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What Do Women Think When They Do This - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by flexyrule(m): 10:53am On Nov 25, 2023
Go and look for money
Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Jewessgratitud3: 10:53am On Nov 25, 2023
Don't be quick to jump into conclusion like that. Do you even know if the girls did that just to discourage or turn you off because they noticed the way you were starring at them and felt you wanted to ask them out?

This is not true.

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by SQLmastar(m): 10:53am On Nov 25, 2023
Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Lastmankc(m): 10:54am On Nov 25, 2023
Woman send you message and you dey shine teeth.Can you do the same for a guy?


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by tollyboy5(m): 10:56am On Nov 25, 2023
Hahahaha we call it green and red signal. We use it to test a man's CONFIDENCE. grin
Trust me, wen a lady start acting confused. I'm out!

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by blackgold2018(m): 10:57am On Nov 25, 2023
Hahahaha we call it green and red signal. We use it to test a man's CONFIDENCE. grin
unfortunately such test is for the kids. A matured lady wouldn’t have time for such games


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by AZControversial(m): 10:59am On Nov 25, 2023
So true.

Just like OP, I get turned off by such behaviours.

So, she's like expecting me to lure her away from her man? Or like someone implied: prove their worth?

The day a lady tried it with me, i made no hesitation in letting her know that she doesn't love her man.


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by finallybusy: 11:00am On Nov 25, 2023
It's called making a move. You can spot it, now learn to use it.
Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Greenfusion: 11:00am On Nov 25, 2023

Most times it's counter productive.

I can't chase a girl who told me she has a boyfriend.
If i do and u eventually get her, i may never be at peace....i might feel she is not loyal and cheap

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by illicit(m): 11:02am On Nov 25, 2023
She might want u to know that she is not a lesbian

Or that she is in an open relationship

She's just telling u to make a move if u are interested, she has done half the job for u...


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Menclothing: 11:03am On Nov 25, 2023
Lolz 😂 enjoy ur moment

Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by dododawa1: 11:03am On Nov 25, 2023
YOUTHS of nigeria hobbies




Offpoint issues


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Ejikedaniel28: 11:04am On Nov 25, 2023
Best response ever,well-done man ......quote author=Nazgul post=127146958]You can't expect a mature girl to tell you that she's single. It devalues them.

Most would want to give you the impression that they're desired by better men. Which to them would make you see them as hot cake.

Don't take it personal.[/quote]

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Adewale1603(m): 11:05am On Nov 25, 2023
That gender that doesn't even understand themselves by themselves or know what they actually want, is now what you want to know or understand.


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by VeeVeeMyLuv(m): 11:07am On Nov 25, 2023
That doesn't answer d question
They're physically attracted to you.

It happens to both men and women. Some individuals are so physically attractive that you can't help but turn around and look at them again and again.

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by iLegendd(m): 11:07am On Nov 25, 2023
Most women just don't understand the game. When you call another guy in front of the new one you're admiring to make him jealous and chase while giving the impression you have lots of options, the guy will automatically assume you've slept with all those options and sees you as everyone's product.

When I go to the market, I don't buy those garri buyers are always touching even if it's the cleanest. What if I want to drink it? Garri everybody in the market has touched with their unwashed hands after using the...fill in the blank. I feel they've infected it with germs from their dirty hands.

This jealous tactic only works when a man is doing it on a woman. When a woman does it, only SIMPs fall for it. Real men will leave you, bad boys will still bang you to add to their catalog, but only SIMPs will go ahead with something serious.

A man with lots of options is what every woman wants as their husband, because they want to find out why other women love him so much. (They want to find out if he's from a rich home, rich himself or great in bed).

But a woman with lots of options is scary to men because we feel she could be into hookup with such male attentions. Even if she isn't into hookup, we don't like women with male besties because we know what's up.

If she's such a good girl, why isn't her male bestie taking her seriously in a real relationship? Or, is the bestie not up to her taste? Funnily, this bestie is banging her on a regular basis with no feelings attached.

So, women should wise up. That game isn't in their favor. Use another tactic. I wrote a book for women, but I don't know why I don't want to publish it. It will give them upper hand against SIMPs.

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Emeka71(m): 11:08am On Nov 25, 2023
don't waste time on women they ain't worth it
Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Quebec91(m): 11:11am On Nov 25, 2023
cheesy i tel you
don't waste time on women they ain't worth it
Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Nobody: 11:11am On Nov 25, 2023
These women may do this as a reminder or preventive measure. They may do this to remind themselves they are in relationships and want to remain faithful. It's not always about you grin

Although I find these claims very strange


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Zooposki(f): 11:14am On Nov 25, 2023
don't waste time on women they ain't worth it

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Connected1: 11:20am On Nov 25, 2023
It's simple.

