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Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. - Travel (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Malawian(m): 4:57pm On May 15, 2024

Oli ranor
Na Ijaw be this?
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Hotice085: 5:01pm On May 15, 2024

Bros, what you see happening has its roots in the uncivil war and post war period, when some Ijaw, emboldened by the encouragement and support they got from their Fulani/Yoruba hegemonic 'liberators', proceeded to try and 'landlock' Igboland by 'ijawnising' all city-states and settlements along the coast! Have you ever wondered why bigoted Igbo-haters from certain ethnicities outside the south-south/south-east are obsessed with the idea that Alaigbo is 'landlocked'....ALWAYS siding with the Ijaw on issues pertaining to the ethnic identity of Opobo, Bonny, etc.....going insane with anger when there's any linkage or commonality of purpose of all ethnicities in the south-south and south-east, yet don't mind hearing of 'one north'!? Remember when a certain useless president made the unfortunate gloating remark of Igboland being 'a dot in a circle'? Remember the set of bigots that got a serious boner over said comment? Few days after he made that remark, he was visited by Diette-Spiff, with a retinue of Bayelsa chiefs in tow, and they all were grinning from ear to ear, looking pleased that they had accomplished something!

The confidence the Fulani hegemonic cabal, that passed for the Buhari gov't, has to go after the Biafra/Kanu secessionist agenda derives from their belief that the Ijaw are their partners in this, and this is why you see threads like this trying to sell the wrong notion that Ijaw 'own' the entire coastline of Nigeria from Lagos to Calabar....thereby implying Alaigbo is 'landlocked' and hemmed into 'just your 5 south-east states' which was delineated for them by the 'liberators' and their Ijaw partners in 1967! This is why i warn that Ndigbo should be wary sharing the same country wth three ethnicities in particular, because it has become apparent over the years that these groups stated aim is to undermine Igbo territorial, economic and political interests in 'one Nigeria'! We can NEVER reach our full potential sharing the same country with these three groups of people! TO BE FORE-WARNED IS TO BE FORE-ARMED!

Before the civil war when the Ojukwu and Ironsi locked up Adaka Boro tell me which Ibo town was at the coast line

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by lebuhsi(m): 5:04pm On May 15, 2024
on a serious note. As someone for Non-major tribe, it's always interesting to see how all of you from the "major" tribes hate each other. deeply rooted is the desire for any of you to dominate which you think is your God given right to do so. anyone who has failed to do this would feel agitated, naturally. reading through this thread just make me think about Nargano-karabakh and the potential for "contested" territories to cause conflict among ethnic nationalities. people of minor tribes have been brainwashed into believing "one-Nigeria" exists, when all it's been about from inception is you guys trying to dominate each other. whether Nigeria exists in the form or not in the future. This conflict would persist. Because you will remain in those territories and would certainly cause anarchy and mayhem for everyone else.
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Oyindidi(f): 5:07pm On May 15, 2024
so who get aggrey road?
Na you get am

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by lebuhsi(m): 5:12pm On May 15, 2024
post war Nigeria saw Ibos lose political power and their areas of influence and left them effectively landlocked. While the Yorubas, Hausas and Fulanis dominated. ethnic minorities clamored and earned their political independence. Ibos have shown remarkable resilience and resolve and each generation after the war has developed a form of resistance to Nigerian rule.

Ojikwu, MASSOB, now IPOB AND ESN. who knows what next?
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by rummmy: 6:14pm On May 15, 2024
How ijaw passed ogoni and enter opobo and ndoki still remains a misery...of the century...

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Psalmy2cute(m): 6:20pm On May 15, 2024

This ijaws una de make me laugh claiming a place just because they live close to water... maybe NIGERIAN waters is your birth right.... Una IGBOS una de deal with o, make una remove hand for any IGBO territory
i say i want you to cry more.. Should i bring you a bucket??

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by SlavaUkraini: 6:47pm On May 15, 2024

Na Ijaw be this?

If you say so
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by LOVEALAIGBO: 7:58pm On May 15, 2024

I am aware of what you have written. That is why you see them angry and worried about what Barrister Uche Okwukwu keeps saying. He is currently gunning to become the Ohanaeze Ndigbo PG, when Rivers state is expected to produce the PG next year.
They don't want someone like Okwukwu being in charge of Ohanaeze as he is sure to assert his Igboness so completely, and very likely to get these Igbo territories on the fringes to assert their Igboness also.
This scenario scares Igbo haters, and those who are landgrabbing Igbo territories in Rivers state.

I make it clear to them that their gas-lighting does not work on me. Every inch of Igbo territory will remain Igbo forever, and Igbos will bulldoze any ethnic group that intends to wickedly appropriate God-given Igbo territories as theirs.

