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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Futo Na War (my Experience In University) (786 Views)
Campus Love ( Diary Of A Futo Student) 18+ / Princess Inikpi ...a Fearless Victim Of Death And War - My Own Version / Sex Na Food (Pidgin Comedy Edition) Story Of A Rugged Guy By Youngzubi (2) (3) (4)
Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by Soylife(m): 12:52pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
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Re: Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by Soylife(m): 12:55pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
I got admission to study biochemistry in the prestigious Federal University of Technology Owerri. One of the best schools in Nigeria. On the day I got the news of my admission I was in abuja with my dad and elder sister. My dad had just finished speaking with my elder brother on the phone when he called me and told me to check my admission status. I didn't have any idea how to do that. Luckily my sister knew how to it. I couldn't wait to find out if I had been accepted. However my eagerness was met with an unexpected delay as my sister, who had been tasked with checking my admission status, seemed to be taking her sweet time getting back to me. I was getting impatient and restless. I could not concentrate on anything else and kept pacing around our small apartmehnt, waiting for my sister to give me the news. Finally, my sister looked at me solemnly. My heart sank. "What happened?" I asked, fearing the worst. My sister hesitated for a moment, then said in a subdued voice, "I'm sorry, Franklin, you didn't make it. You were not offered admission." The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt my dreams crumble into a million pieces. I could not believe that all my hard work had come to nothing. All the days i stayed awake studying late into the night. I sank onto the chair dejectedly, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. My sister watched me for a moment before she couldn't resist teasing me further. "I'm just joking, Franklin," she said with a grin. "You got accepted! You start your classes next month!" My eyes widened in disbelief, and i starred at my sister as her words slowly registered in my mind. I jumped off the chair, overjoyed and relieved. I hugged my sister tightly and thanked her, laughing at how she almost gave me a heart attack. My father who was sitting, watching television,got up,grinning happily from ear to ear. "Congratulations" he said as he stretched his hands to shake me. "We have to celebrate this". He asked me what I would like for the celebration. I thought for a while and said " eba and eguisi soup with goat meat". Eguisi soup was my second best soup. My best was Onugbu soup also known as bitter leaf soup. I didn't choose it because it's preparation required the use of pounded coco yam,and for some reasons pounding wasnt allowed in the quarters where we stayed. The second reason was that Onugbu soup needed to be prepared by an elderly woman. The older the woman,the better the soup tasted.My sister wasnt qualified to cook it. My sister was set to go to the market,she begged me to accompany her but I refused as I was busy chatting with my friends on Facebook spreading the good news. "You know I am the one that told you about your admission" she said manipulatively. "Ehn ehn..I would have still found out" I replied. " follow me,I will tell you everything about school, even about cult boys". I got up immediately and followed her. I had been begging her to gist me about cult boys in her school,since cult activities was high in her school. I had read about them in school orientation books and on the news. But I wanted to hear live gist about them. And my sister claimed to know about them since she had experienced their atrocities on several occasions. As we walked to the market,she started the gist " you have to be careful in school,mind who you talk to,if you offend someone,apologize immediately ". she paused as she looked at me from head to toe " don't wear this cloth in school,there...". "Why?" I interrupted her. "There are colours cult boys wear. This blue shirt and black jeans you are wearing is the colour of a cult group. Each of them have their colour. They won't find it funny if you wear their colours. Avoid red,blue,green or any coloured stockings. Just wear black socks". I couldn't believe what I was hearing,I shouldn't wear some colours because some group of boys said so. My best colour was blue and I loved my black jeans,I wasn't concerned about stockings. I hardly wore them and I had only black stockings. " must be joking,are you saying I won't be able to wear this my blue shirt in school?" She shook her head " I didn't say so,you can wear any colour but don't wear them with black jeans or trouser". If you must wear coloured shirt,wear stripped ones with any colour of jeans you want. Also don't wear the same colour for shirt and jeans,like black on black or red on red or any other colour". "Nawa oh!. What will they do if I wear them" "They will beat you and obtain you" "What do you mean by obtain?". I asked "It means they