Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by 1Sharon(f): 10:32pm On May 11, 2024 |
Martinez39s: You even have time to engage people that intentionally play pretend and bring up lame facts to support their agendas and narratives. These are bold liars.
A feminist will look at the marital and child support laws in Western countries, have full information on the workings of the system, and still look you in the eyes and declare with utmost conviction that women over there have it harder in marriages and divorce, and are oppressed and disenfranchised by the system.
Don't waste your time, bro. Disprove them all you want, they won't relent in their craft and lies. Is the west Nigeria? You know full well that's not the dynamics in developing 3rd world countries. Women in developing countries are the true victims of oppression. The west isn't synonymous to the rest of the world. |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by etrange: 10:35pm On May 11, 2024 |
I will always remember when I went to a classmates house and her junior brother had a computer. He was the third or fourth born. There was another senior sister. Senior sister was reading law. This girl was reading engineering. I am not sure the brother was in uni at the time.
I asked her where is your computer? Girl shrugged. My dad bought a computer for my brother only. So many boys like this grow up privileged in homes where their sisters are taught to actively and passively that they are nothing more than homemakers then grow up with delusions of male superiority.
As an aside Feminism is why black women did the science and maths that put men on the moon.
Read hidden figures or watch it
You want to hate on Linda ikeji? So what has her junior brother achieved? He is a man after all.
I wish you knew refreshing it is to see a comment like this coming from a fellow guy. It goes to show that we still have a lot of very confident men out there who aren't scared of empowered women! |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by cococandy(f): 11:03pm On May 11, 2024 |
I am not the only one complaining here so stop throwing stones while living in a glass house Back to my question Why aren’t you guys going for the homely, traditional, submissive (etc) women? Why are you wasting time complaining about those who don’t want to be the way you want them to be? When there are other women literally throwing themselves down as doormats for you in the way that you desire. What’s the issue? 5 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by cococandy(f): 11:08pm On May 11, 2024 |
GloriousGbola: If you can tell the lowest underachieving male that he is better than the highest achieving female, he wont even notice you are winding him as you sell him red piller books and merchandise. Exactly. It’s a grift! They are too slow to see it 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by cococandy(f): 11:15pm On May 11, 2024 |
The OP has a very brilliant younger sister who is discerning enough to recognize these things at her age, but he's here asking for ways to cut her wings and subdue her. Tomorrow, when she goes after men for survival, he will still be the one to come here and cry foul.
Because they are complainers. All they do is complain about women. Damned if we do damned if we don’t! 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Cromagnon: 11:49pm On May 11, 2024 |
joemag: I recently went home to check on my parents. It happens that our lastborn who is in a boarding school also was around for a week break they were given at school.
On one of the evenings as I was talking to her and her dreams and aspirations this 16 old girl told me she wanted to become a Feminist. I was shocked but remained calm and gently asked her what she meant by being a Feminist. She told me that by that she aims to become an advocate of women's right. She started narrating how men are domesticating women and whole lots. I was marvelled at her passion and zeal and how convincing she was . Deep down I knew that I have a problem to solve and I needs pragmatic steps in order not to cause more harms.
This girl has written her JAMB with nice scores and will soon be in the varsity.
Please, is there anyone with concrete approach on how I will go about this? Show her the statistics |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by pansophist(m): 12:01am On May 12, 2024 |
Just be sure that her version of feminism is not hypocritical. Like the buffons that spend time on social media, but their one naira, or even their presence won't go to women in need.
Those that screams patriarchy day and night, but have armies of men permanently locked in her friend zone, which she milk of cash steadily as a source of income.
The ones that sees women's rights as revenge against men. Or the ones who now thinks it's okay for a boy to cut off his deek because he "feels" he is a woman.
A western media slave, and her feminism only ends in front of a camera. Basically without attention, she won't be a feminist. Those idiots that always drop quote with a picture of their arse on it. Lol
The list is plenty, but you get the point. If she is not the type I described above, then let her be it. Nothing wrong with it. True feminist are welcome, fake ones pointed a shotgun. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by emmyN(m): 12:07am On May 12, 2024 |
PlasmaTV: Feminism isn't bad. The problem is MISANDRY.