Just hope they don’t murder the man like they did to Obi Wali.

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by LOVEALAIGBO: 8:02pm On May 15, 2024

Before the civil war when the Ojukwu and Ironsi locked up Adaka Boro tell me which Ibo town was at the coast line

Why was Adaka Boro locked up? Let’s start from there!

Before the uncivil war, can you point to any document or interview where prominent Opobo or Bonny declared they were Ijaw and not Igbo? You thinking my argument is that those city-states were exclusively Igbo shows you’re yet to grasp the thrust of my argument!

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by snowwhyte607: 10:17pm On May 15, 2024
Opobo is not and will never be an ijaw town. Opobo is and has always been an Igbo town from time immemorial, even before King Jaja Nwachukwu of Opobo.

You lots can never rewrite history.

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Nailly: 10:18pm On May 15, 2024
Opobo is not and will never be an ijaw town. Opobo is and has always been an Igbo town from time immemorial, even before King Jaja Nwachukwu of Opobo.

You lots can never rewrite history.

Continue lying to yourself.

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by snowwhyte607: 10:59pm On May 15, 2024

Continue lying to yourself.
On the contrary, you're the one deceiving yourself and some gullible folks as you.
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by nasoeb: 12:26am On May 16, 2024
I am from Kalabari, u are telling me my origin? grin
To be very honest I always pity these Igbo guys,... Jokes apart. Do you observe it's ONLY THE IGBOS claiming everywhere in Rivers does not exist except it is existing as igboland. Sometimes I wish they can just stop, observe and ask themselves question,... WHY MUST IT BE ONLY US CLAIMING EVERYWHERE?
A people that can even claim as far as Lagos are not the kind of people you ever consider descent.


Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by nasoeb: 12:29am On May 16, 2024
Am Full Bonny man and every bonny indigene is a proud IJAW person.
A proud bonny man is even presently the IJAW NATIONAL CONGRESS President. That's to send the fowll brains message.

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by BALLOSKI: 6:27am On May 16, 2024

Ditari leave Rivers state alone na.

Bayelsa dey Shame you?

You don redraw Rivers state map as you see fit. grin grin grin
Ijaw land is like 60% of Rivers...from what I've seen.

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by jamesversion: 7:42am On May 16, 2024
Ijaw land is like 60% of Rivers...from what I've seen.

Lolz, we know better. In reality, the actual representation of the map of Rivers state is below. Waterbodies, swamps, marshland. Terrain not suitable for proper human existence. They do not have land. From redline downwards represent Ijawland or riverine area. The redline upwards represent Upland area. So, pray tell, who has more land? grin

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Hotice085: 10:39am On May 16, 2024

Why was Adaka Boro locked up? Let’s start from there!

Before the uncivil war, can you point to any document or interview where prominent Opobo or Bonny declared they were Ijaw and not Igbo? You thinking my argument is that those city-states were exclusively Igbo shows you’re yet to grasp the thrust of my argument!

Adaka Boro did what Ojukwu later copied and did against Gowon

Show me any documents that says Opobo was Ibo and the name "Opobo" does it sound Ibo to your hear?
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by MaziX(m): 10:57am On May 16, 2024
I am an igbo person and I will not watch you bring your nonsense here. Rivers state has Ijaw people... Yes, there are Igbo descents there but don't say the entire Rivers state is Igbo land.... don't dare that nonsense.

See me see wahala.. seems u have a mental issue. How did my comment relate with what u just wrote. Or can u show me a place on this forum that I have dragged about igbo stuff.. I no get una time abeg

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by LOVEALAIGBO: 7:23pm On May 16, 2024

Adaka Boro did what Ojukwu later copied and did against Gowon

Show me any documents that says Opobo was Ibo and the name "Opobo" does it sound Ibo to your hear?

I know what Boro did….just asked you to see how you’d respond.

Your initial post implies Boro was wrongly imprisoned because he planned secession! So what’s your opinion on Mazi Kanu…kidnapped from Kenya and held illegally now for close to three years? Would you say he’s been unjustifiably detained….and would it equally be in order to blame Buhari, Tinubu, and the Fulani and Yoruba, as you imply Ndigbo should be blamed? Correct me if i’m wrong in my understanding of your position.

Secession is a federal matter, so can you tell me how and why you dragged Ojukwu into the matter?

We know of Ojukwu meeting with leaders of ethnicities that made up the then Eastern Region before Biafra was declared, and we know the pogrom and lack of response to it by the then Gowon regime! We also know the capital of the new Biafra Republic, and its boundaries/limits. Now can you tell us which ethnicities Boro consulted with before declaring Niger-Delta Republic, the capital of the Republic and its boundaries/limits? Or was Boro just a rebel without a cause?

