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Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo - Family (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by Silentgroper(m): 5:28am On Nov 15, 2023
If my grandmother sneezes she would say someone is calling her name somewhere …
I'm sorry but are you sure she doesn't fly around in the midnight

It's just a question ❓❓
Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by Silentgroper(m): 5:31am On Nov 15, 2023
Hiccup is self relievable..
Without the thread or nothing, it stops itself...

Only prolonged ones usually require the need for water ..

Read hiccup and you'd see the thread has got nothing to do with babies getting relieved from hiccups...
Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by Lasgidi90(m): 8:03am On Nov 15, 2023

Mabinu, aburo, I apologize on his behalf you will grow older than you expect, just nairaland is full of hateful comments, tribalism etc, he doesn't mean what he said
Na why I dey always fear to comment on nairaland. The replies are always usually spiteful.
Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by Lasgidi90(m): 8:08am On Nov 15, 2023

If it does not work our olden mothers will not be doing it. I believe that other cultures too have something different from this, but with belief of meeting purpose it means for which is not in other culture and we children of nowadays did not believe them.
That does not make all the past cultures reliable. Typical example, if to say oyinbo no come stop the killing of twins for us, I'm sure you will be among those saying that since our forefathers are doing it, then it must be right.
We need to start thinking for ourselves. Most of these things are common sense
Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by biyams(m): 10:37am On Nov 15, 2023
Fishbrain BlackMan

They do it because it works...

It's a natural remedy for hiccup passed down on your mothers from different generations before Oyibo came with their medicine.

It doesn't have to come from overseas and a whiteman before you believe it works.

Same way you can cure cold and flu by placing onion under your foot.

It's like asking a lion why it's chewing a leaf when it feels it has stomach ache or pains.

With your pig brain when you travel abroad and your child develops uncontrollable Hiccups and you take them to the hospital and a whiteman place same stuff on your child's head and it helps stop the problem.

You'll shine your 32 and happily hand them $1000
pls don't call black man "fish brain"
Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by DonroxyII: 2:34pm On Nov 15, 2023
All I know, we black didn't believe in our self.
Our Knowledges is Quite Limited to Our Village !

We Carry Out Little Research On Humanities...

We Prefer to Marry in Many Women With Many Children Then Unveiling Nature & Her Mysteries .....

How Could we believe in Ourselves when Most of Our Philosophies are not Truly Solving Our Humanoid Problems.....

Oyinbo needed to Build Machines & Came to Our Backyard to Extract Oil Those Machines will Use to Run What do we Do "Our Oil, Our Oil" ....

I asked Myself .... what was The value of Oil(Crude) to Africans before Machine Inventions by Oyinbos

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Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by DonroxyII: 2:38pm On Nov 15, 2023
I disagree with you on this simply because
How would the brain be aware that something is placed on the head. Most times the child will be unaware that something is placed on him, you mught want to say the scalp will feel the thread , but what if the child has much hair on his her ?so how would the brain detect this...??
The CNS & Entire Nervous System is Divided into Conscious & Subconscious.....

Trust me, The Human Brain is as Vast as the Universe itself ..... You don't know doesn't mean Your Brain Doesn't Know ....

You Only Controls Some Few Like 25% of Your Brain while like 85% Controls itself Without Your Awareness or Unawareness !

All it takes is Censor(Nerves) Feelings & Signals Shall be sent & Instructions sent back on what to do ... Action begins immediately except the nerve is dead !
Re: Who Gave Our Mothers This Idea? Photo by Lovelydaisies: 8:37pm On Nov 16, 2023


It's always refreshing to see people with good IQ on this forum.

Kudos chief!

I think he copied the post from a website. I came across it in my search on the topic.
But I found another site owned by a Nigerian doctor that says the hack doesn't work.

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