Nigerian feminism is misandry. 1 Like |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Niccoloimhotep(m): 1:18am On May 12, 2024 |
joemag: I recently went home to check on my parents. It happens that our lastborn who is in a boarding school also was around for a week break they were given at school.
On one of the evenings as I was talking to her and her dreams and aspirations this 16 old girl told me she wanted to become a Feminist. I was shocked but remained calm and gently asked her what she meant by being a Feminist. She told me that by that she aims to become an advocate of women's right. She started narrating how men are domesticating women and whole lots. I was marvelled at her passion and zeal and how convincing she was . Deep down I knew that I have a problem to solve and I needs pragmatic steps in order not to cause more harms.
This girl has written her JAMB with nice scores and will soon be in the varsity.
Please, is there anyone with concrete approach on how I will go about this? go on YouTube, search for Tate-Speech and listen to atleast 20 videos, you go smash her mentality like a piece of cake that it is 1 Like |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Ishilove: 1:22am On May 12, 2024 |
The OP that created the thread doesn't know what feminism is, so I wonder how he intends to guide his sister. |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by naptu2: 1:29am On May 12, 2024 |
Ishilove: The OP that created the thread doesn't know what feminism is, so I wonder how he intends to guide his sister. That's always the problem when people discuss feminism online. In school they say that you should first define a concept before writing/talking about it. This is so that everybody will know the exact thing that you are talking about. But I see people arguing about feminism online and most times they are not talking about the same thing. They do not have the same idea of what feminism is and in most cases, many of them do not even know what feminism is. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Ishilove: 1:34am On May 12, 2024 |
That's always the problem when people discuss feminism online.
In school they say that you should first define a concept before writing/talking about it. This is so that everybody will know the exact thing that you are talking about. But I see people arguing about feminism online and most times they are not talking about the same thing. They do not have the same idea of what feminism is and in most cases, many of them do not even know what feminism is. You have highlighted the problem perfectly. Most of the people arguing online and making comments like "her eye go soon clear" don't even know what feminism is in the first place. |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by theredaddy: 3:15am On May 12, 2024 |
She's a child. Her understanding of feminism is most likely what she sees on Twitter.
It is OPs responsibility to guide her and not even radicalise her further.
Unless you hate women including your mother, sisters and daughters, you should have no problem with women having what men have.
Does been born with a vagina make one less worthy to have good things in life? A child will be at best thinking of breast milk, someone old enough to assert men dosmesticate women is no longer a child ... most parent are failures just chasing money upandan, so the gen z ares what the social media influence them to be. Radicalize, you made that up cos i don't even think OP had a tongue in that conversation Using the word "hate" won't manipulate me, i am a realist and lets be realistic women can't have everything Men are designated for esp. authority maybe material things women can have it all. i have no problem if pocohantas wants to have her brother timberland with the way Men lavish money on women i think you sounded ridiculous feel men don't want beings with vagina to have good things of life. most of these gurlz that are on social living luxurious life is it not men sponsoring it. no gurl here can lavish on herself what a naija guy can lavish on her |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by theredaddy: 3:37am On May 12, 2024 |
Whenever you’re asked to respond intelligently on what your measure of a woman’s happiness is, y’all dumbly without fail revert to the most asinine response ever which is “oh but they don’t have a man”.
As if that’s the only thing needed in a woman’s life in order for her to be happy. I know you desperately want to believe that.
Let the men avoid them like plagues if they want, that’s not a measure of misery, happiness or success for a woman. You guys are deathly afraid of ending up alone and you often project that onto women my answer was "lifestyle" and if as a woman you interprete it as to not having a man, we are in the same book These things are reality, check out a gurl comment when she has no love and re-check her comment when she is lucky to have a man ... one gurl here is a classical example are aggression on men as reduced no tell am yet  why will Men be afraid of ending up alone, is it biological time or societal pressure  moreover, we are logical beings .. we know someday we will die and be buried alone  |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by seanery: 4:34am On May 12, 2024 |
Leave her mk she enter d versity first. I know my guy men very well. That feminism, dem go use prick tear am for her.
U just sit relax as my guys do d do. |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by SmartyPants(m): 5:52am On May 12, 2024 |
Against Nigerian law! against Nigerian law!
