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How Rheumatoid Factor Test Can Help Diagnose Conditions Like Cancer And Others. - Health - Nairaland

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How Rheumatoid Factor Test Can Help Diagnose Conditions Like Cancer And Others. by SurjenHealthh: 12:27pm On Feb 02, 2024
What is Rheumatoid factor test?

Rheumatoid factor is an autoantibody which is created by the body's resistant framework. The rheumatoid Factor test identifies the degrees of Rheumatoid Factor in the blood which helps in diagnosing immune system issues like rheumatoid joint pain. RF is an autoantibody that is created by the body's resistant framework. It attacks body tissues seeing them as foreign tissues. The existence of the Rheumatoid factor demonstrates that there is autoinflammatory and immune system action going on in the body.

For what reason is Rheumatoid factor carried out?

To diagnose rheumatic infections, for example, Rheumatoid joint inflammation

To diagnose immune system infections, for example, Sjogren's disorder or Lupus Erythematosus

To diagnose severe infection

What does Rheumatoid factor Measure?

Rheumatoid factor attacks sound body tissues as it sees them as foreign body tissues. It isn't found in healthy people. The presence of Rheumatoid factor implies that the body has an immune system infection, for example, Rheumatoid arthritis, symptoms of Rheumatoid joint pain (arthritis) such as stiffness of joints particularly in the morning, pains in joints, hidden skin knobs, loss of bone and swelling of joints.

Interpreting Rheumatoid factor test

There are different conditions where the Rheumatoid factor test is Positive including:

Sjogren's disorder


Systemic Lupus erythematosus

Inflammatory lung maladies

Chronic infection

Mixed connective tissue disease

Q. How is this test done?

This test is done through a blood test. A syringe with a fine needle is used to pull out blood from a vein in your arm. The doctor will tie a flexible band around your arm to make the veins swell with blood. This makes it simpler to pull out blood. You might be asked to firmly hold your clenched hand. When the veins are unmistakably obvious, the place is cleaned with an antiseptic solution and afterwards, the needle is embedded into the vein to gather the sample. You will feel a little pinprick in the process. Blood test once gathered will at that point be sent to the laboratory.

Q. Is there any risk related to this test?

There is no risk related to the test. Be that as it may, since this test includes a needle prick to pull out the blood test, in uncommon cases, a patient may encounter bleeding, hematoma formation (blood gathering under the skin), wounding or infection at the place of the needle prick.

Q. What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (joint pain)?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune infection which is chronic (for quite a while). It causes inflammation, stiffness, pains and terrible changes in the joints of the body. It can happen at any age yet the typical age is after 40 years. When contrasted with men, ladies are increasingly affected. It can grow slowly or quickly. Yet, if untreated can cause disability of the joints.

Q. When does the doctor recommend a Rheumatoid factor test?

The doctor recommends a Rheumatoid factor test when signs and manifestations of Rheumatoid arthritis (joint pain) like the stiffness of joints particularly toward the beginning of the day, pains and swelling in joints, and underlying skin nodules are noted in the patient. On the off chance that the X-ray of the patient shows swelling in the joint capsules alongside the loss of cartilage and bone, the Rheumatoid factor test is recommended.

Q. What other tests are recommended separated from the rheumatoid factor test?

Aside from Rheumatoid Factor (RF), Anti CCP Antibody test, antinuclear antibody test, Complete Blood Count, and X-ray are recommended. If a patient has a positive Anti-CCP antibody test just as an RF test, it shows that the patient has rheumatoid arthritis (joint pain). If the patient has a positive anti-CCP antibody test yet a negative RF test, it implies that the patient is probably going to develop Rheumatoid arthritis later on. If the anti-CCP antibody test is negative yet the RF test is positive, it can demonstrate that the patient ought to be diagnosed with other inflammatory conditions also.

Re: How Rheumatoid Factor Test Can Help Diagnose Conditions Like Cancer And Others. by Akposkiz: 11:58pm On Feb 02, 2024
Thanks for sharing this fantastic info.

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