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The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind - Religion - Nairaland

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The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 1:07pm On Oct 27, 2023
I do not know where to write this topic, but I have decided to put it under religion since I am adding bible verses.

Ecclesiastes 5.19
"Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him the power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God".

My view is that wealth is a gift. Why did I say so? Most rich people do not work extremely hard to get rich....most get rich by inheritance or luck. However, staying rich requires real hard work in my opinion.

Amid nasty news whereby young men especially are killing to get rich, I think I need to let you know the real truth of the modern ways to get wealthy.

Knowing it does not mean one will be wealthy...like I said...I believe it is a gift, but the knowledge will give you a broad view of life. When you know 10% of what I know, trust me...you will not envy others.

Ok...Let me remind you of Asake's lyric... "Ore mi ...dupe yo kan e oooo....." Translation: My friend, rejoice (with others when they make it), it will soon be your turn. Yeah...that boy Asake is an example of someone who understands what "turn by turn" means. And the way he waited....his kind of patience is one I learned so much from. While waiting, he was developing himself seriously. And guess what? He knew who he wanted to work with... and he was pressing hard to get Baddoo's attention. The moment Baddoo said...ok...wetin you fit offer...mehn...Asake delivered beyond expectation...and we can see the result...even Baddo himself has not done what that guy did in Arena O2. What? Just under 2 years? Apologies to Christian brothers and sisters who don't listen to circular music ...personally...I am not a fan of the Nigerian musical industry lifestyle...but guess what? Concepts and principles work no matter who applies them. Asake knows the principle behind patience and development...and it worked for him.

Do you want to know where real wealth is in instead of chasing about what doesn't exist? I will tell you. Oh...I need to check out now to attend to some urgent matters...I will be back. Chill out. There is no peace of mind in ritual things, and no good health in drug businesses... se you wan know how to get rich and have peace of mind?

If you can learn one of the ways I am going to highlight in this thread, you will not get broke again. Mark my words. You will not. You are free from poverty for the rest of your life.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by SETHARTHUR(m): 1:54pm On Oct 27, 2023
Thanks OP. I hope you are not giving all this motivations to sell a shrewed business.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 3:21pm On Oct 27, 2023
Thanks OP. I hope you are not giving all this motivations to sell a shrewed business.
Patience is a virtue. Read the Asake part in my opening post again. Even in the midst of verification, patience is needed. Do not rush to make comment...wait! No matter how evil tries to cover itself up, it will reveal itself at the right time...so why rush instead of you to wait and let the real manifestation occur before saying a word? So, what exactly did you thank me for when na rubbish words follow your thanks. Na waooo. I'm sure over 90% of those who have viewed my opening post are curious and at the same time...being careful. But na your mouth sharp to talk when you should listen. Learn to speak or write at the right time. It is a recipe for making a clean wealth.

Patience is a virtue indeed.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by SETHARTHUR(m): 5:35pm On Oct 27, 2023
I am still waiting,...........
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by SETHARTHUR(m): 5:36pm On Oct 27, 2023
Oh sell what ever you came sell and get out

Patience is a virtue. Read the Asake part in my opening post again. Even in the midst of verification, patience is needed. Do not rush to make comment...wait! No matter how evil tries to cover itself up, it will reveal itself at the right time...so why rush instead of you to wait and let the real manifestation occur before saying a word? So, what exactly did you thank me for when na rubbish words follow your thanks. Na waooo. I'm sure over 90% of those who have viewed my opening post are curious and at the same time...being careful. But na your mouth sharp to talk when you should listen. Learn to speak or write at the right time. It is a recipe for making a clean wealth.

Patience is a virtue indeed.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 7:43pm On Oct 27, 2023
Principle 1: Do not despise small beginnings
No ritual money can make you rich and give you peace of mind. Yes, some "abrakatabras" can bring fast ripples, but na lie....you are the loser at the end of the day. .

If you want to be wealthy, start small. How? Get a source of income. Get a job. No matter how little it is, do it. Why? It will keep you going.

The natrative out there now is to hit it big. No bro/sis. You don't need to rush. That talent you gat....get inside and start training hard to refine it. If you are a singer, get a job to buy home karaoke and compose songs while you are growing. Write lyrics and keep them. Why? Good lyrics is about your experience. Believe me...after making it, your brain will work differently...but when you already have lyrics on ground...o boy....chai! Forget it. Go ask Asake. He is yet to bring out 1/10 of what he has written down already. Believe me! Have you heard about the load down of Tupac? Songs on ground too many that he didnt release before his death. How come? Tupac was writing songs all through his days of preparation. While walking in the street, guy man got inspired and put down something. But guess what? You can't do this if you are hungry. So, get a job or a legit source of income to keep going so you can keep developing yourself.

It is not late. Listen to me. Even you are in your 60s. It is not late. Start now. That dream you have abandoned...pick it up again. And for the young ones...do not look at flashy things out there. Pick up a legit source of income to survive...and keep developing that gift...keep making that dream come to reality.

If you are smart and you use your gift for your selfish interest, pray not to end like Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo. Who is this guy? I felt so sorry for him when I watched his interview after many years he had declined. Yet, Felix still denied all the allegations. Come on Felix! Even at that age? Some people think they are "over smart". Who doesnt agree Felix is damn smart. Yes...everyone. But not admitting his errors even at that stage of his life? That was beyond me.

If you do not want to fall into the trap of being a casualty to the love of money, get a source of income. This is the firat step for everyone who wants to make it. That job won't make you rich. In fact, salary earners do not get rich. Yes, you cannot be rich working for someone else. Never. You cannot. Forget it....salary earners make owners rich. But this is the start. If you do not get a job at the start of your dream, you are on a deadly mission. Well...maybe some have been able to navigate life and fulfill their purpose without first getting jobs...maybe. I can tell you that they are very few. And majority of them inherited their wealth.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by Tyktoker: 9:50pm On Oct 27, 2023
Something is wrong with your values! I think your greed is insatiable! Be careful!
I do not know where to write this topic, but I have decided to put it under religion since I am adding bible verses.

Ecclesiastes 5.19
"Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him the power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God".

My view is that wealth is a gift. Why did I say so? Most rich people do not work extremely hard to get rich....most get rich by inheritance or luck. However, staying rich requires real hard work in my opinion.

Amid nasty news whereby young men especially are killing to get rich, I think I need to let you know the real truth of the modern ways to get wealthy.

Knowing it does not mean one will be wealthy...like I said...I believe it is a gift, but the knowledge will give you a broad view of life. When you know 10% of what I know, trust me...you will not envy others.

