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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) (3890 Views)
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Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 12:41pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
I will like to take you guys on a journey to the hidden past; the past the history books don't tell you about. The past that was covered and rewritten. This research has opened my eyes and changed how I look at the world. My goal is for you reading this thread to have the same experience If you have visited any of my previous threads and still have doubts, hopefully this thread clears those doubts. And if you agree with all the arguments I have put forward, hopefully this thread further buttresses those arguments. Lets begin. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Murjem(m): 12:47pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Patiently waiting please... 1 Like |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 12:51pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
The last reset There was a reset that happened on this planet roughly between 500-300 years ago. I am going to prove it to you with strong arguments and pictures. This reset involved the wiping out of the technologically advanced humans who existed around the world before this time through a global cataclysm. This great civilization was a mix of different races. They weren't just technologically advanced, they were also spiritually advanced. They had knowledge about energy, vibration and a sophisticated understanding of matter. They could generate energy on a global scale through the use of electromagnetism. After this reset, little kids were strategically brainwashed and shipped to all parts of the world to repopulate these cities. Most of the advanced tech from these advanced civilization were destroyed, the only ones that remained were their stone structures, structures that still marvel humans till this day. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 1:05pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Photographs tell the real story The pictures I will be sharing soon are some of the oldest pictures of our planet. Aside from pictures, all we have as proof of the past are stories and drawings. These can be easily fabricated. The earliest photographs are from the 1800s. There is no photograph of any event, building or person before 1826 when the "first" photograph was taken. This is a very important point to keep in mind. Every story you've read about the world before the 1800s has no verifiable photographic proof! The 1800s is a very "interesting" time period which according to my research was the final stage of the last reset. This was when new people were brainwashed and introduced into these abandoned cities. 4 Likes |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by illicit(m): 1:15pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Oh my 1 Like |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 1:23pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Muddy streets This is an opening line from Charles Dickens novel: Bleak house. Charles Dickens was a British writer who lived between 1812 and 1870. "LONDON. Michaelmas Term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln's Inn Hall. Implacable November weather. As much mud in the streets as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the earth" I have read the stories of people who spoke to their great grand parents that lived in the 1800s. They all report that during their child hood all they remember is how muddy the streets were and how old the buildings were, and how they lived in a house with 20 other kids. The photos below are some of the oldest pictures of Europe. Why does Europe look like the aftermath of some cataclysm? Why are the streets so muddy? And why do we see huge, old, sophisticated architecture in the background? 1 Like
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 1:48pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Soil Liquefaction In June 2011, Christchurch, New Zealand suffered an earthquake that left a lot of the city in chaos, destroying buildings and infrastructure. As a result there were collapsed houses, ruptured watermains, flooding and fires due to disrupted electrical lines. Due to the strong ground motions and intense shaking, part of the city experienced a strange phenomenon known as SOIL LIQUEFACTION. This caused cars and buildings to sink into the ground, some completely and others partially. Soil liquefaction occurs when saturated soil loses its strength and stiffness in response to applied stress such as shaking or other sudden changes such as an explosion. The soil dilutes and the result is treacherous quick sand causing structures of heavy mass such as buildings, infrastructure and cars to start sinking, topple over or collapse. This is a well documented Phenomenon. In the aftermath of the New Zealand earthquake we see pictures of buildings and cars sinking half way into the soil. 1 Like
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by alpharoyalty: 2:06pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Following |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 2:12pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
The 1964 earthquake in Niigata Japan also caused soil liquefaction and we can see the effects very clearly in these photos. Once the stress has subsided the soil begins to solidify. And we can see the aftermath; The paved roads turn into muddy streets 1 Like
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 2:29pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
The aftermath of a cataclysm Returning to the photographs of 19th century cities we see a similar situation here. The roads are unrefined and full of mud. We see unsophisticated, uneven, coarse and muddy roads everywhere, against a backdrop of refined, sophisticated and magnificent architecture. Could these cities have suffered a similar fate of soil liquefaction as we saw in the post earthquake photos in Japan and New Zealand? Perhaps. 1 Share
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 2:55pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Buried windows and doors If you look closely at the architecture in photographs of the 1800s, you may ask: Why did they build the windows so low to the ground? And that is an excellent question. Yes, why indeed did they build windows at ground level? You see, the people we see in these photographs did not build these structures and maybe some of them might have asked the same question. We see this everywhere: -Windows at ground level, -Windows partially below ground level -First floor entrances raised from the ground level -Steps leading down to entrances below the ground level We can find this in almost every major city across our realm. 1 Like
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 3:10pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
They weren't basements And I suspect some of you going through the thread might say: "But these were just basement windows." Well, if you think they are basements, then what you are saying is that a society without access to power tools, a society of horse and cart, constructed their infrastructure by first spending countless amounts of hours and energy clearing land with a depth of over 3 meters to begin their construction. Building basement floors is incredibly hard work. Since the 20th century, large powered excavation machines have reduced the time and man power needed to dig a basement dramatically as compared to digging by hand with a spade. Perhaps you could say that the people we see in these photos were just that dedicated to the architecture they built. 1 Like |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 3:28pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
The official narrative The official narrative claims that these buried buildings we see are so due to the elevations and depressions in the natural landscape which causes top soil accumulation over time. The official narrative which is always full of inconsistences perhaps would suffice if it was not for contemporary excavation. When we see photos from the recent excavation of some of these structures, just like the ones below, it immediately dawns upon us that what we are seeing are windows and doors 2 to 3 meters below the ground surface. Why are there windows and doors underground? 2 Likes
