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Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel - Foreign Affairs (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by omu4364(m): 10:21am On Oct 21, 2023
Al Jazeera is to the Quatari govt what CNN is to the American govt, same with what press tv is to the Iranian govt.


This isn't in any way an attack on the press freedom

Don't comment if you don't know what to say
You can compare Aljazeera to press TV but not with CNN

Do CNN criticise the US government?

Do Aljazeera criticise the Qatari government?

Do CNN report negative news about US?

Do Aljazeera report Negative news about Qatar?
No, them nor born them well

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by gfon(m): 10:22am On Oct 21, 2023
What evidence was provided by Israel that shows babies were killed and beheaded by Amas, what evidence showed the hospital wasnt bombed b to Israel, you just spit out whatever the west infuse I you but you always fail to think out of the box.
May God have mercy on the oppressed and destroy the oppressors.

The only reason some Africans are becoming proisrael here is they are ignorance of history

If some refugees whom you welcome into your land claimed ownership of it and started restricting you of your basic right, you'll fold your hands and keep looking right!

that means you haven't even been following the news!! Bro see how ignorant you look like. Update yourself first 👌
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Gainman: 10:22am On Oct 21, 2023

Stupid fool. How will aljazera get first hand info?
Their journalist won't be allowed to report on anything in Israel. They won't be allowed to operate in Israel so they can only rely on Israeli or Western News outlets. Foolish idiot.
nah your papa u dey call a fool. Do u even know your papa. U don't know u be son of a thousand father. Bastard idiot. I don't believe your 9 month is complete b4 u were born.
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by gfon(m): 10:23am On Oct 21, 2023
Hate it or love it

Victory belongs to the Palestinians smiley
why you no go there fight with them?

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Mandate1: 10:23am On Oct 21, 2023
Their reporting is Pro-Islamists.

Same way CNN & BBC are Pro-West.

Gone are the days when you have independent stations with unbiased reporting.

It's hard to watch these international stations now. All they all stream is narratives that suits their owners.

Al-Jazeera: Israel did this, blah blah blah
CNN: Trump destroyed democracy, blah blah..
BCC: Emperor Putin killing people, blah blah..

Even here

Arise TV: Tinubu used fake certificate bla bla..
TVC: Obidients are IPOB/terrorist bla bla..
NTA: BAT is turning Nigeria to America, bla bla blah..

No real/quality news again.
has there ever been quality news. Media has always been a propaganda tool, either for or against. Someone pays the piper.

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Gainman: 10:23am On Oct 21, 2023

Read ur post again but slowly this time n see if it makes sense to you
it will not make sense to you because u are not sensible.
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by jogsman01(m): 10:24am On Oct 21, 2023
This is bad, Al Jazeera is the only unbiased news media covering this war, I guess Israel isn't comfortable with their honest reportage

I remember one of their journalists was killed last year by an Israeli soldier, they are always at loggerheads
I actually love Al Jazeera cos they've been unbiased in their reports. But the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, they've been at loggerhead with Israel and their reportage against Israel has been biased. The Al Ahli hospital explosion was from Hamas as shown by this same Al Jazeera but they insisted it the missile was from Israel, and that Israel is denying it cos they denied killing Shireen Abu. When I watched the news that they, I knew I have to find another news outlet to get unbiased news review, not those CNN and BBC ooo.
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by ehikwe22: 10:26am On Oct 21, 2023
Israel has been assasinating Al Jazeera and other journalists. Let's assume that the journalists are bias, is that enough reason to murder innocent journalists? A so called democracy?
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Adjovi: 10:26am On Oct 21, 2023
nah your papa u dey call a fool. Do u even know your papa. U don't know u be son of a thousand father. Bastard idiot. I don't believe your 9 month is complete b4 u were born.

It pain am grin grin Eran iya. Try to read and do proper research before jumping into matters........ Foolish fool cheesy wink cheesy cheesy
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by TheRealOwner(m): 10:27am On Oct 21, 2023

You Dey mind the terrorist? Na Yoruba Muslim
Dem funny die. Make them go Gaza go fight alongside their brothers and sisters in Islam na, make Israel send them go where Muhammad dey.

Useless people
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Babangidapikin: 10:28am On Oct 21, 2023
go do dat for Qatar nah. Because u think they reason like u. Hatred will not let u say d truth
What is the truth ?
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by seunayantokun(m): 10:29am On Oct 21, 2023
Aljazeera? Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Resurgent2016: 10:30am On Oct 21, 2023
This is bad, Al Jazeera is the only unbiased news media covering this war, I guess Israel isn't comfortable with their honest reportage

I remember one of their journalists was killed last year by an Israeli soldier, they are always at loggerheads

Aljazeera is 100% qatari gov propaganda machine.

They never report on issues in qatar but target other countries issues.

Also, they played down hamas murdering killing spree in Israel where they shot people at sight but amplified Israels response.

Bbc is probably the only government affiliated independent media
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by olamike02: 10:30am On Oct 21, 2023
This is bad, Al Jazeera is the only unbiased news media covering this war, I guess Israel isn't comfortable with their honest reportage

I remember one of their journalists was killed last year by an Israeli soldier, they are always at loggerheads
Unbiased my foot. If I were the Israelis president,it would have been closed since the war on the country started.
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by misreal(m): 10:31am On Oct 21, 2023
What evidence was provided by Israel that shows babies were killed and beheaded by Amas, what evidence showed the hospital wasnt bombed b to Israel, you just spit out whatever the west infuse I you but you always fail to think out of the box.
May God have mercy on the oppressed and destroy the oppressors.

