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Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence - Politics - Nairaland

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Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by udede(m): 4:08am On Sep 20, 2023
For me i will describe them as "the reall problem with nairaland"

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Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by accordadoga24(f): 4:18am On Sep 20, 2023
We don't need them.

They should go on holidays

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Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by Albinoflash(m): 4:28am On Sep 20, 2023
Tribalistic group of companies

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Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by udede(m): 5:03am On Sep 20, 2023
13th members of the football team but pretending to be the referee

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Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by wittywriter: 6:11am On Sep 20, 2023
OP @Udede try correct your typos.

In one word ill describe Nairaland Moderators as COUNSELLORS.

Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by udede(m): 6:15am On Sep 20, 2023
OP @Udede try correct your typos.

In one word ill describe Nairaland Moderators as COUNSELLORS.ok

Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by Iamanoited: 7:10am On Sep 20, 2023
They ban ORUNTO27 till 2031 for breaking rule 19.

No Appeal no Justice.

It looks silly and selfish.
Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by waice6571: 7:14am On Sep 20, 2023
Act now and think later..... grin grin grin grin cool
Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by tonytony208(m): 7:23am On Sep 20, 2023
MMannabbqgrills is also the owner of nlpolicewoman.

Nairaland mods know this but they turn deaf ears despite the fact that operating multiple monikers is against the rule.

Rather, they are aiding and abeting his crime!

Mmannabbqgrills only uses Nlpolicewoman to report anyone who challenges him and nairaland mods will rush to help him ban the person.

They have now helped him to avoid mention by making sure his moniker doesn't appear when you quote (mention) him. That's why I put an extra M in front of his moniker; if not, it will not appear.

Nairaland mods are obviously criminals like mmannabbqgrills, alias nlpolicewoman.

Just imagine what will happen if any of these morally corrupted mods hold political office. Imagine the extent of corruption!


Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by NewDea4: 7:25am On Sep 20, 2023
For me i will describe them as "the reall problem with nairaland"

Bunch of gormless drones, morons actually
Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by Wisereborn: 7:27am On Sep 20, 2023
E be like say na them dey handle NTA too
Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by aklid(m): 8:15am On Sep 20, 2023
I got many of my comments deleted or removed ion know how for no reason..maybe cause of I speak the truth 🤷🏾‍♂️ like censoring
Re: Describe The Nairaland Modes In One Sentence by CaptainAyub: 9:08am On Sep 20, 2023
13th members of the football team but pretending to be the referee
Mynd your 44 businesses grin

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