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23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know - Education - Nairaland

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23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Pascalynboy: 10:36pm On Sep 07, 2023
Do you think you know everything there is to know about canines? Think again! Check out these 23 interesting facts you may have never heard:

1. Dogs have a sense of time. It's been proven that they know the difference between a hour and five. If conditioned to, they can predict future events, such as regular walk times.

dog veterinary care in encinitas

2. Your dog is as smart as a two-year old! Ever wonder why children around this age seem to have a special bond with the family dog? It could be because they speak the same language, roughly 250 words and gestures in fact.

3. A study at UCSD claims that your dog can genuinely get jealous when they see you display affection for another creature.

4. Dachshunds were originally bred to fight badgers.

5. Stray dogs in Russia have learned how to ride the complex subway system, and get off at specific stops in search of food.

6. Your dog can smell your feelings. In fact, your dog’s sense of smell is approximately 100,000 times better than yours. So it shouldn’t be shocking that they can in fact, smell things such as fear. When a human is fearful, they perspire, and a dog is easily able to pick up on this change.

7. Newfoundlands make great lifeguards because they have water-resistant coats and webbed feet.

8. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white, they develop their spots as they get older.

9. Petting a dog can actually benefit your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that petting a dog for 15 minutes can lower blood pressure by 10%, can help lower feelings of stress, depression, and combat loneliness.

10. Dogs have wet noses because it helps to absorb scent chemicals.

11. Bluey, an Australian cattle dog, is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest dog to ever live. Bluey lived to be 29 years 5 months old and lived from 1910 to 1939.

12. Dogs can be trained to to detect cancer and other diseases in humans. Cancerous cells release different metabolic waste products than healthy cells in the human body. Dogs may even be able to sniff out cancer cells simply through smelling someone’s breath.

13. Three dogs survived the historical sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Two Pomeranians and 1 Pekingese - all from First Class cabins.

14. The town of Idyllwild, California elected their first mayor in 2012, Mayor Max. But Max isn’t just any regular mayor, he’s a Golden Retriever! Although Mayor Max passed away in 2013, the town elected Mayor Max II into office and he’s been governing Idyllwild ever since. Way to go, Mayor Max!

dog vet in encinitas

15. Do you have a dog that experiences separation anxiety? Try leaving some clothing with him that you’ve worn. It’s been proven that the scent you leave behind on your clothes can help ease your dog’s separation anxiety.

16. When your dog is carefully choosing the perfect place to do his business, it is because they prefer to go poop in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field.

dog vet care in encinitas

17. All puppies are born deaf. As they get older, they can hear 4 times better than humans can.

18. Dogs don’t sweat, instead they pant to cool themselves.

19. A vast majority of strays that end up in shelters are pets who are lost simply because they don't have any identification. Additionally, Fourth of July is the busiest time for animal shelters as most pets get lost during that holiday due to being scared of loud fireworks and running away.

20. Chocolate can be very deadly to dogs due to containing the ingredient, theobromine. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine and ingesting chocolate could cause a severely toxic buildup in their system which could become fatal.

vet care for dogs in encinitas

21. Maltese dogs do not shed, making them perfect pups for people with allergies.

22. 45% of dogs sleep in their owner’s beds. Hopefully those pups share the blanket...

vets for dogs in encinitas

23. A dog’s nose print is unique, much like a human's fingerprints.

12 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by illicit(m): 10:41pm On Sep 07, 2023
Dogs like sex

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Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by colossus91(m): 10:45pm On Sep 07, 2023
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Blackdeewhy(m): 11:10pm On Sep 07, 2023
Thank you for this piece 🤩

1 Like

Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Karlman: 11:19pm On Sep 07, 2023
Quite Educating!


Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Authoreety: 11:23pm On Sep 07, 2023

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Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Houseofglam7(f): 2:07am On Sep 08, 2023
Simply beautiful!!!!!
Front page worthy 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Kk4(m): 3:02am On Sep 08, 2023
You no add, "they can see spirit ". Lol


Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by elpochas: 4:15am On Sep 08, 2023
1 3 and 6 really got me.My dogs really display such character's very much.My dogs know when I usually come back from work,they are always at the gate waiting for me once it reaches that time.In terms of jealousy they are so jealous that I can't play with one alone,I can't carry a baby in their presence with out them trying to take the baby from me.In terms of emotion,they know when am happy and sad.OP you forgot to also add Mood swing,my male dog has first class in that one.

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Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Malroux: 6:19am On Sep 08, 2023
I love dog. Man's best friend.