The only reason some Africans are becoming proisrael here is they are ignorance of history

If some refugees whom you welcome into your land claimed ownership of it and started restricting you of your basic right, you'll fold your hands and keep looking right!

can you be a refugee in your own land??who told you that the land belongs to Palestinians?
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by NigerState001: 10:31am On Oct 21, 2023
Death ☠️ to Israel and Americans, wishing them what they wishes Palestine.
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by TheKingsmann(m): 10:31am On Oct 21, 2023
Good. Propangandists
Same with CNN, BBC and other mainstream western media.

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by jconsulting(f): 10:32am On Oct 21, 2023
Hate it or love it

Victory belongs to the Palestinians smiley

Continue giving yourselves false hope, US senators voted 97-0 in support of Isreal..... just dey pray for Joe Biden to win Next election or else Palestine is gone if Donald Trump wins

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by opera1(m): 10:33am On Oct 21, 2023
Hate it or love it

Victory belongs to the Palestinians smiley

Inside your room. Go and join them sir
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by captianfreeman(m): 10:35am On Oct 21, 2023
There is no free and independent media outlet anywhere in the world.

They are all propaganda tool in the hands of it financier.
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by wallarwallar(m): 10:41am On Oct 21, 2023
This is bad, Al Jazeera is the only unbiased news media covering this war, I guess Israel isn't comfortable with their honest reportage

I remember one of their journalists was killed last year by an Israeli soldier, they are always at loggerheads

There is nothing honest abt dere coverage they are terrorist sympathise and I think you are one also very useless Arabic TV station
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Nicenixon: 10:43am On Oct 21, 2023
Their reporting is Pro-Islamists.

Same way CNN & BBC are Pro-West.

Gone are the days when you have independent stations with unbiased reporting.

It's hard to watch these international stations now. All they all stream is narratives that suits their owners.

Al-Jazeera: Israel did this, blah blah blah
CNN: Trump destroyed democracy, blah blah..
BCC: Emperor Putin killing people, blah blah..

Even here

Arise TV: Tinubu used fake certificate bla bla..
TVC: Obidients are IPOB/terrorist bla bla..
NTA: BAT is turning Nigeria to America, bla bla blah..

No real/quality news again.
God bless you for being unbiased. You are very much right.

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Ttipsy(f): 10:44am On Oct 21, 2023
Al Jazeera is professional and I like them.

Israel should check the reports, it was reported that the strikes are from Hamas in Gaza
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by 89green: 10:47am On Oct 21, 2023

Inside your room. Go and join them sir

Read ur post again but slowly this time n see if it makes sense to you
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by 89green: 10:47am On Oct 21, 2023

Continue giving yourselves false hope, US senators voted 97-0 in support of Isreal..... just dey pray for Joe Biden to win Next election or else Palestine is gone if Donald Trump wins

Read ur post again but slowly this time n see if it makes sense to you
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by 89green: 10:47am On Oct 21, 2023
it will not make sense to you because u are not sensible.

Read ur post again but slowly this time n see if it makes sense to you
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Gainman: 10:55am On Oct 21, 2023

It pain am grin grin Eran iya. Try to read and do proper research before jumping into matters........ Foolish fool cheesy wink cheesy cheesy
I hv death with people worse than you. U only see good things about your religion. An evil religion that promotes killing of innocent people. U don't know u people worship idol as a Muslim. Idol teaches evil. Dat is why u people hardly say d truth. U just get eyes for dat skull. Is useless because u don't see. U are a blind fool.

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Gainman: 10:56am On Oct 21, 2023

Read ur post again but slowly this time n see if it makes sense to you
just dat u are not sensible
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Fiscus105(m): 10:58am On Oct 21, 2023
Aljazeera never reported that the strike on the hospital was from Gaza.They kept saying it was israel that attacked even though it was one of their footage that showed that the strike was actually from Gaza.
To think that they have an office in a country the hate so much is quite annoying.

I imagine if Aljazera has office in Palestine and try propaganda they are doing against the nation of isreal to Palestine.....

The staff working thr would have forgotten, they once came to this world.

Few of their journalists are still in Egyptian prison till date, even wen they didn't do 1/10 of what they are doing for isreal now.

If u re not Muslim but supporting Hamas, u would surely die of ignorant.

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Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by 3seriez(m): 10:59am On Oct 21, 2023
This is very good news. Aljazeera is a Muslim owned station and would do everything to make Hamas terrorists look like the victim. Painting Israel as terrorist but keeping mute over the atrocities Hamas committed against defenseless civilians.

It's just like NTA that would never talk about the killing of people in Benue state.

Evil TV stations.

When CNN , BBC, France 24 and the west push their own agenda, you keep quiet. Some of you just like being hypocrites.
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Tjdcool: 11:03am On Oct 21, 2023
This is bad, Al Jazeera is the only unbiased news media covering this war, I guess Israel isn't comfortable with their honest reportage

I remember one of their journalists was killed last year by an Israeli soldier, they are always at loggerheads

I’m not supporting Either side but I’m If you really watch Al Jazeera you will know they have been really biased in their news lately.. mostly reporting about the victims in Gaza and how they are being brutalized but how about the 1400 civilians killed in Israel by the militants?
Re: Al Jazeera Shut Down In Israel by Kingson28: 11:07am On Oct 21, 2023
[quote author=God1000 post=126529382]This is bad, Al Jazeera is the only unbiased news media covering this war, I guess Israel isn't comfortable with their honest reportage

I remember one of their journalists was killed last year by an Israeli soldier, they are always at loggerheads

If you think that Al Jazera is unbiased then you need to use your brains more because you’re underutilising it.
Haba, Al Jazera is an Islamic propaganda media outfit.
It is evident to every sensible sincere viewer.

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