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How Prepare Is Southwest ? - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Rgp92: 11:46pm On Nov 06, 2011

Asinwin aburo were. Ki iye e pare mo e ninu!

Low IQ!! grin grin
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by meonbooty: 11:46pm On Nov 06, 2011

Asinwin aburo were. Ki iye e pare mo e ninu!

Se aje ni e ni?

Ewo n t'ofo?
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by meonbooty: 11:47pm On Nov 06, 2011

I am PointB.

I can't say i am new after this number of post. Take care.

PointB aka Mekusxx aka Akin Egba aka Zno aka Professor of Hydroponics aka Igbobuigbo aka Bunmi's BF
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by PointB: 11:54pm On Nov 06, 2011
All those characters. I am flattered.
Anyway i am not interested in those people, so thanks but no thanks. I am happy being PointB® the one and only. But if you guys continue to mystify me, who cares. I will flow with the tide. This is CYBER!
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Desola(f): 12:04am On Nov 07, 2011

Se aje ni e ni?

Ewo n t'ofo?

Se oso ni e ni?

Ewo n'tayonuso?
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by VoodooDoll(m): 12:27am On Nov 07, 2011
What have Oso done now? Abeg oh, We get a bad reputation for things we didn't do,
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Desola(f): 12:37am On Nov 07, 2011

What have Oso done now? Abeg oh, We get a bad reputation for things we didn't do,

Iparapo awon eleye, e kaabo sori eto. NRC!!

Abeg make I go carry my bible to start binding, its past midnight.

For we fight not against guns and amunition but principalities and power,
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by edogirl2: 12:47am On Nov 07, 2011
mischieviously insisting/suggesting that all the groups in the 'south south' have the same aspirations as the south east is misleading. while it's highly conceivable that the se/ss/sw/mb may end up in the same 'independence' camp, a good chunk of the ss will not agree to forming a country with the se without the inclusion of another sizable group - e.g yorubas - to act as a counterbalance to the igbos. the reality is, some groups in that region remain wary of igbos - justifiable or not - and will baulk at being part of an exclusive union with them. if yorubas are not joining an enlarged se/ss/sw country, a sharp knife will need to be taken to the map of edo/delta to split these states according to people's preferences. whoever said splitting nigeria would be easy!
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by aljharem3: 12:53am On Nov 07, 2011

mischieviously insisting/suggesting that all the groups in the 'south south' have the same aspirations as the south east is misleading. while it's highly conceivable that the se/ss/sw/mb may end up in the same 'independence' camp, a good chunk of the ss will not agree to forming a country with the se without the inclusion of another sizable group - e.g yorubas - to act as a counterbalance to the igbos. the reality is, some groups in that regions remain wary of igbos and will baulk at being part of an exclusive union with them. if yorubas are not joining an enlarged se/ss/sw country, a sharp knife will need to be taken to the map of edo/delta to split these states according to people's preferences. whoever said splitting nigeria would be easy!

i wish more SS people like you can come out and voice out

do not let jason(itsekiri) kpogede(urhobo) anybaba(ibibio) Ijaw girl agbotean(anioma) sheyguy and co speak like they are Yoruba people

SS people need to speak more so Beaf would not lump una with SE.

Every zone has a right to self determination and control or resources.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by omobadan(m): 3:16am On Nov 07, 2011
The SW isn't worried about all that splitting up business for now. There's nothing to prepare for. But I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that by 2015, we'll still be talking about voting PDP, CPC or ACN. Mark my words!
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by ektbear: 3:18am On Nov 07, 2011
So to summarize. . . buy a gun for yourself or a family member this Christmas (or Eid, or whatever other religious holiday is appropriate.)

Spend some time learning how to use it.

Someone here brought up ECOWAS or something. That is about as useful for self-defense (and possibly other purposes) as a toothpick.

Only thing that is respected in Africa is violence. So very important to be able to produce this.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by CyberG: 6:54am On Nov 07, 2011

mischieviously insisting/suggesting that all the groups in the 'south south' have the same aspirations as the south east is misleading. while it's highly conceivable that the se/ss/sw/mb may end up in the same 'independence' camp, a good chunk of the ss will not agree to forming a country with the se without the inclusion of another sizable group - e.g yorubas - to act as a counterbalance to the igbos. the reality is, some groups in that region remain wary of igbos - justifiable or not - and will baulk at being part of an exclusive union with them. if yorubas are not joining an enlarged se/ss/sw country, a sharp knife will need to be taken to the map of edo/delta to split these states according to people's preferences. whoever said splitting nigeria would be easy!