You know what you're doing. Your response doesn't mean anything. It's against Nigerian law but is the law enforced ? It's against Nigerian law on paper, but in reality do we see it?
How on earth do you think your deceptive response is a rebuttal when you know very well those laws are hardly enforced? Of course the law is enforced. If you play your part by bringing these issues to the law, the justice mechanisms will do the rest. If you insist, kindly share cases where abuses were reported and the law was not enforced. 3 Likes |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Hermanie(m): 6:14am On May 12, 2024 |
A child will be at best thinking of breast milk, someone old enough to assert men dosmesticate women is no longer a child ...
most parent are failures just chasing money upandan, so the gen z ares what the social media influence them to be.
Radicalize, you made that up cos i don't even think OP had a tongue in that conversation
Using the word "hate" won't manipulate me, i am a realist and lets be realistic women can't have everything Men are designated for esp. authority maybe material things women can have it all. i have no problem if pocohantas wants to have her brother timberland
with the way Men lavish money on women i think you sounded ridiculous feel men don't want beings with vagina to have good things of life. most of these gurlz that are on social living luxurious life is it not men sponsoring it. no gurl here can lavish on herself what a naija guy can lavish on her I'm talking of equal right, equal opportunities in society. You're talking of men lavishing money on top pussy they want to fck By definition anyone below the age of 18 is a child. Look at UN defenition here.
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Francis88095(m): 6:32am On May 12, 2024 |
May be one of her room mate have initiated her into Lesbianism and brainwashed her against men 1 Like |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by bukatyne(f): 6:45am On May 12, 2024 |
You may not see it because you aren't the one on the receiving end, and that's okay. The problem only arises when it's presented to you and you still find ways to dismiss them. I'll give you a few and it's going to be one hell of a long list:
- Do you know that ladies don't get late parent's inheritance in many traditional settings? - Do you know that a man can send his wife parking without a dime in Nigeria regardless of how long they've been together? - Do you know there's a huge pay gap between men and women at work? - Do you know that ladies are still forced into marriage today? - Do you know that many landlords won't rent out thier spaces to single ladies today? - Do you know child marriage is still a thing today? - Do you widows are still made to go through spiritual rites to prove they didn't kill her husband? - Do you know some ladies still get mutilated? - Do you know fathers beat thier daughters to pup for having a boyfriend? - Do you know that men are considered first for management positions at work and political positions, and ladies are only considered when their track records are overly obvious? This implies that women need to work twice as hard to be there. - Do you know that many educated women are doing small businesses today because thier husbands believe "someone has to run the home" or because their spouses are threatened by the the possibility of them becoming career ladies?
The list is endless, yet all these are more or less institutional and they are NOTHING compared to societal perception and gender stereotypes below:
- Do you know that women are judged by what they put on but we all went on a huge protest when SARS started profiling guys based on thier outfit/hairstyle. - Do younknow that a woman with a cheating husband is expected to fight for her marriage and find a way to regain his interest while a cheating wife should be sent home? - Do you know that when a lady get raped today, many people still ask "what was she doing at his place? What was she wearing? Why did she accept his money? Etc." - Do you know that when a man commits a crime, we all come on this app to criticize him, but when it's a lady, everyone starts insulting the gender "fear women", "Nigerian women are useless", "women of now-a-days", etc. - Do you know that when a corps member sleeps with his students who indicated interest in him and creates a thread about it on here, many people gather to talk about how these girls are spoiled and not about the adult that took advantage of a teenager? - Do you know that Davido went around sleeping with different women and getting them pregnant and him that slept with multiple people isn't a hoe, but the individuals he slept with are called hoes even though they were exclusive with him when it happened? - Do you know that most families reduce the potentials of thier girl child by teaching her how to be a good wife and not how to survive on her own? She does the cleaning and cooking, she learns how not to dress, she learns how to speak gently like a lady, etc. while the boys go out there to explore, make mistakes, learn from them and build the confidence required to push through life as an individual. - Do you know that morality in society is degenerating and people still believe it's because girls of now-a-days are into money or because they sleep around? - Do you know that a girl that goes into a guy's to indicate interest in him is a hoe but a man that does it is a sharp shooter? - Do you know that merely being a lady in the entertainment industry gets you labeled as a hoe? - Do you know that regardless of how successful a single or divorced lady is, people will still focus on the fact that there is no man in her life? - Do you know about 90% of all the ladies on this platform left between 2014 to 2024 due to the growing sexism on here? - Do you know that I only stopped typing cause I have things to do and nor because there isn't more to type? - Do you know that most guy would quickly dismiss all these as 'imagined' or by saying 'oh, we have issues too'?
