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The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nobody: 3:09pm On Nov 13, 2011 |
Do u know it is not a sin for a woman to go to church without covering her hair? You don't necessarily have to cover ur hair with scarf, cap, or anything. Why? Because d hair on our head is the covering for our head. It may now become a sin if then u come with a shaved hair to d presence of God. Our hair has been given to us by God as our covering. It is also a glory from God to us. So why need to cover God's glory on us? (Though its no sin to cover it with scarf, its just not necessary or compulsory) Now check it out. Open your bible and read 1st corinthians 11 vs 3-16. Go back and read vs 14 and 15 again, especially vs15. Vs 15 says "but if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given her for a covering" (KJV) 5 Likes |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Image123(m): 5:06pm On Nov 13, 2011 |
No, that's a lie, but maybe we should leave it there. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nobody: 8:01pm On Nov 13, 2011 |
Then u probably didn't read d bible passage i quoted. 1 Like |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Image123(m): 11:04pm On Nov 13, 2011 |
^seems like you're the one who probably threw away verses 1-14 of the chapter. 1 Like |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Joagbaje(m): 11:29pm On Nov 13, 2011 |
It's a marital issue. Firstly , "Woman" refers to married women. The covering of the face in public was a sign of the authority of the husband. it is equivalent to wearing wedding ring in public. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Image123(m): 5:13pm On Nov 14, 2011 |
Joagbaje:Thought the OP was talking about head covering, not face covering or wedding rings? |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by 5solas(m): 9:30pm On Nov 14, 2011 |
booqee: Lol. I don't think you understood the passage. Please go through it again , and don't be too quick to jump to conclusions . 1 Like |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by plappville(f): 12:00am On Nov 15, 2011 |
@Jeogbaje is a moslim? He went off topic to quote why muslims wife cover face, @Op i think u should check several chapters to match up the one u re qouting. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nobody: 8:06am On Nov 15, 2011 |
Image123:even if i were to analyse with vs 1-14: it says christ is head over man, and so if he covers his head, he dishonors christ, the man is head over d woman, but if she does not cover her head, she dishonors her husband. In other words, a single lady like me who is not married MAY NOT cover her head, because she's got no husband to dishonor, and so therefore she has not committed any sin. ~and even dis 'uncovered hair' i've been mentioning implies a shaven head, so A married woman cannot shave head hair. ~to know dat d hair is d covering, and the uncovered head is d shaven one, vs 6 says if a woman would not have her covered(doesn't want to have hairs on her head), she should shave it, but because shaving it is a shame then she should leave it and have her head covered(with her hair). ~and yet, i believe all this law still only applies to d married women, as woman used here means 'a married woman' just like joagbaje said. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nobody: 8:22am On Nov 15, 2011 |
plappville:see, dis is d bible and not any other source. I don't believe d bible contains lies, so therefore even dis one chapter is very sufficient to support my premise. And anyway there is no other chapter in d bible that explains it like dis. Lastly vs16 of dis same chapter says, but if anybody wants to argue about this, he should know dat we have no other custom aside this, neither d churches of God. @joagbaje. Its seems you're going off topic, u're sort of taking it to d muslim dimension I'm only talking bout coverin hair, and not bout wearing rings or covering face etc. 1 Like |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Image123(m): 1:00pm On Nov 15, 2011 |
^op I'm so not into this, but anyways, (let's push it). So, you're saying the married woman uses her hair to cover her husband. Okay. Is the man's hair not covering Christ, from your understanding/explanation of the passage? Also, if the woman's hair is her glory as well(as written in the passage), is she supposed to 'expose' that glory or cover it? |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by rotciv2011(m): 3:24pm On Nov 16, 2011 |
I guess it's still largely a matter of personal convictions whether you cover your head as a woman or not. @Image123, I think your last post showed that you misunderstood Op's point. Try reading it again. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by myfab(m): 9:58pm On Apr 22, 2013 |
I think we have all had problems understanding Paul's words in 1COR 11:1-16, and that is evident in the number of differing church doctrines and writings. Part of the problem of understanding, I believe, is in the use and understanding of the word `head' because it has more than one meaning in these verses. One meaning being the head on which the hair grows, and the other meaning, cardinal, chief, or foremost. So what is the truth, what does God's bible the KJV really say ? We must first of all understand that Paul was writing to the church at Corinth and before you say, that's obvious, I think we should try to understand all that that entails, the history, the religion, and especially the culture. If one was reading a letter from a pen- pal in India one would need to grasp the conditions under which he or she lived to better understand what was being said. So when we read any book of the bible, because it refers to churches in other countries, we should