will rob you and some times they can force you to join their groups" . We were getting close to the market. She stopped at a mallam's kiosk to buy onions and pepper. "Give me hundred naira onions and fifty naira pepper" she told the mallam. "Okay I dey cum, make I sell am for my customer" he replied in pidgin mixed with his tribal tongue. He hurriedly attended to his customer and returned to us. "You say you want am por pipty naira onions and hundred naira paypay" . "No,give me hundred naira onions and fifty naira pepper" "Kai,okay..okay I dey Com". He packaged the items in a nylon and gave my sister. My sister weighed them and shoke her head disapprovingly " no mallam,this onions small o". "Kai no talk am like that, I do am wellu for you". He replied. She shook her head as she returned the onions to him. " nawa for you,oya take this wan" he said,as he added her a medium sized onions. We left his stall and continued our walk to the market which was just some minutes away. I continued our discussion " so how can I avoid them". "Avoid late nights,drinking bars and womanizing" she replied. We crossed the road to the other side as a big swamp of dirty water filled that path. "Let your movements be from hostel to school,to library and then back home. She continued. " ah,school is boring then" I said "It is fun,you will meet different kinds of people in school,you will meet the extremely religious,the serious and unserious students,thieves and even beggers". She laughed. " you mean they are students who do babiala in school?". She laughed and said “ no not that kind of begging,this ones are professional,it is like they received special training for their begging”. She then told me a story of a guy named Johnbosco. |
Re: Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by Soylife(m): 1:06pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
Johnbosco was a very friendly guy,he was friends with everyone in his hostel. And everyone liked him. But he was always fond of asking for one thing or the other even little things like salt or maggi. One day he went to his hostel mate's room to ask for maggi, pepper, salt and a cube of sugar. "Guy Nawa for you o,you no fit buy this small small things" his hostel mate asked. Johnbosco sighed " guy you no go understand, them sack my papa from work since last year and before then them no dey pay am salary". He sobbed and continued "my mama na illiterate, she no go school, she dey house everyday. My papa never send me money for two months now,I no get any money". His hostelmate was touched," guy abeg no mind me. Everything go better". He handed the ingredients to johnbosco and gave him five hundred naira. "Use the money hold body for now" the hostel mate told him as he patted him on his back. Johnbosco left the room and hurried downstairs.He knocked on the first door on the left after the staircase. That was the room of Ochendu the student leader of Road to the Cross fellowship. Ochendu opened and he entered. "Ochendu please can I get two cups of rice and one cup of garri from you" Ochendu entered his kitchen and returned with the items which he handed to johnbosco. " oh! Please give me pure water too" Johnbosco pleaded. Soon he left the room with the goodies and left for Jane's room, which was at the end of the corridor. The door was open,and he entered. Jane was on her bed reading a novel. She put the book down when she noticed someone in her room. She frowned at him, "john I thought I warned you to stop entering my room without knocking". " I am sorry,please help me with milk,I am very hungry. I haven't eaten since morning,I just want to drink garri and go to bed till tomorrow" he said sorrowfully. She took pity on him. She poured some milk in a papar bag, then she put some yam porridge in a flask for him. "Please manage this" she said. He thanked her and left for his room. On his way to his room,he weighed the milk and he wasn't satisfied with the quantity. He was craving for a full cream garri with lots of milk and lots of other 'groceries'. He dropped the items in his room and headed to Agatha's room to get more milk. After moving from one room to another,he got enough ingredients for the jollof rice he wanted to cook,he even got some special ingredients like curry,thyme,scent leaf,sardine and chicken sauce which Clara gave him after she used it to eat rice and yam the previous day. He settled to drink his garri, after putting the rice on fire. The garri he was drinking was full package with every assorted; groundnuts,powdered milk,tin milk,milo. He made sure his door was locked before settling down to his meal. Soon he heard a knock on his door. He quickly hid his meal under his bed before opening the door. It was Samuel his next door neighbour. The aroma of the jollof rice hit Samuel's nostrils immediately he entered. "guy na you dey cook this thing,you sabi cook o" . Samuel hailed. "Thanks my guy,but I go soon comot,I want go fetch water downstairs" Johnbosco replied impatiently as he picked a bucket from the bathroom. " I go chop o". Samuel said smiling sheepishly. Johnbosco was not ready to share his meal with anyone, he sighed " you know say them sack my papa for work and I go chop this food for