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Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? - Religion - Nairaland

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Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Originalsly: 12:56pm On May 19, 2024
Abeg .... correct me if I'm wrong. How can sooo many "Christians " in this forum so passionately believe present day Israel is God's Chosen? How dumb can you be to say aloud that God chose a people that don't believe in His existence above people that do? ... and will support them to persecute people that do believe in Him? FYI ... Christians are persecuted in Israel. Is this not like saying God is a fool?... isn't this like blasphemy? Is there any difference in the immoral lifestyle of Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah and the lifestyle of present day Israel?... where homosexuality is the norm? God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of it but today He is defending it? Is this not like saying God is a hypocrite? ... isn't this like blasphemy? One would expect these very Christians to be trooping out to Israel ... but they don't... why? ... why pastors et al avoid it like the plague?... or only visit like a thief in the night? Christians defenders of Israel... can you please explain?

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Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Obiedun(m): 12:57pm On May 19, 2024
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Lawag3: 1:01pm On May 19, 2024
Abeg .... correct me if I'm wrong. How can sooo many "Christians " in this forum so passionately believe present day Israel is God's Chosen? How dumb can you be to say aloud that God chose a people that don't believe in his existence above people that do? ... and will support them to persecute people that do eleven in Him? FYI ... Christians are persecuted in Israel. Is this not like saying God is a fool?... isn't this like blasphemy? Is there any difference in the immoral lifestyle of Biblical Sodomnand Gomorrah and the lifestyle of present day Israel?... where homosexuality is the norm? God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of it but today He is defending it? Is this not like saying God is a hypocrite? ... isn't this like blasphemy? One would expect these very Christians to be trooping out to Israel ... but they don't... why? ... why pastors et al avoid it like the plague?... or only visit like a thief in the night? Christians defenders of Israel... can you please explain? ... t4y tonexplain?

Christians are persecuted in Israel?

Mumu how many Christians have been killed in Israel for being Christian?
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by UAE123(m): 1:04pm On May 19, 2024
If stupidity were to be giving as an award I am very sure that you would have gotten it for been stupid.
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Jashub: 1:07pm On May 19, 2024
Abeg .... correct me if I'm wrong. How can sooo many "Christians " in this forum so passionately believe present day Israel is God's Chosen? How dumb can you be to say aloud that God chose a people that don't believe in his existence above people that do? ... and will support them to persecute people that do eleven in Him? FYI ... Christians are persecuted in Israel. Is this not like saying God is a fool?... isn't this like blasphemy? Is there any difference in the immoral lifestyle of Biblical Sodomnand Gomorrah and the lifestyle of present day Israel?... where homosexuality is the norm? God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of it but today He is defending it? Is this not like saying God is a hypocrite? ... isn't this like blasphemy? One would expect these very Christians to be trooping out to Israel ... but they don't... why? ... why pastors et al avoid it like the plague?... or only visit like a thief in the night? Christians defenders of Israel... can you please explain? ... t4y tonexplain?
Abeg tell them o. The stupidity of these bllodsucking Nigerian Christians makes me wonder the authenticity of their belief


Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Originalsly: 1:27pm On May 19, 2024

Christians are persecuted in Israel?

Mumu how many Christians have been killed in Israel for being Christian?

A mumu is one who thinks persecuted means the same as executed.
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Lawag3: 4:29pm On May 19, 2024

A mumu is one who thinks persecuted means the same as executed.

Nope execution is part of it.

In Israel you're free to practice your religion.

Christians are not persecuted in Israel nor come here come lie
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Kobojunkie: 5:35pm On May 19, 2024
■ Abeg .... correct me if I'm wrong. How can sooo many "Christians " in this forum so passionately believe present day Israel is God's Chosen? How dumb can you be to say aloud that God chose a people that don't believe in His existence above people that do? ... and will support them to persecute people that do believe in Him?
■ FYI ... Christians are persecuted in Israel. Is this not like saying God is a fool?... isn't this like blasphemy? Is there any difference in the immoral lifestyle of Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah and the lifestyle of present day Israel?... where homosexuality is the norm? God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of it but today He is defending it? Is this not like saying God is a hypocrite? ... isn't this like blasphemy? One would expect these very Christians to be trooping out to Israel ... but they don't... why? ... why pastors et al avoid it like the plague?... or only visit like a thief in the night? Christians defenders of Israel... can you please explain?
I am afraid I too have to say that this is a rather lame approach to attacking the blind support that Christians have for the state of Isreal that exists today, and this has a lot to do with what is in fact written of in Scripture of the other Nation of Israel which was constituted by the God of Israel.

