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Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Kalatium(m): 12:26am On Sep 03, 2023
The majority of the Church misunderstands what the Word of God teaches about money.
They make the mistake of thinking money is by itself evil. We have all heard people try to argue against the biblical message of abundance by saying, "But the Bible says money is the root of all evil."

Of a fact, the Bible doesn't say money is the root of all evil. It says and I quote:

"For the love of money is the root of all evil...."

1 Timothy 6:10.

God is not against your having money. He just doesn't want money to have you. God never
wants money to rule your life. If you start to love money, it will not be long before it becomes your master, making it impossible for you to properly serve God.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and
despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (money).

Matthew 6:24

Money Takes on Your Personality
The truth is that money is neither good nor bad. It simply amplifies what is in the heart of
the one who controls it.

For example, evil people will spend their money on evil things, while good people will spend their money on good things. There isn't any such thing as good money or bad money. Instead, there are good people with money and evil people with money.

Your money never decides how you will spend it. It buys and accomplishes whatever you

If a gambler or a prostitute were to give an offering to the Church, well-meaning people
might say, "The church shouldn't receive gambling money," or "God wouldn't be pleased if we received prostitution money."

They don't realize that when money comes into the control of a man or woman of God, it stops doing what its previous owner wanted it to do. Once it transfers to an obedient child of God, it starts feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and preaching the gospel.

It begins to accomplish God's purpose. A righteous person's money exalts the things of God and destroys the works of the devil.

Some years ago, a millionaire owner of a betting company gave a school owned by a church, a large sum of money. Strange as it may seem, there were a number of good people who decided to stop going to that school or have anything to do with it because of that gift. They felt the school had done something contrary to the Word of God by receiving betting money.

Now let me ask you a simple question. Do you really think this so called "betting money"
turned the students, the professors, the board of directors into gamblers/sport betting people?

Do you really believe its influence started dragging them down to betting each weekend? No, of course not!

People don't take on the personality of the money they receive; the money takes on their personality.

Knowing the school, it is safe to say that every cent of that money went right into the work of the ministry — welfarism, teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Golden Rule of This World
Most believers don't know it, but the world operates on the golden rule. They just say it a
little differently than we do. The world says, "Whoever controls the gold, makes the rules."

I want you to understand the truth in that statement. If Christians had control of the
money of this world, every television and radio station would be a Christian station. In fact, every amusement park, restaurant, and shopping mall would be a Christian enterprise; and they would all bring great glory to our God.

The devil knows it's to his advantage to keep money away from you. To accomplish his
plan, he has instituted the anti-prosperity doctrine that permeates so much of the Church.

If he can keep the Church poor, he can keep us from reaching the world for Christ.

Nobody Listens to Poor People
I have a friend who always says the devil is dumb. Personally, I don't think he is as dumb as he wants us to believe.

In fact, I am convinced the devil studies the Bible. I believe he knows things about the Bible that many Christians don't understand. One thing the devil has learned from Scripture is that nobody listens to poor people. Most believers don't know this truth.

This wisdom have I seen also under the sun, and it seemed great unto me: There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it:
Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.
Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

Ecclesiastes 9:13-16

The Bible states clearly that a poor man may be wise, but most of the time no one hears his wisdom.

Think about this. If a poor man came to your city this week to speak the truth, a few people
would go to his meeting and listen to him.
However, if a rich man came to your city to tell a lie, thousands would probably go to hear him.

The devil knows that as long as the Church walks in insufficiency, poverty, and debt, we will never gain the attention of the world's population. Your Bible says it is because no one listens to poor people.

1. Money is neither good nor bad.
2. Money takes on the personality of its owner.
3. Nobody listens to poor people.
4. God earnestly desires to bless His children financially.

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:13am On Sep 03, 2023

1. Money is neither good nor bad.
2. Money takes on the personality of its owner.
3. Nobody listens to poor people.
4. God earnestly desires to bless His children financially.
MONEY is a means of exchange!

According to God's plan humans are not supposed to buy anything from one another each couple will have their own hectares to build and plant whatever they loves eating.
As for clothing, footwears, furnitures and the rest mankind will work together as on family to create/invent many things and distribute equally according to the NEED of each family.
So nobody will be slave or servant of another in God's arrangement.
But after Satan has instigated the first human pair against God everything changed as God gave mankind (Adam descendants) to see the consequences of Satan's scheme.
Satan wants to dominate and so most people who have his attitude also feel that's what led to the introduction of money it became a means to enslave, intimidate and oppress their fellowman.
God helped some of his ancient servants to become rich materially so later generation of faithful people can learn from them.
Servants of God like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Job and others were rich but they never enslave, intimidate nor oppress anyone.
A servant of God like David did and God punished him but that doesn't mean David is evil rather it's what any imperfect human could do when given the power to rule over others so after God has humbled David he was forgiven.

Of course money is useful as a means of exchange today but in God's kingdom we will no longer need it because everyone will have all what we need EQUALLY! smiley

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by chiommy123(f): 6:09am On Sep 03, 2023
For the church to collect gambling and prostitution money that's indirectly encouraging the trade.

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by oteneaaron(m): 6:13am On Sep 03, 2023
WHATEVER MAY BE SAID IN PRAISE OF POVERTY, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.

No one can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money, for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.

A person develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by oteneaaron(m): 6:18am On Sep 03, 2023
There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich.

The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life — and that desire is praiseworthy.

It is perfectly right that you should desire to be rich. If you are a normal man or woman you cannot help doing so.

It is perfectly right that you should give your best attention to the study of the science of getting rich, for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies.