What happened that made the strident call for a Niger-Delta Republic die and disappear after the 67-70 uncivil war? Are the Ijaw now content and happy with the ‘one Nigeria’ their leaders teamed up with outsiders to sustain?

The Niger-Delta, together with parts of Alaigbo, is the goose that lays the golden egg! Are the indigenous peoples that make up the region happy with their lot when compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that’s been sucked out of their region from the late 60s to date? Are they proud of their environment? Are they happy their youths are mainly into oyel bunkering; kpo fire; militancy; and serving the Fulani/Yoruba hegemonic alliance that ‘liberated’ them from Ndigbo? Do they think their children will inherit a bright and secure future? Do they have any city comparable to cities of other oyel-rich territories like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Quatar, and even Angola next door? Do the indigenes of the Niger-Delta have any prominent son or daughter feature on the top 5 Forbes richest Nigerians list?

Regarding Opobo and Bonny….you still miss the thrust of my argument! Pre-uncivil war and during colonial times, the aforementioned were independent city-states that had both Igbo and Ijaw heritage! At no point did i argue they were solely Igbo in origin! Also, there are a lot of names of people and places used in parts of the Niger-Delta that were initially Igbo names that became anglicised….or is it corrupted over the years, either unintentionally or deliberately! You know Amachree for instance was originally Amakiri? You also know ama means place in Igbo? Only a ignorant person would argue about the Igbo origins of Opobo….a place that uses Igbo as their language and which was founded by a wealthy Igbo merchant! Bonny and Opobo have Igbo origins initially! The Ijaw mix came further down the line, owing largely to proximity and Nigerian politics!

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by ResidentSnitch(f): 12:26am On May 17, 2024

I know what Boro did….just asked you to see how you’d respond.

Your initial post implies Boro was wrongly imprisoned because he planned secession! So what’s your opinion on Mazi Kanu…kidnapped from Kenya and held illegally now for close to three years? Would you say he’s been unjustifiably detained….and would it equally be in order to blame Buhari, Tinubu, and the Fulani and Yoruba, as you imply Ndigbo should be blamed? Correct me if i’m wrong in my understanding of your position.

Secession is a federal matter, so can you tell me how and why you dragged Ojukwu into the matter?

We know of Ojukwu meeting with leaders of ethnicities that made up the then Eastern Region before Biafra was declared, and we know the pogrom and lack of response to it by the then Gowon regime! We also know the capital of the new Biafra Republic, and its boundaries/limits. Now can you tell us which ethnicities Boro consulted with before declaring Niger-Delta Republic, the capital of the Republic and its boundaries/limits? Or was Boro just a rebel without a cause?

What happened that made the strident call for a Niger-Delta Republic die and disappear after the 67-70 uncivil war? Are the Ijaw now content and happy with the ‘one Nigeria’ their leaders teamed up with outsiders to sustain?

The Niger-Delta, together with parts of Alaigbo, is the goose that lays the golden egg! Are the indigenous peoples that make up the region happy with their lot when compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that’s been sucked out of their region from the late 60s to date? Are they proud of their environment? Are they happy their youths are mainly into oyel bunkering; kpo fire; militancy; and serving the Fulani/Yoruba hegemonic alliance that ‘liberated’ them from Ndigbo? Do they think their children will inherit a bright and secure future? Do they have any city comparable to cities of other oyel-rich territories like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Quatar, and even Angola next door? Do the indigenes of the Niger-Delta have any prominent son or daughter feature on the top 5 Forbes richest Nigerians list?

Regarding Opobo and Bonny….you still miss the thrust of my argument! Pre-uncivil war and during colonial times, the aforementioned were independent city-states that had both Igbo and Ijaw heritage! At no point did i argue they were solely Igbo in origin! Also, there are a lot of names of people and places used in parts of the Niger-Delta that were initially Igbo names that became anglicised….or is it corrupted over the years, either unintentionally or deliberately! You know Amachree for instance was originally Amakiri? You also know ama means place in Igbo? Only a ignorant person would argue about the Igbo origins of Opobo….a place that uses Igbo as their language and which was founded by a wealthy Igbo merchant! Bonny and Opobo have Igbo origins! The Ijaw mix came further down the line, owing largely to proximity and Nigerian politics!
You just wasted your precious time and effort on a well-known dumbo.
Watch how he will give you a monosyllabic response or suddenly become dumb.

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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by 3exe3: 12:58am On May 17, 2024
Funny people. After the civil war down to this day all the citizens turned ijaws overnight also their ruler. Wow magics do happen
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by NaMe4: 9:27am On May 17, 2024

But Jaja of Opobo, the founder and owner of Opobo was an Igbo man, and he practised omenana which is the Igbo religion and culture.

How did Jaja of Opobo get there?