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 3:50pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Layers of lies Once you really see this kind of sunken, buried infrastructure that exists in such prevalence across our world, you can never un-see it. We see that the foundations of old churches and cathedrals are actually with original first floors with consistent entrances and windows. We see pillars, columns and arches that were originally much larger and it was the layer of soil that reduced their size. As if they weren't big enough to begin with. 2 Likes
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 4:00pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Leaning towers And like with the 1964 earthquake in Niigata Japan, we also find many so called ancient structures that are leaning. As if at some point, the soil beneath these structures loosened and liquefied We have: The Tiger hill pagoda in China The tower of Zaragoza in Spain And of course, The leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. 2 Likes
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by alpharoyalty: 4:16pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Well done bro. It's a thought provoking and an eye opening research. Keep it up 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 4:16pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
alpharoyalty: Thanks for the encouragement 1 Like |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 4:55pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
America betrays the lie The official liars of our world try to justify the buried and tilting structures we see; filling our head with stories of antiquity and ever changing geology. But it becomes tricky for them when we turn our attention to America. If we are to believe their narrative, then all of the buildings we see in 19th century photographs of the burgeoning American cities were newly constructed by the settlers that arrived from Europe after "discovering" the "New World" Why do we see famous structures such as the Washington Capitol building with consistent infrastructure that buries very deep into the ground? And again the inconsistencies do not add up. Why would an underdeveloped people waste resources, energy and time constructing the foundations of the capitol building to be consistent with the column style we find above the surface. The foundations did not have to feature columns Columns we are told are a stylistic choice, not a functional one. So why would they do this? In a nutshell, they wouldn't. The American settlers did not build the Capitol Building. They discovered it and repurposed it. The building and many like it scattered across the world are remnants of an advanced civilization of humans who have been carefully removed from the history books. 4 Likes
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Gadafii: 5:14pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
I came across a story about a cave in Indonesia made out of huge rock in form of a petrified giant anaconda Many people argued those structures couldn’t have been caved out by humans, because of how detailed it was, I mean a rock formation depicting a huge snake, that they were real snakes before, something had happened to it 3 Likes |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by codedgalaxy: 5:15pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Nice one mahn !
Keep it coming.
More grease. |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Rexymania(m): 5:22pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Where have you been? |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 5:27pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Gadafii: The picture below is the Epic Colossus. It is claimed to have been erected in the late 1500s by renowned Italian sculptor Giambologna This sculpture is said to have been carved out of one huge piece of pure limestone. Go to youtube and search for videos of how sculptors make carvings out of pure limestone and you will see that they use at least 5 or 6 different powertools. Power tools are electrically powered devices. According to our history books, there were no power tools in the 1500s So we are made to believe that this was carved using chisel and hammer? This was either a petrified giant human or the sculpture was created using some printing technology that creates a stone replica of anything you want. The technologically advanced people of the past either had a device that turned people and animals to stone, or they had an advanced form of printing that created a perfect stone replica of a human or animal 8 Likes
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by TUANKU(m): 5:30pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
This is educating. Keep up the good work OP. |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by youngrichnigga: 5:40pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Nice piece you've got here @OP, encore 🙌🙌🙌 |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by youngrichnigga: 5:41pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Gadafii:Just had a read about the cave, interesting adventure for the strong hearted folk, snakes ain't for me ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Seunpapa65: 5:56pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Deep 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Docodes(m): 6:08pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Another conspiracy theory. Go School and learn why "ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY" 4 Likes |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 6:09pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Removers of the mud From the images below, we see that the people of the 19th century were actually concerned with moving a lot of the vast amount of mud we see, leveling the ground and excavating existing structures. The consistency and prevalence of buried architecture across our realm indicates that whatever happened was a world wide event, despite regional difference in top soil accumulation and erosion. And there is no official narrative explanation that justifies the buried architecture we see. There is no explanation provided to justify the amounts of mud we see in 19th century photographs of cities. Mud piles from clearing, roads uneven, land ravaged, but the architecture grand, perfect and intact. 2 Likes
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by SyrusdeHansome(m): 6:16pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
I use to counter ur threads b4 but i`ll be following ur threads frm now henceforth 2 Likes |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 6:52pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Electromagnetism: Global wireless electricity generation of the past Nikolo Tesla dedicated his time to finding out a means of generating global electricity through electromagnetism. He wrote scientific papers about it and was optimistic that it would eliminate the need for the use of fuel and gas. The whole earth could have access to free, clean energy. However the controllers of this world stopped his work and defunded his research. You see, the technologically advanced pre-reset people already had access to the form of electricity generation Tesla talked about. And even though a lot of their technology was destroyed, some of it still exists, hidden in plain sight. I will show it to you. 4 Likes |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by alpharoyalty: 6:57pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
Ourtruth247: Hmmm... Who are the controllers of this world? gods? Aliens? Government? Secret society? Could it be that they are hiding these knowledge from us for a good reason? I really will like to know. 2 Likes |
Re: Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 7:13pm On Feb 11, 2024 |
The horse shoe magnet Horse shoe magnets can act as powerful electromagnets. If a civilization was to advance technologically through the use of electromagnetism, then the horse shoe magnet would have a tremendous role to play in that development. And it certainly did. Below is the L'arc de triomphe, one of the most powerful electromagnets ever constructed. 1 Like
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