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How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin - Food (2) - Nairaland

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Cedarlivia(f): 3:13pm On Apr 14, 2024
You could process and sell this, you know smiley. I will gladly buy cheesy.
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by chicfarmer: 8:44pm On Apr 14, 2024

Cassava flour and garri comes from same raw material (cassava)

The difference between cassava flour and garri is in the processing. It's texture are different.

Garri is Coarse.

Cassava flour is smooth.

When processing cassava flour, your cassava is grated twice, pressed, sun-dried or use a dryer and it's filtered.

Some people dry the cassava before grating it, you need good sun to do this or your cassava will rot.
So I prefer grating before drying.

When processing garri, your cassava is grated once, pressed, filtered, then dried using fire and a pot or pan.

I experimented on frying garri, it tasted horrible.

There's this cassava meal they make in my place, you eat it together with beans. I'll look for the photo.
They call it "Cassava Akara", you make your cassava akara, the very day the cassava is grated.
Just like beans akara, you can't grate your cassava today and make your akara tomorrow.
It tastes really good.

If this your cassava akara is what I'm thinking it is, then it goes well with coconut. Am I right?

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 3:46pm On Apr 15, 2024

If this your cassava akara is what I'm thinking it is, then it goes well with coconut. Am I right?

I think it should, although I've never made that combo before.
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 3:50pm On Apr 15, 2024
You could process and sell this, you know smiley. I will gladly buy cheesy.

We will make some for supplies very soon.
We are working on getting NAFDAC number for local sales and exports.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Cedarlivia(f): 4:32pm On Apr 15, 2024
Great. Will be looking forward to that. I tried sending you a mail, but don't know if it went through.

We will some for supplies very soon.
We are working on getting NAFDAC number for local sales and exports.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 5:39pm On Apr 15, 2024
Great. Will be looking forward to that. I tried sending you a mail, but don't know if it went through.

Thanks for reaching out to my WhatsApp. 🤝

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Nikes(m): 4:02am On Jun 20, 2024

You're very right
I visited the bread bakery close to my house and discovered that they make use of cassava flour and wheat flour in a specific ratio.
I can't really remember the ratio.

The man in charge of the Bakery said, Cassava flour is costly as well as wheat flour.
I was shocked, I could relate
We are the owners of cassava but don't know that we can process our cassava to flour, it's only Garri and fufu that my village people know.
Cross River Government don't know how to establish cassava flour processing industries that will be of benefit to Cross Riverians.

Youŕe right. Even though cassava is produced in the south south and south east more than any other region, its range of functionality over there is very limited.
I lived in the East for some years and I remember the strange look on market women's faces each time I tell them I'm looking for cassava flour. The few who know will ask what I want to do with it. Telling them I want to make swallow with it will only draw looks of surprise. Very few people know about it. However in the north and Middle belt it is a very popular meal. Northerners use cassava flour or Alibo as its popularly known a lot for pastries and other things. They even use cassava to make Akara popularly known as 'kosain rogo'. The meal is popular amongst market women and children.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 6:13am On Jul 02, 2024

Youŕe right. Even though cassava is produced in the south south and south east more than any other region, its range of functionality over there is very limited.
I lived in the East for some years and I remember the strange look on market women's faces each time I tell them I'm looking for cassava flour. The few who know will ask what I want to do with it. Telling them I want to make swallow with it will only draw looks of surprise. Very few people know about it. However in the north and Middle belt it is a very popular meal. Northerners use cassava flour or Alibo as its popularly known a lot for pastries and other things. They even use cassava to make Akara popularly known as 'kosain rogo'. The meal is popular amongst market women and children.


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