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VACANCIES!! by NELLYGIRL(f): 12:05pm On Sep 11, 2007
The PRODUCT: Personal Wedding Websites
THE COMPANY: Exquisite Weddings.
REMUNERATION: Up to N100,000 on commissions every month.
WORK SCHEDULE: Very flexible, you make all the rules yourself.
SALES TARGETS: No sales targets. Sell as many as you like, whenever you like

TO SIGN UP, CALL: 08032951054, 08051408344, 08037181831
EMAIL: primobyte@yahoo.com

[b][center]Why get a Personal Wedding Website
[/b]Your wedding site is not only [b]useful to your guests, [/b]but very valuable to those loved ones who cannot make it to the wedding. [/b]Maybe you have family or friends overseas [b]who cannot attend, [/b]a website will allow them to feel a part of your plans and your big day. It also offers them an additional [b]way to communicate with you. [/b]Family and friends can just visit your website to [b]get the details on all your events, [/b]registries and more. You can easily [b]include your web address with your wedding invitations to get the word out. [/b]Above all, [b]having your own wedding website is really cool and impressive!

[/b]Wedding websites are not only great to [b]announce your wedding and provide details [/b]about what is coming up, but they are just as important to [b]provide information and photos before and after your wedding. [/b]You know everyone is waiting for you to bring your wedding album over so why make them wait? Simply put some photos on your website and let them enjoy sooner rather than later. You can also update your website with [b][b]honeymoon photos
[/b]and comments. Everyone will love to hear about your trip. A great way to remind people to visit your site after the wedding is to print your web address on your favors, or to print it on your thank you cards. Wedding websites, the personal assistant for every busy bride.

[b]Wedding Websites Features

[/b]Impress your family and friends
Impress your friends and family with a professional looking website complete with Flash animated introductions and background music. You can choose any songs of your choice to play in the background of your website.

[b]Get your Personal Domain Name
[/b]Get www.yemiandbola.com, www.nkemandnneka.com, etc just for your own wedding.

[b]ONE whole year online
[/b]The website will stay online for ONE whole year so your wedding and its memories linger beyond the wedding day.

[b]Share your Engagement, Wedding and Honeymoon Pictures
[/b]Share all your wedding pictures etc. and more with your well wishers.

[b]Share your Personal Stories
[/b]Share your personal story on how you met your fiancée and vice versa. Share the romantic way in which your proposal transpired. Everyone will love the details and putting this information online will make interesting reading for friends and family and cause more than a few tears of emotion to drop.

[b]Offer Directions to your Wedding Events
[/b]Provide directions to all the events and gatherings regarding your wedding. You could even upload maps providing precise directions.

[b]Show your Wedding Train?
[/b]Everyone always wants to know who you have selected to be your bestman, bride’s maid, groomsmen etc. You will get a special page just to include their photos and provide more gist about them.

[/b]CALL: 08032951054, 08051408344, 08037181831
EMAIL: primobyte@yahoo.com
Re: VACANCIES!! by NELLYGIRL(f): 12:45pm On Sep 11, 2007
Re: VACANCIES!! by NELLYGIRL(f): 8:57am On Sep 13, 2007
Re: VACANCIES!! by benboiz: 9:58am On Sep 13, 2007
sounds nice.
come to messenger.chat with boiszben
Re: VACANCIES!! by NELLYGIRL(f): 3:49pm On Sep 13, 2007
Hi Ben, I just added ur name to my messenger list. IM me when u come online.
Re: VACANCIES!! by NELLYGIRL(f): 8:06am On Sep 14, 2007
Re: VACANCIES!! by clutch162(m): 2:28am On Sep 15, 2007
This is a very creative idea. thumbs up NELLYGIRL!
still young and aint looking forward to having one of these in a long time. My xcuse, i still dey hussel.
But Keep it up, i just might come across u in about 4-5yrs 4rm now.

i am down with u o!
Re: VACANCIES!! by patto01(f): 4:16pm On Sep 15, 2007
Naialanders, please can someone in the house help out with a job for my husband. He is a Marine/Mechanical Engineer with more than 8 years working experience.

He is also experience in Dredging Operations which he also handled on a part time contract basis for some companies as a Dredging Operations Manager.

We reside in Port Harcourt.

Please help out. If you have any info, please you can reach me on patchuks12@yahoo.com

Many thanks to as many as will respond to my need.
Re: VACANCIES!! by NELLYGIRL(f): 12:10pm On Sep 17, 2007
If I hear of any openings, I will contact you. Regards to your husband.

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