first try to understand the things pertaining to that country, during that time period, before we make statements, or judgements, or jump to conclusions. In order to comprehend why Paul needed to answer this question for the Corinthian Church of God, which held their meetings in members houses, as to whether a woman should cover her head or not, we should all know that Corinth was a pagan city, the capital of the Roman province Achaia, and was the most important city in Greece during Roman times. The Corinthians worshipped Aphrodite the pagan goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, and in the temple dedicated to her worship over 1,000 slave-priestesses, known as sacred prostit- utes, served. During their worship, if they were prophesying, they let their hair hang down loosely round their shoulders. The city of Corinth had a population of over 700,000 who were mainly given to self indulgence, and vice. The morals of the Corinthians were very bad, corrupt even when compared to pagan Rome. It was the custom throughout the region to shave the heads of female slaves and also women who were guilty of fornication or adultery. The sign of marriage in that day was the wearing of a veil or distinctive hair style, as a wedding ring is in our society today. Obviously the emerging Christian church had it's problems just as the Israelites had when they left Egypt, learning new things but remembering the old. One can imagine how hard it must have been for Paul to establish a Christian church there, he also had opposition from some of the resident Jews. So let's examine what Paul says in 1COR 11:1-16 and then reply. In his 1st Letter to the Corinthians he advises, guides, and replies to a number of questions and then in chapter 11 writes, obviously in reply to a question asked, about whether a woman should cover her head in church. THAT IS - IN THE CHURCH AT CORINTH. He replies:- 1CO 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also {am} of Christ. (KJV) 1CO 11:2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered {them} to you. (KJV) 1CO 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman {is} the man; and the head of Christ {is} God. (KJV) PAUL IS SAYING HERE THAT CHRIST IS THE CHIEF OR FOREMOST OF EVERY MAN AND WOMAN, AND MAN IS THE CHIEF OR FOREMOST OF THE WOMAN, AND GOD IS THE CHIEF OR FOREMOST OF CHRIST. 1CO 11:4 Every man praying or prophesying, having {his} head covered, dishonoureth his head. (KJV) EVERY MAN HAVING HIS ACTUAL HEAD COVERED, DISHONOURETH CHRIST. 1CO 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with {her} head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. (KJV) SOME MARRIED WOMEN IN THE CHURCH WERE OBVIOUSLY REMEMBERING AND COPYING WHAT THE TEMPLE-SLAVES DID, AND WERE UNCOVERING THEIR HEADS AND LETTING THEIR HAIR DOWN. IN DOING THIS THEY DISHONOURED THEIR HEAD, THEIR HUSBANDS. UNCOVERING THEIR HEADS WAS THE SAME AS HAVING THEIR HEADS SHAVED. 1CO 11:6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. (KJV) IF THE WOMAN IS NOT VEILED THEN LET HER BE SHAVED. BUT IF IT SHAMES HER THEN LET HER BE COVERED, VEILED. 1CO 11:7 For a man indeed ought not to cover {his} head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. (KJV) 1CO 11:8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. (KJV) 1CO 11:9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. (KJV) 1CO 11:10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on {her} head because of the angels. (KJV) THE WOMAN OUGHT TO HAVE POWER, A VEIL, ON HER HEAD TO SHOW THE ANGELS WHO WATCH OVER US THAT SHE RESPECTS AND SUBMITS TO HER HUSBAND AND THEREFORE TO CHRIST. 1CO 11:11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. (KJV) 1CO 11:12 For as the woman {is} of the man, even so {is} the man also by the woman; but all things of God. (KJV) NEVERTHELESS BOTH SHOULD LOVE AND RESPECT EACH OTHER. 1CO 11:13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? (KJV) PAUL IS ASKING THE CORINTHIANS, BECAUSE OF YOUR CUSTOM OF MARRIED WOMEN WEARING THEIR HAIR IN A CERTAIN FASHION AND/OR WEARING A VEIL AT ALL TIMES, TO SHOW THEIR SUBMISSION TO THEIR HUSBANDS, IS IT RIGHT THAT THEY SHOULD LET THEIR HAIR HANG DOWN LOOSELY WHEN PROPHESYING BEFORE GOD IN CHURCH ? 1CO 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? (KJV) BECAUSE HE WILL LOOK LIKE A WOMAN. 1CO 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for {her} hair is given her for a covering. (KJV) PAUL IS SAYING HERE THAT THE LONG HAIR OF A WOMAN IS NATURAL EVIDENCE OF HER WOMANLY POSITION UNDER MAN, INSTEAD OF A VEIL. 1CO 11:16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God. (KJV) BUT IF ANY MAN IN THE CORINTHIAN CHURCH WANTS TO ARGUE OVER THE ISSUE AND WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN, PAUL SAYS, "WE HAVE NO SUCH CUSTOM, NEITHER THE CHURCHES OF GOD." HE IS SAYING, WE OF OURSELVES HAVE NO SUCH CUSTOM AND NEITHER DO THE CHURCHES OF GOD. I think it should now be plain to all what Paul was saying in 1COR 11:1-16. He starts out by telling us the order of things under Almighty God in relation to humans. GOD is first with Christ under Him then man under both God the Father and Christ and finally woman is under man. The bible states quite clearly, woman was made for man, man was not made for woman. That does not mean woman is less than man, because God once again says in EPH 5:24-28, both should respect each other. It simply means that there is an order with God and man, just as there is an order in the animal world. ALL BY DESIGN. EPH 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so {let} the wives {be} to their own husbands in every thing. (KJV) EPH 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; (KJV) EPH 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, (KJV) EPH 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. (KJV) EPH 