When Fulanis enter the hinterlands in the SouthEast and form communities, does that make them owners of the lands?
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by OfoIgbo: 10:03am On May 17, 2024

How did Jaja of Opobo get there?

When Fulanis enter the hinterlands in the SouthEast and form communities, does that make them owners of the lands?

It makes him owner of the land if he bought it.

And btw,the Nigerian supreme court has already declared that the Jaja descendants own Opobo, after a few Ijaw landgrabbers tried to make untenable claims over Opobo.

I suppose that could be why an eminent Opobian we all know as Dakuku Peterside declared that Opobo's Igbo.



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Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Nailly: 12:08pm On May 17, 2024

It makes him owner of the land if he bought it.

And btw,the Nigerian supreme court has already declared that the Jaja descendants own Opobo, after a few Ijaw landgrabbers tried to make untenable claims over Opobo.

I suppose that could be why an eminent Opobian we all know as Dakuku Peterside declared that Opobo's Igbo.



Continue lying to yourself.
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Hotice085: 4:15pm On May 17, 2024

I know what Boro did….just asked you to see how you’d respond.

Your initial post implies Boro was wrongly imprisoned because he planned secession! So what’s your opinion on Mazi Kanu…kidnapped from Kenya and held illegally now for close to three years? Would you say he’s been unjustifiably detained….and would it equally be in order to blame Buhari, Tinubu, and the Fulani and Yoruba, as you imply Ndigbo should be blamed? Correct me if i’m wrong in my understanding of your position.

Secession is a federal matter, so can you tell me how and why you dragged Ojukwu into the matter?

We know of Ojukwu meeting with leaders of ethnicities that made up the then Eastern Region before Biafra was declared, and we know the pogrom and lack of response to it by the then Gowon regime! We also know the capital of the new Biafra Republic, and its boundaries/limits. Now can you tell us which ethnicities Boro consulted with before declaring Niger-Delta Republic, the capital of the Republic and its boundaries/limits? Or was Boro just a rebel without a cause?

What happened that made the strident call for a Niger-Delta Republic die and disappear after the 67-70 uncivil war? Are the Ijaw now content and happy with the ‘one Nigeria’ their leaders teamed up with outsiders to sustain?

The Niger-Delta, together with parts of Alaigbo, is the goose that lays the golden egg! Are the indigenous peoples that make up the region happy with their lot when compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that’s been sucked out of their region from the late 60s to date? Are they proud of their environment? Are they happy their youths are mainly into oyel bunkering; kpo fire; militancy; and serving the Fulani/Yoruba hegemonic alliance that ‘liberated’ them from Ndigbo? Do they think their children will inherit a bright and secure future? Do they have any city comparable to cities of other oyel-rich territories like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Quatar, and even Angola next door? Do the indigenes of the Niger-Delta have any prominent son or daughter feature on the top 5 Forbes richest Nigerians list?

Regarding Opobo and Bonny….you still miss the thrust of my argument! Pre-uncivil war and during colonial times, the aforementioned were independent city-states that had both Igbo and Ijaw heritage! At no point did i argue they were solely Igbo in origin! Also, there are a lot of names of people and places used in parts of the Niger-Delta that were initially Igbo names that became anglicised….or is it corrupted over the years, either unintentionally or deliberately! You know Amachree for instance was originally Amakiri? You also know ama means place in Igbo? Only a ignorant person would argue about the Igbo origins of Opobo….a place that uses Igbo as their language and which was founded by a wealthy Igbo merchant! Bonny and Opobo have Igbo origins initially! The Ijaw mix came further down the line, owing largely to proximity and Nigerian politics!

I hate LIES
When and where did Ojukwu consult other ethnic group before he went on his wild goose chase
Did the people of AIbom CRiver Rivers and Bayelsa ever supported Ojukwu in his egoistic campaign?
How can someone who escaped to UK allowed himself to be fooled back to Kenya and right now in prison in Nigeria qualify to call himself a leader, what on earth took him to Kenya?
I ask again is Opobo an Ijaw word or Ibo, was Jaja a free born or a slave? Who were this wealthy Igbo merchants or was Opobo notorious for slavery1


Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Hotice085: 4:19pm On May 17, 2024

You just wasted your precious time and effort on a well-known dumbo.
Watch how he will give you a monosyllabic response or suddenly become dumb.

You very well know you are dumber than a grain of rice
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by 3exe3: 1:08am On May 18, 2024

It makes him owner of the land if he bought it.

And btw,the Nigerian supreme court has already declared that the Jaja descendants own Opobo, after a few Ijaw landgrabbers tried to make untenable claims over Opobo.