Ok...Let me remind you of Asake's lyric... "Ore mi ...dupe yo kan e oooo....." Translation: My friend, rejoice (with others when they make it), it will soon be your turn. Yeah...that boy Asake is an example of someone who understands what "turn by turn" means. And the way he waited....his kind of patience is one I learned so much from. While waiting, he was developing himself seriously. And guess what? He knew who he wanted to work with... and he was pressing hard to get Baddoo's attention. The moment Baddoo said...ok...wetin you fit offer...mehn...Asake delivered beyond expectation...and we can see the result...even Baddo himself has not done what that guy did in Arena O2. What? Just under 2 years? Apologies to Christian brothers and sisters who don't listen to circular music ...personally...I am not a fan of the Nigerian musical industry lifestyle...but guess what? Concepts and principles work no matter who applies them. Asake knows the principle behind patience and development...and it worked for him.

Do you want to know where real wealth is in instead of chasing about what doesn't exist? I will tell you. Oh...I need to check out now to attend to some urgent matters...I will be back. Chill out. There is no peace of mind in ritual things, and no good health in drug businesses... se you wan know how to get rich and have peace of mind?

If you can learn one of the ways I am going to highlight in this thread, you will not get broke again. Mark my words. You will not. You are free from poverty for the rest of your life.
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 2:39am On Oct 28, 2023
Something is wrong with your values! I think your greed is insatiable! Be careful!
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 3:16am On Oct 28, 2023
Principle 2: Learn how to filter out irrelevancies and distractions
If you have something significance to say, there are oppositions you just need to filter out. However, you need wisdom to handle issues so they don't tarnish your image. Just like above.....quote some without replying them...it means a lot. Those who are wise understand the meaning while the foo.lish dogs will continue barking in stu.pidity. lol.

If you do not have any opposition, check your mission again. I tell you bro/sis...the signal that always come out when you are making sense is that oppositions will come out. Of course many of them don't know you, yet they just want to bring you down...but this is the signal to watch out for.

Why won't you have oppositions especially in Nigeria? The poplulation is presently explosive. And if you check, the GDP of Nigeria is not bad, but because the population is crazily high, GDP per capita is seriously low and people live in poverty. People are desperate.

A group of people that doesn't know how to handle sex well.....and are just giving birth like pigs beeds help. They need a serious attention when they justify high population when they know they are poor. I don't get it. Why would a normal person with a normal functioning brain must have a boy after having girls. This one bests my imagination.

Most people want to associate with you as soon as they know you have something to offer...na you go use your head to filter who to bring closer and who to "gap out".

Learn from this....treat lousy people the way I am treating these nasty fellas up there. Why? Empty barrels make the loudest noise. Ignore them. Use them to your advantage and let them make you more popular. You don't use good people and abandon them, but when disgusting people come your way, use them, dump them, and move on. Use them climb the ladder of success. They are meant to be used and dumped...else, you will sink in the failure with them if you engage them.

Read the book of Esther and learn how Mordecai used Haman to achieve God's purpose for Esther, the people of God, and for himself. Haman is a tool to be used and dumped...else, Mordecai would have been buried before his time. Use the Hamans in your life for your benefit, and dump them. What happens to the Hamans afterward is not your business. Whether the Hamans hug the trsnsformer or hang themselves is not your business. As long as what you did was biblical and just, move on bro/sis. And if one of the Hamans truly repent, still "gap out" such person. Be happy for such....but alway keep your dustance from such character.

When someone who don't know you, and who isn't patient enough start questioning your values and integrity, you know the person has no values. He who has values knows the right time to talk. They don't play dubious games. They are so many out there. The funny issue is that even you talk to them politely, they are dogs who won't change. Their mission is to set traps for you.....make sure you are not one of their victims.

Let me show you how to use these ones .... either of these two things will happen: they will either continue interjecting and make this thread have more views, or they will crawl back into their holes in shame thereby making more readers pay attention to this topic. Either way, I have turned their intention to my advantage.

So...there are so many useless people you can use and dump among the too many foo.lish people in Nigeria. Do not go close to them and engage them...but with wisdom ....use them and dump them. Can you see that I don't have any business with them? Not even any transaction with them...but I have used them and I have even set the platform for them to be used more. And I have even told you ahead....I am dumping them at the end of the day. Lol. This is how you filter out distractions. Of course you will face many like this. You gotta be smart about it. Lol.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 9:26am On Oct 28, 2023
Principle 3: If you are not born into a wealthy home, use the strategies of the richest man in Babylon

If you have read this book, pat yourself on the back; however, were you able to use the strategies in it successfully? I doubt it.

The 7 cures for a lean purse are for you, and I will show you how to apply them in 2023. Trust me, you will see clearly what it takes to be rich and you will see the traits in most wealthy people. First, you need to recognize these patterns and then, you can draw them into your plan. But if you cannot see them, you won't understand the concept of getting wealthy. After seeing them, you can start making attempts to draw the ones that fit you.

I am not saying it is an easy task. Of course not. But I am saying that you won't envy others or look for fast money when you can spot these patterns. Rather, you will respect those who have drawn them and then you will easily laugh at the ones using the fast fake lanes to get rich. You are just going to smile and walk away from them cos you know there is nothing there. And when you read their end, you will just smile again.

I have smiled at many posts here on NL especially the way people react to flamboyant lifestyles.

Get ready as I take you through the 7 cures to lean purse and their application in 2023.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 10:34am On Oct 28, 2023
The First Cure: Start thy purse to fattening
Arkad advises on saving 10% of your annual income to start building up your wealth (or purse): "For every ten coins thou placest within thy purse take out for use but nine. Thy purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing weight will feel good in thy hand and bring satisfaction to thy soul".

Application in 2023:
Religious people talk about tithing and here is a business advice on 10%. My point here is that 10% is a significant saving that can grow into wealth. The power of 10% is magnificent if you know how to activate it.

I believe this works well for those in nations where their economy is great. Readers in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, EU, etc...I believe you can save a portion of your wealth; however, it is not easy for someone in a basta.rdized economy because what you have is not enough to cover your expenses.

Now think in this direction...If it is possible to build wealth gradually with your 10%, what about several people coming together to make a single person extremely rich by donating all their 10%? Lol. Yet, they tell you that it is God you give it to. Lol. Na God dey spend am? If only you can build up with 10% of your income...now imagine 5,000 people give their 10% to one person.

While I am not against tithing, I am against people not paying attention to the parable of the sower. Be honest with yourself....has your finances improved? If it has not improved, you are doing something not right. If truly your finance has improved, then, you are on the right path. But how many people are on the right path in Naija? Lol. Yet, they come out to defend what isn't working for them. Why? The power of brainwashing is too great. The manipulative power of these individuals using God to dupe people is too much.

