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Insight To Who The Bekwarra People Are By Ushie Sunday by Ushiesunday(m): 8:27am On Oct 24, 2023 |
Who are the Bekwarra people? Bekwarra Local Government was created on the 15th of October 1996 by Late Sani Abacha. The first Democratically elected Chairman was Hon Peter OKo Abibang from Ukpah ward in Bekwarra. Bekwarra has ten political wards which includes; Abouchiche, Afrike Okpeche, Afrike Ochagbe, Beten, Gakem, Otukpuru, Ibiaragidi, Nyanya, Ugboro, Ukpah. The Bekwarra language is the the most dominant language spoken in Cross River North. It’s a general language of the state. The bekwarra people share boundary with Northern Nigeria (BENUE state) Bekwarra Local Government has big cities such as Gakem, Abouchiche, Ukpah. The people are predominantly Christians with high percentage of the catholics. Other indigenous churches include Rapture power ministry, Holiness and power church, Who can challenge God ministry, Soldiers of Christ and others. The people are farmers who farm groundnut, yam, potato, cultivate Palm trees. They are known for their fresh palm wine and unadulterated palm oil. Afrike part of Bekwarra produce quantity palm wine while Ukpah produce quality palm wine. They have up wine called “Ebetuo uchi” and down wine called “ukem”. They also have locally made delicacy such as Moi moi “ikwan” made of Bambara nut, Beans. We have the soft moi moi called “Ikpachim” and its made of fresh or soaked Bambara nut and the hard one Ikwan umuo is made of dry Bambara nut. Also Okenga made of Bambara nut flour, their major soup is Beniseed soup, Groundnut soup, Bitterleaf soup, Dry okro, etc. It is also historically significant to note that The Biafra war of 1967 first broke out with a first gun shoot in a place called Gakem in Bekwarra local Government. The people were forcefully conscripted into the Nigeria army to fight against the Biafra. The war ended and rehabilitation and reconstruction including compensation were made but Bekwarra was relegated with little or nothing for their troubles. Abouchiche is the seat of authority that houses the administrative council with the current chairman associate Professor Owan Emeka Josephat an erudite sociologist. Bekwarra also boast of a very strong and formidable Traditional Council where customary laws are made and local cases settled. The current paramount ruler is HRM Ushie beshe II (Ogbeche Linus Odey) Bekwarra also has a unique cultural identity which distinguish them from others within the state. Their cultural attire is the black, tiny white and Red stripes symbolising Fertile soil of the Bekwarra people (Black), Hospitalityof the people (White), And their strength and resilience (Red). Ushie Sunday A Historian
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