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Nobody: 10:46am On Oct 14, 2011

Christians who feed on baby milk truth  can definitely be hurt,oppressed,and defeated by the devil. Especially the kind of baby food you project . Which lack the understanding of spiritual authority ,inheritance and rights of a Christian.

But a christian who goes for knowledge and full understanding of his dominion over every works f Satan . Poverty,sin,sickness,and failure . Will always reign in victory. Always!

Galatians 4:1
1 NOW WHAT I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate;

Not sure I agree with you here.

A Christian can be on baby milk but if he lives a HOLY life he cannot be affected by any EVIL !!!!
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Nobody: 10:48am On Oct 14, 2011

Christians are people who BELIEVE & TRUST GOD & WALK IN HIS POWER, not boastful empty clashing cymbals who make noise and visit church to "feel among" or get a "pastor's blessings". They have direct personal one on one relationships with God and thus stand just as though they are themselves Jesus.

Christians cannot be afflicted - except of course, you are saying that Peter or Paul or Timothy could have been demon afflicted!

That is the Biblical stand!

Totally agree.

But if a Christian practises habitual sin, it is possible for that person to be oppressed, I think. Let's know your thoughts.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by nuclearboy(m): 5:18pm On Oct 14, 2011
Hi Frosbel:

It is written that "whoso breaks the hedge, the serpent shall bite"

Because God is not a respecter of persons, the above applies across board. So yes, I agree that habitual deliberate sin will open ANYBODY to the consequences of sin! Such may include but are not limited to oppression as you have stated.

But again I state that "Christians" are not claimnants but doers - doers stand as Christ and. His Apostles did!
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Image123(m): 8:27am On Oct 15, 2011
I think if a christian's not strong enough in that he's not been developing spiritually, or is ignorant, or doesn't pray, it's possible not to be delivered from evil, evil in this case been evil spirits.
Paul said we wrestle, we're at war. Anyone whose not careful or putting on the armour can be a casualty, christian or no christian.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Joagbaje(m): 3:07pm On Oct 15, 2011

Not sure I agree with you here.

A Christian can be on baby milk but if he lives a HOLY life he cannot be affected by any EVIL !!!!

What is holy life? According to you.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Image123(m): 3:27pm On Oct 15, 2011
^Thread diverts here. A HOLY life is a life that obeys God's Word, and that's perfect and holy for God is holy.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Ogaga4Luv(m): 3:39pm On Oct 15, 2011
[size=13pt]Yes! Christians can not only be hurt but can badly hurt in a special way by Witchcraft and Black Magic . . . grin There is power in the Craft as people never imagined smiley , Casting a deadly spell on the strongest Christian won't even wait stay up to 1Min before the result show up . . . cheesy cheesy cheesy[/size]
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by PAGAN9JA(m): 4:19pm On Oct 15, 2011
christians can be hrt by an ant. you dont need powerful magic for that. tongue
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Ogaga4Luv(m): 4:34pm On Oct 15, 2011
[size=13pt]That's very correct brother. . . .They're too powerless for ants to handle cheesy cheesy wink[/size]


christians can be hrt by an ant. you dont need powerful magic for that. tongue
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by nlMediator: 6:37pm On Oct 15, 2011

Christians who feed on baby milk truth can definitely be hurt,oppressed,and defeated by the devil. Especially the kind of baby food you project . Which lack the understanding of spiritual authority ,inheritance and rights of a Christian.

But a christian who goes for knowledge and full understanding of his dominion over every works f Satan . Poverty,sin,sickness,and failure . Will always reign in victory. Always!

Galatians 4:1
1 NOW WHAT I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate;

This is a nice thread. And I hope we can all learn from it.

I have a little concern with this interpretation of the verse. First, new christians start feeding on milk before they graduate to strong meat. Also, even with meat, it takes some time to assimilate meat or undergo spiritual training. If a new christian is open to such oppression as you note, why wouldn't the devil concentrate on such people and that way ensure they never get to the point of dominion? I think that verse speaks to the fact that a new or immature christian cannot access some of the benefits of christianity, not that the christian, especialy new ones, who leads or strives for a pure life is necessarily open to the devil's control until he grows.

I also agree with the submission that christianity is primarily a one-on-one relationship with God. A lot of people go to Church but do not really know God. They know the words of men, but not the voice of God. It will help if every christian helps as much as he or she can to steer christians toward that kind of relationship.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by nuclearboy(m): 7:01pm On Oct 15, 2011
Ananias & his wife were "Christians"! So also was the man spoken of who was said to be sleeping with his father's wife!

