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Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo - Politics - Nairaland

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Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by tamdun: 12:14pm On Sep 05, 2023
Destroying Age Old Myths About The Nigerian Civil War

Myth 2: Ojukwu released Awolowo from prison

After his release by the Gowon-led Federal Military on August 2, 1966 (the release took effect the next day), the new Military Head of State, Lt Colonel Yakubu Gowon, officially pardoned Chief Obafemi Awolowo on August 12, 1966.

I hope this finally puts paid to the propaganda by Radio Biafra that the then Military Governor of the Eastern Region, Lt Colonel Emeka Ojukwu, released Chief Awolowo.




Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by successmatters(m): 12:15pm On Sep 05, 2023
Where was Awolowo locked up and who was in charge of the region?


Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by mrvitalis(m): 12:18pm On Sep 05, 2023
Destroying Age Old Myths About The Nigerian Civil War

Myth 2: Ojukwu released Awolowo from prison

After his release by the Gowon-led Federal Military on August 2, 1966 (the release took effect the next day), the new Military Head of State, Lt Colonel Yakubu Gowon, officially pardoned Chief Obafemi Awolowo on August 12, 1966.

I hope this finally puts paid to the propaganda by Radio Biafra that the then Military Governor of the Eastern Region, Lt Colonel Emeka Ojukwu, released Chief Awolowo.


Gowon had influence in calabar that was under the control of the Biafra government?

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Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by tamdun: 12:22pm On Sep 05, 2023

Gowon had influence in calabar that was under the control of the Biafra government?

U can counter it with your own documents(fact)

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Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by successmatters(m): 12:26pm On Sep 05, 2023

U can counter it with your own documents(fact)

And instead of answering the question, he swerves into the gutter.

Not all documents are facts, example, Chicago su certificate under probe.

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Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by seanfer(m): 12:30pm On Sep 05, 2023

Gowon had influence in calabar that was under the control of the Biafra government?

As at the time Awolowo was released there was nothing like Biafra government.... The federal prison was controlled by the federal government and Gowon was the head of government and Supreme military commander...


Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by goodnessme1(f): 12:30pm On Sep 05, 2023
It's very shameful to admit your hero was released by a man he betrayed.

We understand.

The same way they changed the narration after their brother was killed by Northerners, claiming Adekule Fajuyi asked Northerners to kill him.

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Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by successmatters(m): 12:31pm On Sep 05, 2023

As at the time Awolowo was released there was nothing like Biafra government.... The federal prison was controlled by the federal government and Gowon was the head of government and Supreme military commander...

Liar. Ojukwu was firmly in control of the whole region. He never worked under Gowon for one single day.


Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by tamdun: 12:31pm On Sep 05, 2023

Prove him wrong
Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by Laggafin: 12:33pm On Sep 05, 2023
Jobless people should rest. I mean how does Omo cry and his idle sheepy keep on opening ludicrous threads that do not make any single sense or reduce the hunger and fustrations a lot of Nigerians are faced with today? Common sense has become a very scarce commodity in this clime

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Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by mrvitalis(m): 12:38pm On Sep 05, 2023

As at the time Awolowo was released there was nothing like Biafra government.... The federal prison was controlled by the federal government and Gowon was the head of government and Supreme military commander...
Lmaooo right from the coup ojukwu held control of the eastern Region

Gowon coup never succeeded in the east

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Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by mrvitalis(m): 12:38pm On Sep 05, 2023

U can counter it with your own documents(fact)
Common sense is enough
Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by successmatters(m): 12:40pm On Sep 05, 2023

Lmaooo right from the coup ojukwu held control of the eastern Region

Gowon coup never succeeded in the east

Ojukwu rejected to work under Gowon from the day Ironsi died, Ojukwu argued that he was senior to Gowon and cannot work under him, Ojukwu was firmly in control of the whole Eastern Nigeria, Gowon couldn't have given commands to his senior.


Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by VeryGoodMan: 12:41pm On Sep 05, 2023

Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by tamdun: 12:41pm On Sep 05, 2023

Common sense is enough
OK sir grin
Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by DMerciful(m): 1:35pm On Sep 05, 2023
Fighting over two dead people.

The living are really wasting their lives on inanities
Destroying Age Old Myths About The Nigerian Civil War

Myth 2: Ojukwu released Awolowo from prison

After his release by the Gowon-led Federal Military on August 2, 1966 (the release took effect the next day), the new Military Head of State, Lt Colonel Yakubu Gowon, officially pardoned Chief Obafemi Awolowo on August 12, 1966.

I hope this finally puts paid to the propaganda by Radio Biafra that the then Military Governor of the Eastern Region, Lt Colonel Emeka Ojukwu, released Chief Awolowo.



Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by mrvitalis(m): 2:28pm On Sep 05, 2023

Ojukwu rejected to work under Gowon from the day Ironsi died, Ojukwu argued that he was senior to Gowon and cannot work under him, Ojukwu was firmly in control of the whole Eastern Nigeria, Gowon couldn't have given commands to his senior.
Lmaooo Gowon didn't announce ironsi death till after the war started... Ojukwu kept asking him "where is the supreme leader " He refused to answer
Re: Destroying The Myth: Ojukwu Released Awolowo by waynetee(m): 2:44pm On Sep 05, 2023
That is Gen murtala at the back of Gen Gowon.

Gen murtala volunteered to drive Chief Awolowo home the day he was released by Gen Gowon

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