You see, feminism is about gender equality. Fighting for equality isn't all about changing the written laws, it's also about changing mindset and empowering women. To be a feminist isn't about hating men or not cooking at home. It's about freedom of choice and equal playing ground. It's not against men (except you really believe one gender should be superior to the other). In fact, feminism will help reduce the pressure on men in our society today. When a feminist preaches, they don't target men alone, they also target all those overly dependent women that you all complain about (the urgent 2k and those that bring nothing to the table). Therefore, we should all be feminists.
The OP has a very brilliant younger sister who is discerning enough to recognize these things at her age, but he's here asking for ways to cut her wings and subdue her. Tomorrow, when she goes after men for survival, he will still be the one to come here and cry foul.
And how does feminism solve the problems listed above?  You imply that the families these things don't happen are 'feminists'/ believe in feminism? 3 Likes |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by SmartyPants(m): 6:50am On May 12, 2024 |
You get time, but excellent rebuttal. Although, aspects about Nigerian laws may not hit well since, people still cling to traditions True but that's the point. People have a right to cling to their beliefs - being a feminist won't change that. What you need to change are unequal laws and unequal access to law enforcement and I believe we've largely achieved that in Nigeria. 3 Likes |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by bukatyne(f): 6:51am On May 12, 2024 |
Not entirely true. Most feminists, especially the liberals, can get sex anytime they want. They are the ones who indulge in lesbianism, frolick with sugar daddies, engage in pegging, love-vendor girls to wealthier men etc. They are the ones who throng house and beach parties. A feminist anywhere can get sex if she wants. In fact, most women who engage in wanton sexual intercourse tend to espouse feminist ideals since feminism offers freedom. That freedom means they can do whatever they like, and that includes having different sexual partners. It is this sexual freedom that made Chimamanda to say "it is the men that are benefitting". @bold: I thought men and women are the same  So Chiamamanda has enough awareness to know that 'sexual freedom' for women is bullocks? Again, I read her books; I honestly think that woman discovered a niche that makes money and stuck with it. She doesn't strike me as espousing most of the things she teach or project. Same as Beyonce. 3 Likes |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by GloriousGbola: 7:20am On May 12, 2024 |
And how does feminism solve the problems listed above? 
You imply that the families these things don't happen are 'feminists'/ believe in feminism?
i went to a school up north. this was in the 90s. the bulk of the students were from the south. there were very few students from the north. anyway, three completely raw northern students - not even from the city but rural villages got admission. two girls, one boy. the father of one of the girls passed away when she was in jss3 or maybe ss1. her uncle immediately swooped in and married her off. we never saw her again. what do you think that girl would be today if he dad had not passed away? quite likely she would have made it all the way to university. i have some classmates like that who were from very poor backgrounds who are doing very very well fro where they came from. that unfortunate girls father was a feminist - as he wanted more for his daughter than for her to be a child bride and nothing else. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by GloriousGbola: 7:26am On May 12, 2024 |
I thought men and women are the same 
So Chiamamanda has enough awareness to know that 'sexual freedom' for women is bullocks?