three days". "I'm no mean,I go chop small abeg" Samuel pleaded. "No wahala,I go call you once food done" As Samuel left for his room,johnbosco bolted his door brought out his meal which he hid under his bed. The garri had dried up, so he added water and quickly ate it. He got up, opened his door,packed his slippers and shoe inside his room and locked the door. Few minutes later he sat down to devour the sweet smelling jollof rice. He ate quickly from the pot and soon he had finished it. He drank some fruit juice he bought with the five hundred naira his hostel mate gave him. He belched loudly and collapsed on his bed to rest. He heard a knock on his door, he knew it was Samuel. He ignored him. Samuel knocked for some time and when he didn't get any response he left. Johnbosco continued with this lifestyle,he hardly spent any of his Money. All his foodstuffs were in his sisters place in another hostel. He made sure he kept them there on the first day of every semester. He only went to get them during the exam period when most students had consumed all their foodstuffs. Well as they say,everyday is for the theif but a day is for the owner. Johnbosco was enjoying himself everyday at the expense of others but soon he was found out. Every Sunday,all male occupant gathered in Monday's room to play soccer on his play station . Monday was the hostel president,he had finished school the previous year and was working in a nearby bakery . Sundays were his free day and he spent it playing games from morning till night. Everyone was in his room playing games including Johnbosco. Monday was the best in soccer as He had already defeated five boys. Soon they were begging him to get up,so they could play among themselves. He got up after he had finished whooping a guy seven-nill. Johnbosco was the next to play. Monday went to his shelf to get his book on current affairs which he was reading,he searched for the book but couldn't find it,he then remembered that johnbosco had borrowed it. "hey John where is my book". He asked Johnbosco " it is in my room". Johnbosco replied absentmindedly "Pause the game and get it for me,I need it now". " please let me finish this game,I am dealing with dray". "Get it now" said Monday impatiently. "John give him your keys to get it" said dray. Johnbosco threw the key to him "it is in the wardrobe,use the smallest key in the bunch to open the wardrobe. " you are sending me on errand as your mate,abi?" Monday jokingly said as he left. Monday got into his room,opened the wardrobe and the first thing that caught his attention was a paper on the side of the wardrobe. It looked like a timetable,on closer look at the paper,he found out that days of the week was written on one column,then names of people on the other column,names such as; Mary,dray,Jane,Monday." Wait, this were names of members of the hostel" monday thought. He looked down and saw more names. He wondered why johnbosco had written all the names of the hostel occupants on the paper and why different names fell on different days of the week. Well he decided he will ask Johnbosco later. He found the book he was looking for and was about leaving,when he noticed some bags in the second compartment of the wardrobe. He was curious and decided to find out what was inside the bags. He brought out the first bag and found large quantity of rice. In another bag he found beans,onions, pepper wrapped in a nylon and other condiments and at the extreme of the wardrobe was a carton of indomie, on the top were two crates of egg. He stood up in confusion "Didn't I buy for Johnbosco bread,egg,milk and Milo this morning after he complained that he was hungry and had nothing to eat" he thought to himself. Astonished with his discovery He left for his room,when he got in,Johnbosco was still immersed in the game. Monday quietly called some guys to follow him. He took them downstairs,opened the wardrobe and showed them the foodstuffs hidden there. The boys were all surprised. "But he told me he doesn't have foodstuff and that he is broke" one of the boys said. "Ah! I gave him my last indomie and egg this morning,after he told me he didn't eat anything yesterday" said another. " I gave him three fufu with eguisi soup last night".said another. "This guy has been playing us,I bought him breakfast this morning" said Monday. 1 Like |
Re: Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by Soylife(m): 1:16pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
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Re: Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by Soylife(m): 1:35pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
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Re: Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by seansage012(m): 3:24pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
I dey enjoy |
Re: Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by Soylife(m): 4:36pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
seansage012:Thanks...update coming soon.. |
Re: Futo Na War (my Experience In University) by McOluOmo: 5:07pm On Oct 08, 2023 |
Following Guys wey no get girlfriend get peace of mind |
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