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Words On Marble - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Words On Marble by AbuTwins: 8:43am On Nov 10, 2023
Prophet Muhammad Salallahu alayhi wasalam The Last Messenger of Allah said:

“O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no favor of an Arab over a foreigner, nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin, nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?” (Sahih Hadith)

Allah the Creator of the universe says In the Noble Quran:
“And among His wonders is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your tongues and colors. For in this, behold, there are messages indeed for all who are possessed of innate knowledge!” (The Noble Quran 30:22).

“Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky? With it We then bring out produce of various colors. And in the mountains are tracts white and red, of various shades of color, and black intense in hue. And so amongst men, and crawling creatures, and cattle — they are of various colors. Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge. For Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving” (The Noble Quran 35:27–28).

“And He it is who has brought you all into being out of one living entity, and has appointed for each of you a time-limit on earth, and a resting-place after death. Clearly, indeed, We have spelled out these messages unto people who can grasp the truth!” (The Noble Quran 6:98).

“And among His wonders is this: He creates you out of dust, and then, behold! You become human beings ranging far and wide!” (The Noble Quran 30:20).

“For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s praise — for them, Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward” (The Noble Quran 33:35).

“Oh men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (The Noble Quran 49:13).

17 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Words On Marble by DrChukki: 1:48pm On Nov 10, 2023
A tree is known by its fruit.

Wisdom is justified by her children.

But how a religion of peace breeds terror is what I still don't understand.

No religion on earth does the members fight for their god like Islam.

Muslims, ask your leaders if truly your religion is a religion of peace.

Don't just follow their teachings, watch the outcome on members

23 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Words On Marble by oyeb15: 1:49pm On Nov 10, 2023
It is Haram to ride to power on d alter of religion and later turn around to implement policies that threatened d existence of humanity.

Eg adekunle Tinubu bola

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Words On Marble by Popeonah(m): 1:50pm On Nov 10, 2023
Re: Words On Marble by abiolag(m): 1:50pm On Nov 10, 2023
Jazakallahu khaira 🙏🏾


Re: Words On Marble by Dittodat: 1:54pm On Nov 10, 2023
A tree is known by its fruit.

Wisdom is justified by her children.

But how a religion of peace breeds terror is what I still don't understand.

No religion on earth does the members fight for their god like Islam.

Muslims, ask your leaders if truly your religion is a religion of peace.

Don't just follow their teachings, watch the outcome on members
More people have been killed in the name of Christianity than all other religions combined.
Go and read your history.
Typical blind shallow, low IQ brainwashed religious fanatical fool.

13 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Words On Marble by DrChukki: 1:56pm On Nov 10, 2023

More people have been killed in the name of Christianity than all other religions combined.
Go and read your history.

I'm not interested on what happened when I was not born... My concern is what's happening now...

Hamas, ISIS, ISWAP, Al Shabab, Al-Queada, Al Mogadishu, etc, are they trying to repeat history for another religion?

24 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Words On Marble by sltn(m): 2:06pm On Nov 10, 2023
True fact

1 Like

Re: Words On Marble by plsdisvirginme: 2:50pm On Nov 10, 2023
Re: Words On Marble by plsdisvirginme: 2:51pm On Nov 10, 2023
I want to convert to Muslim if provide me with a job

1 Like

Re: Words On Marble by AbuTwins: 3:15pm On Nov 10, 2023

I'm not interested on what happened when I was not born... My concern is what's happening now...

Hamas, ISIS, ISWAP, Al Shabab, Al-Queada, Al Mogadishu, etc, are they trying to repeat history for another religion?

You should read your scriptures wella.
Why don't you include UGM/IPOB, Israel, USA and the NATO group?

The numbers of civilians Israel has killed and properties destroyed in Palestine in just few weeks is more than what Boko haram and ISWAP has done for many years in Nigeria! And no Muslim supports Boko haram and ISWAP!

Bigoted mind!


Re: Words On Marble by reccy(m): 3:17pm On Nov 10, 2023
Jazakulmullahu khairan
Re: Words On Marble by SeeWahala: 4:50pm On Nov 10, 2023

You should read your scriptures wella.
Why don't you include UGM/IPOB, Israel, USA and the NATO group?

The numbers of civilians Israel has killed and properties destroyed in Palestine in just few weeks is more than what Boko haram and ISWAP has done for many years in Nigeria! And no Muslim supports Boko haram and ISWAP!

Bigoted mind!

@ the above bolded must be the Islamic joke of the century angry

Alla uak BOOM on your taqiya towel head cool


Re: Words On Marble by tamdun: 5:27pm On Nov 10, 2023
Re: Words On Marble by AbuTwins: 7:50pm On Nov 10, 2023

@ the above bolded must be the Islamic joke of the century angry

Alla uak BOOM on your taqiya towel head cool

If I lie then all Muslims in SW should have killed all Christians there! I don't know where you guys put your thinking cap!

Are Muslims the ones in SE terrorising them?


Re: Words On Marble by UncleKoboko: 8:37pm On Nov 10, 2023
A tree is known by its fruit.

Wisdom is justified by her children.

But how a religion of peace breeds terror is what I still don't understand.

No religion on earth does the members fight for their god like Islam.

Muslims, ask your leaders if truly your religion is a religion of peace.

Don't just follow their teachings, watch the outcome on members
One thing I know Jesus -pbuh detest is hypocrisy and lies.
How can you ever make it in life if you continue being a miserable stupid fool and a hypocrite?
This is you who just sworn "I believe that there no god/God but Allah."
"I believe that Muhammad is God's Holy Prophet."
"I believe that Islam is the Only True Religion."
"lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muhammadun rasūlu-llāh."
, all because you want to post a stupid comment and get useless likes.
I pity your future. When you deliberately shut the gate of your going to heaven forever due to some spiritual declarations you've made, know it's your fault and you deserve it.
Your pope just authorised the marriage of LGBT pigs, is this biblical?
OSU mumu


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