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How To Make Money In Data Reselling Business In Nigeria (complete Guide) - Career - Nairaland

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How To Make Money In Data Reselling Business In Nigeria (complete Guide) by Emmytech09: 2:28pm On Apr 26, 2024
Did you know that your bank makes millions of Naira daily simply by selling internet data bundles?

Yes, they actually do. This business is called data reselling.

Text message sent by First Bank Nigeria.


You might have received such messages from your bank prompting you to subscribe data bundles via their mobile app or USSD codes. Have you ever stopped to wonder why?

Think about it for a moment… Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

Your bank invests a lot of money in developing their mobile apps and sending you message reminders like the one above just so you could buy data from them.

Now, here is something you should know…

They don’t do this because they want to make data convenient for you to purchase, they do this because they make a truckload of cash when you buy data from them.
Banks adopted the idea of selling data bundles to their customers as one of their core services because of the tremendous profit they reap.

Here’s how it works…

Banks buy data in bulk from network service operators (MTN, GLO, AIRTEL etc.) at extremely cheap prices, then add their own profit and sell to their customers.

When your bank buys data in bulk from network service operators, the network service providers give them discounts and sell to them at a very cheap price.

Hence, when your bank sells to you, they add their profit and make gains for themselves.

This is called data reselling!
The good news is, banks are not the only ones who can benefit from this business; you too can also make money from this business by becoming a data reseller.

What is data reselling?

Data reselling simply means purchasing internet data bundles in bulk from telecom companies (MTN, AIRTEL, GLO etc.) and selling in smaller quantity to end-users.

Just like with every other commodity, when you buy more (in large quantity), the supplier offers you a discount. The same applies to data. When you buy data in bulk, the service operator sells to you at a lower price.

You can get 1GB for as low as ₦215

When you purchase data bundles at such low prices, you can then add your profit and sell to end-users.

Where to buy data in bulk for resale:

You can buy data in bulk for resale from Data Reselling Companies.

Since you can’t get in direct contact with these telecom companies (MTN, AIRTEL, GLO, 9MOBILE etc.), or afford to purchase their data bundles in large scales, you approach them through an intermediary.

This intermediary company is called a Data Reselling Company.

In the event that you may not want to buy data in bulk for resale, data reselling companies makes it possible for you to also buy data in smaller quantity.

And such quantity would still be sold for you at the same cheap wholesale prices.

Hence, you necessarily do not need to buy in bulk in order to make a profit, you can buy as much or as LITTLE as you need and it would still be sold to you at wholesale price.

What is a Data Reselling Company?

Data reselling companies get data on your behalf from telecom companies (GLO, AIRTEL, MTN, 9MOBILE etc.) and offer them to you at an extremely cheap rate — the same wholesale price that telecom network sell to banks.

Hence, you purchase data from these data reselling companies at wholesale prices and then, add your profit when you sell to end-users.

Take, for example, 2GB is normally sold for ₦1,200 by MTN. But when you buy through a data reselling company (which I will introduce you to), you can get MTN 2GB for as low as ₦430! That means you’ll be saving ₦770!

How to become a data reseller in Nigeria and start making money.

To become a data reseller, all you need to do is to sign up as an agent with Brights Telecom

As a data reselling agent, you will be treated with better discounts and bigger price slash for the data you purchase. That is, you’ll be offered data at extremely cheap prices.

Re: How To Make Money In Data Reselling Business In Nigeria (complete Guide) by Sprinklepee: 3:43pm On Apr 26, 2024
I wan register

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