If you neglect this study, you are derelict in your duty to yourself, to God and humanity, for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself.
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by helinues: 6:20am On Sep 03, 2023
You can't be religious and still be fucking rich. Ko possible
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Myer(m): 6:30am On Sep 03, 2023
For the church to collect gambling and prostitution money that's indirectly encouraging the trade.

You've spoken well but can you tell us anyone who rejected money in the bible because it came from a sinner?
By the way Elisha rejected the gifts of Naman simply because he believed he could buy his healing.

The Bible even specifically says the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you. Isaiah 60:5b

But I think it's important such case should be properly addressed. Such school or church should emphasise to it's members or pupils that gambling and prostitution are wrong. So that the enemy does not take advantage of them and mislead them to think you support such.

To properly balance this, a church or school should not depend on the money of anyone lest they become a slave to them. He who pays the piper dictates the tune.
And should not partner with them in business.

Prov.1.14-16 Cast in your lot among us, Let us all have one purse"
My son, do not walk in the way with them, Keep your foot from their path;
For their feet run to evil, And they make haste to shed blood.

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by oteneaaron(m): 6:35am On Sep 03, 2023

You're right but can you tell us anyone who rejected money in the bible because it came from a sinner?
By thr way Elisha rejected the gifts of Naman simoly because he believed he could by his healing.

The Bible even specifically says the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you. Isaiah 60:5b

But I think it's important such case should be properly addressed. Such school or church should emphasise to it's members or pupils that gambling and prostitution are wrong. So that the enemy does not take advantage of them and mislead them to think you support such.

But there is a particular "Christian" religion I know that accepts money from a Gambling Authority in Norway.

Even when the funding was stopped, they still went to court to challenge the Government of Norway for stopping their funding.

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Myer(m): 6:50am On Sep 03, 2023

But there is a particular "Christian" religion I know that accepts money from a Gambling Authority in Norway.

Even when the funding was stopped, they still went to court to challenge the Government of Norway for stopping their funding.

This does not answer my question.
Is there any where it is mentioned scripturally not to collect money from a sinner?

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by MakeWeTalk: 7:47am On Sep 03, 2023
Money is not evil, the LOVE of money is evil and not money itself

1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil:

So if you mine a skull for money, thats evil


Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by condralbedez: 9:45am On Sep 03, 2023
In no matter anything,money need to be made.
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by phemmyfour: 9:46am On Sep 03, 2023
Money isn't evil...it's the LOVE of money

Love of money includes: stealing , corruption, robbery etc


Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Sleekfingers: 9:50am On Sep 03, 2023
For the church to collect gambling and prostitution money that's indirectly encouraging the trade.

Including collecting money from politicians. Which it is obvious that, it was embezzled.

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Sleekfingers: 9:52am On Sep 03, 2023
Money isn't evil...it's the LOVE of money

Love of money includes: stealing , corruption, robbery etc

Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by ViceGovernor: 9:56am On Sep 03, 2023
God who will help me now.
Haven't even for days just licking palm oil in school
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Domini0n: 9:59am On Sep 03, 2023
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by EmmyMaestro(m): 9:59am On Sep 03, 2023
You are right, but you will not know the source unless they tell you.

For the church to collect gambling and prostitution money that's indirectly encouraging the trade.
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by penearth(m): 10:03am On Sep 03, 2023
It means money can make u do evil things
Money can make u steal. Money can make u be a prostitute. Money can make u collect bribe. Money can make u kill someone. Money can make u lie. Etc
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by descarado: 10:04am On Sep 03, 2023
For the church to collect gambling and prostitution money that's indirectly encouraging the trade.
What make them rich is not your tithe, gambling or prostitution money but millions politicians give them every day in hard currencies.
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by CandidAdmin(m): 10:13am On Sep 03, 2023
Love of money is terrible.
Question of the day - How do you draw the line between loving and making money?
My siggy
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Ahigbo1: 10:15am On Sep 03, 2023
Money isn't evil in itself. As humans, it's the most powerful means of exchange. The problem stems from its use; whether it's being used for good course or evil purpose
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Basicend: 10:21am On Sep 03, 2023
God desires that his children be blessed in their souls and spirit first.

It is a contenous process, any financial capacity that does not drive away your soul from God's breathe, God will give you easily.

God wants his children to be blessed in everyway including financially for the expansion and.glory of his name.

However, I must admit that greed has eaten deep into most shepherds today.
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by GanagiBitrus: 10:24am On Sep 03, 2023
Let's settle this matter once &for all.

LIKE for Wealth, SHARE for Poverty.

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by maureensylvia(f): 10:26am On Sep 03, 2023
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Opanka44(m): 10:26am On Sep 03, 2023
Any Godly person here should pls help me something to buy food please. Jehovah Bless yuu
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by Olarewaju89: 10:41am On Sep 03, 2023
For the church to collect gambling and prostitution money that's indirectly encouraging the trade.

How would the church know is gambling and prostitution money when giving offering or tithe?

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by OkCornel(m): 10:47am On Sep 03, 2023
Oh well..
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by money121(m): 11:14am On Sep 03, 2023
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by CodeTemplar: 11:24am On Sep 03, 2023

There isn't any such thing as good money or bad money. Instead, there are good people with money and evil people with money.
Wrong. Money from immoral acts should be evil money and rejected as such. Receiving proceed of prostitution theft or gambling is an encouragement of the act. Though the bible tell us woe unto whom offence comes through, receiving proceeds of the offense is indirect encouragement of it.
Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by God2man2again(m): 11:29am On Sep 03, 2023
The great grandfather of all crime is poverty.

Money in the wrong hands is like there is poverty in the land but money in the right place and in a good hand can transform the nation.

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Re: Misunderstanding Of Christians On Money by WesKiz: 11:48am On Sep 03, 2023
Christian religion and believe is money being successful is money to Christian

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