She's interested in you but don't want anything serious that's why she's letting you know there's a man in her life.

As a player you ride along and do your things else you pass.

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Exceed15: 11:20am On Nov 25, 2023
That doesn't answer d question

What answer do you want?

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Angelfrost(m): 11:22am On Nov 25, 2023
OP... You really need to quit overrating and overestimating yourself... It is unmanly and highly irritating.

If a girl directly and/or indirectly indicates interest in you, the respectable thing is to humbly see it as a compliment, and absolutely nothing more... It shouldn't even get into your head, especially to this narcissistic point of creating a thread about it just to feel good about yourself and debase women.

Make una dey use this thing called Brain well for this Social Media. Mtchewwww!!!

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by jaxxy(m): 11:23am On Nov 25, 2023
with ur mentality of wild assumptions u could get into trouble with white girls who are friendly but still very strict and crazy about boundaries and consent.

u are just assuming alot of wild things from girls confusing body language without any word or serious interaction to show anything. and ure even reacting and taking offence over what may not be about u.

why do u think so much of urself when u are actually insecure?

u think too much bt say so little thereby actually knowing so little. undecided

everything is in ur head and not real just figments of ur wild imagination undecided

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Greenfaces: 11:31am On Nov 25, 2023
Some time ago, i was in a public place and a lady sitting next to me was obviously staring at me and drawing his face out anytime I turn.

Eventually, she took her phone and started a call with a guy. Discussing over love. I had the feeling the girl was doing it because of me and that it not to drive me away but to show interest in her.

Happened again at the airport. A girl I was sitting next to asked me to get her something politely as i took permission to go get something. When I arrived, she was obviously into me. But then, she brought her phone out and started a video call with another guy. She does it in a way that will make me notice by fire by thunder. After the call, my demeanor changed and I avoided her and I could see the girl somewhat disappointed. From her looks, she was expecting another type of reaction from me.

A lady friend met me and we talked. She wanted relationship and she was into me But then I asked her if she has a boyfriend and she said yes. Then i changed the topic and she could see my interest has changed. So she said it not a serious relationship and she doesn't even know if it a relationship because she doesn't love the guy... She started telling tales. Las las i nor give am line.

These things happened alot. Maybe because they are all up to marriage age. If a girl thinks that chatting or calling another guy would make a guy interested in them, then they need to rethink. Or maybe she just doesn't like me.

What's your opinion on this.
just get married and face the bigger issues of life. You will get tired of advances and hits as a married man than the ones you're getting now.

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by shedy03(m): 11:32am On Nov 25, 2023
There must be something about your physical look that attracts them to you, and those fake calls to their guys were like shooting their shots.


Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by sheriffindy(m): 11:32am On Nov 25, 2023
It's not answer...its an advice
That doesn't answer d question

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Zxcvbnmghtr: 11:37am On Nov 25, 2023
unfortunately such test is for the kids. A matured lady wouldn’t have time for such games

grin Most of you men are kids and irresponsible and immature. The reason why there are too many single mothers this days.
Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Enemyofpeace: 11:41am On Nov 25, 2023
Na only you everything dey happen to, you’re the only man in Nigeria. Well done you hear?
Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by DKM123: 11:42am On Nov 25, 2023
Every minute, Nairaland men are making post about women. Same women they claim are this and that and that they do not care about.

Their fellow men are up there finishing them with multidimensional poverty everyday but they don't get up to 5 percent as much energy. But when it comes to Nigerian women, all thier neck veins will stand erect. Back then, man were more interested in things that affected thier financial lives but men today, are all about women this, girls that. Dem swear for una? Small-minded men everywhere..

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by Brushstrokes20: 11:43am On Nov 25, 2023
Some dumb as Fvck bitches that tried such STUPID, PREMATURE GAMES🎮 with me ended up UTTERLY DISSAPOINTED! # No time for nonsense 💯😎

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Re: What Do Women Think When They Do This by DeLaRue: 11:44am On Nov 25, 2023
This is ridiculous.

So every time I'm sitted next to a lady at a airport and she whips out her phone to make a call, I should assume she's trying to lure me/attract my interest.

How did you even have the time to know if the person sitting beside you is making a video call or the sex of the person she's calling Don't you mind your own business?

It seems you have made widely wrong assumptions about the intents of the ladies.

They were probably just doing their own thing, and their calls had nothing to do with you.

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