Yet, these were outrightly OPENLY condemned not because they did not believe or "confess" but because they did wrong! I imagine there are some who expect that Ananias was "justified" and thus Holy before God simply because he "claimed" Christ but as the Bible makes clear, he received the wages of sin - death! In effect, if you like, eat not just adult food but also raw meat and crocodile intestines to show us that you are "mature" - but if you are into sin, you will face punishment! Be a pastor with 15 titles and 400 branches if you like - God is true and will have His pound of flesh!

Paul on the other hand killed Christians yet received wages of life eternal - BECAUSE he did right! We have no record of demonic interference in his life and indeed in that of any of these that we have identified as true followers of Christ as attested to by the Scriptures.

Personally, I believe it is like a "dare" with God - He guards His Own jealously and only what He decides can come upon them - Satanic interference would be as it were, insulting and thus the "He will give His Angels charge over thee", "thou shalt thread upon the adder and the lion" etc. Default is not in His character so the true believer is safe in God's promises.

Problem is - how many are true in a world that worships the stomach?
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by newmi(m): 12:46am On Oct 16, 2011
The simple answer is yes!
But be that as it may though it is important that we understand a Christian truly is; the Christian one who is superior to Satan and he demons thus "SHOULD NOT" be hurt by witch-craft or the so called "Black Magic in Christ Jesus we have have been made more than conquerors little wonder the scripture in[b] Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and [color=#000099]nothing shall by any means hurt you".[/color][/b] but someone may want to ask if this scripture is true (which it is) why then do we still have certain Christians still being hurt by witch-craft and black magic? Well interestingly fine a scripture which provides us with clear reason that could be possible.

Galatians 4:1-3
"1 What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, [i][color=#000099]when we were underage,
we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces[a] of the world" [/color][/i]

You see its only children who have not come of age and who are immature that have the tendency of being hurt by black magic or by the activities of witches and to a large proportion is anchored on one thing- IGNORANCE
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Image123(m): 8:12pm On Oct 16, 2011
I think i should add that in the christian walk, we operate on two majors, POSITION and EXPERIENCE. Our 'position' is God's blueprint, place, plan for us. Our 'experience' is our present level of 'growth'. Positionally, all children of God are justified, sanctified, seated in heavenly places. That's like the standard, where God wants us to be. But we move our experience to meet with position. As we behold our position in God's Word, and press on, we're changed into HIS image/picture/blueprint from glory to glory. In experience, we're not all in the same class. And even though Christ is our righteousness, we still grow and learn and perfect holiness. Our lives are a race set before us. We see the 'goal' in the scriptures and are changed into its likeness. In that process of change, experience shows that 'things' happen.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Image123(m): 8:23pm On Oct 16, 2011
Recall the lady diviner who was throwing spanners into Paul and his team's outreach until Paul sensed it in his spirit. Recall Paul saying somewhere that 'satan hindered us' and He wanted to be at a particular place about 3times but Satan stopped it, and he later saw that he could actually send others instead. Recall the messenger of satan sent to 'buffet' Paul. The scriptures is clear to say "we wrestle". Positionally, we're more than conquerors already. Yet experientially, we have to endure, put on the WHOLE ARMOR so as to be able to stand. Truth is not everybody stands. The enemy attacks on different lines. Some do well to stand. Some fall seven times and stand. Some fall and can't get up. If anyone drops the shield of faith, brother, He's become susceptible to injury from the enemies' camp. Injury may be sin, sickness, unnecessary delay or failure. God's people can perish for lack of knowledge, truth. But of course we can stand in victory with God, it's possible and it's some's testimonies. Praise God.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by LagosShia: 8:49pm On Oct 16, 2011
Mark 16:16-20
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."


False Prophecies Of The New Testament (bible):

Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by zataxs: 9:18pm On Oct 16, 2011
no one can be hurt by witchcraft because it is fake except those who believe in it or other innocent victims attacked physically by other who believe in it,  it is a  lot like Christianity.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by nlMediator: 7:59pm On Oct 17, 2011

Recall the lady diviner who was throwing spanners into Paul and his team's outreach until Paul sensed it in his spirit. Recall Paul saying somewhere that 'satan hindered us' and He wanted to be at a particular place about 3times but Satan stopped it, and he later saw that he could actually send others instead. Recall the messenger of satan sent to 'buffet' Paul. The scriptures is clear to say "we wrestle". Positionally, we're more than conquerors already. Yet experientially, we have to endure, put on the WHOLE ARMOR so as to be able to stand. Truth is not everybody stands. The enemy attacks on different lines. Some do well to stand. Some fall seven times and stand. Some fall and can't get up. If anyone drops the shield of faith, brother, He's become susceptible to injury from the enemies' camp. Injury may be sin, sickness, unnecessary delay or failure. God's people can perish for lack of knowledge, truth. But of course we can stand in victory with God, it's possible and it's some's testimonies. Praise God.

