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Almost Everything You Get You Paid For It | Different Types Of Currencies - Business - Nairaland

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Almost Everything You Get You Paid For It | Different Types Of Currencies by Timo01(m): 5:41pm On May 15, 2024
Do you know that almost everything you have you paid for it? yes. Paying attention to someone is also a form of payment. You are paying with your time. Many people don't know this.

Some you pay with your money some you pay with other currencies.

There are different types of currencies let us look at them.

1. Audience

2. Time

3. Social Media Followers

4. Attention

5. Knowledge

6. Reputation and credibility.

For someone to give attention to what you have to say is another level of currency. The value you put out determines the kind of people you attract.

You will know you are valuable when Kings and Royalties can suspend their appointments just to listen to you.

You are not valuable enough until kings start giving attention to you.

The first currency people pay you is attention. Someone who has no time to listen to you cannot buy your products with Money.

As a professional, the first thing you seek from strangers is attention. When someone can pay attention to you, that person can potentially graduate to paying for your products and services.

Do you know there are some things you may not necessary need to buy with money? There are settings you can get with ease if you have large followers.

What celebrities have for example is followers.

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