Sow only in good soil. For sure I know that most soil around especially in Nigeria is bad, but people still do not get it.

I know you will say it is biblical to tithe, but that same bible says you should sow only in good soil. That same bible says you will surely see the result of your seeds. Take a look at yourself. Xray your life now. If you have been sowing for over 12 months yet you are still having faith it will be alright, something is wrong. Lol.

Can you part away with 20% of your income every month and survive?
To follow this principle and also follow tithing, you must give 20%. Can you do it? Oh, I forgot...on top, you must do the first fruit too. Hahaha. Lol.

But on a serious note, can you honestly part away with 20% of your salary? Be honest na.

If not, then you are working on faith. For how many months have you been doing this? Yet, your pastor and his family dey live alright...dem no dey live on faith ooo. Hahahha. Na you dey live on faith. 20%!!!!!

It is clear...if you aren't saving 10% for your wealth, you are gonna live on faith. And does the Bible ask you to live on faith after paying your tithe? Go read am na. The Bible says:

Mal 3.10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Read the word I bolded above. It says ....NOW. It is a principle that the result must be instant. Bring it to me now..and get the blessings now. I have even given you 12 months grace...yet no change. Take a look at yourself na. Is there any blessing in your life after tithing? Lol.

If you can't see evidence of your 10%, it is as simple as ABC, you aren't taking it to the house of God. Na the house of a scammer you dey take am go. And whose fault is that? Ignorance is not an excuse.

Now think deeply....if truly 10% of Christians pay their tithe in the right places, then, we won't have problems. Just imagine 10% of Christians who pay their tithes do it well and this law is fulfilled, then, Nigerians will have solid people in churches.

But look around...read the front page of NL...does it look like 10% of those tithing get their rewards? Lol. Na fact I am showing you here ooo.

Again, do not twist my words here. I am not against tithing and I am not saying it doesn't work, but I am saying that it won't work if you pay to most Nigerian churches because they aren't the houses of God. Take it or leave it. It is your job to find a real house of God and pay it there. And then investigate how the money is spent. But many foo.lish people pay and even see the flamboyant lifestyle of their pastors who aren't living by faith to feed themselves, but are asking you to live by faith. Listen, you have missed the first cure for a lean purse. You will be poor for the rest of your life. Mark my words.

But I strongly believe that if you can conveniently remove 20% from your income find good soil to sow your seed and save the remaining 10% for yourself...you are on the right path. I have lived in the advanced world, and I know it is possible to save 50% of one's income. Yes. Very very possible.

So, what do you do in Nigeria? You cannot save 10%, yet, you struggle to pay scammers 10%...hehehe. Poverty multiplies poverty on your head. Oops. No wonder you have been praying endlessly. Guy/mam... no be God you give oooo...na scammers you dey give. Lol.

Who am I to advise you on the right way to tithe....like I wrote earlier....I watch for patterns....my own is this: no evidence of tithing NOW, there is something wrong. The Bible did not say you should tithe and start hoping....lol. If you cannot see the pattern I have shown you here, believe me....you will hope till the day of your death while you enrich scammers.

I am telling you something here...I don't know the last time I paid tithe....lol. Cos I haven't found good soil. Does it exist in Nigeria? Listen, when I find one, I must have a close relationship with the person in charge cos na seed ooo. I must monitor my seed...and I must see dividends. Me...pay tithe and I won't have access to spiritual blessings? Tufiaka. Never. That pastor will release ooo. Lol. Na investment for me. GOD must bless oooo. If not, a dey carry my money away. Listen....no evil has eaten my money since I stopped paying to scammers. And it has been a long time. In fact, I stopped for a very long time.

Am I saying you should stop? Nope. You own your life. However, I am dropping nuggets so check yourselves. Did I say tithing does not work? Nope.

But I know saving 10% for yourself works. Yes, it does. Take your calculator and look at what you have given out. Have you really received it? Lol.

Save 10% for yourself if you aren't seeing any improvement in your finances because you are sowing on bad soil. If you can struggle to save it for scammers, you can for yourself. If you cannot save it....chop am...e better like that. However, if you feel saving it for someone else is your conviction, then, keep doing it. I am not against you. Just that I smile when I see the pattern. Lol. I always smile.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 8:55am On Oct 29, 2023
The Second Cure: Control thy expenditures.
Arkad advises against luxury expenditures that ultimately become confused as necessities: "The gold we may retain from our earnings is but the start", and, "What each of us calls our 'necessary expenses' will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary", and, "Confuse not the necessary expenses with thy desires"

This pattern is what the devil is using presently in Nigeria. We keep saying Yahoo boys, youths, young men and women are running after fast wealth, but are the elderly not the same? The Obafemi Awolowos, Nnamdi Azikiwe, and Tafawa Balewas are the greatest yahoos. Yes...they are. Read on...

Let me show you the pattern here. The elderly ones love free things to the extent that they refuse to part away with subsidies. Na strike ooo. If they don't have it free...strike. Madd.est and laziest set of generation. They got everything free. Free education, free lunch in schools, and jobs were so many that with just secondary school certificates in their days till the early 1980s, there were jobs for them. Visas were almost free to the US and the UK in their days. 1 naira was around $1.2 then. Just imagine! Just get admission into a higher institution in the UK or the US, and you have your visa automatically...and they don't even bother with the total tuition fee. Just get your first semester and you are good to go because you will single-handedly pay everything off while studying there. Do they ask for bank statements in those days? Absolutely not. Less than 1 one-minute interview because they want them to go. Not now that they don't want them to leave.

But what do we get in return? They got their degrees, returned home, and started embezzling our money. They cut off the ladders they climbed to the top. As soon as they arrived, they had fantastic jobs and the belief was that they would return to replicate what they saw there...but nope...these people returned and started embezzling everything here. What a greedy generation. I have no regard for anyone who is above 65 years. They put us in this mess.

I repeat...I do not have regard for anyone who is 65 plus years old in Nigeria. And I laugh at young ones who pity them saying what will the old eat? To heck with the old useless somebody. The old took away everything. And yet, they want to continue having it free till they go to their graves. When you receive, you give back so there will be continuity, but these old Nigerians are damn useless. Yes....useless. They destroyed Nigeria.

Old men especially are manipulative that even most of them manipulates their children that they become their responsibility at old age. Na waooo. Some even take it beyond my imagination by asking the first sons and daughters to take over their responsibilities. Imagine...one as.shole man enjoyed himself and poured inside a woman or even women...and then demands his first son start taking care of children he brought to this world. And I see young men hustling in the city saying they are responsible for their siblings. Mehn this is the height of manipulation of these cra.zy lazy old men. They are so manipulative. Mehn! Many young men see it that it is their responsibility. Wow!