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Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by olatuneji: 6:54am On Sep 08, 2023
Very educating.
I love dogs but I can't afford one for now.
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by KingLennon(m): 7:11am On Sep 08, 2023
[quote author=Houseofglam7 post=125653908]Simply beautiful!!!!! Front page worthy

It is not a BBN thread where people have sex openly that's why...sad

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Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by KingLennon(m): 7:15am On Sep 08, 2023
Educative post. I can relate with the high sense of smell. Whenever you sight a dog especially ladies, and you are afraid. The dog knows and will make sure he increases the fear by using you to catch cruise cheesy

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Bigseven(m): 7:27am On Sep 08, 2023
…of all this epistle about dog, humans didn’t learn anything except one thing ? The style!
Forgive the unmarried Lord


Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by decub: 8:32am On Sep 08, 2023
Do you think you know everything there is to know about canines? Think again! Check out these 23 interesting facts you may have never heard:

1. Dogs have a sense of time. It's been proven that they know the difference between a hour and five. If conditioned to, they can predict future events, such as regular walk times.

dog veterinary care in encinitas

2. Your dog is as smart as a two-year old! Ever wonder why children around this age seem to have a special bond with the family dog? It could be because they speak the same language, roughly 250 words and gestures in fact.

3. A study at UCSD claims that your dog can genuinely get jealous when they see you display affection for another creature.

4. Dachshunds were originally bred to fight badgers.

5. Stray dogs in Russia have learned how to ride the complex subway system, and get off at specific stops in search of food.

6. Your dog can smell your feelings. In fact, your dog’s sense of smell is approximately 100,000 times better than yours. So it shouldn’t be shocking that they can in fact, smell things such as fear. When a human is fearful, they perspire, and a dog is easily able to pick up on this change.

7. Newfoundlands make great lifeguards because they have water-resistant coats and webbed feet.

8. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white, they develop their spots as they get older.

9. Petting a dog can actually benefit your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that petting a dog for 15 minutes can lower blood pressure by 10%, can help lower feelings of stress, depression, and combat loneliness.

10. Dogs have wet noses because it helps to absorb scent chemicals.

11. Bluey, an Australian cattle dog, is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest dog to ever live. Bluey lived to be 29 years 5 months old and lived from 1910 to 1939.

12. Dogs can be trained to to detect cancer and other diseases in humans. Cancerous cells release different metabolic waste products than healthy cells in the human body. Dogs may even be able to sniff out cancer cells simply through smelling someone’s breath.

13. Three dogs survived the historical sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Two Pomeranians and 1 Pekingese - all from First Class cabins.

14. The town of Idyllwild, California elected their first mayor in 2012, Mayor Max. But Max isn’t just any regular mayor, he’s a Golden Retriever! Although Mayor Max passed away in 2013, the town elected Mayor Max II into office and he’s been governing Idyllwild ever since. Way to go, Mayor Max!

dog vet in encinitas

15. Do you have a dog that experiences separation anxiety? Try leaving some clothing with him that you’ve worn. It’s been proven that the scent you leave behind on your clothes can help ease your dog’s separation anxiety.

16. When your dog is carefully choosing the perfect place to do his business, it is because they prefer to go poop in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field.

dog vet care in encinitas

17. All puppies are born deaf. As they get older, they can hear 4 times better than humans can.

18. Dogs don’t sweat, instead they pant to cool themselves.

19. A vast majority of strays that end up in shelters are pets who are lost simply because they don't have any identification. Additionally, Fourth of July is the busiest time for animal shelters as most pets get lost during that holiday due to being scared of loud fireworks and running away.

20. Chocolate can be very deadly to dogs due to containing the ingredient, theobromine. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine and ingesting chocolate could cause a severely toxic buildup in their system which could become fatal.

vet care for dogs in encinitas

21. Maltese dogs do not shed, making them perfect pups for people with allergies.

22. 45% of dogs sleep in their owner’s beds. Hopefully those pups share the blanket...

vets for dogs in encinitas

23. A dog’s nose print is unique, much like a human's fingerprints.

Dogs are fascinating creatures.

A well trained dog gives you more reasons to believe they are man's best friend.


Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Telegram234(m): 8:33am On Sep 08, 2023
Dogs can sense a bad person.

1 Like

Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by PlayerMeji: 8:41am On Sep 08, 2023
Americans eat close to a billion turkeys on Thanksgiving day each year...not minding how many millions of people are emotionally attached to turkeys and feel depressed when they see turkeys being murdered and killed all over the world.

But for you to kill and eat your own dog is considered a huge crime because they love dogs. That's why I love what China is doing to their own dogs...

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Nemesis0147(m): 9:51am On Sep 08, 2023

Dogs are fascinating creatures.

