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Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Jostoman: 11:28am On Nov 29, 2023
People should stop disturbing others during their service or programs. . They are lucky he didn't unleash those dogs on them.
he should go to kano on friday afternoon and try it inside mosque.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Coolacetone: 11:32am On Nov 29, 2023
Can he try it with Muslim, christians are weak
Don't compare christians to terrorists
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Shimran(m): 11:37am On Nov 29, 2023

Mohamed is a mad parophet and a pedophile

With 1.8 billion followers cool
So his legacy spring on!
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Lumarstone: 11:41am On Nov 29, 2023
Funny but reasonable!
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by danzaki63: 11:45am On Nov 29, 2023
That Church is not secured, How did he get access so easily? In some places, he wont go out alive with those Dogs. he has carried it too far. The church should make a formal report to the police because next time he might unleash the dogs.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by gloryman91: 11:51am On Nov 29, 2023
Why must you use yours to disturb others ?
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Blackfire(m): 11:59am On Nov 29, 2023

Please, understand that I'm not in support of his actions... I merely tried to explain what could have pushed him to such an extreme.

I am also in support of you...

Is just that you can be right in an issue but if you ain't careful of your words and actions...you will instantly be wrong and a culprit
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by SIRTee15: 11:59am On Nov 29, 2023
Christian will have problem with another christian, but but the ONLINE LUNATIC WILL BLAME IT ON ISLAM.

One even said christian is not a terrorist religion, am laughing so much here.

Go to the book of number, Sam, Deuteronomy, Luke and read for yourself.

Go and read about Spanish inquisition and so on.

Mr Man stop holding to the past. This is 2023.
Christians don't follow the old testament, take your weeping to the Jews.
In 2023 muslims still believe it's right to kill an innocent person in the name of Allah if their fragile emotion is insulted.
That's the crux here not what some people did 600 yrs ago. Muslims also had horrible past, but no one is talking g about.
We talking now.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Kingson28: 12:00pm On Nov 29, 2023
[quote author=SadEast419 post=127214041]Let them close the church..

Wait, Closing the church will only add to the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. the pastors may die hungury grin 0gqa

You need help.
So church is now something you joke with?
Beg God to restore your sense because I see the devil has stolen the one God gave you.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by extol1(m): 12:03pm On Nov 29, 2023
All these churches are just fishing for trouble.

Tomorrow they will start crying that they are being persecuted for doing the Lord's work.

As if this was how Christ and the early Apostles went about constituting nuisance in the name of worshipping God.
I expected more from you and not what you typed here, there are proper way to handle things
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Abioladoks: 12:06pm On Nov 29, 2023
why he no use gun instead of dogs!

mad people

Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by bro1010: 12:06pm On Nov 29, 2023
He went about it the wrong way, He should have jejely bought Big speakers second hand from Jiji and put blue film and face the speaker directly at the church anytime they start their noise, and make sure the blue film is very loud, and put it on repeat. The community will come out to settle the matter. After the matter has been settled, he can then resell the speakers on Jiji and continue with his life. Its that simple

Everything no be gragra

Is his dog not barking and disturbing neighbors.

He could have spoken with pastor, or write them and if nothing done he writes the appropriate authority.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by bluebay(m): 12:19pm On Nov 29, 2023
Can he try it with Muslim, christians are weak
Muslims aren’t noisy
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by bluebay(m): 12:20pm On Nov 29, 2023

3 dogs untop how many peeople?
One Pitbull or Bullmastiff kpere, church go close . Believe me

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Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by newnigerdelta00: 12:20pm On Nov 29, 2023
People should stop disturbing others during their service or programs. . They are lucky he didn't unleash those dogs on them.

Unleashed you say, you need Jesus Christ.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by bluebay(m): 12:22pm On Nov 29, 2023

Mohamed is a mad parophet and a pedophile
Go Hausa quarter go open that your stupid mouth nd utter such word… Am a Christian but am ashamed of you . I wish you were the one stoned to death
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by pendragonbladgo(m): 12:24pm On Nov 29, 2023
African Churches, i tire....

Everybody wants to be a Pastor and open his church, no body want to open industry.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by TheBillyonaire: 12:25pm On Nov 29, 2023
That is not necessary. Just position a high decibel bluetooth speaker near them, and play blue-film when they are preaching. Let them fight with the spirit of jezebel of erection.