Yahoo boys wahala is grounded in this cure. If they can easily identify unnecessary expenditures, they will understand it is absolutely fo.olish for under 30 years to dream of driving a $150k Benz. For what exactly?

Can you identify luxury expenditures? Of course, most Nigerians can't. And the gods of this world put forward so many evil journals to elevate their deep covetousness by giving them fashion, celebrities, and luxury lifestyle blogs.

Dele Momodu started this crap with his Ovation Magazine in the 90s. I saw the pattern then, and I used to laugh. Guess how that evil Dele Momodu brought to Nigeria was sent deep into the poor... I will tell you.... The old ones should remember that using N500 to buy Ovation Magazine was damn out of reach for many....but how do poor people have access to it? Lol. Have you forgotten? Your Tailors. Every tailor has it cos that's where they pick clothing styles...and so poor Nigerians pick them up there. Covetousness was sown into the minds of Nigerians via that magazine. Poor people dreamt in having luxurious lifestyle Ovation flashed in their faces in all its editions. See how poor people discuss such lifestlyes in their tailors' shops in those days. Wow!

Dele Momodu's ovation was a tool in the hands of the devil. The way Nigerians want the riches of the Abiolas, Babangidas, Harry Akandes, Dehinde Fenandezs, Abachas, Dantatas, Dangotes, Danjumas, etc was so intense. And here we have the result.

Ritual killings didn't just start happening in Nigeria....guess what? The seeds were sown in the minds of Nigerians several years back. We are just reaping the fruits.

Bro Gbile Akanni
One man that stands out is Bro Gbile Akanni who is a real teacher of the word.

While I have respect for Pastor Adeboye and I even called him a daddy when he lost his son cos of his huge faith in God, I think he has done some unjust to Christianity by establishing warehouses and shops around every street in Nigeria that he called churches. God is not incompetent to such an extent to establish churches without giving such churches sound shepherds. But in the case of RCCG, their churches are so many and they have to put in pastors and assistant pastors in these many churches. But what do we see? Ungrounded pastors in the word. Ha ba! Many RCCG pastors are too incompetent. This is why if you worship in RCCG, better shine your eyes well. Imagine worshipping where Remi Tinubu is... what exactly do you want to get from such a person? And many RCCG pastors are like that. I would rather travel inside the traffic to worship God deeply in the parish where Pastor Nathaniel Bassey worships than go to the one beside me. I am telling you the facts here. Therefore, the purpose of Adeboye establishing warehouses in our streets is defeated.

This is a failed mission on his part, and I pray he accepts this and corrects it while he has time...otherwise, what RCCG will become after his demise.....lol? CAC will be a child's play compared to what RCCG will turn to after his demise. You just wait and see. I strongly believe that God did not tell Pastor Adeboye to establish too many churches that he can't fill with sound spiritual pastors.

Of course, Oyedepo is guilty of this too. In fact, I did not flow with him from day 1. He is not just my kind of person, but I respect him. The first day I attended his church, Creflo Dollar was the guest pastor and that was the day I said bye-bye...I guess it was around 2002 or 2003. If you see how Creflo Dollar was asking his member to call and command money into their lives that day...I was so shocked. And guess what? 20 years later, the same Creflo Dollar stood in humility in his Dallas church apologized to his congregation, and told them to tear all the books he had written on tithes. Lol. Thank God!

Another church I feel for is CAC (Christ Apostolic Church). After the demise of great men like Pastor Babalola Odubanjo, Babajide, and Oba Akinyele...CAC started having problems. And it started during the time of Odeleke and Obadare. Really I won't blame anyone, but the hierarchy was too strong and funny that the wrong people stepped into leadership. I won't mention names but I really don't know how some men became the presidents in CAC. Anyway, Obadare, Odeleke, and some others kicked against the way money is sent to these greedy men. Not supporting or against anyone cos I am not a governing member of the church...but we saw the saddest thing in the body of Christ. CAC started going to court ooo. Wow! On top wetin? We no go remit tithes and offerings to the headquarters. Wow! It was all about money. The money from the poor ooo. Your tithes ooo. Just imagine! Yet, stu.pid Nigerians keep paying these men tithes. Wow. Anyway sha! Now just look at how CAC cooled the huge wahala in the church. Guess what? CAC decided to set up a franchise scheme .....hahahhaha...Pastors...na your business...but you can use our name, logo, and other materials in your chruches. You dont need to bring all the tithes and offerings you collect again...but just pay the franchise fee for using our name, logo and materials monthly. Hahahha. Na waoooo. It is all about money...your tithes and offerings. And over 90% of CAC members are poor. Is it that God is too powerless to fulfill promise to bless them right after giving tithes when he asked them to test him? Or they were simply not paying into His house? You should be the judge. Lol. How many CAC members are financially free despite paying tithes for over 50 years. Lol. Na waooo! And you reading...are you financially free for the past years you have been paying? Shine your eyes.

Here is my point: everything about Nigeria was about making fast money. So it didn't start with yahoo boys. Nigeria is only reaping what it has sown. Simple!

Back to Bro Gbile Akanni. Watch these videos here. This is a man I respect till tomorrow. Listen to how the church was polluted in Nigeria with the prosperity gospel. Mehn! It is all part of the cause of our problem. Until I listened to this man, I realized how some of Kenneth Higgin's teachings were wrong. Even...despite the love I have for Idahosa, I think, his attitude towards wealth is wrong too. Anyway, we are seeing the result of the seeds these men have sown in us. Period!

Very funny that Oyedepo is the number 1 man guilty of what he preached here. Lol. And bro Gbile Akanni nailed it.

The full message of Bro Gbile Akanni.

I will show you the patterns. I hope you are seeing them. Open your inner eyes.

When you learn to control to not live beyond your reach, you are on your way to becoming rich with peace of mind.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 4:24pm On Oct 30, 2023
The Third Cure: Make thy gold multiply.
Arkad advises to invest and to compound the investment return from these savings: "The earnings it will make shall build our fortunes ... Learn to make your treasure work for you. Make it your slave. Make its children and its children's children work for you".

Application in 2023
Investment: An investment involves putting capital to use today to increase its value over time. 

My investment view is something you do not get actively involved with. When you are actively involved with something, it is a job.

Would you put your money in someone else's hands to invest or you would rather learn how to invest yourself? Hmmm! This is where many get it wrong. I don't get how many who are not financially free decide to hand over their money to another hustler to invest for them. Instead of handing over your money, put it in a savings account and learn investment. You cannot learn all, but you can learn something. When you are a bit okay with the knowledge, then, you pull put some out of it and start applying your newly acquired skill with a good risk management strategy in place. But many just look for who to give money to and when they lose it, they start shouting: "my hard-earned currency". Lol.

