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This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by Spirit247: 9:44am On Apr 04, 2024
Accept JESUS AHAYASHA YASHAYA as your Eternal LORD and SAVIOR today! There is no more Time!

Do you know why Satan would not give Humans anything great unless Blood is Sacrificed to him? Have you ever asked yourself why can't Satan just give those that go to him for things what they want without demanding for Blood Sacrifice? Why is Satan so fascinated and Obsessed with Blood Sacrifice?! Has it been revealed to you? I will share it here to the Eternal Glory of AHAYA ASHAR AHAYA (I AM THAT I AM) Our CREATOR that Opened my Eyes to see why:

The most wicked Deception that Satan and his Demonic Spirits did against Humanity is to have made many throughout all Generations of Humanity to think they need his help whereas, it is Satan and his fallen Angels that really need the Help of Humanity. They would have been forever docile, useless, functionless as Dead Spirits if Humans refused to Help them. Scripture didn't just called them Dead Spirits for nothing. Throughout Generations of Humanity, whenever anyone that go to a Witchdoctor that the Demon Spirit such is serving should help, the Satanic Spirit often demand Blood Sacrifice because they hang around (wherever Human blood is shed whether by Accident or any other means) to suck-off and feed-off the Life-Energy that is in the Blood. However the most ferocious of the Fallen Angelic Spirits that have been wasting away in the deepest part of Abyss needs far more Human-Life-Energy for them to fully recover from the massive wounds and Damages done to them during the War in Heaven when they brutally fought but were Conquered by Higher Ferocity during which they sustained unimaginable Damage, dethronement, trampled upon, tied up like chickens, brutally Kicked out of Heaven. The massive force with which they landed to the great below under the Earth further did more damage of rendering them Deader and completely Incapacitated.

The only way they could ever Recover is if Satan their leader(who also eternally lost one of his eyes in to Battle in Heaven, yes Satan has only one eye now because the other one was brutally pieced by Angel Micheal's Sword before mercilessly trampling upon him) is that if they find a way to successfully Deceive large % of Humanity to massively Sacrifice Human Life's Energy for them to Suck-in. After long-term strategizing, this is why Satan finally gave the End Time Humanity the Internet (his human tools deceived you to think they Invented the Internet by their own Super-human Wisdom and Intelligence, it's a Big Lie!) [b]Just as they lied to you that they have landed on the Moon, they lied to you that they Invented the Internet all by themselves yet they are forcing the whole World to Align with the bisexual Androgenous Satanic god/spirit that aided the modern Civilization for them by Enforcing Homosexuality/LGBT Agenda on Humanity. They teach Children in School that they came from Monkeys instead of our CREATOR, and so many other proofs that confirms them to be Satan's worshippers. Have you ever wondered why the major guy that popularized Internet through his "Windows" introduced himself to Humanity as a Computer Wizard?! Do Wizards serve JESUS or Satan?! Why are Christians and Muslims pretending as if they don't know the Truth that this World is fast being taken over by Satanic Entities! Better give your Life to JESUS Son of your CREATOR today and seriously Pray that HIS Ever Pure SPIRIT should Take Permanent Control of your Thoughts and irreversible Ownership of your Heart: the Source of your Thoughts. This is the Key for you to discover your Divine Original Glorious Destiny that I AM THAT I AM sent you to this World to Fulfill for for HIS Kingdom as Blessing to Humanity. [/b]

Search YouTube for the Video of the girl that was ritually sacrificed to Satan there, and even the Public Satanic Rituals performed during the Opening of the Tunnel few Years ago. They deflect the truth and deceive many to think they are just joking with all those things. If you still don't know that CERN is a camouflaged Satanic Organization opening Abyss gates for Fallen Angels and Demon Spirits to flood the Earth in collaboration with the Anti-Christ that was CORONAted in 2020, then you are wallowing in Spiritual Slumber! Have you asked why the bodies of those that have taken the 3 Full Doses of the VaaSin are Transmitting and showing as Mac (Mark) Address on your Bluetooth? Go to HosPit where many that have taken it frequent and try to send out Picture through Bluetooth, you will be shocked as you see Humans showing up strange Mac Addresses. The Depopulation Agenda is not just a Genocide but actually a massive Human Sacrifice to feed-off the Life-Energy of the massive number of Human Populations to the Fallen Angels that were rendered fatally useless after their Fall(that why they are called Dead Spirits, majority of them are almost useless till now that these Satanic Humans start Re-Enliving them by massively Transmitting Human-Life-Energy to them. There is even a Movie that shows how a weak Weak Demonic Entity comes more alive the more he successfully Sucks our Life-Energy from Humans. Leviticus 17:11 "Life Lives in the Blood!"

Just as their father deceived Adam and Eve to hijack Authority over this World from them, they told Humanity that they have landed on the Moon till lately when they have been exposed, they taught Worldwide that Humans are from Gorillas instead of our CREATOR, they are Teaching in Schools that Male can be Female and Female can be Male to get even Children to align with the bisexual Satanic god, they never told you the Truth that the Plandemic of 2020 was actually CORONAtion of the Anti-Christ, while growing up they told us that Internet was Powered by Satellites only to later be exposed that it's a big lie, what Power Internet is Sub-Marine Cables buried under the Ocean (not just physical but Marine Powers, that's why they initially lied that it was Satellites above. You may be too afraid to acknowledge why Evil spread like widefire all over the World after Internet came).