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. (KJV) Paul then says, if a man prays with his head covered he dishonours Christ, who is his head, or who is head over him. In that region during that time period the heads of slave women were shaved, and also the heads of any women found guilty of fornication, and adultery. It was also the custom of the slave-priestesses who worshipped Aphrodite to take off their veils and let their hair hang down when prophesying in the temple. On the other hand because it was the custom for married women to wear veils or to wear their hair in a particular fashion to show they were married, Paul advised it was wrong for the Corinthian women to take off their veils and let down their hair when praying or prophesying in church as it gave the wrong impression, and dishonoured their husbands and therefore Christ. The bible says a woman's long hair is in itself a covering given by God so there is no need for any other covering. Paul ends this discourse by saying if anyone disagreed with his appraisal of that situation, in the Corinthian church, then they should know that neither he (and his companions) nor the Church of God had such a custom. SO QUITE CLEARLY THERE IS NO RULING IN THE BIBLE WHICH SAYS ALL WOMEN SHOULD COVER THEIR HEADS IN CHURCH. 7 Likes |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by lomprico(m): 5:00pm On Jun 09, 2013 |
booqee: Do u know it is not a sin for a woman to go to church without covering her hair?You r those kind of people that twist and turn d word of God for their selfish gains. Go n read vs 5 and 6. And stop deceiving people. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nosu(m): 11:57pm On Jun 23, 2013 |
@ lomprico: pls read those two verses u pointed out carefully , the scripture was not referring to covering of the hair but covering of the head. so if u read further then u now realised that the hair is a cover for the head. 1 Like |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nobody: 4:54am On Jul 15, 2014 |
pls you don't understand he meant that you should not pray or prophesy without covering your hair with maybe a scarf ,hat or something not with the hair God gave you |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nobody: 5:50am On Jul 15, 2014 |
why would u want to show someone some prt of your hair i would advice you to cover everything to ensure total obiedience with the motive of pleasing God. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Nobody: 8:58pm On Jul 19, 2014 |
[quote author=Vin2014] You are ignorant of scriptures.If you want to cover all hair at all times like muslims or Amish,Mennonite christians then you are free to do so.I am a man,so i donot need to cover head while doing public christian ministry as you do. Scriptures clearly says it should be a symbol of authority (1Corinthians11:10) while praying or prophesying(projecting glory of God to others).Thus it should be a symbolic covering.Full covering is not essential.Why do you women want to be holier when you put on scarf or hat are u not covering your hair comopletely?i m not contradicting your hair.apostle paul did not really say much about why it is always necessary for women to cover their hair when praying or prophesying but it best women should obey by covering their hair.i did not say like a muslim and who even told you women want to act holier thn what is written in the world or are you not seeing what is happening in the world today concerning the indecency many women portray through their dressing? |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by jacksonite: 5:32am On Jul 20, 2014 |
Image123: ^opOf course she is to expose it because the Bible says you can't light a lamp and hide it under your bed but rather set it on a stand to shine |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by tpia1: 5:45am On Jul 20, 2014 |
Vin2014: something like that. and yes, its a practice, not a sin. in addition, if your head is covered then your heart should reflect Christ as well, this is also very important. |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Vin14(m): 5:34pm On Aug 05, 2014 |
[quote author=Dux01][/quote] In the world you women act as "holier than God" and as also baltantly immoral which are both same in reality,meaning both came from sinfull pride of your heart.That is why you women continue to whine against God's word. Understand this first-1.Head covering is needed for spiritual symbolism of God-Christ-Man-Woman-1Corinthians11:1-16.This is directly spiritual commandment with physical implications -2.Bodily covering with clothes is needed so that you donot attract attention to your body(which in turn is man's glory).This is a directly physical commandment with spiritual implications. That is the difference,head covering with natural long hair pertains to spiritual reality,while bodily cloth covering deals with physical reality.Otherwise a man who is not wearing any cloths in church will glorify God,but on the contrary it brings shame.Likewise men or a women wearing revealing clothes brings attention to themselves rather than God's glory.Thus bodily cloth covering is different from the symbolic spiritual implication of head covering. For more info visit-http://yahwehword./2014/02/04/seven-pillars-of-coming-gods-church-of-which-all-mankind-will-be-members/ |
Re: The Bible Justified It That A Women Can Go To Church With Her Hair Uncovered! by Vin14(m): 5:36pm On Aug 05, 2014 |
tpia1: Not wearing head covering(natural long hair of woman) is a sin,rather than denial of a mere cultural doctrine-read 1Corinthians11:1-16 and also visit-http://yahwehword./2014/02/04/seven-pillars-of-coming-gods-church-of-which-all-mankind-will-be-members/ |
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