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Hall Effect Sensors Is The New Game Changer For Gamers - Gaming - Nairaland

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Hall Effect Sensors Is The New Game Changer For Gamers by Mckandre(m): 8:40pm On Nov 13, 2023
So i recently replaced my drift engulfed controller sticks with a duel hall effect stick from aliexpress. Boy! My gameplay has drastically improved, the sticks are buttery smooth than the regular potentiometer sticks. i can aim seamlessly without friction,deadzones almost zero. With these stick i can gladly say good buy to stick drift for the rest of my gaming life on Ps4.

However, have u used or owned a hall effect controller before? What's your experience like after a long time use?

I don't have the time to explain the mechanism involved in the hall effect,so i copied a write up from reddit to explain better but u can research more about it on YouTube.


In short, these are joysticks that use magnets to detect stick movement in a way that doesn’t wear and tear. Hall Effect joysticks get their name from The Hall Effect, which is in turn named after its founder Edwin Hall. The Hall Effect represents a change in voltage that is caused when a magnetic field interferes with an electrical flow from a conductor.

Hall Effect joysticks use this principle by having permanent magnets in them that move in relative to an electrical conductor. The voltage change that occurs is converted to positional data to track the joystick’s movements.

Since the components in a Hall Effect joystick never physically touch, the sensors do not wear out like they do on analog joysticks. This means that in theory, Hall Effect joysticks never develop drift in their lifetime.


The components within an analog, or ‘potentiometer’ joystick move along each other; this either increases or decreases the resistance of the electric circuit. Analog joysticks can be very precise in their tracking since it deals with a measurable change in electrical resistance by components that physically touch one another. But all of this physical contact does wear out the resistors.

While Hall Effect joysticks don’t experience the traditional drift observed in analog joysticks, they do have some other potential issues. The magnets used in Hall Effect sensors can lose or change their magnetism. This will cause the joysticks to become less accurate in their tracking. However, the chances of this occurring are much lower than an analog stick developing drift since the Hall Effect joysticks must be exposed to a lot of electromagnetic interference to induce a change in magnetism.


Because Hall Effect sticks are much less likely to wear down, their controllers don’t need nearly any dead zone to accommodate for the eventual drift that analog sticks produce.

The result of this smaller dead zone is that Hall Effect sticks are much more responsive, a small movement on the stick will be represented on the screen, it could be a huge competitive advantage, especially for shooters.


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