Get to work and learn it. Then, do it yourself. You may not know all, but when you start like this, you will grow. Then, you will know who is good at investing and who isn't. And you can start placing your money in people better and more efficient than you. You can only know efficient people when you try it yourself. But if you fail to try it yourself, you cannot know who is good and who isn't. You will only roll with whoever can convince you to invest with him/her.

Though I know the right ways to get started, I am not advising anyone to do anything here. I am just going to say this and close it like this.

Investment is different from running a business, and I am not suggesting you start running a business to be wealthy. Nope. Learn how to invest. Period.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 11:55am On Oct 31, 2023
The Fourth Cure: Guard thy treasures from loss
Arkad advises against taking a risk of loss and investing in get-rich-quick schemes: "Is it wise to be intrigued by larger earnings when thy principal may be lost? I say not. The penalty of risk is probable loss. Study carefully, before parting with thy treasure, each assurance that it may be safely reclaimed. Be not misled by thine own romantic desires to make wealth rapidly".

This is the main killer destroying the few Nigerians who can save part of their income or who inherited some amount of money.

1. Investment in cryptocurrency schemes you do not much much about.
2. Investment in forex you don't know anything about.
3. Investment in Agro business when you do not even know the capability of the organizers
4. And some others.

I am not saying cryptocurrency, forex, or agro investments are bad, but not knowing the details kills. Let me say something....if you must invest in forex or crypto, learn how to trade yourself. You don't necessarily need to trade, but you can pick up free materials and learn. Well, picking up the right materials is the secret here of making it.

It doesn't matter if trading is for you or not, still, pick it up and learn. If you can learn fundamental analysis and technical very well, believe me, even if you aren't going to trade, you can know the right trader you can entrust with your money. It is like learning to drive. When you do, you will know a good driver, and you don't necessarily have to drive. Do you get me?

Of course, you can learn without putting your money online by signing up for demo accounts with different brokers. There are so many assets you can pick from...the bond market, futures, stocks, forex, commodities, etc.

This is a top secret of success I have dropped here. I hope you can follow this. If I were you, I would start learning now when you don't even have the money to invest. And who knows, you may eventually turn out to be a good trader, and guess what...you are made for life. If you can trade profitably consistently....you are made for life. You will never go broke in your life anymore. This is a skill that takes so much effort to master and for the fact that money is involved, the emotion attached is a barrier that has knocked out many potential traders.

Also, you cannot be a trader or a good investor in this area if your level of patience is not solid. As in...you need to be patient. You must cultivate it...and master it. Patience makes a successful trader.

Trader Vs Investor
A trader trades short-term or opens and closes his position daily, while an investor takes a long-term position. This is a simple trust. You can do it yourself if you can master it. You take a position and leave it for like 1 month or even more. This way, you won't even go near the chart and the position will be in. Set an alert when the price reaches your target. Thats it.

Risk Management
Risk management is one of the main lessons one must hold on to. You are risking too much by giving someone you can't access your savings to invest for you. If you can't trade, how can you know a good trader? Even if you cannot trade profitably consistently, still know how to trade because you want to be able to spot excellent traders.

Also, when you can trade, you can set rules for the manager of your investment. But when you don't know these things, how can you know what to tell the manager? Of course, the manager will start bossing around and doing what he likes. He will be taking high risks that he wouldn't take with his money because he knows you don't know about it.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by mysticwarrior(m): 4:02am On Nov 01, 2023
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 6:01pm On Nov 01, 2023
The Fifth Cure: Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.
Arkad advises buying versus renting your principal residence, and using your residence to establish a business: "I recommend that every man own the roof that sheltereth him and his", and, "Nor is it beyond the ability of any well-intentioned man to own his home".

Application in 2023
Pardon me because I am writing for a developing nation audience; however, if you are in a developed nation, try to look into ways to acquire your home. Mortgages can be traps at times, so you need to consider other factors before buying a home. Regardless of the situation, buying a home is the way to go in a developed nation too. It is not worth it to pay rent.

If you are in a developing nation or a non-performing nation like Nigeria, it is a bit tough. Everyone is rushing to Lagos and the population is just too much. There is no way you can easily buy your home in Lagos.

I laugh at people saying investing in buying homes in Nigeria is good. Lol. I do not see it as a good investment, but buying or building the house you live in is what I support, and not use houses for collecting annual rents. Of course, if the building is used for a real business... that ok...or if you can get a good deal to lease it out...fine, but just think of the cost of buying or building houses and then just imagine what you get from annual rent. Na waooo. I think Linda Ikeji said the same that he refused to listen to his mom's advice that she should buy properties and rent them out to individuals. Lol. She bought a house she lives in...period. This is smart to me. Of course, there are exceptions, and those exceptions are in very expensive places where you buy land, and build blocks of flats to sell later. It is a business. Also, if you can rent it out to foreigners, fine...or you can use it for Airbnb...why not? But you buy or build houses in local areas and you rent them out...like say Ikorodu side of Lagos. Lol. People say properties appreciate and bla bla bla. So, why don't you just buy the land...then put something small there...and sell later instead of wasting money to build homes there so you can collect rent? But really...even if the land appreciates...the value of the amount you will take later after 10 years will still not worth it. Why? Put inflation into play and you will see that holding down naira in Nigeria is bad. Of course, many won't get it because they inherited properties, and since they paid zero...they think it is good business. If those who own most buildings in Lagos are alive and they put into play inflation, they won't like the business. But they are dead, and someone who paid nothing inherited it...so, for such a person...it is a good business. If those people tell you the value of the money they used to acquire those buildings...hmmm. Most of them did not recover their money before they died. Ok..if you believe someone else should enjoy your money...go and build houses na. Lol. I won't do investments I won't enjoy in my lifetime. Not me.

Land in lucrative areas should be used for businesses, and they are out of the reach of many. I don't get how you think building houses in the mainland (new areas) is a good business. Like I said, if you can use it for a business...great...but for annual rent as the only source of income from the property...it is crazy. And it will have less value by the time depreciation sets in. Again, like I said...if you sell it later...if you are the owner and you consider inflation...na bad business.

I think most people living in Lagos should consider leaving. I don't get why so many market women are in Lagos. They can sell the same food items in nearby states like Ogun, Oyo, or even Osun. What exactly are they all doing in Lagos?

The working class are the ones who should stay, and those who have stands and shops in Lagos markets should stay. If you have no stand or shop, why do you opt for selling on roadsides? To me...it is a bad strategy. You are killing your health.

If you are not a civil servant or your salary is nothing to write home about, start looking for online jobs, but first learn a skill.