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Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by NwaliE01: 12:26pm On Nov 29, 2023
Churches and mosque doesn't need to be so loud before God can hear them. Why can't we learn good things from other parts of the world?

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Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by iLegendd(m): 12:29pm On Nov 29, 2023
Can he try it with Muslim, christians are weak

You may have a point.

But are you trying to say any man you fear to hurt or any man who hurts you when he likes is a real man while others are not?

If yes, that mean a Yahoo boy who kills a girl that cheats on him is a real man and better than another Yahoo boy who ends the relationship and walks away without harming anyone?

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Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by 89green: 12:36pm On Nov 29, 2023
Let them close the church..

Wait, Closing the church will only add to the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. the pastors may die hungury grin 0gqa

Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Ex0rrcist: 12:51pm On Nov 29, 2023
The dogs are very unnecessary. In Naija, everyone wants to use force. Why didn't he report the church to government authorities?

What if one of the dogs had gotten loose and mauled a child?

We don't think things through in Nigeria, everything is just gragra.

And we all talk about "saner climes". Take your dogs to harass your neighbor in the US and you might get shot down for unlawful breach of property.
It wouldn't have gotten to this level in your saner climes because the curch wouldn't be disturbing him to start with. Na madness dem dey use cure madness for a jungle like Nigeria.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Blacktruth: 12:54pm On Nov 29, 2023
That's crazy i swear

Nothing we nor go see for dis country, weitin remain again
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Igbafe4real(m): 12:57pm On Nov 29, 2023
Man storms neighboring church with his dogs to caution them over noise pollution shocked



They didn't even mind him and his dogs presence. They just kept praying and I even saw a woman pointing at him as she prayed on 😹😹😹
To me it's unnecessary stress to bring in dogs in chain and not unleash them on the church members mostly the pastor. Then they won't ever try that nonsense again 😹🤣😂
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Judolisco(m): 12:58pm On Nov 29, 2023
Can he try it with Muslim, christians are weak
exactly d moment he takes d dog to d mosque, he has given them all justification to kill him
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Ex0rrcist: 12:58pm On Nov 29, 2023
every one hate noise. But what if d church building is d first to have bought land in dat location before others acquired land. I know many churches that bought land inside bush but later others start building residential houses close to d area. We should know d situation on ground before making judgment. Just as if u are saying guru maharaji and redeem Christian church at Lagos Ibadan express road are disturbing residents people. Do u know how dat place was in 20 to 30 yrs ago. I to hate constant noise from church and mosque.
In that kind of situation, then you don't use loudspeakers at night. I doubt if noises from ordinary people can make a man act like that, it's the fricking loudspeakers at night. It's so backward at this point, they don't do that in some part of rivers state. Both Muslims and Christians dare nor use loudspeakers, or they'll be closed. Even hausa quarters don't break the law there, the law is the law.
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Ex0rrcist: 1:04pm On Nov 29, 2023

Go Hausa quarter go open that your stupid mouth nd utter such word… Am a Christian but am ashamed of you . I wish you were the one stoned to death
Freedom of speech?
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Ex0rrcist: 1:05pm On Nov 29, 2023
exactly d moment he takes d dog to d mosque, he has given them all justification to kill him
Kill him? Do human lives mean anything to you at all?
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Major1984(m): 1:05pm On Nov 29, 2023

They are weak cheesy
Their god was also weak, hanged on a cross like a chicken grin
Your Mohammed died in the suite bombing he carried out last, in Jedda
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by Subonbon(m): 1:06pm On Nov 29, 2023
People should stop disturbing others during their service or programs. . They are lucky he didn't unleash those dogs on them.
the dogs too were lucky they were not unleashed..
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by SadEast419(m): 1:07pm On Nov 29, 2023
[quote author=Kingson28 post=127224560][/quote] mumu people, tell pastor adeboye to bring mohbad back to life, or restore mr ibu's leg... Over 10thousand church have been fighting a devil for the past 2000 years but dem no still win. No be juju be that?0 sad sad
Re: Noise Pollution: Man Storms Neighboring Church With His Dogs To Warn Them (vid) by SadEast419(m): 1:10pm On Nov 29, 2023
the dogs too were lucky they were not unleashed..
Jesus for don wound dem grin grin

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