Same as Beyonce. who would a guy enjoy bonking more - a woman who has been taught that sex is nothing more than a chore to be endured for having babies, and who has been taught to lie down, look at the ceiling and count until it is over, or an unrestrained chick who expects to finish and will ride you and maybe throw in some fellato to get you going? Again, I read her books; I honestly think that woman discovered a niche that makes money and stuck with it. She doesn't strike me as espousing most of the things she teach or project. i actually kind of agree. women in the west are largely but not completely emancipated. most of chimamadas talk imho is pandering to women who already have it made. she is from eastern nigeria, where women and girl children still get the short end of the stick. she can do so much more with her platform to better the lives and opportunities for disadvantaged women from her area, rather than getting meaningless male only chieftaincy titles . [yay we have beaten the patriachy!] 1 Like |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by nwanyiugbo122(f): 7:32am On May 12, 2024 |
Pussyisgud: She is threading a path of destruction, you better kill that devil inside of her or it will destroy her. Check all feminist their life don spoil none of them are married, the married ones are divorced and they weep in silence regretting the stupid actions of their youthful days. Just your imagination talking. |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by theredaddy: 8:13am On May 12, 2024 |
I'm talking of equal right, equal opportunities in society. You're talking of men lavishing money on top pussy they want to fck
By definition anyone below the age of 18 is a child. Look at UN defenition here. I am a realist, base on creation and fundamentals of life there is no such thing as Equality .. even among animals Ever wonder why God gave Adam more punishment than he melted to Eve .. despite they commited the same SIN. Why not study creation, observe and see your fingers, Maybe the creator of life never intended for "EQUALITY". You insinuated beings with vagina are not deemed for good things of Life .. which i find baseless and preposterous, cos so many women are enjoying good life cos of a man What women subtly want is Control/Authority  but life as shown they aint destiny for it, ever wonder why a country like America won't have a female president. what is paramount is a safe environment for ALL, there is more to life that negates Equal opportunity 1 Like |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Sarang(f): 8:16am On May 12, 2024 |
You have to be a dunce to see this as a problem. She wants to support her kind, nah your kind you want make she support before?
Like what the actual Bleep! |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by CHoccolaTE: 8:24am On May 12, 2024 |
You may not see it because you aren't the one on the receiving end, and that's okay. The problem only arises when it's presented to you and you still find ways to dismiss them. I'll give you a few and it's going to be one hell of a long list:
- Do you know that ladies don't get late parent's inheritance in many traditional settings? - Do you know that a man can send his wife parking without a dime in Nigeria regardless of how long they've been together? - Do you know there's a huge pay gap between men and women at work? - Do you know that ladies are still forced into marriage today? - Do you know that many landlords won't rent out thier spaces to single ladies today? - Do you know child marriage is still a thing today? - Do you widows are still made to go through spiritual rites to prove they didn't kill her husband? - Do you know some ladies still get mutilated? - Do you know fathers beat thier daughters to pup for having a boyfriend? - Do you know that men are considered first for management positions at work and political positions, and ladies are only considered when their track records are overly obvious? This implies that women need to work twice as hard to be there. - Do you know that many educated women are doing small businesses today because thier husbands believe "someone has to run the home" or because their spouses are threatened by the the possibility of them becoming career ladies?
The list is endless, yet all these are more or less institutional and they are NOTHING compared to societal perception and gender stereotypes below:
- Do you know that women are judged by what they put on but we all went on a huge protest when SARS started profiling guys based on thier outfit/hairstyle. - Do younknow that a woman with a cheating husband is expected to fight for her marriage and find a way to regain his interest while a cheating wife should be sent home? - Do you know that when a lady get raped today, many people still ask "what was she doing at his place? What was she wearing? Why did she accept his money? Etc." - Do you know that when a man commits a crime, we all come on this app to criticize him, but when it's a lady, everyone starts insulting the gender "fear women", "Nigerian women are useless", "women of now-a-days", etc. - Do you know that when a corps member sleeps with his students who indicated interest in him and creates a thread about it on here, many people gather to talk about how these girls are spoiled and not about the adult that took advantage of a teenager? - Do you know that Davido went around sleeping with different women and getting them pregnant and him that slept with multiple people isn't a hoe, but the individuals he slept with are called hoes even though they were exclusive with him when it happened? - Do you know that most families reduce the potentials of thier girl child by teaching her how to be a good wife and not how to survive on her own? She does the cleaning and cooking, she learns how not to dress, she learns how to speak gently like a lady, etc. while the boys go out there to explore, make mistakes, learn from them and build the confidence required to push through life as an individual. - Do you know that morality in society is degenerating and people still believe it's because girls of now-a-days are into money or because they sleep around? - Do you know that a girl that goes into a guy's to indicate interest in him is a hoe but a man that does it is a sharp shooter? - Do you know that merely being a lady in the entertainment industry gets you labeled as a hoe? - Do you know that regardless of how successful a single or divorced lady is, people will still focus on the fact that there is no man in her life? - Do you know about 90% of all the ladies on this platform left between 2014 to 2024 due to the growing sexism on here? - Do you know that I only stopped typing cause I have things to do and nor because there isn't more to type? - Do you know that most guy would quickly dismiss all these as 'imagined' or by saying 'oh, we have issues too'?