▶ God of Israel chose the people of Israel as His inheritance in the land of men not because the people themselves acknowledged or obeyed Him but merely because their fathers — Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob— obeyed His commandments. God of Israel was well aware that the people of Israel, after He led them into the promised land would abandon Him to seek after another God but that didn't impact His choice nor did it stop Him from standing as their God until even after He destroyed the Nation He created — Israel and Judah— and scattered the people to the ends of the world. Yes, to this day, every Israelites— who carries the blood of Jacob — is still watched over by the God of Israel even thousands of years after being scattered and cursed by Him.
▶ Granted the state of Israel that exists today was constituted by the hands of men and not by the God of Israel, but that does not change the relationship that exists between the God of Israel and the people of Israel — those who bear the blood of Jacob — living in even that Land.

2. Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with the God of Israel though. This, again, since God of Israel made clear that His only inheritance in the land of men is the people of Israel — individuals who have the blood of Jacob running through their veins. Even His Son Jesus Christ made it abundantly clear that He was sent only to the Lost sheep of Israel, the Israelites who had been scattered and cursed by the God of Israel - Matthew 7 vs 6 & John 3 vs 14- 18 & Matthew 15 vs 21 - 28. So, what the Christians do they do of their own and not of Scripture or the God of Scripture. undecided

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Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Originalsly: 10:15pm On May 19, 2024

▶ Granted the state of Israel that exists today was constituted by the hands of men and not by the God of Israel, but that does not change the relationship that exists between the God of Israel and the people of Israel — those who bear the blood of Jacob — living in even that Land.

I hear you .... got the point you're making. This is the difference ... the ones that hold the inheritance .... do not subject themselves to the Srate of Israel.... they do not agree to any State of Israel nor for them to all ga5her in one place. They believe they must remain scattered throughout the world and come together only when the Meshiah is identified. They are waiting for their prophecy to be fulfilled according to the Torah .... and are totally against the present State of Israel .... 5he reason they don't fly the flag of Israel .... refuse to be drafted into the military.... and are e enough sent to prison for this refusal. These are the Jews that are are organizing most of the pro Palestine protests now spreading a cross the world. These are the ones that are saying speaking up against Israel I not anti Semitism. There are Israelis .... and there are Jews. There are lots of fake"Jews" .... the ones that have no connection to Abraham nor Moses ..... straight up European atheists than claim to be Jews to migrate to Israel.... bringing their immoralities with them
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by Kobojunkie: 3:57pm On May 20, 2024
■ I hear you .... got the point you're making. This is the difference ... the ones that hold the inheritance .... do not subject themselves to the Srate of Israel.... they do not agree to any State of Israel nor for them to all ga5her in one place. They believe they must remain scattered throughout the world and come together only when the Meshiah is identified. They are waiting for their prophecy to be fulfilled according to the Torah .... and are totally against the present State of Israel .... 5he reason they don't fly the flag of Israel .... refuse to be drafted into the military.... and are e enough sent to prison for this refusal.
■ These are the Jews that are are organizing most of the pro Palestine protests now spreading a cross the world. These are the ones that are saying speaking up against Israel I not anti Semitism. There are Israelis .... and there are Jews. There are lots of fake"Jews" .... the ones that have no connection to Abraham nor Moses ..... straight up European atheists than claim to be Jews to migrate to Israel.... bringing their immoralities with them
Nah! Those are just ideas/interpretations held by some of the sects/denominations within the religion of Judaism. The religion of Judaism has its foundations beginning around the time before the people of Judah were taken into captivity and after the destruction of its sister nation, Israel. God of Israel— YHWH— is and has always been antireligion beginning with Judaism which is described by the prophets are the LovePeddler of Babylon. undecided

2. The politics of this world and the different views they hold have nothing to do with the God of Israel or the inheritance He has given to the descendants of Abraham AND Isaac AND Jacob. Religion which is itself a political system has nothing to do with Him. Those agitating on either side of this are simply doing what they please while hiding behind the many mentions of God and Messiah in attempts to justify what are godless stances and ideas - political whims.
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:08pm On May 20, 2024
There is no Christian supporting Israel!

Most of you only misconstrue that word for the misinformed churchgoers around you who are claiming Christians so they are not but gullible religionists.

Jesus himself declared that Israel has been CURSED so why do you expect his real disciples to start defending a nation that has been cursed? undecided
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by AgentNairaland(f): 6:49pm On May 20, 2024
There is no Christian supporting Israel!

Most of you only misconstrue that word for the misinformed churchgoers around you who are claiming Christians so they are not but gullible religionists.

Jesus himself declared that Israel has been CURSED so why do you expect his real disciples to start defending a nation that has been cursed? undecided

Where did Jesus declared such in the Bible
Re: Christian Defenders Of Israel ... How Can You Be Sooo Dumb And Ignorant? by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:13pm On May 20, 2024

Where did Jesus declared such in the Bible

Please let the OP respond to that! smiley

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