I suppose that could be why an eminent Opobian we all know as Dakuku Peterside declared that Opobo's Igbo.


abi biafra supreme court
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by OfoIgbo: 10:57am On May 18, 2024
abi biafra NIGERIAN supreme court

Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by 3exe3: 11:41am On May 18, 2024

link to verdict
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by LOVEALAIGBO: 11:52am On May 18, 2024

I hate LIES
When and where did Ojukwu consult other ethnic group before he went on his wild goose chase
Did the people of AIbom CRiver Rivers and Bayelsa ever supported Ojukwu in his egoistic campaign?
How can someone who escaped to UK allowed himself to be fooled back to Kenya and right now in prison in Nigeria qualify to call himself a leader, what on earth took him to Kenya?
I ask again is Opobo an Ijaw word or Ibo, was Jaja a free born or a slave? Who were this wealthy Igbo merchants or was Opobo notorious for slavery1

You hate lies!? Then you probably hate yourself....unless of course you actually believe the rubbish you come up with on here!

****** ***** *****

Inwang Benson Utin Ph.D
Department of History and International Studies
Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus

"....It is in this regard that Davies state,… not only the Igbos suffered, though they were
undoubtedly in the majority, Eks, Ibibios, Ogojas and Ijaws were also singled out for
butchery. As they come home and told their tales, a waves of rage swept across the east,
mingled also with despair and disillusion. There was hardly a village or town, family or
compound in the region that did not take into its fold one of the refugees and listen to what
he had to say

".......Thousands of refugees were marred for life either mentally or physically, by
what they had gone through... there is no better propaganda coup than the images and
actual sights of the exodus of the suffering, the married, the homeless, the penniless. Col
Ojukwu use all these as a tool and impetus to campaign for all easterners to publicly
14 demand for a constitutional change for confederation or else secession .
As the propaganda rage on and the refusal of Gen. Gowon to heed to the Aburi Accord and
Col Ojukwu's demand, dissolved the house of Assembly and set up a consultative
Assembly of 335 members from all ethnic groups existing in the then Eastern region of
Nigeria. The consultative Assembly met on 26 may 1967 and gave Col. Ojukwu the
mandate to declare eastern region as a free sovereign and independent State by the name
and title of the Republic of Biafra. Owing to the demands of the consultative members, Col
th Ojukwu declared the Republic of Biafra on 30 May 1967 in the State house, Enugu
15 was later renamed Biafra Lodge......."


***** ***** *****

In order to unify the country to generate greater
profits, the British devised a plan — the strategic
enforcement of dividing and conquering. Throughout
the twentieth century, the British orchestrated a socioeconomic fracturing of Nigeria’s three main ethnic
groups — the Yoruba in the Western part of the
country, the Igbo in the East, and the Hausa-Fulani
in the North — all of whom continue to harbour
contempt for one another. The colonial administration
achieved this through suppression of local resistance and the development of regional states designed to
isolate ethnic groups (Garba and Garba 2005, 92).


****** ****** ******

".....The killings were organised and systemic. Charles Keil, an ethnomusicologist, who visited Nigeria in the 1966, captures the situation picturesquely in this stub:

“The pogroms I witnessed in Makurdi, Nigeria (late Sept. 1966) were foreshadowed by months of intensive anti-Ibo and anti-Eastern conversations among Tiv, Idoma, Hausa and other northerners resident in Makurdi, and, fitting a pattern replicated in city after city, the massacres were led by the Nigerian army. Before, during and after the slaughter, Col Gowon could be heard over the radio issuing ‘guarantees of safety’ to all easterners, all citizens of Nigeria, but the intent of the soldiers, the only power that counts in Nigeria now or then, was painfully clear. After counting the disembowelled bodies along the Makurdi road I was escorted back to the city by soldiers who apologised for the stench and explained politely that they were doing me and the world a great favour by eliminating Ibos.”


****** ****** *******

Dude, you are eminently evil and full of deceit if you want to sit there and posit that there was no initial unanimity amongst ethnic groups in the Eastern Region for secession! It's logical and stands to reason seeing as pogrom and brutality that went on all over the north (surprisingly including the so called christian middle-belt) affected ALL EASTERNERS and not just the Igbo! Of course as the war progressed, the 'liberators' found it easy to find lots of daft and shortsighted 'Niger-Deltans', who couldn't see beyond their hatred and envy of the Igbo, to join the federal/hegemonic forces and sabotage the secessionist effort! These groups were the weakest link in this secessionist effort and opened the door for the enemy to come in! With the benefit of hindsight, it's clear today that those fools were on the wrong side of history! Had you not dodged my initial questions to you on how the so called 'Niger-Delta' is faring today economically, educationally, environmentally, socially and security-wise, you'd have come to the inescapable conclusion that i am spot-on in my assesment!