You make a LOT of sense! All I care for is for people's opinions and rights to CHOOSE be pre-eminent in whatever is done not SOMEONE just saying, YES, "so-so land/tribe" belongs to this or that tribe or lets take their land or let US share it (I totally detest hearing things like that)!
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Torch1(m): 7:31am On Nov 07, 2011

mischieviously insisting/suggesting that all the groups in the 'south south' have the same aspirations as the south east is misleading. while it's highly conceivable that the se/ss/sw/mb may end up in the same 'independence' camp, a good chunk of the ss will not agree to forming a country with the se without the inclusion of another sizable group - e.g yorubas - to act as a counterbalance to the igbos. the reality is, some groups in that region remain wary of igbos - justifiable or not - and will baulk at being part of an exclusive union with them. if yorubas are not joining an enlarged se/ss/sw country, a sharp knife will need to be taken to the map of edo/delta to split these states according to people's preferences. whoever said splitting nigeria would be easy!
That is why we need Sovereign National Conference, where every tribe will sit down and discuss thier future. If Nigeria is to be divided it might be into three i.e North, S.West and S.East, then the Minorities in Middle Belt and S.South will decide where they will belong among the 3nations. As for S.East being in the same con3 with S.West as you suggested, i dnt think it will be possible we will rather stay alone.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Desola(f): 9:46am On Nov 07, 2011
Stay alone, you should!
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by poweredcom(m): 10:02am On Nov 07, 2011
Mouth mouth mouth, no action no action no action, Nonsense
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Slimchase(m): 10:23am On Nov 07, 2011
Umunnem Ndi Igbo , how prepared are we ?
This Girbrish Failed Entity called Nigeria cant last up to 2014.
May God Punish Mungo Park nd his Wife 4 dis costly mistake of Uniting 3 different Countries 2geda !
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by ocelot2006(m): 10:31am On Nov 07, 2011
I hate to burst your bubble, but there will be no break up of this nation.

That said, I must say that we Nigerians are truely are own worst enemies. Singapore and Malaysia are typical examples of multi-ethnic countries. Yet the people there have been able to create two great nations that are now the source of envy. Even our own little Senegal is a symbol of tolerance. But here we are talking about Nigeria's breakup. Pathetic.

Btw, for the so called proponents of this, why don't you ask your parents to tell you more about the horrors faced during the civil war.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Nobody: 10:36am On Nov 07, 2011
The Yoruba man is always ready for any situation. His attitude toward violence is such of avoidance, he would try as much as possible to do away with violent confrontation but no part of this country can overpower the west in any form of confrontation.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by ArQuAbOy(m): 10:52am On Nov 07, 2011
I need to buy a shot gun now to prepared oo. Shoot ppl yansh anyhow if they f**k up
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Nobody: 12:33pm On Nov 07, 2011
Prepared for what? They are too filled with pride to be prepared for anything, I bet they will just sit back and become part of BOKO HARAM REPUBLIC.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by OMOASO: 1:13pm On Nov 07, 2011
Guys this is not a big problem at all if we cant do it collectively we should try individual strategy approach.
In my own case i have designed my own way of attack and possible defense in-case the unexpected happens.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by farochron(m): 1:40pm On Nov 07, 2011
For those asking for war, battle and stocking of guns. Have you experienced warfare before? Do you think owning a gun and learning how to shoot is what war is all about. The western world knew everyone has caught up with them in the the production of guns and other weapons, therefore explored the use of modern warfare called artificial intelligence and biochemical weapons.

I was at Ife during the ife modakeke war and there were cases were guns were being fired sporadically without anyone seeing the shooters. Ordinary eggs were converted to bombs by mere utterances. My family had to abandoned my aunt who advised us to leave the area. On linking the road that leads to Ibadan we reported the shootings to the military guys deplored by the Fed Govt they only told us we should forget about that side that they don't fight that kind of war.

What am I trying to say here. Guns may work for a region but when you go to meat another man in his territory don't forget you may encounter a different style of warfare which you've not been exposed to.

It is not this tribe or that ethnic region that is the problem. The problem is with the few corrupt ones up there. If we could focus our energy on how to eliminate this few. Then we can have a sovereign national conference where we'll decide whether we should continue as a nation or divide.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by lateef4me(m): 1:44pm On Nov 07, 2011
Goin forward,nobody shd post their comments in yoruba pls . This is not Egbe-Omo Yoruba forum !
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by lateef4me(m): 1:53pm On Nov 07, 2011
@Meonbooty,I'm usin my phone to type hence dis errors and don't u compare me to dat silly girl !

@Omobadan,u ar wrong cos what is happenin nowww wil be child play compare to 2015 race to Aso Rock ,
SE go want presidency and for d North,it wil b fight to finish ,

@Torch1,don't expect SNC from d crop of politicians we have now. D time bomb for d violent dissolution of Nigeria is already ticking
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Gbawe: 1:59pm On Nov 07, 2011

For those asking for war, battle and stocking of guns. Have you experienced warfare before? Do you think owning a gun and learning how to shoot is what war is all about. The western world knew everyone has caught up with them in the the production of guns and other weapons, therefore explored the use of modern warfare called artificial intelligence and biochemical weapons.