NASA(Means Deceiver in Hebrew), CERN, bGates of Hell, etc all work for same god of this World with focus on Capturing all Human Souls on Earth for Satan and making Humans unfit to Receive the Gift of Immortality that our CREATOR has Promised those that refused to bow to the Beast and it image(Internet).
The Book of Revelation is being Fulfilled before our Eyes in our Generation, yet many are too afraid to acknowledge the Truth. What they Present to you as Quantum Science and Internet of Things is effort to completely unify your physical Consciousness with the Satanic Negative Spiritual World.


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Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by Spirit247: 9:44am On Apr 04, 2024
What comes across the mind of many when they Read the Book of Revelation that says "There was War in Heaven..." is that Satan was almost too powerful for our CREATOR to Handle till Angel Michael dealt with him. Some even think AHAYAH ASHAR AHAYAHOur CREATOR almost ran to the Earth or somewhere else till Michael came to help save the day. This is because Bible has been tampered with seriously to Prevent Humanity from seeing the Right Perspective of what truly happened. As shown by the Ever Pure Supremely Powerful SPIRIT of AHAYASHA YASHAYA Our Saviour The Only Begotten Son of AHAYAH ASHAR AHAYAH our CREATOR, this was the exact situation in Heaven:

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Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by petertamtam6(m): 1:43pm On Apr 04, 2024
I need more of this revelation..... Do you have telegram channel, you can send it


Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by Spirit247: 2:02pm On Apr 04, 2024
I need more of this revelation..... Do you have telegram channel, you can send it
Glad to know that there are still Persons like you that genuinely loves Truth more than popularized Lies which the mainstream Media has been using to enslaved the World. No Telegram pls.

All Thanks to the Ever Pure Supreme SPIRIT of I AM THAT I AM that is Opening our Eyes.
Kindly copy the Link and Share on WhatsApp and Facebook to wake Christians and Muslims all across the World up.

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Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by omojeesu(m): 8:52pm On May 20, 2024


Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by omojeesu(m): 3:05am On May 21, 2024
That's the whole idea! To use patents to genetically modify all living things but lastly, surely and very importantly Man, God's image to try and recreate Genesis 6 before Jesus' 2nd coming. He's coming to take full humans not patented humans.

He tried to corrupt human genetics in Genesis 6 to prevent Genesis 3:15 from happening. He failed.

His next move is to genetically corrupt humanity so that no human will be rapturable and Jesus will have no one to take back to Heaven.


Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by omojeesu(m): 3:16am On May 21, 2024

The World Health Assembly — the member nations of the WHO — will convene in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 27 to June 1 to discuss and approve amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the “WHO Pandemic Agreement,” both of which are actually treaties.

It’s imperative that we shed light on their supposed “mission critical for humanity.” The proposed WHO treaty and IHR amendments gravely threaten our rights and freedoms as they stand to:

Change IHR recommendations from advice to legally binding orders that all member nations must obey.

Create requirements for vaccine passports that could be used to restrict access and travel as the WHO sees fit.

Require surveillance of citizens’ online footprint and censorship of information deemed “misinformation.”

Allow imposition of extreme lockdown measures, including quarantines, required medical examinations and required vaccinations.

Allow the WHO to declare an emergency at will.

Require member nations to use certain “health products” like vaccines, drugs, etc., while prohibiting others during emergencies.


Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by Kobojunkie: 3:50am On May 21, 2024
I need more of this revelation..... Do you have telegram channel, you can send it
You mean you want more of the OP's lies, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by Spirit247: 1:53pm On May 24, 2024
The World Health Assembly — the member nations of the WHO — will convene in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 27 to June 1 to discuss and approve amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the “WHO Pandemic Agreement,” both of which are actually treaties.

It’s imperative that we shed light on their supposed “mission critical for humanity.” The proposed WHO treaty and IHR amendments gravely threaten our rights and freedoms as they stand to:

Change IHR recommendations from advice to legally binding orders that all member nations must obey.

Create requirements for vaccine passports that could be used to restrict access and travel as the WHO sees fit.

Require surveillance of citizens’ online footprint and censorship of information deemed “misinformation.”

Allow imposition of extreme lockdown measures, including quarantines, required medical examinations and required vaccinations.

Allow the WHO to declare an emergency at will.

Require member nations to use certain “health products” like vaccines, drugs, etc., while prohibiting others during emergencies.
Wow! This is serious! Christians should not be feeling at home in this World anymore. Our Redemption into Eternal Life and Genuine Immortality is at the corner.


Re: This Is Why Satan And His Demonic Spirits Are Obsessed With Blood Sacrifice by themanderon: 4:56pm On May 24, 2024
You mean you want more of the OP's lies, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I knew I would find you here you this child of Belial


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