Your general position is fine. But there are some holes still. Proverbs 26 says that an undeserved curse shall not rest (on God's people). Lamentations 3 makes clear that nobody can command and it will come to pass unless the Lord has ordained it. Isaiah lets us know that no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper. To argue that these scriptures will not avail a new christian based on experience, maturity or knowledge is unacceptable. If that were the case, satan must be the biggest fool not to aim his arrows at every new christian he can find, since nobody matures or acquires all the requisite knowledge in few days of re-birth. But we all know that's not the case.

My attitude to Bible interpretation these days is that if it diverges from common sense and common human experience, it's likely not a correct interpretation. [E.g., that's how I know that some of the teaching on giving is wrong, because if it were true, billions of dollars would be passing through the hands of the teachers and believers every year]. Of course one would be careful not to go the other extreme on common sense. Some things may be true without making sense. E.g., Jesus' virgin birth. But not a neighbor who's been married for 15 years saying they're expecting a child through virgin birth.

In sum, a clearer explanation or position is that God's children are protected when they're young [new] and as they grow, God expects them to use their faith, grounded in knowledge. But even at that, I'm not quick to conclude that God does not make His protection available to not-so-knowledgeable adults. It's something I'm still thinking through.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by plappville(f): 8:19am On Oct 18, 2011

Mark 16:16-20
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."


False Prophecies Of The New Testament (bible):

Another irrelevant intruder link. Ur intensions are well understood never mind.

@Topic, i believe christians who experience oppresion and evil attacks are those still living partially in the world of sin. The bible has made it clear. A soul that sinneth shall die, if the body is holy, If Satan finds none of his products in a christian life, he just cant operates. All he sees is God him him/her. In conclusion, i will say yes, a christian who can be hurt by these satanic forces is a weak one. One needs to be holy to be above Satan and his forces.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Image123(m): 1:26pm On Oct 18, 2011
i'll reply later but i must quickly note that i'm not referring to 'baby christians'(i think you read that from Jo and his cohorts). I'm referring to christians in general, at all levels.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Ogaga4Luv(m): 3:09pm On Oct 18, 2011
[size=13pt]The Judeo/Christian bible is NOT as old as it is believed to be, and neither is that foul program they call a "religion." The truth can be seen in the Gothic cathedrals for one. They were ORIGINALLY PAGAN. Regardless of what the popular history books claim angry , (and many support the Jewish lie of Christianity), it appears that Christianity arrived on the scene with the Inquisition, especially in Europe. There are just too many things that don't add up. sad
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by seyibrown(f): 4:00pm On Oct 18, 2011
Xtians who put on the 'whole armour of God' cannot get hurt by witchcraft/black magic. Xtians who 'fall asleep' or fall into sin can get hurt but God mercies are from everlasting to everlasting, and he protects us from all sorts every day!

I experienced a very brief demonic visitation very early last friday morning that was meant to discourage me from taking hold of a victory set for later that Friday morning. I knew on whose behalf the visit was made on and I knew what exactly it was about.