A well trained dog gives you more reasons to believe they are man's best friend.
must you quote everything?
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by NFBI: 10:51am On Sep 08, 2023
Do you think you know everything there is to know about canines? Think again! Check out these 23 interesting facts you may have never heard:

1. Dogs have a sense of time. It's been proven that they know the difference between a hour and five. If conditioned to, they can predict future events, such as regular walk times.

dog veterinary care in encinitas

2. Your dog is as smart as a two-year old! Ever wonder why children around this age seem to have a special bond with the family dog? It could be because they speak the same language, roughly 250 words and gestures in fact.

3. A study at UCSD claims that your dog can genuinely get jealous when they see you display affection for another creature.

4. Dachshunds were originally bred to fight badgers.

5. Stray dogs in Russia have learned how to ride the complex subway system, and get off at specific stops in search of food.

6. Your dog can smell your feelings. In fact, your dog’s sense of smell is approximately 100,000 times better than yours. So it shouldn’t be shocking that they can in fact, smell things such as fear. When a human is fearful, they perspire, and a dog is easily able to pick up on this change.

7. Newfoundlands make great lifeguards because they have water-resistant coats and webbed feet.

8. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white, they develop their spots as they get older.

9. Petting a dog can actually benefit your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that petting a dog for 15 minutes can lower blood pressure by 10%, can help lower feelings of stress, depression, and combat loneliness.

10. Dogs have wet noses because it helps to absorb scent chemicals.

11. Bluey, an Australian cattle dog, is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest dog to ever live. Bluey lived to be 29 years 5 months old and lived from 1910 to 1939.

12. Dogs can be trained to to detect cancer and other diseases in humans. Cancerous cells release different metabolic waste products than healthy cells in the human body. Dogs may even be able to sniff out cancer cells simply through smelling someone’s breath.

13. Three dogs survived the historical sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Two Pomeranians and 1 Pekingese - all from First Class cabins.

14. The town of Idyllwild, California elected their first mayor in 2012, Mayor Max. But Max isn’t just any regular mayor, he’s a Golden Retriever! Although Mayor Max passed away in 2013, the town elected Mayor Max II into office and he’s been governing Idyllwild ever since. Way to go, Mayor Max!

dog vet in encinitas

15. Do you have a dog that experiences separation anxiety? Try leaving some clothing with him that you’ve worn. It’s been proven that the scent you leave behind on your clothes can help ease your dog’s separation anxiety.

16. When your dog is carefully choosing the perfect place to do his business, it is because they prefer to go poop in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field.

dog vet care in encinitas

17. All puppies are born deaf. As they get older, they can hear 4 times better than humans can.

18. Dogs don’t sweat, instead they pant to cool themselves.

19. A vast majority of strays that end up in shelters are pets who are lost simply because they don't have any identification. Additionally, Fourth of July is the busiest time for animal shelters as most pets get lost during that holiday due to being scared of loud fireworks and running away.

20. Chocolate can be very deadly to dogs due to containing the ingredient, theobromine. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine and ingesting chocolate could cause a severely toxic buildup in their system which could become fatal.

vet care for dogs in encinitas

21. Maltese dogs do not shed, making them perfect pups for people with allergies.

22. 45% of dogs sleep in their owner’s beds. Hopefully those pups share the blanket...

vets for dogs in encinitas

23. A dog’s nose print is unique, much like a human's fingerprints.
Dogs have style known as Dóggy style
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Xwizard: 12:12pm On Sep 08, 2023
4 months old male seberian husky for sale not coming cheap pls only interested buyer should dm.

1 Like

Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by brain54(m): 12:29pm On Sep 08, 2023
Dogs can smell fear…

Always used to think that was bunkum!
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Simdyofficial(f): 12:47pm On Sep 08, 2023
Ahn! My dog over jealous. I sometimes bribe him when daddy yo is around
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Xwizard: 12:52pm On Sep 08, 2023
Ahn! My dog over jealous. I sometimes bribe him when daddy yo is around
What breed? And who’s daddy yo?
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by id4sho(m): 1:21pm On Sep 08, 2023
3. A study at UCSD claims that your dog can genuinely get jealous when they see you display affection for another creature.
Real bitches (that gender). E dey their blood
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Timagex(m): 1:43pm On Sep 08, 2023
Dogs are also very smart.😎

They are smart to the extent that, they can ride okada fast fast expecially in the face of danger. Expecially when trying to evade crucification around Calabar and it's axis... 😁

(I'm not being tribalistic here)


Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by Gadafii: 5:21pm On Sep 08, 2023
African myth

If you put the soft mucus on dogs eye, you can see the extra terrestrials and other paranormal activities

But I love dogs sha, I am definitely going to own own, especially those Tibetan mastiff types
Re: 23 Facts About Dog Probably You Didn't Know by akwesenana: 7:29pm On Sep 08, 2023

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