Here are skills you can learn and make money online:

1. Content Writing
2. Tech-related (programming, web development, salesforce, etc)
3. Online Marketing
4. Some others will still come out...try to follow trends
5. Trading (this is so useful... I have talked about this in a previous post).
6. Carpentry, Welding, electricians, or any related construction unskilled or semi-skill labor....use it to check out to Canada or other nations that need it.

If you can get a source of income online, you do not have much business in Lagos....move out. You even stay in a cheap place and build a 3 to 5-bedroom for yourself. Just think about it.

Do not box yourself into a rat race. For example, you work from 8 am to 8 pm and you aren't paid on time. You cannot make it in life. If you find yourself in such a case, just start looking for a way out. There is no job around...learn a skill while enduring the cr.azy job. Any job you get is to feed you...but start learning a skill. This is vital. If you cannot learn a skill, you are as dea.d as a piece of meat.

No matter what you choose to do, or how you do it..look at it like this:

Step 1: Any job to keep me from starving. Oga may owe me money....I will not stay long there.

Step 2: While on step one, I will learn a skill. 1 to 2 years of real struggle will not kill your health. But when you stay in 1 for many years, you are a dea.d meat.

Step 3: When I get a source of income with my new skill, and if it is online...the next stage is to reduce my expenses by getting a cheap rent, and better food so I can build my home. Shikena. Or, I check out of Naija. At the right time, I will get my home where I reside abroad or buy a home if I am returning to Naija. Shikena.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by jendoslim(m): 7:07pm On Nov 04, 2023
Can you mentor me on trading sir?
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by safarilove(m): 10:11pm On Nov 04, 2023
op better oil dey your head..this thread will go far aje!
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 7:25pm On Nov 05, 2023
Can you mentor me on trading sir?

I'll share more later in this thread; however, I don't go into business or investment with anybody in this area. Every careful individual don't solicit for fund to trade. I don't do it. And when I give out advice, I always say that use demo account. I am not a legalised to operate in this area; therefore, you take what I put here at your own risk. But there is no risk as long as you operate on a demo account. Whenever you feel like opening a live account, you open it when you know you are ready. And if you don't open, demo ...continue....demo...demo...demo. My advice is to assist you build the skil and not to push you to open a live account. Trading is highly risky and my suggestions should be used only on a demo account.


Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 5:22pm On Nov 06, 2023
The Sixth Cure: Ensure a future income.
Arkad advises on having a pension and future retirement income: "Therefore do I say that it behooves a man to make preparations for a suitable income in the days to come, when he is no longer young, and to make preparations for his family should he be no longer with them to comfort and support them".

Application in 2023
This is easy to do in the advanced nations, so I do not need to say much; however, I am going to address citizens of developing nations, especially Nigerians.

If you depend on the pension plan in Nigeria, you will be disappointed.

1. You cannot depend on the monthly pension pay from the federal government and state governments of Nigeria. First, it is so small. Second, only a few pensioners do not complain of irregular payments.

2. You can see signs that time Buhari wanted to borrow money from the pension trust fund. Is it something Buhari should not even try to do? I thought deeply then, and I said to myself that politicians do not care.

Gone are the days we are secured after retiring from government jobs.

So, how can you ensure you have a future after retirement?

1. Building a house and collecting rent: In this case, you know that it is your retirement plan. So, I think you should never see building a bungalow in a forest without having a solid plan on how to use the buidling as the plan. Depending on the number of years remaining that you have to retire, you should try to build 4 to 6 flats apartments somewhere you know will be developed to a reasonable extent after your retirement.

In this case, you are only securing your retirement days, and you should not care about recovering the total amount you spent on the house if it is a good investment or not. Yes, it might be a bad investment, but the purpose is to secure yourself after retirement. As long as the annual rent you take can cover your annual expenditure, go for it.

2. I see parents investing in their children for such a purpose. You are a stup.id father and mother if you do such. This is why I frown at people who come online saying they are the first sons and that they have younger ones to take care of. See, are you the one who had sex and brought them to this world? Lol. The useless parents enjoyed themselves and brought burdens into the world ...and put the burdens on their first sons. Useless parents. If you are one of such parents, you are useless.

3. The next option is Agriculture. Poultry, Fishery, Piggery, etc are hard now because of the cost of feeding them, but if you learn how to make organic feeds by yourself, you will make it. The truth is that most of the so-called consultants do not know it, and all they care about is taking your money. For example, if you learn how to breed insects and produce fodder, you will spend a very small amount on feed. Also, if you can go into producing your day-old chickens, you will even make more money. Some incubators operate on battery these days, so you have no excuse. You just need to plan.

If this is your plan, buy 6 plots of land and fence it around in a developing site. Not a low-height fence, but a standard-height fence. Then, build a bungalow there... For now, you may not use it, or even put cassava, corn, or other crops that don't need your attention. The plan is that the place is your retirement plan. And by the time you retire, the place will have developed more. So, the whole space is yours. And then, you can produce vegetables, eggs, and meat after you have retired. All you need to do is to learn it very well. And you can do so while you aren't retired. Trust me...this is a good plan. As at now, if you know what you are doing, every 6 months, you can produce 100 baskets of tomatoes from a plot of land. Remeber that you have like 5 more plots if you buy six. A basket if tomato is around N12000 to N18,000. And it can climb to N30,000 during rainy season. So, on just a plot, you can make N1.5million. If you knkw what you are doing, and you install an affordable nethouse for tropical regions, you will make a heck of money all year round. Just know what you are doing. That's all.

These two suggestions are what will work in Nigeria at this time. If you plan well, you will not be disappointed.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 7:58am On Nov 08, 2023
The Seventh Cure: Increase thy ability to earn.
Arkad advises to keep developing your own skills to increase your investing wisdom and also to increase your earnings power: "The more of wisdom we know, the more we may earn", and, "That man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded"

Application in 2023
Do you want to hear the truth? The day you stop learning, you are dea.d. It is common to believe education is a scam. While I do not subscribe to wasting money on useless courses, the lowest degree you should aspire to earn is a bachelor. Oh...I understand you are from a poor home, but you will grow and be responsible for yourself. It is not late at over 30 years.

But I value going to school earlier because "smartness" is what I am after. It is not just the usual courses of study, but building a smart nature inside you can be easily achieved when you go to school. Then, keep learning after school. Most of the things I learned are self-taught. Thank God for online learning and free resources on YouTube. Of course, if I need to pay $10 to $100 to acquire knowledge on Coursera, Udemy, and others, I do not hesitate to.

If you can leave Nigeria and study abroad, you won't regret it. This is from personal experience. Most of the guys studying abroad are not from rich homes. If you want to do it, you can. If they can, you can also. This is my view and it will not change.

