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Generation For Madness by TGYM: 1:53am On Sep 19, 2023 |
THE STATEMENT “IT DOESN’T MATTER” THAT CAN LEAD TO HEYLEL FIRE There are some things that people do, but do regard as “it doesn’t matter” that shall take them to Heylel fire if they don’t quickly turn away from them now. They are things such as mentioned as: You desire to travel abroad, for instance to America, Europe, Asia, etc., you must have Visa and all legal documents. If you use illegal documents, you are either deported or jailed. Some people go through illegal routes where they meet their untimely death. People do all manners of things, changing their documents such as date of birth, put the passport photograph of their sibling and even change their completely to another that resemble them all in the name of going abroad through any means. Not only for travelling abroad, also for getting contract, loans, employment. Do not forget that all liars shall have their path in gathering for big fire. [Revelation 21st:8th] But when it comes to only Yahnwe abode place [heaven as they call], the most illustrious and eternal home where you shall desire for your eternity, you're not ready to do what it takes to get there. You argue on every only Yahnwe's words and instructions, you become a professional argumentative speech giver. Only redeemer Yahnwe saves [whom the world changed the name to Jesus Christ] said in I am what I am spoken words that “but tell them that argument and disobedient to My word is the worst sin, and to speak against My word is a sin.” You were told, putting on trouser for women is a sin, you answered and said, it was not mentioned in the right written words [bible], they told you not to drink alcohol you answered, haba!! Only redeemer Yahnwe saves turned water into wine; when they even said, “without righteousness no man, shall view our only owner Yahnwe”, you said to them, “Why are you judging me?” Does the redeemer need to mention everything to you before you understand that it's wrong as an obedient man/woman? If you desire to go to only Yahnwe abode place heaven as they call, be ready to obey all only Yahnwe commandments. Revelation 21:27 says “And there shall in no wise enter into only Yahnwe abode place, anything that defiles, neither whatsoever works abomination, or makes a lie: but they which are written in the only redeemer's book of existence.” Anything that makes a lie means anything that you attached to your flesh [body] for example, your eyelashes is a lie, your long artificial nails is a lie, your weave-on, [human’s hair], skin bleaching is a lie, lips painting in fact all make-ups are all lies, you made them up, perming your hair therefore changing it from its original texture to fake is a lie. Jeremiah 4th:30th “And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though you clothe yourself with crimson, though thou deck thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rent your face with painting, in vain shall you make yourself fair; your lovers shall despise thee, they shall seek your existence [life]” Women are warned against putting on earrings, and plaiting of hair but turned deafened ears to the word [1Timothy 2nd:9th and 1Peter 3rd:3rd] Only Yahweh said in the right written word [bible] in Leviticus 9th:27th that men should not remove nor shape the corner of their beards and cut their hair to skin but to trim and cut the hair low but they do not yield to word. Here is only redeemer Yahnwe saves [whom the world erroneously changed the name to Jesus Christ] spoken words to all men, women and pastors through serving beauty in Truth Generation Yahweh Movement, “If there are preachers, telling women that putting on trousers, nothing wrong with it, wearing ornaments, perming their hairs, attaching weave-on, exposing their flesh, plaiting their hairs, uncovering their hairs that said nothing wrong with these, tell them that, they all [preachers/pastors] are mad. Tell my little beauties that that word 'make-up' I hate it with passion. They are the ones that made themselves up and I am the one that shall make them down. Tell the pastors that my anger shall be on them, on account their master Heylel, Satan the devil has used them to deceive my beauties[children]. Is there no truth in my words? Tell them, all that pastors are doing is to deceive them and take them to their master's camp in Heylel fire. Tell them that, there is no man beauty in existence that worked against my handiwork shall go free. Tell all the women that I said my abode place are scanty; women are far from my abode place on account for their make-ups and deceptions from their pastors. Tell pastors, as much as they are not afraid for my handiwork and have power to design it the other way, tell them, I have issue with them. “Another word Heylel, Satan the devil gave them is 'look attractive' that Heylel gave to his demon and agents to introduce into the churches and Satan had made a success in trapping them. Who are they attracting? Tell them that the statement "look attractive" shall make them to go on attractive in Heylel, Satan the devil camp. It is the statement that Satan is using to them as a trap to capture my beauties in existence for them to be meat in Heylel, Satan the devil hands. Do Yu really know the weight for this statement "look attractive?" On account that My own beauties in existence are not afraid to cover their unclothedness, they are not ashamed. Tell them that their own madness is greater than the madman they have pity on, that are eating in the dustbin. In as much as they are not afraid in exposing their private parts I gave to them. They desire to be naked without considering the danger in it. Some among them are ready to expose and have given themselves to men without being ashamed. Tell them they didn't write application to be on this earth and if they have taken decision to work against Me, who made them to be on this earth. Tell them that I am waiting for them on the brightness [day] they shall return to me for verdict that shall lead them to destruction.” Says Only Yahnwe saves [whom the world erroneously changed the name to Jesus Christ] Only Yahnwe desires to view you in your own original creature. Your existence has become counterfeit and lies through the foreign attachments to your flesh and no matter how dedicated you are and how long you have been serving only Yahnwe, if you die with them now, only Yahnwe abode place [heaven as they call] door shall not be opened for you. Hebrew 9th :27th says "It is appointed unto man to die once thereafter is verdict" BE WARNED!! DO NOT SAY YOU ARE NOT INFORMED To know more.......... 1 Like |
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