Ikemba no doubt had his flaws, but this in no way takes away from the justification of his cause! If not for the idiocy of these 'Niger-Deltans' who decided to align with outsiders to frustrate and sabotage the secession bid, the entire east would have been free today! Their wrong choice is what has made us all to still to be part of a dysfuntional country that's worse than a jungle....a country in which they are now subservient to the Fulani/Yoruba 'liberators' they stupidly thought were interested in 'liberating' them from the very neighbours thay had lived side-by-side with for more than a century! Complete idiots!

There you go again trying to be evasive and clever-by-half! Your initial post implied that Adaka Boro was treated unjustly by the Igbo duo of Ironsi and Ojukwu just because he declared a Niger-Delta Republic! And i then asked for your opinion on Mazi Kanu who the evil Buhari gov't contravened all known laws on the rendition of suspects in order to kidnap him back to Nigeria! This is a Mazi Kanu that didn't even go as far as Boro who actually declared the Niger-Delta Republic....all Mazi Kanu had done up till the time he was kidnapped was to campaign and sensitise his people on the need for a referendum on secession! Your hypocrisy, evil heart and hatred for Igbos' couldn't let you answer the question as that would mean equally absolving Mazi Kanu....a man you despise! Instead of answering the question, you went off on a tangent yapping about how 'he allowed himself to be fooled back to Kenya and thus isn't qualified to be a leader', as if all the schmucks that have been ruling your 'one Nigeria' from the late 60s to date are all geniuses and Lee Kwan-Yus'! Mazi Kanu isn't perfect, and one of the things i fault him about was his underestimating the level of guile, deceit, wickedness and hatred for Ndigbo the hegemonic likes of Buhari and his gang can muster! He underestimated the desire of the Fulani hegemony to sustain their ATM that is 'one Nigeria' and this is one of the costly faults of Mazi Kanu!

Seriously!.....Are you asking these daft questions about King Jaja!? A man whose history is known even to kids in JSS! Don't worry, later i'll reply you....or should that be SCHOOL YOU on the life and times of King Jaja of Opobo! wink And regarding whether Opobo is a Igbo word or not, it seems you have a short attention span! I had earlier posted on how loads of Igbo names have become anglised and corrupted over the years owing to the organic passage of time or done deliberately by revisionists in their bid to try and eliminate any trace of Igbo influence in the so called 'Niger-Delta'! Oya, you tell us what Opobo means in Ijaw?

When you reply, remind us of your ethnicity! I'm Igbo from Ndoni in Rivers state, and even have cousins from Opobo! smiley
Re: Pictures Of The Ijaw Town Of Opobo Rivers State. by Hotice085: 6:25pm On May 18, 2024

You hate lies!? Then you probably hate yourself....unless of course you actually believe the rubbish you come up with on here!

****** ***** *****

Inwang Benson Utin Ph.D
Department of History and International Studies
Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus

"....It is in this regard that Davies state,… not only the Igbos suffered, though they were
undoubtedly in the majority, Eks, Ibibios, Ogojas and Ijaws were also singled out for
butchery. As they come home and told their tales, a waves of rage swept across the east,
mingled also with despair and disillusion. There was hardly a village or town, family or
compound in the region that did not take into its fold one of the refugees and listen to what
he had to say

".......Thousands of refugees were marred for life either mentally or physically, by
what they had gone through... there is no better propaganda coup than the images and
actual sights of the exodus of the suffering, the married, the homeless, the penniless. Col
Ojukwu use all these as a tool and impetus to campaign for all easterners to publicly
14 demand for a constitutional change for confederation or else secession .
As the propaganda rage on and the refusal of Gen. Gowon to heed to the Aburi Accord and
Col Ojukwu's demand, dissolved the house of Assembly and set up a consultative
Assembly of 335 members from all ethnic groups existing in the then Eastern region of
Nigeria. The consultative Assembly met on 26 may 1967 and gave Col. Ojukwu the
mandate to declare eastern region as a free sovereign and independent State by the name
and title of the Republic of Biafra. Owing to the demands of the consultative members, Col
th Ojukwu declared the Republic of Biafra on 30 May 1967 in the State house, Enugu
15 was later renamed Biafra Lodge......."


***** ***** *****

In order to unify the country to generate greater
profits, the British devised a plan — the strategic
enforcement of dividing and conquering. Throughout
the twentieth century, the British orchestrated a socioeconomic fracturing of Nigeria’s three main ethnic
groups — the Yoruba in the Western part of the
country, the Igbo in the East, and the Hausa-Fulani
in the North — all of whom continue to harbour
contempt for one another. The colonial administration
achieved this through suppression of local resistance and the development of regional states designed to
isolate ethnic groups (Garba and Garba 2005, 92).


