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Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 3:00am On Nov 08, 2011 |
ileke idi,you must not have a boy friend to p, h, u, c, k your uncultured useless life back to reality!!! i really think insulting igbos gives you mind blowing o, r, g, a, s, m. But please go find a d, i, l, d, o and leave the Igbos alone. . .u are worse that Tipia. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by odumchi: 4:22am On Nov 08, 2011 |
Ify isi na wo chirigi Eze nwayni na ogo gi? ![]() Biko, nda Ava obodogi? Agamagariri Ebonhu! |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by PhysicsMHD(m): 4:42am On Nov 08, 2011 |
NRI PRIEST: The tradition is very well known (although maybe not to you, despite being a priest). Look around a bit and you'll see that it's a well acknowledged Igbo tradition. My first encounter with the story was from a speech I read from the current Eze Nri where he related the tradition, now I can't find the link to his speech, but I definitely remember reading that. There are many other mentions of it besides that, however. Did you know that in Benin people have to close their businesses and schedule prayer meetings just because the Benin Ogboni society is planning a parade!!! And when does this parade take place and why? Why do these prayer meetings take place and what do they hope to achieve? What do the Ogboni members do that is so awful that the Christians are praying because of them? Thats why I call it DEMONI!! These is usually a bad time for the residents. . . You dont wanna encounter these Occultic men and women in the way. . . The sight of them alone will scare the holy s. .h. .i. .t out of you!! I'm really not convinced by anything you're saying. What exactly are these people doing that's so scary? Shouting incantations? Wearing charms? They are violent,barbaric,fetish,full of voodoo and charms,just scary!! Yeah, okay. That said, what is "barbaric" is subjective also. Same with their yoruba counterpart in yoruba land. . . And physics its really interesting to know that Ogboni Occultic society was established for the purpose of putting the kings power in check!!! I have always said that the only people that claim Benin root are only those who has heard about the past story but dont really understand their cultures and tradition which I termed as "Barbaric"!! Amazingly, you somehow connect Ogboni to Benin tradition or culture when I already told you that Ogboni has nothing to do with Benin tradition. I'll say it again. It is Yoruba, and it was not practiced in Benin prior to colonial Nigeria. The Reformed Ogboni Fraternity gained in popularity in Benin during the colonial period. Other than that Ogboni has nothing to do with Benin tradition or the king of Benin's power. In everything they do there is always a need for them to brandish voodoo everywhere and thats why most Igbos in Benin doesnt attend their festivals!! Lol, what particular festivals are you referring to and who says Igbos in Benin (who are probably Catholics) would even understand what's going on in these festivals or be interested in them (being Christians and non-Binis) to make them attend? Bini festivals are attended by Binis. Even the same Yorubas who you insist are involved in "DEMONIC" practices are generally going to be absent at these festivals, so this comment doesn't make any sense. Personally I think Benin has a great history but a very uninviting traditions!! Yeah, because you know soooooo much about Benin traditions right? ![]() |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ChinenyeN(m): 5:06am On Nov 08, 2011 |
PhysicsMHD:Not just other mentions, numerous other mentions. A simple Google search for "eze nri yam son sacrifice" turned up [url=,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=f2e3640de917052c&biw=1440&bih=799]this[/url]. PhysicsMHD:That's just how he is. He's got a mouth to talk about cultures he is very unfamiliar with (I'm being nice with my words, here). |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by igboboy1(m): 8:21am On Nov 08, 2011 |
NRI PRIEST: nna biko hapu ogbanje nka aka, o mayi ihe' mancha, ezigbo onye ara ko'obu, |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ifyalways(f): 8:23am On Nov 08, 2011 |
@Nri,Ogboni Fraternity according to my history classes is of Yoruba Origin.They are tasked with keeping the King in check. @Odumchi,assuming na n'nghotra asusu Aro gi nke oma,Ebe nne m bu Onicha.A bum oke 'nwadiani' n'ihi ya Igbu odu di permissible for me. Onye army,nwoke AK47 aka oru gi amaka.Gbawa anyi ogwu foto. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ifyalways(f): 8:35am On Nov 08, 2011 |
odumchi:Na Onicha,tinye atleast 5M n'akpa gi.We do it colourful and all the way.From "imacha ozo to Igba egwu ozo".The costume alone does not come cheap plus the ceremony runs into atleast 1 week. For you to take an Ozo title in Onicha,you MUST be a bonafide indigene! There are even 1 or 2 villages right there in Onicha that their males cannot be conferred with the title.Reason?Ha bu "Ndi oru" n'oge mgbe gboo. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ezeagu(m): 12:30pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
How comes the chiefs are wearing Muslim clothing. It's only Igbo people that wear muslim clothing in the East. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ifyalways(f): 3:30pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
^Ezeogu which one be muslim gowns? |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ak47mann(m): 3:46pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
ify dalu nne i ma na ihe eji abu onicha erika ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() your OzO ceremony no be small moneyooo is costly sha 5million ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ak47mann(m): 4:44pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
