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'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael - Celebrities (7) - Nairaland

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Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Prettychild(f): 2:42pm On Dec 27, 2023
Every husband should make sure their wives are not emotionally attached to their children especially the boys, this is where they are being deceived thinking their mother love them more than their father. Fight it
Forget all these manipulation stories, children observe way more than adults, they know who did what at home

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Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Bigkenny: 2:42pm On Dec 27, 2023
The boy looks like Ruud Gullit
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by rollywise(m): 2:48pm On Dec 27, 2023

I don't blame low IQ Nigerian men like you
Easy to decieve and can't think for yourself

Emeka Ike is an Actor for God's sake
He is good at manipulating people on screen
And you think he won't use it to his advantage

Go and watch Emeka Ike wife interview and get some sense.
She even tried so much to cover up for Emeka Ike's fuckups yet she is the one being crucified on social media.

Listen to the video below and tell me why the son won't be acting up.
If your father abuse you like this 24/7
You will still say Daddy Thank you?


I wish I can send you a voice note cuz I hate typing. You just displayed what you condemned. If you hear Emeka Ike's tone there you'll see a scorned father. For him to be talking to his son that way, chai the thing he did has gotten to his bones. At that point it takes total fear of God not to wish your own child death. If you listened to the wife's interview you'll discover according to her, the two times he beat her was coz of the children's health. It proved there he didn't joke with the kids. Now today he's raining curses on one of them wishing him death, then you should know a lot has happened to turn love to hate. May God not allow us go astray


Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by rollywise(m): 2:51pm On Dec 27, 2023
This boy is just a kid. He needs an elderly who is reasonable to advice him on how to relate with his father. But I'm very sure when he starts to experience life, he will learn certain things first hand and locate the dad fit reconciliation
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by wirinet(m): 3:00pm On Dec 27, 2023

Have you seen this.

Yes. That's the first interview I saw that made me sympathetic to her.

I changed my mind after seeing this.


To me this this the most important point of her interview;
"Actually, I wanted to be an actress. That’s why I became his friend. I was modelling at that point, I just came out of secondary school. I was 18. Then I met him along the line, I was looking for someone who could put me through the industry and all that. He categorically told me I couldn't act because it will destroy our relationship. Because at that time we had gotten into a relationship.....
...He stopped my modelling career."

She never loved him.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by saysoo: 3:01pm On Dec 27, 2023

Sometimes Nigerian Men scare the hell out of me. They say "when a child is good it is the father, but once the child is bad the mother takes all the insult" you men are quick to insult women but you forget the roles you played while raising your kids.

Sir, with all due respect you're unintelligent. How does getting married to a bad woman relates with what the son said? That he condemned his father coming out to the public saying issues which are meant to be in private.

because that woman is using he idiotic boy to fight his father but what he is not aware of yet is he destroying his own life. Your path in life is your father not your mother.

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Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Fiscus105(m): 3:05pm On Dec 27, 2023
Look at how marrying a bad wife can make one lose his family.

The boy foolishly meddled into marital issues that has nothing to do with him. Who advised him to start fighting his father simply because he wants to prove love to his mother? That is foolishness

I biliv u re one of guys who used to say girls like bad guy, meanwhile,if any girl refuse to day you now, you will come to nairaland to wail like wolves as usual.

Which girl will see an unintelligent boy like you that would be proud to make him, her future husband.

"Please read what you wrote again and smell it to know how stupid is".
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by qtguru(m): 3:06pm On Dec 27, 2023

You believe Emeka Ike hates his son? Lol

Go and touch that boy first, your mind go dey.

I'm going by what he said in the message to his son.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by qtguru(m): 3:07pm On Dec 27, 2023

You believe Emeka Ike hates his son? Lol

Go and touch that boy first, your mind go dey.

I meant hate, not hit.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by CJStarz: 3:08pm On Dec 27, 2023
so by going to the public to denigrate his father in the public is the best way to register his displeasure right, he can't have a decent talk in private with his dad?

The boy is badly raised. How dare you correct your father in public
A bad father raises a bad son.
Emeka too chochochoo
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by CJStarz: 3:11pm On Dec 27, 2023
Whatever would make a man curse his son to that extent! It shows Emeka Ike has a dark,evil and wicked mind.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Jesubaby: 3:18pm On Dec 27, 2023
Can this boy stop talking on the social space. I don't think his father would have told him whatever he told him if he was acting right and not as a mummy dummy.

The worst that can happen to a family is a divided family where a mother will brain wash a child that was trained by a man into believing that his or her father is an enemy. That is what we see in most cases of broken home.
So you mean, this grown up man doesn't know in and out of his home that it's his mother that brainwashed him? Sometimes I wonder how some persons reason.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by treatise: 3:19pm On Dec 27, 2023

Thank God say na Emeka Ike DNA, no argument.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Jesubaby: 3:22pm On Dec 27, 2023
Every husband should make sure their wives are not emotionally attached to their children especially the boys, this is where they are being deceived thinking their mother love them more than their father. Fight it
but mothers always loves her children more than the father. Have you ever heard a mother disown her child?
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by superCleanworks(m): 3:43pm On Dec 27, 2023
Dead son and that is how his own child too will be dead to him. Foolish child

Have you not noticed how the male gender have become so feminine and emotional like a woman? That is why such a grown boy would shell out such rantings on the internet.
Even some great women of the old days would be ashamed to see what some men of today have become.

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Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by dododawa1: 3:48pm On Dec 27, 2023
Make EMEKA go do

Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Tyktoker: 3:57pm On Dec 27, 2023
You lived with them abi, you know who is wicked and good among them!
Look at how marrying a bad wife can make one lose his family.