****** ****** ******

".....The killings were organised and systemic. Charles Keil, an ethnomusicologist, who visited Nigeria in the 1966, captures the situation picturesquely in this stub:

“The pogroms I witnessed in Makurdi, Nigeria (late Sept. 1966) were foreshadowed by months of intensive anti-Ibo and anti-Eastern conversations among Tiv, Idoma, Hausa and other northerners resident in Makurdi, and, fitting a pattern replicated in city after city, the massacres were led by the Nigerian army. Before, during and after the slaughter, Col Gowon could be heard over the radio issuing ‘guarantees of safety’ to all easterners, all citizens of Nigeria, but the intent of the soldiers, the only power that counts in Nigeria now or then, was painfully clear. After counting the disembowelled bodies along the Makurdi road I was escorted back to the city by soldiers who apologised for the stench and explained politely that they were doing me and the world a great favour by eliminating Ibos.”


****** ****** *******

Dude, you are eminently evil and full of deceit if you want to sit there and posit that there was no initial unanimity amongst ethnic groups in the Eastern Region for secession! It's logical and stands to reason seeing as pogrom and brutality that went on all over the north (surprisingly including the so called christian middle-belt) affected ALL EASTERNERS and not just the Igbo! Of course as the war progressed, the 'liberators' found it easy to find lots of daft and shortsighted 'Niger-Deltans', who couldn't see beyond their hatred and envy of the Igbo, to join the federal/hegemonic forces and sabotage the secessionist effort! These groups were the weakest link in this secessionist effort and opened the door for the enemy to come in! With the benefit of hindsight, it's clear today that those fools were on the wrong side of history! Had you not dodged my initial questions to you on how the so called 'Niger-Delta' is faring today economically, educationally, environmentally, socially and security-wise, you'd have come to the inescapable conclusion that i am spot-on in my assesment!

Ikemba no doubt had his flaws, but this in no way takes away from the justification of his cause! If not for the idiocy of these 'Niger-Deltans' who decided to align with outsiders to frustrate and sabotage the secession bid, the entire east would have been free today! Their wrong choice is what has made us all to still to be part of a dysfuntional country that's worse than a jungle....a country in which they are now subservient to the Fulani/Yoruba 'liberators' they stupidly thought were interested in 'liberating' them from the very neighbours thay had lived side-by-side with for more than a century! Complete idiots!

There you go again trying to be evasive and clever-by-half! Your initial post implied that Adaka Boro was treated unjustly by the Igbo duo of Ironsi and Ojukwu just because he declared a Niger-Delta Republic! And i then asked for your opinion on Mazi Kanu who the evil Buhari gov't contravened all known laws on the rendition of suspects in order to kidnap him back to Nigeria! This is a Mazi Kanu that didn't even go as far as Boro who actually declared the Niger-Delta Republic....all Mazi Kanu had done up till the time he was kidnapped was to campaign and sensitise his people on the need for a referendum on secession! Your hypocrisy, evil heart and hatred for Igbos' couldn't let you answer the question as that would mean equally absolving Mazi Kanu....a man you despise! Instead of answering the question, you went off on a tangent yapping about how 'he allowed himself to be fooled back to Kenya and thus isn't qualified to be a leader', as if all the schmucks that have been ruling your 'one Nigeria' from the late 60s to date are all geniuses and Lee Kwan-Yus'! Mazi Kanu isn't perfect, and one of the things i fault him about was his underestimating the level of guile, deceit, wickedness and hatred for Ndigbo the hegemonic likes of Buhari and his gang can muster! He underestimated the desire of the Fulani hegemony to sustain their ATM that is 'one Nigeria' and this is one of the costly faults of Mazi Kanu!

Seriously!.....Are you asking these daft questions about King Jaja!? A man whose history is known even to kids in JSS! Don't worry, later i'll reply you....or should that be SCHOOL YOU on the life and times of King Jaja of Opobo! wink And regarding whether Opobo is a Igbo word or not, it seems you have a short attention span! I had earlier posted on how loads of Igbo names have become anglised and corrupted over the years owing to the organic passage of time or done deliberately by revisionists in their bid to try and eliminate any trace of Igbo influence in the so called 'Niger-Delta'! Oya, you tell us what Opobo means in Ijaw?

When you reply, remind us of your ethnicity! I'm Igbo from Ndoni in Rivers state, and even have cousins from Opobo! smiley

You don't just LIE but a LYING MACHINE and shameless propagandists, Let me drop this titbits first I will later come for your Jaja that was granted freedom by the Ijaws
Who are the people you say Ojukwu consuited, this is you gonna LIE in future that MNK consulted the elders of other tribes.



The Nigerian-Biafran War started on July 6, 1967 and ended on January 15, 1970. The former Eastern Region of Nigeria seceded from Nigeria and declared its independence on May 30, 1967, following the massacre of the Igbo people who were living in the northern parts of Nigeria.