pix of one the Jackson's family and mayor of Michigan Hampton and historian Bruce bridge during OBI OFALA two years ago
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 5:32pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Physicsmhd, I lived and schooled in Benin for 4yrs and I have witnessed some scary festival celebrated by the Benin people. I dont remember most of these festivals but any none Benin person who has lived there wont have problems understanding my point. Secondly, I am still waiting for you to prove to me that Eze Nri sacrificed his son fo some yam festival as ur side-kick ChinenyeN puts it. Are you sure this isnt a myth ![]() |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 5:40pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Ifyalways, I know that you are a "NWADIANI",but it doesnt make you an authority in the Ozo traditions. If you want to lavish 1 million dollars for ur Ozo taking its your money. If you want to spend 500,000 naira its still an Ozo. The only difference there is the size of the ceremony,period!! |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 6:10pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Ifyalway Igwe nwanyi bu ndu, in Umuoji we have "osu's" too and they can also take an Ozo too but I have to consult my father to find out how its given to them. There is a very wealthy clan that settled in Umuoji in the 18th century,though they are now Umuoji peeps but they can never gain the traditional right to confer an Ozo title on themselves or anybody,rather it has to be given to them. So,just because Onitsha people doesnt give titles to orus as u call it or to outsiders doesnt mean its not done by the original inventors of the prestigious Nze na Ozo cultural Heritage, the most revered, Sacred, Nri Kingdom !! |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 6:49pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
ChinenyeN, I strongly believe that u are a very,very sad SHORT Ngwa man !! For somebody who vowed to never speak Igbo If ever his ngwa dialect was to be given up for a one united Igbo language!! Yea,he said it. The Ngwa deluded monkey says " I rather speak english than Igbo should my okwu Ngwa be given up for one united Igbo language" UMUIGBO I ADMONISH YOU TO JOIN HANDS TOGETHER AND OSTRASIZE THIS BETRAYING,STUBBORN AND RECALCITRANT FELLOW CALLED CHINENYEN NGWA!! He has brought unpardonable SHAME,DISGRACE,DISCORD,CONFUSION and has brought Ndigbo unwarranted taunt and mockery from OUR unrepentant multitudes of enemies!! Plesase, every Igbo person should reject and denounce CHINENYEN NGWA right now!! He has made everybody on nairaland to look at us as an ununited people. UMUIGBO,DENOUNCE AND REJECT CHINENYEN NGWA,NOW!!! |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by PhysicsQED(m): 7:06pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
NRI PRIEST: But you have yet to explain what's so scary about these festivals. Is it the killing of cows in some of them? I hope not, because the Benin people do not have a Benin title that is the equivalent of "Ogbuefi" (cow-killer). So what is it about these festivals that was scary and what did they look like. Also who was involved? Ordinary people on the street, or people in traditional Benin clothing? Ogboni members, if they do have some sort of parade in Benin city, are not part of Edo culture. That is a separate issue altogether. The other Benin festivals are well known. Therefore, it should not be a problem to at least describe one aspect of what you saw and why you considered it scary. I have yet to see a Benin festival that is actually "scary" in appearance and that's why I want to know what it is exactly that you're referring to. And for goodness sake, please don't just say "it was full of voodoo" because that's garbage to me. As far as I'm concerned the very foundation of the Christian relgion - the Old Testament - is stuffed full of "voodoo", rituals and magic. Secondly, I am still waiting for you to prove to me that Eze Nri sacrificed his son fo some yam festival as your side-kick ChinenyeN puts it. I do not know what you are waiting for. It would cost you very little effort to find out for yourself whether or not the story is authentic. Concerning the sacrifice of the Eze Nri's son, this is a known tradition, whether you know of it or not. There are many publications originating from Igbo scholars which mention this tradition, so you don't have to take my word for it and can take issue with those authors if you have a problem with it. But I found the statement from the Eze Nri himself in his speech that I mentioned earlier so you can at least take his word for it: "In keeping with the custom and tradition of total obedience to God(Chukwu), Eze Nri sacrificed his first son and a yam spouted from the grave and grew. Eze Nri was then directed by God to use the yam to feed Ndigbo. This was ritualized as Ifejioku(god of yam), and one of the Nri myths of origin. Eze Nri, in obedience to this directive, will today give out yam seedlings to Ndigbo to go and plant and feed their families and kindreds." - Eze Obidiegwu Onyesoh (MFR) |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ChinenyeN(m): 7:11pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Nri Priest 1. You grossly (if not mischievously) misquoted me. Those aren't my words. You basically lied. 2. Statements are not made in a vacuum. Everything has a context, which you failed to capture in this instance. This is the last time I'll entertain your nonsense here in ak47mann's topic, which I support. If you feel frustration, then I suggest you open up a specific topic in which you can freely vent your frustrations. Otherwise, shut up. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ezeagu(m): 7:39pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