The chances you will need the major courses in Nigerian engineering schools after graduation is almost zero. Lol. What about Geology? The course I laugh at in Nigeria is Estate Management. Lol. But does it mean the knowledge is wasted? Of course not. The most important thing is that you should go to school to increase your level of smartness.

No one will teach you well content writing. If you depend on anyone to teach you, or you pay for any course, you are a joke. Everything you need is on the internet for free. You only are paying because you refuse to be smart. Thats all. Shikena. And the person collecting money from you is just smarter than you. Period. Same way, you can learn everything else.

The ability to implement self-study is the greatest skill you ever need. When I see a new subject, I don't look for a mentor. I laugh at those motivators who have popularized mentoring. I do not look for any mentor...rather, I search for the road map.

If you want to learn a new subject, research the road map, and get the best materials for each stage in the path to knowing that thing. But I see many people doing nothing, but waiting for a mentor. Lol. Trust me, if you follow my recommendation, as soon as you get the road map....if you listen to that mentor you were previously eyeing...you will realize he doesn't even have the information you have. Of course, while drawing the road map, you can listen to his free lectures to gain main... that's all. Go and do your research and find out what it takes from A to Z to be an expert in the subject you want to learn.

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 4:12am On Nov 23, 2023
I smile when I read caution from people that gambling is evil. Lol. Of course, I don't support gambling, and the love of money is the only reason people gamble.

There is always a skill behind most of the activities people tagged gambling. Have you mastered the skills? For example, you see a teenager or a middle-aged man who is not interested in mathematics, logic, probability, economics, or politics, go into forex trading. Lol. This is gambling. I am going to repeat it here again....trading is not gambling if you master the skills required to get it done. Go and check out very well...look at the forex market even in Nigeria....ask those brokers ...even the northerners in the street...they know when to hold and when to release. They know when a pair is overpriced and when it is at a discount. Also, they watch out for equilibrium. But this skill takes time...however, many who don't know the principles rush into it. This is gambling. I think smart people who have access to good materials or mentors can master this skill in 6 months to 1 year. While the majority out there can start making a profit after 2 years. The question is 5hat how many people who lost money trading used demos for 1 year plus to practise very well and master the skill? Lol. They all rushed into it.

Do you have the required skills to master sports betting? It is also a skill. Go to Twitter, there are very few individuals there calling out games, and they are 40% to 55% accurate ... with this, they narrow it down with probability and with sense to make a profit from it. The same games they have called out broke many unskilled greedy individuals. Lol.

Self Control
Self-control is the most important skill to master if you want to be rich in this present world. Listen to me....everything has been digitalized. Stocks, Futures, Forex, Crypto, and trading are all where money is. The economy of this world is in this area...so, this is wealth. However, over 95% give out their money to 5% who have mastered it.

Paid jobs will only make you comfortable and not make you rich. If you are comfortable with such....fine. But if you want to be rich, you need to go after where the real money is.

Reasons for Gambling
1. Poverty
2. Impatience
3. Greediness
4. Lack of knowledge
5. Overconfidence
6. Poor money management
7. Stress

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Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by IAmHim1: 2:45am On Dec 11, 2023
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by IAmHim1: 3:25am On Dec 11, 2023
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by IAmHim1: 3:44am On Dec 11, 2023
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by IAmHim1: 3:45am On Dec 11, 2023

1 Like

Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by ChronosMed: 1:05pm On Dec 11, 2023
check out inner circle trader mentorship...month 1 to 12 first.

a whole new world...
forex, bond, crypto, stock, index futures market work on an algorithm...the difference is the timing at which the algorithm hunts buyside/ sellside liquidity

inner circle trader aka micheal huddleston was an "inside man" with the ''secret' people that created the algorithm

yeah i know it sounds like a cliche or a film...lolzzz but its as real as your skin. try his 12 months mentorship and go back to your charts...

a whole new world!

and yes, it takes time discipline and pain ..lots of pain at first but youll start to see it. "once you see it, you cant unsee it"

Inner Circle Trader? What exactly are you saying?
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by IAmHim1: 2:20pm On Dec 11, 2023
Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by ChronosMed: 10:39am On Dec 12, 2023
check out inner circle trader, ICT on youtube.

He used to run a mentorship where he charged students but people started repackaging and reselling his contents so he 'vexxed' and released his mentorship part on youtube for free

if theres anyone in the ENTIRE planet that knows what hes talking about concerning the financial markets and the algorithm it was coded with, ITS HIM, Micheal Hiddleston, ICT

Dont take my word for it. lolzzz
Alright, I will check that. Thank you

1 Like 1 Share

Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 12:41pm On Dec 12, 2023
check out inner circle trader mentorship...month 1 to 12 first.

a whole new world...
forex, bond, crypto, stock, index futures market work on an algorithm...the difference is the timing at which the algorithm hunts buyside/ sellside liquidity

inner circle trader aka micheal huddleston was an "inside man" with the ''secret' people that created the algorithm

yeah i know it sounds like a cliche or a film...lolzzz but its as real as your skin. try his 12 months mentorship and go back to your charts...

a whole new world!

and yes, it takes time discipline and pain ..lots of pain at first but youll start to see it. "once you see it, you cant unsee it"

Michael is good....he understands the concept....the real ghost in the machine. To me, he is the most modern generous mentor..however, his content isn't for everyone. To me, the biggest mistake he made was to release it because PhD students will struggle with it. He should have had a technique to scrutinize who to teach. Not everyone can get it.

Another concept is knowing the market cycle. This is where Steve Mauro comes in. There is a Nigerian guy who taught it in a very simple method. I forgot his name...if I remember, I will put him here.

And then, if one returns to Michael's concept and can spot the market cycle (actually he taught it also but I bet many won't take it seriously), the precision is extremely high.

Not to forget the grand master himself who took $10,000 to $1.2m in 12 months of trading the Future Market... Mr Larry Williams the master. He went ahead to contest as an american senator, but couldn't win. What a brain!!! This is to tell us that trading is not everything....trade...make money...and use it for something else. The barriers to trade to become the richest man on earth is too many, but you can trade to be extremely rich. It is not easy...Of course, I cant say I have reached the level to start mentoring others, so I wont start saying I want to mentor anyone. Please, forgive me if I dont respond to any mentorship post. Mr Williams is the mentor of Michael. Then, there are great principles from Elder Andersen (the man who blessed us with the 3 time frame concept), and I forgot the name of the person who Michael learned Turtle soup from. This is the first person who popularize the concept to liquidity..and how buy stops and sell stops are swallowed.