The dominant argument in the historiography of the civil War, both within academia and the popular media, is that the Igbo were targeted for extermination by the Muslim north. Yet, not much has been reported about the atrocities perpetrated against the “minorities” in Biafra, both by the Nigerian military forces and the Biafran militias. In particular, the ibibio people.

William Norris of the London Times who visited Biafra, reported an eye- witness account in which some men of Ibibio ethnic origin were beaten to death at Umuahia on April 2, 1968. These Ibibios who included old men and young men were apparently suspected of collaborating with advancing Nigerian troops. They were reportedly frog-marched across an open space while the local people attacked them with sticks and clubs.

In a related account, B. J. Ikpeme, a member of a minority group and retired Senior Medical Officer in the then Eastern Region revealed atrocities perpetrated by Biafran soldiers against the minorities in some towns in the present-day Cross River and Akwa- Ibom States. Ikpeme argued that Ojukwu’s declaration of the Republic of Biafra had been issued against the wishes of the majority of the people of Calabar, Ogoja, and Rivers Provinces, who for many years had agitated for a separate state of their own.

According to Ikpeme, the Igbo leadership, who did not like the minority agitation, decided either to force the five million non-Igbo minorities into the new republic or eliminate them. It was on this basis, claims Ikpeme, that Biafran soldiers were quickly sent to the minority areas to “keep down the people, detain or even kill all who dared raise a voice in protest against the idea of Biafra.” It was during this period that the non-Igbos started experiencing different forms of inhumane treatment, ranging from torture, detention, to killing.

Ikpeme himself was detained in what he described as a “concentration camp” and was later transferred to a prison cell where he was given urine to drink when he demanded water. Ikpeme described instances where the Biafra soldiers allegedly perpetrated atrocities against some members of non-Igbo groups. In Asang town in Enyong, from where Ikpeme originated, about four hundred people were carried away to an unknown destination. Another town called Attan Onoyon in the same Enyong was burnt down with many people killed by the Biafran soldiers.

In Ikot Ekpenyong in the present day Akwa Ibom State, Biafra soldiers were said to have shot many villagers. Ikpeme also recounted that similar killings carried out by Biafra soldiers took place in places like Ikot Okpot and Idoro. He equally alleged that when the Nigerian troops landed in Calabar on October 18, 1967, about 169 civilians in detention were lined up and shöt by Biafran soldiers. This same allegation had also been published in The New York Times as an informational advertisement by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in New York. These two accounts, given by the survivor-victim of Ikun and Dr. Ikpeme, portray similar pictures of gross atrocities but with different underlying objectives.

Viòlencé towards the minorities was not perpetrated only by the Biafran troops. Approximately 2,000 Efiks were reportedly killèd in Calabar by the federal troops. The victims were said to be returnees who revolted against the federal occupation. The killing was reported to Gowon who subsequently appointed Dr. J. B. Ikpeme as Chief Justice when the killing had nearly been completed. According to Emeka Uhuegbu, the field administrator of the United Nations mandated demining project, the minority areas of Rivers State had the highest number of landmine victims. Akwa Ibom and Imo States follow on the list.

According to a study on Nkari, an ibibio clan bordering Akwa Ibom and Abia State, in Ini LGA, the Nigerian Civil War military operation did not reach Nkari villages until late 1968. Before this period, the Nkari people only felt the effects of the war. Essential food such as salt, crayfish, sugar, bread and so on were lacking leading to starvation in the area. There was no army occupation of the Nkari clan during the early period of the war in 1967, the people only heard from news on the radio that there was a civil war going on in the country, later they experienced scarcity of goods and drugs in the market.

In late 1968, Nkari people started seeing soldiers in the community. The people, mostly men were asked to queue up for the exchange of currency, from Naira to Biafran pounds, and all men of the clan who queued up for the exercise were marched out of the community to an unknown destination.

(Inwang:2018) also added that some of the men in the queue who later escaped while they were led by the men dressed in military uniform wondered why only men were mandated and taken out of the community to exchange Nigerian currency for the Biâfrâ money. Therefore, some people escaped into the bush whenever they were out of sight of the soldiers.

Women waited for days, weeks and months and their husbands did not return. Therefore, they fled from the community leaving the entire area desolate. The study found out that they were Biâfrân soldiers hired by neighboring Igbo villages to carry out the nefarious and dastardly act, so as to evict the people from their land. Till date, Nkari people are still in land disputes with neighboring Igbo villages – Ariam/Usaka, Ntalakwu, Ibere.

Source: The Forgotten Victims: Ethnic Minorities in the Nigeria-Biâfrâ War, 1967-1970
Arua Oko Omaka; Nkari and Her Neighbours (1900 - 2000)

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