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State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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Re: State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You by d142475: 2:48pm On Nov 07, 2023
[quote author=LOVEALAIGBO post=126829561]
I don't know how to quote a post on Nairaland, I don't sleep here. But let's face substantial matters. That you have taken to insults rather than rational discussion shows that you need help. With that being said, back to the substance. I agree with you that the North and South share radically opposed worldviews. I agree with you that Nigeria as is, is not sustainable. There needs to be either a renegotiation of the union or separation. However, what led to this thread is your playing of the victim card about how the Igbos are discriminated against in Nigeria. I took the opportunity to remind you that it is a bullshit propaganda by the Igbos. I reminded you that Igbos themselves are one of the most nativist and discriminatory tribes in Nigeria. I reminded you that even among the Igbos themselves, more than any other tribe, they discriminate against each other, down to their local government of origin. I reminded you of your hypocrisy and tired propaganda of crying victimization. I reminded you that Igboland is the least favorite destination for internal migration due to your nativist and discriminatory nature. Even your closest neighbors in the Niger-Delta and Deep South don't want to associate with you, because of your nativism and deep-seated tribalism.

I, however, agree with you that the differences between us in the South can be surmounted by a change of mentality and re-education and mutual respect between the various tribes and ethnic groups. I agree with you that even in spite of our differences, we are closer to one another than the we are closer to the core North.
Re: State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You by Mbanda(m): 3:27pm On Nov 07, 2023
Name one good thing you have benefited from the government

For me...

I paid 'peanut' as school fee during my undergraduate medical training. In some countries you work for many years to offset government loans for training
Absolutely nothing.

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Re: State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You by DaChosenOne: 3:57pm On Nov 07, 2023
It's better than other African countries. Somalia and Ethiopia are known for famine. Congo and Liberia are failed states. Glad Idont come from any of those four countries.
Re: State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You by DND069: 4:29pm On Nov 07, 2023
Resilience and enduring spirit. Sadly it is of no use and has no reward in this country.
Re: State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You by BrodaBenad: 5:41pm On Nov 07, 2023
I'm always grateful for the education I had in Nigeria. I bagged my MBBS there in Nigeria got my specialist license and japa
That's the only thing I'm grateful to Nigeria for
Cheaper and quality education
Re: State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You by Roger3D(m): 7:30pm On Nov 07, 2023

Education: Free Primary, Secondary and Cheap Tertiary Education. I attended public schools from start to finish.

School fees at University was 3,997 Naira Per session. 1999 to 2003.

Fighting Spirit: The never say die attitude. Never say never. Never give up. Channelled into positive things, it brings great benefits in the long run.

If only this spirit didn’t come out of adversity. Who knows? Maybe this spirit can only come from some form of adversity. But the adversities in Nigeria are just too much.

Street Smartness: Nigeria has also given me the street slyness. For every other city around the globe I have visited and stayed for long, it was impossible to scam or take undue advantage of me. Ears wide open. Eyes wide open. Saying only what was necessary and preemptively calculating any moves made to the next 500 steps ahead.

I attended university at about the same time as you and the highest tuition fee I ever paid was about 7k. In 1999 it was just about N1,300
Re: State One Good Thing Nigeria Did For You by 10thTenthMan: 8:30pm On Nov 07, 2023
I attended university at about the same time as you and the highest tuition fee I ever paid was about 7k. In 1999 it was just about N1,300

Thank you jare. You may be right.

Truth is this. While trying to remember, my mind went to 3k ish. I think it was actually 1,397 Naira or so. I really cannot remember. But thinking back now, I think it was around 1k plus.

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