You see, feminism is about gender equality. Fighting for equality isn't all about changing the written laws, it's also about changing mindset and empowering women. To be a feminist isn't about hating men or not cooking at home. It's about freedom of choice and equal playing ground. It's not against men (except you really believe one gender should be superior to the other). In fact, feminism will help reduce the pressure on men in our society today. When a feminist preaches, they don't target men alone, they also target all those overly dependent women that you all complain about (the urgent 2k and those that bring nothing to the table). Therefore, we should all be feminists.
The OP has a very brilliant younger sister who is discerning enough to recognize these things at her age, but he's here asking for ways to cut her wings and subdue her. Tomorrow, when she goes after men for survival, he will still be the one to come here and cry foul.
Thank you for all your efforts on this thread. It gives me so much joy knowing that there are men who think like this. Welldone. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Gerrard59(m): 8:53am On May 12, 2024 |
@bold: I thought men and women are the same 
So Chiamamanda has enough awareness to know that 'sexual freedom' for women is bullocks?
Again, I read her books; I honestly think that woman discovered a niche that makes money and stuck with it. She doesn't strike me as espousing most of the things she teach or project.
Same as Beyonce. Most feminist miscreants on social media do so for funding/donations purposes, clout chasing and the likes. Most don't practice what they preach. Everybody dey find one hustle or the other. As for the sexual liberalism, yes, it's men, especially well-to-do men that benefit from it. Biologically, men are comfortable with having lots of sexual intercourse. So when women are encouraged to deliver milk without the need for the buyer to cater to the cows or ranch, why wouldn't men benefit from it? Free milk o without caring where the cows are cared for or the ranch is protected. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by nkpommpko(m): 9:29am On May 12, 2024 |
joemag: I recently went home to check on my parents. It happens that our lastborn who is in a boarding school also was around for a week break they were given at school.
On one of the evenings as I was talking to her and her dreams and aspirations this 16 old girl told me she wanted to become a Feminist. I was shocked but remained calm and gently asked her what she meant by being a Feminist. She told me that by that she aims to become an advocate of women's right. She started narrating how men are domesticating women and whole lots. I was marvelled at her passion and zeal and how convincing she was . Deep down I knew that I have a problem to solve and I needs pragmatic steps in order not to cause more harms.
This girl has written her JAMB with nice scores and will soon be in the varsity.
Please, is there anyone with concrete approach on how I will go about this? madam leave this children alone, let them roam, if they come back fine, if they don't fine. They are not your meal ticket. They have their own part to take you have yours and it's not even over yet. |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by Eunoiaa(f): 9:44am On May 12, 2024 |
Omg, I can't laugh. 😂😂😂
And you created a topic, as per feminism is an issue like drug abuse or cultism or as if she came home and declared that she wants to start worshipping the devil? Wtf?? |
Re: Help! Our Last Born Wants To Be A Feminist by cnonyechi(f): 9:50am On May 12, 2024 |
joemag: I recently went home to check on my parents. It happens that our lastborn who is in a boarding school also was around for a week break they were given at school.
On one of the evenings as I was talking to her and her dreams and aspirations this 16 old girl told me she wanted to become a Feminist. I was shocked but remained calm and gently asked her what she meant by being a Feminist. She told me that by that she aims to become an advocate of women's right. She started narrating how men are domesticating women and whole lots. I was marvelled at her passion and zeal and how convincing she was . Deep down I knew that I have a problem to solve and I needs pragmatic steps in order not to cause more harms.
This girl has written her JAMB with nice scores and will soon be in the varsity.
Please, is there anyone with concrete approach on how I will go about this? She is still young. Her views will change wen life starts to happen. |