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Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... - Phones - Nairaland

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Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Stupidanimal: 1:58pm On Dec 26, 2023
now, I cannot connect using the push button.

Okay, so I wanted to use my Airtel SIM on this MTN-only router.

I stumbled on a website and downloaded this upgrade software. I connect my router with a usb cable and it loaded the rom successfully.

How am I sure it worked? Now, for the first time, the router name has changed - now, Beeline_C51A.

But I cannot connect to the router. It's not as if the password gets rejected when I try to connect. Actually, I don't know the password because it was given as a gift and the person who gave me does not remember the password and has discarded the pack. So normally, I used to connect using the push button (with some broom or pin). Now, I have tried using the push method and it wouldn't connect.

Anyone have the router's original firmware so I can downgrade to the original stock rom.

All suggestions appreciated.
Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Stupidanimal: 2:01pm On Dec 26, 2023
This is it.

Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Stupidanimal: 2:18pm On Dec 26, 2023
Please say something

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Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Stupidanimal: 2:40pm On Dec 26, 2023
Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Sammy101111(m): 4:39pm On Dec 26, 2023
Go and buy airtel router na just 7k so why the stress

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Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Adewale1603(m): 5:50pm On Dec 26, 2023
now, I cannot connect using the push button.

Okay, so I wanted to use my Airtel SIM on this MTN-only router.

I stumbled on a website and downloaded this upgrade software. I connect my router with a usb cable and it loaded the rom successfully.

How am I sure it worked? Now, for the first time, the router name has changed - now, Beeline_C51A.

But I cannot connect to the router. It's not as if the password gets rejected when I try to connect. Actually, I don't know the password because it was given as a gift and the person who gave me does not remember the password and has discarded the pack. So normally, I used to connect using the push button (with some broom or pin). Now, I have tried using the push method and it wouldn't connect.

Anyone have the router's original firmware so I can downgrade to the original stock rom.

All suggestions appreciated.
search for it online. You might get the stock firmware rom online and download it
Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Stupidanimal: 1:32pm On Dec 27, 2023
Go and buy airtel router na just 7k so why the stress

Thanks for the suggestion.
Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by nurey(m): 5:19pm On Dec 27, 2023

Thanks for the suggestion.

Reset the router and use 0000 or 1234, if that doesn't work. You need to connect the router to a computer it will automatically install the software with that you can reset everything necessary. Default user name and password is normally admin for both

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Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Stupidanimal: 7:09am On Dec 28, 2023

Reset the router and use 0000 or 1234, if that doesn't work. You need to connect the router to a computer it will automatically install the software with that you can reset everything necessary. Default user name and password is normally admin for both

The problem is, there is no reset button. Only the WPS button and a little hole I used to poke with a broom if I need to connect.

The router is connected to the computer as I type, but it doesn't reset - nothing. What I have is the upgraded interface with some weird russian interface.
Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by nurey(m): 7:55am On Dec 28, 2023

The problem is, there is no reset button. Only the WPS button and a little hole I used to poke with a broom if I need to connect.

The router is connected to the computer as I type, but it doesn't reset - nothing. What I have is the upgraded interface with some weird russian interface.

Then look for another custom firmware that is in english and flash it on it. The issue you have is you don't understand russia language grin

There is this popular firmware mobilebroadband you can google for specific firmware to the model number.
Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by Stupidanimal: 8:36am On Dec 28, 2023

Then look for another custom firmware that is in english and flash it on it. The issue you have is you don't understand russia language grin

There is this popular firmware mobilebroadband you can google for specific firmware to the model number.

For the first time ever, I was able to login to the device and factory reset it using "admin" as password. I was also able to get the router password. I think I am cool now.

Your suggestions has been really helpful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Re: Flashed My MTN Mobile Wifi MF920W Router With A Custome Rom(beeline_c51a) And... by nurey(m): 8:50am On Dec 28, 2023

For the first time ever, I was able to login to the device and factory reset it using "admin" as password. I was also able to get the router password. I think I am cool now.

Your suggestions has been really helpful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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