The boy foolishly meddled into marital issues that has nothing to do with him. Who advised him to start fighting his father simply because he wants to prove love to his mother? That is foolishness
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Scholarforlife: 4:00pm On Dec 27, 2023
A misunderstanding between husband and wife is always a delicate issue that can result in a mess if not discreetly handled. Women are naturally emotional and they're adept at using this quality to either escalate a little issue or win any family member to their side, especially their under-aged children or full-grown but psychologically immature children.

A Woman is so emotionally powerful that she can manipulate her husband against his own family members or his childhood friend or even tested and trusted business associate.

This child is fully grown but he's obviously not mature enough to handle the skirmish between his parents. Hence he became a victim of this parental feud. Cases such as this abound in today's society without us knowing. We only know this because Emeka is a celebrity and he also brought it to a public domain. It is only married people that can relate.

My prayers are with the Emeka Ikes.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by MrGerald(m): 4:03pm On Dec 27, 2023
Look at how marrying a bad wife can make one lose his family.

The boy foolishly meddled into marital issues that has nothing to do with him. Who advised him to start fighting his father simply because he wants to prove love to his mother? That is foolishness
Don't mind that small boy make him dey run mouth kpikpikpi... Make he no go do peace with his father, he want to follow woman to make things worse
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by MrGerald(m): 4:05pm On Dec 27, 2023

Did you read the post at all? The boy was only protesting with his father for making their private affairs public. which I think it's right.

Like an African Proverbs says "when 2 elephants fight, it's the grass that bears the brunt"
Forget any logic the boy is totally wrong
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by DeepSight(m): 4:08pm On Dec 27, 2023

Yes. That's the first interview I saw that made me sympathetic to her.

I changed my mind after seeing this.


To me this this the most important point of her interview;
"Actually, I wanted to be an actress. That’s why I became his friend. I was modelling at that point, I just came out of secondary school. I was 18. Then I met him along the line, I was looking for someone who could put me through the industry and all that. He categorically told me I couldn't act because it will destroy our relationship. Because at that time we had gotten into a relationship.....
...He stopped my modelling career."

She never loved him.

It really is good to follow the maxim we were taught in school - "Audi alterem partem" - Always "hear the other side."
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Obierika(m): 4:15pm On Dec 27, 2023
The woman has turned this man's kids against him
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Greenbirth: 4:22pm On Dec 27, 2023
White Toto always bring problems and calamities in the family shocked
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by jayworld15(m): 4:36pm On Dec 27, 2023

Did you read the post at all? The boy was only protesting with his father for making their private affairs public. which I think it's right.

Like an African Proverbs says "when 2 elephants fight, it's the grass that bears the brunt"

He had already substituted them with a better German ones. cheesy cheesy
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by IamtheTruth1(m): 4:37pm On Dec 27, 2023


The problem is that Nigerians always react from emotions and not with their senses.

Why did the don not play the whole VN that led to his so father causing him?

If you are from a broken home. You will hear a lot of nonsense your Dad did to your mom from ur mom… you will also hear a lot of nonsense about ur Mom from ur Dad… a wise son will
Never take sides… love them both. It didn’t work out with them doesn’t mean they are not ur parents…

Why will the mother bring her son for an interview to talk about the father? That’s how you know a manipulative woman… You should be protecting your children from abuse, from media not granting an interview for your son to tell Nigeria who hates his father? Who gives a Bleep? Even the Chudo is just after his content…

Ask 90% of male children, they hated their father growing up. But later on they got to thank their father for raising dem to be strong men and not acting on emotions….

At the end of the day, marry who has human sympathy oooo. Forget the “I love you” and “have u eaten” she is sending u now…

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Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Luckysbab: 4:41pm On Dec 27, 2023

Lol emeka ike need to be in rehab

Looks like you are the useless boy the topic is about.
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by luminouz(m): 4:49pm On Dec 27, 2023

Sometimes Nigerian Men scare the hell out of me. They say "when a child is good it is the father, but once the child is bad the mother takes all the insult" you men are quick to insult women but you forget the roles you played while raising your kids.

Sir, with all due respect you're unintelligent. How does getting married to a bad woman relates with what the son said? That he condemned his father coming out to the public saying issues which are meant to be in private.

Go and sit down jor...see her mouth
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Hotice085: 5:04pm On Dec 27, 2023
Look at how marrying a bad wife can make one lose his family.

The boy foolishly meddled into marital issues that has nothing to do with him. Who advised him to start fighting his father simply because he wants to prove love to his mother? That is foolishness

You mumu no be small
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Hotice085: 5:04pm On Dec 27, 2023

Looks like you are the useless boy the topic is about.

Both you and the useless father need REHAB pro max
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by Hotice085: 5:06pm On Dec 27, 2023
Don't mind that small boy make him dey run mouth kpikpikpi... Make he no go do peace with his father, he want to follow woman to make things worse

From the way the father de rant does it show that he has any shame himself
Emeka is a very useless he-goat and what he sows he is reaping

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Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by royalfly(m): 5:11pm On Dec 27, 2023
This Ike picking na mumu o. Abeg nor vex but my opinion. See as u resemble ur papa finish. U never see pain from a woman. Ur brain had been washed. Believe me, ur father was never perfect. One thing is sure the woman is as restless as ur ur dad. Ur dad only needed a cool soul and he thought he found one in her. Verdict. Ur mum oversabi spoil everything. Go nd rest boy, if u can't positively impact, stay low
Re: 'I Am Dead To My Father' - Emeka Ike's Son, Michael by royalfly(m): 5:22pm On Dec 27, 2023

Lol emeka ike need to be in rehab

Woman never paint u, just wait. Ur weakness will be used like billions on u. Drug addict on the street u mean. Guy Bleep that line. Ike was frustrated.

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