ifyalways: Ifymgbọwula, is this not Islamic African clothing on the left? [center] [/center] |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by Nobody: 7:42pm On Nov 08, 2011 | Liking their colorful agbadas. . . . they look like Yoruba obas in this picture. Beautiful!! I'll ignore the skirt wearing ones in the right corner. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ezeagu(m): 7:45pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Even Oba don't wear Islamic Arabic "Agabada". [center] ![]() |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 7:55pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Ezeagu,those people arent Igbos. They are probably guests from another tribe. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ezeagu(m): 8:02pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Maybe, seeing as they don't have the feathery crowns, but they do have fly-whisks. I've seen a lot of Igbo people wearing Islamic clothing and hats in Igbo formal events. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 8:07pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Ileke idi, sorry to spoil ur fun but those people arent yorubas. Igbos dont usually invite yorubas to our festivals and ceremonies cause we dont have cultural ties. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 8:22pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Ileke idi, so,u mean to tell me that those hats wore by the two gentlemen are the kind yoruba obas wear ? This old maid is really sich. Anyway I knw u hate Igbos with everything in you but I dont wanna curse you cause the curse ravaging ur pathetic life is good enough to place you 6ft under,akwuna ten kobo!! |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ifyalways(f): 9:28pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
@Nri priest,I repeat and for sure,i gaghi echi ozo n'Onicha without iji atleast N5M n'akpa gi. I dunno how you do it in your place but that your 500K won't do NOTHING for you in Onicha. Imakwa n'onye n'echi ozo ohuru n'eke ndi ozo nile n'ogbe ya ego,then umu ada,ndi agbalanze,kedu maka ibo ego ozo ie throwing/spraying money(not when folks are dancing oh but the traditional and compulsory sprayingof wads in the air and @ spectators,the bottles of beer and raw meat that every titled man,umu ada,agbalanze all get to go home with(excluding cooked food and drinks consumed @ ozo grounds)? Btw,Iji ozo takes 1 full week or more(never less) to complete the rites.Each day for a different rite. Nri ji,Nri oka,ofe Nsala,Onugbo,onino(draw),ji awayi(yam porridge),akpu,rice,akara na tea plus assorted beer flows freely for that 1 week. Biko ga juo ase ofuma,onye n'ejigi ego anaghi echi ozo n'Onicha. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by igboboy1(m): 9:49pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
ezeagu: GLO was one of the sponsors of this festival so i wont be surprise if these are glo representatives (AKA Yoruba muslims, after all half of ofe manus are muslims) I dont know about this years event but in the past Asagba of asaba has attended. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 10:30pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
Ifyalways, I think you may just be about right. I spoke to one Ozo man from here and he says it actually can gulp few milla to my surprise. But it never used to cost that much,maybe its because things has gotten a bit pricy these days. But I do remenber Chief Oliver De Coque saying that "onye na ejiro ego anaghi aza nwa nze" Ozo,trully cost money! I am looking forward to the day I will bestow an Ozo on my first son (when he is born) and call him "UGO NNIA" Ifyalways,there is another top grade OZO in Umuoji called "Ugo nabo",this one is strictly for rich people. Every Ozo group attend when an Ugo nabo is taken. In Umuoji, Ozo ugonabo is probably the highest in rank. I dont quite know the difference between Agbalanze and Ugonna but there is usually only one Agbalanze in each village in Umuoji while there are multiple Ugonabo in every village. UMU-NRI DI USO. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by ak47mann(m): 11:54pm On Nov 08, 2011 |
igbo boy:what are you talking about which one be GLO representative? bro OFALA don't need glo really ofala is older than Nigeria, |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by igboboy1(m): 1:03am On Nov 09, 2011 |
ak47mann: onye egwu eziokwu ka e ne kwu #InDuncanMightysVoice Maybe sponsor is not the right word but in other to make their self more visible in onitsha and tap into the market, GLO commissioned some classrooms did some other stuff, Maybe they didnt' provide financial backing ( I trust onitsha business men to be capable in this regards). However I stand on my word that glo was present at least to increase their profile in the east as their revenue in the west is stagnant |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by Nobody: 1:04am On Nov 09, 2011 |
NRI PRIEST: Ileke-IdI: |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by Nobody: 1:07am On Nov 09, 2011 |
NRI PRIEST: Have you seen modern Obas, the hat is not that much a big deal anymore, esp when they're going to non-royal events. And I dont think I touched on the hat, I specifically mentioned the agbadas. Read carefully. |
Re: Pictures Of OBI Of Onitsha Doing Ofala Ceremony by NRIPRIEST(m): 1:54am On Nov 09, 2011 |
Ileke Idi, the agbada you are refering to was invented by the Hausa but its the Yorubas borrowed it and made it famous among themselve. Though the Igbos wear it sometime but not as much as Yorubas do. As far as we know those men could be from Igala or Idoma kingdoms,so,till then those men aint from ya place. Inugo ? |
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