God protects us from all countless evils everyday. Witchcraft/Black Magic/White Magic exists!
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Image123(m): 11:57pm On Oct 18, 2011
Have already posted that i'm referring to all christians, not just young or baby christians. Now the passages you've alluded to in Lamentations, Proverbs and Isaiah are all promises of God. promises of God need to be claimed. they also need to be known. In many cases, they also need to be prayed in/keyed into. there are thousands of God's promises to His children. not all His children enjoy these promises. God says in different instances, "Hos 4:6a  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". Knowledge is power. We don't know everything. Some people know a lot about holiness and purity, and have 'keyed into' God's promises for our holiness. These same set may not know much about God's plan for our healing. They might suffer unduly due to their ignorance in that respect. Some think its godliness to be sick, or that it increases their humility and righteousness. We know about healing in different levels and it works for us(As he thinks in his heart so is he/he shall have what he says). Some believe God for healing of headache and backpain but can't seem to believe for say AIDS. Some believe they're not going to need an operation. some believe God will give them a successful operation. Some have even passed this healing phase on a large not, and rest on God's health plan. they hardly fall sick, even when they used to fall sick often before, but they 'keyed into' something in God's Word and can now say stuff like "I've only taken a pill/hospital admission/injection once in the last Xyears". These are all christians, good christians for that matter. Some know much about health but face loss and disappointment constantly in another area of life, maybe academics, or gadgets are always spoiling or getting missing and replaced. It might take a word or demonstration of authority by the person, or his/her pastor to put a stop to this. Where the promises not there? They were, but he just 'connected' to them. he connected expected POSITION to personal EXPERIENCE. Some may continue to forever 'manage' that situation, and to God be the glory, ALL things work together for good. ANother may know how to believe God and receive from God financially. I shall not want, my cup runneth over has been ingrained into his dna as it were, and you constantly see him give testimonies of how God favoured him, and he got an incredible raise, or that someone dashed him a billion naira, or he entered a business and prospered 100fold like Isaac where others lost miserably, including a fellow church member even. It might be as a result of a test from God, it might be he keyed into something or prayed through to that position. It might be the devil playing pranks. DOn't ever underestimate the devil. Not implying that you should fear him or something, but know that he's there, and he's not sleeping. he's not a fool also.
Jer 29:11  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jer 29:12  Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

God wants to, plans to, promises to give us the best, but we still need to pray and then He'll hear us. We still need to play our part and then He'll bless us.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by nlMediator: 12:16am On Oct 19, 2011
Quite helpful. Thanks. I still have a question or two and hope to be able to articulate them better, later.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by zataxs: 7:55am On Oct 19, 2011
@All Christians
No one can be hurt by witchcraft
Because it is fake
It is that simple, that's why Atheists can't be hurt by it either.
So it is wrong to actually give Jesus all the credit when it is not due.

Moreover, that's why it is only Christians who are attacked/confronted by devil worshipers.
You have to believe in God to believe in the Devil. You have to believe in the Devil to need God.
Partners in crime.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by zataxs: 8:00am On Oct 19, 2011
You are just excusing God for sleeping on the job.
If God does not heal the sick he does not.
You don't have to fish for something good in your life to attribute it to God. That's just desperation.
Cycling through everything and forcing yourself to call something a blessing that's just ridiculous.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by zataxs: 8:02am On Oct 19, 2011
"i will say yes, a christian who can be hurt by these satanic forces is a weak one. One needs to be holy to be above Satan and his forces."
This is what you call a silly reason.
It gives self-righteous Christians like you room to criticize Christians (including yourself) instead of blaming God for not doing what he claims he can do.
So long as something does not work, it is because you did not have enough faith.
If it works, then you had enough faith.
This is a win-win scenario for God. But not for you.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Nimshi: 8:48am On Oct 19, 2011

Xtians who put on the 'whole armour of God' cannot get hurt by witchcraft/black magic. Xtians who 'fall asleep' or fall into sin can get hurt but God mercies are from everlasting to everlasting, and he protects us from all sorts every day!

There's a contradiction here:

Either the condition for full protection is the 'whole armour of God' or not.

Either "God (sic) mercies are from everlasting to everlasting . . . " or not.

Either you give God the responsibility as your ever present, ever alert, ever faithful security officer or not.
Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by Nimshi: 8:55am On Oct 19, 2011
Personally, I believe it is like a "dare" with God - He guards His Own jealously and only what He decides can come upon them - Satanic interference would be as it were, insulting and thus the "He will give His Angels charge over thee", "thou shalt thread upon the adder and the lion" etc. Default is not in His character so the true believer is safe in God's promises.

You're only partly correct. What the evidence from the bible shows is that God could let his own suffer unbelievable hardships for any 'good' reason; of course, the reason is 'godd' if determined to be so by God. It wouldn't matter that you're righteous. You could be righteous through and through before God, yet he could let your children be killed, let your property be destroyed, and let debilitating illness befall you. This is a problem, this unpredictability; how is it possible to trust someone who's capricious, and how could usch a person be dependable? It's a problem for humans, don't you think?

Re: Can Christians Be Hurt By Witchcraft Or Black Magic? by plappville(f): 10:01am On Oct 19, 2011

This is what you call a silly reason.
It gives self-righteous Christians like you room to criticize Christians (including yourself) instead of blaming God for not doing what he claims he can do.
So long as something does not work, it is because you did not have enough faith.
If it works, then you had enough faith.
This is a win-win scenario for God. But not for you.

U may see it as silly becos of ur believe, i hold no case with u for ur view.
God is never to be blamed, christian ve the priority to live a Holy life, it is left for us to submit in total.

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