I was at Ife during the ife modakeke war and there were cases were guns were being fired sporadically without anyone seeing the shooters. Ordinary eggs were converted to bombs by mere utterances. My family had to abandoned my aunt who advised us to leave the area. On linking the road that leads to Ibadan we reported the shootings to the military guys deplored by the Fed Govt they only told us we should forget about that side that they don't fight that kind of war.

What am I trying to say here. Guns may work for a region but when you go to meat another man in his territory don't forget you may encounter a different style of warfare which you've not been exposed to.

It is not this tribe or that ethnic region that is the problem. The problem is with the few corrupt ones up there. If we could focus our energy on how to eliminate this few. Then we can have a sovereign national conference where we'll decide whether we should continue as a nation or divide.

What makes it even more tragic is that those touting wars on NL are mainly all firmly ensconced in their diasporan nations. When chaos begin, you will not even be able to tempt them to come to Nigeria for $5 million !!!! I personally resent that sort of irresponsible behaviour.

Your last paragraph is sublime. It is the solution those who live in Nigeria , or have a stake in the Country, should pursue. It would also be far more effective than any neanderthal descent into armed conflict where, as usual, the cannon-fodders (ordinary Nigerians) get butchered while the ruling elite , and real cause of the problem, still get their way in the end.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Desola(f): 2:04pm On Nov 07, 2011

iwo ati gbogbo fadaborn e ni 'silly'.

Obo lagido omo ajokutamamumi oshi1!
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by lateef4me(m): 2:08pm On Nov 07, 2011
@Desola,stay off my radar,stop watchin dis thread lik vulture u silly,naughty ,witch !
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by farochron(m): 2:11pm On Nov 07, 2011

Thanks for helping me wrap it up. I left the last part of your statement out. One thing that bothers my mind is this. If we all fight and we divide, what about those corrupt entities. Won't they still want to come and rules us. And will our new 'nations' be better for it.

If not that our so-called militants have lost focus. Attacks are not supposed to be on the innocent citizens but the enemies of the states who are determined to turn every man and woman to beggars.

They only want us to see them as people doing us a great favour.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Desola(f): 2:14pm On Nov 07, 2011

@Desola,stay off my radar,stop watchin dis thread lik vulture u silly,naughty ,witch !

Emi ati iya e ni witch!

Mi o mo wipe ati ni lilo fun iwe irinse lori gbagede oro yi.

Olodo oshi. Owo o funa lori e rara. O ya pada lo si ile eko agba.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by lateef4me(m): 2:17pm On Nov 07, 2011
@Farochron, I understand d need to deal with dos corrupt entities but d major problem is dat Nigerians have neva see themselves as one .

Why then shd we continue pretendin dat we ar one ?

Let's go our separate way first,then it is wil easier dealin ruthlessly with dos corrupt entities !
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by ShangoThor(m): 2:19pm On Nov 07, 2011

What makes it even more tragic is that those touting wars on NL are mainly all firmly ensconced in their diasporan nations. When chaos begin, you will not even be able to tempt them to come to Nigeria for $5 million !!!! I personally resent that sort of irresponsible behaviour.

Your last paragraph is sublime. It is the solution those who live in Nigeria , or have a stake in the Country, should pursue. It would also be far more effective than any neanderthal descent into armed conflict where, as usual, the cannon-fodders (ordinary Nigerians) get butchered while the ruling elite , and real cause of the problem, still get their way in the end.

The bottom line is that as indigenous African populations or communities, we did not have a say in the formation of the Nation States we have been enclosed in. Until this is rectified, we will always be slaves to external interests such as Caucasians, Arabs, and now Indians and Chinese.

Mark my words, we will never know true freedom as we are  or will eternally be subjugated by mental slavery and the very corrupt actors amongst us.

The problem is that the African Islamic communities in our midst are too indoctrinated by their religion to realize the above stated fact in order to put Africans first.

To those advocating the setup of a SNC, there is more chance of that happening after a positive result from a U.N. sponsored referendum addressing our partition.
Re: How Prepare Is Southwest ? by Desola(f): 2:23pm On Nov 07, 2011

@Farochron, I understand d need to deal with dos corrupt entities but d major problem is dat Nigerians have neva see themselves as one .

Why then shd we continue pretendin dat we ar one ?

Let's go our separate way first,then it is wil easier dealin ruthlessly with dos corrupt entities !

See the yeye person wey won go to war? Would you even be able to read the manual that comes with a gun or even give a written navigation for the benefit of your operation?

Common sentence construction, you are incapable of, yet you sounding the drums of war. The best war Yorubas would ever fight would be to kill useless baggage like you who have wasted the space of far promising youths in education.

It is with ill educated non entities like this that we continue to hear the cry for nonstrategic wars.

Waste of space, waste of money!

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