There are good traders, but Michael blasted it out (he brought everything together...very hard to express it all in a video...but Michael is extremely intelligent to have found a way to bring out many strategies....i laugh when I see new stuff...but listen...if you understand the msrket cycle...you will just smile at Michael); however, he complicated it for many because there are extremely few smart and patient people. Smart people aren't that patient...but when you are smart and extremely patient...believe me...the world is on your palm.

I did not want to start mentioning names so people won't get lost. But I think God wants me to...so, here is it...

The mentors above are enough for trading but it can take more than 1 year to learn it. These guys are generous in their books and videos... Within that period, damages might have been done if one puts money in it. And if one needs fast money, that is the way to death.

The best way to trade is to learn while you have rest of mind. This is why I said trading is for very few people. People learn to make fast money...or when it is taking too long, they put money there. Nope...learning to trade is when one is comfortable.

For example, you have enough money to feed your family for 2 years without working, and you take a break to soak yourself in it. Or, you are a student who has no wahala. This is the right time for most people. A student who is a disciple and knows that as soon as school starts, he stops learning until the holiday period again. And a student who will not put money in it. A student who can be patient for 3 to 4 years to learn it because he must stop when school resumes.

Also, if you are a business owner and you are sure that you can feed your family...go into it and soak yourself in it for 1 to 3 years. If you are extremely smart, you will get it in as little as 6 months period or maybe 1 year.

But...it is so deep that you will keep seeing new things as you trade. Why? The machine is in layers...and it is an everlasting level that you will keep seeing new almost perfect layers which have been there all this time...but your eyes just caught it at the time. This is why it is good to understand the machine and then know the market cycle.

Intermarket analysis is a tool that is scarce to see one who knows about it. Michael is a badass in that. And Larry William is the grand master in it. Michael said that he has over 30 years of experience. I agree. Before one understands Forex...then commodity, interest rate, stock, indexes, ....one would have gone far. And now crypto...and some other assets out there. Then, you start seeing the relationships there. This is the maddest tool I have ever seen. If one can find markets he understands well and match them together...boy!!!!

This is what I call "The world is in the palm of the person". This is having the world economy in one's pocket. This person cannot grow broke. Believe me..this person will drive a Ferrari and its level.

Hey bros...I can see some smartness in you even from your posts. But a beg.... smartness is a gift one must handle well oooo. I know what I am talking about. Real humility is needed ooo. I pray for it daily. I pray God grants your heart desires. Amen!


Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by epainos: 2:32pm On Dec 12, 2023
Disruptive Technologies - How Tech made passing knowledge to be free or almost ...yet highly rewardable

I am so glad Covid-19 came.... Listen to me....blessed are the Chinese for they will never lack... grin. Oh ....you think I do not know what I am talking about? Let me explain.

Covid-19 ushered in the acceptance of the online learning platform. This is the best that has ever happened to "developing nations" like Nigeria. Listen, if you need to learn a skill...pick up the methodologies of self-study. If you do not know how to study by yourself, you are in a real soup. Oh...I can't study alone...I need a study partner...ah! You are in soup. You better go and learn how to learn by yourself because being a lone ranger is the thing now.

Knowledge is powerful, and knowledgeable people always monetize it by organizing training. When you know something valuable, people will pay. The mentor wants to make money. Check history very well...the price disciples and followers of theological experts and scientists pay is extremely high...check out the prices great scientists like Darwin, Plato, and others paid. It is like Nigerian style (it is changing now cos Gen Zs have told those old nasty people to go to places ..and I love it) where one oga will take 5 to 15 years or more of your life in the name of learning a skill under him before giving you freedom. Na skill you wan learn, but they turn you into domestic slaves running errands...mad people. That is freedom from slavery you get when doing the so-called freedom. I would rather pay than serve under a useless master. Yet, they still take money ooo at the start, use the trainees like slaves, and then start postponing the dates of freedom. And when they eventually are forced to do it, the bill is mad. Honestly, God bless GenZs...they told them to go to places and that they aren't interested in slavery. Guess what? Little did the old fo.ols know that GenZs have tapped into online studies. Hahahha! Now, those masters are in soup...all of them are now poor. No one to use again. Lol. I love it so much. They used to complain like 5 years back that no one wants to learn artisan skills again oooo...lol. ...but now, they have accepted that it is over for them. Why will GenZs want to learn under them when they have tapped into modern ways of learning? Lol. Now, they are all poor.

They would cross their legs in those days, while the trainees did everything...and yet, they would beat those poor trainees silly when they made the slightest mistake. Very wicked system. The people who instituted that system were just wicked and selfish. And that is why I still say that...Awolowo, Zik and Balewa's generation are the basta.rds that destroyed us. That generation is the most selfish one I have ever come across. They are manipulators. Basta.rds people. I hate them with passion. They messed us up...they gave us useless laws that promote tribalism. I hate that generation.

Yes, Covid-19 then popularized online study and made it well accepted. Listen, to learn trading in those days, you would pay nothing less than $5,000. Steve Mauro and ICT's prices were knockouts. Lol. But today...it is all free on YouTube and then, small fees on Udemy, Coursera, etc. Just imagine paying $15 for what you would pay $10,000 for like 5 years ago. Yet, the Mentor who used to collect $10k makes even more money now without any stress of advertising. Wow! This is huge! A win-win situation for the mentor, the trainees, and the platforms. Wow!!!

I do tell people that I thank God, but if I had had access to materials to gain more knowledge in my teenage age to my mid-age in life...wow! But even at my age, I am hungry for knowledge. Or if I had moved earlier enough to North America or Europe in my early days, hmmm....Anyway, I bless God.

If I had had access to Larry William's materials and other guys I have mentioned, in my teenage days mehn! But good traders in those places had it all. They had access to everything there. Back at home here, we were just in the dark. It was when you got out of Africa you were free. But now....hahahahaha. Listen, you can beat them silly right in your room. The internet and the learning platforms have made it very easy to beat them silly.

Solar Energy
And guess what is happening next? Guys...keep praying that if Bola Tinubu does nothing for Nigeria, the deal he is signing with a company in Holland to start a solar panel industry here, and with a Chinese company to start producing lithium batteries comes through. If this happens, that is it. The next stage is to focus on having an uninterrupted supply of our gadgets. Forget about powering A/C, Fridge, Pressing irons, blenders and high-powered stuff if you cannot afford that...but if we can have 24/7 access to power that gives us knowledge...we are okay. Laptops, smartphones, internet devices....and God so good, this stuff don't require high power again...so, smart power banks powered by solar in smaller units can be developed. A student can have a dedicated unit to power his system...period.

Run after knowledge....and the world will bow at your feet. No more excuses. You have everything right beside you.


Re: The Modern Ways Of Getting Wealthy With Peace Of Mind by IAmHim1: 2:50am On Dec 13, 2023

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