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10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) - Agriculture (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Agriculture / 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) (17602 Views)

Genetically Modified Pod-Borer Resistant Cowpea Approved In Nigeria / What Are Genetically Engineered Seeds (gmos)? / Nigeria To Send Back Illegally Imported Genetically Modified Maize (2) (3) (4)

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Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by mrvitalis(m): 7:55pm On Aug 27, 2024

You don't understand what you are commenting about
Oh please tell me about it
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by mrvitalis(m): 7:56pm On Aug 27, 2024

Wrong sir. Broilers are not GMO, they are hybrids, product of long time selective breeding, they have parent stock and grandparents stock. There is different between Hybrid and GMO. The only GMO that I know of in Nigeria today is The TELA maize that FG is pushing. All others maize, pepper, tomatoes seeds from seed companies are hybrids.
Wheat used to make your bread is?
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by cococandy(f): 7:56pm On Aug 27, 2024
ignorance is a disease honestly

It really is. And I understand being concerned but if we’re concerned about the right things, it wouldn’t be an issue.

It’s when I’m hearing things like satanic bla bla bla being said about plants and agriculture I wonder where we lost the plot. Smh


Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by flokii: 7:57pm On Aug 27, 2024
They have paid influencers to start promoting GMOs in Nigeria.. If GMOs are not bad, why are they banned in most European nations?.

They have started breeding chickens without feathers targeted for Nigerian and African markets but such birds are banned in U.K, Canada etc..

GMOs are bad for the health and their effects are usually chronic (long term). You can consume just one Genetically modified fruit now that will have effect on your health after 15-20yrs.


Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Maariv: 7:57pm On Aug 27, 2024
Be lying to yourself. GMO is poison.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Bulletproofgt: 8:10pm On Aug 27, 2024


Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Oladidouble(m): 8:11pm On Aug 27, 2024

The corn and bananas you eat today are gmo

Without biologically modifying them, you wouldn’t have found them desirable to eat . These are before and after pictures of them before they got modified.

Also gmo is as old as time. People want to claim cross breeding is different from gmo. The only difference is that the technology has improved and scientists can now select the specific gene they want but farmers since time immemorial have been manipulating the genes of plants to make them more Visually desirable, more palatable, more resilient to bad weather and resistant to pests.

It must be exhausting thinking everything is a conspiracy and there’s someone always lurking in the dark trying to take your soul.

The main issue is the companies trying to monopolize certain breed and trademark certain varieties so that no one but them is allowed to plant it. That’s foul.
I am not actually/totally against GMO. But I disagree that GMO and hybrids are the same. No they are different. GMOs go again the natural laws of breeding hybrids do not. hybrids are products of breeding of the related organisms e.g same species, varieties. For example breeding two varieties of maize to produce hybrid varieties, crossing two breeds of sheep e.t.c.
But in GMO maize for instance a gene of totally different organism e.g bacteria would be introduced to the that of the maize to maize it resistant to pest(FAW) and that have been achieved with B.T bacteria. That is the technology used in TELA Maize.
But if I am in position to advise the government I would advise them to stop the pushing it, since some say there might be unestablished potential risks, and countries that ban GMOs aren't stupid e.g Italy,Russia,e.t.c
We have achieved alot with hybridization; 41days broilers, high yielding Hybrid F1 tomato, peppers, cucumber e.t.c high yielding maize varieties, early maturing maize varieties e.t.c
Nigeria as a developing country Doing GMO
is like looking for unnecessary trouble.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by TTGIL: 8:11pm On Aug 27, 2024
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Bulletproofgt: 8:12pm On Aug 27, 2024


They have paid u guys to start sponsoring rubbish campaigns like u did for Apc.

Pls if u want truth about GMO , JUST WATCH THIS LINK:

Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Bulletproofgt: 8:12pm On Aug 27, 2024
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Bulletproofgt: 8:13pm On Aug 27, 2024

It really is. And I understand being concerned but if we’re concerned about the right things, it wouldn’t be an issue.

It’s when I’m hearing things like satanic bla bla bla being said about plants and agriculture I wonder where we lost the plot. Smh

Carry ur mouth and learn .

Truth is here, cos na so so folo folo una like:
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by cococandy(f): 8:15pm On Aug 27, 2024
The difference is in the degree but it’s all gene manipulation.

And I wouldn’t say I’m 100% for all types of gene manipulation in plants. There needs to be strict regulations.

What I’m against is the conspiracy theories and those bringing mind numbing spiritual arguments into the conversation.

I am not actually/totally against GMO. But I disagree that GMO and hybrids are the same. No they are different. GMOs go again the natural laws of breeding hybrids do not. hybrids are products of breeding of the related organisms e.g same species, varieties. For example breeding two varieties of maize to produce hybrid varieties, crossing two breeds of sheep e.t.c.
But in GMO maize for instance a gene of totally different organism e.g bacteria would be introduced to the that of the maize to maize it resistant to pest(FAW) and that have been achieved with B.T bacteria. That is the technology used in TELA Maize.
But if I am in position to advise the government I would advise them to stop the pushing it, since some say there might be unestablished potential risks, and countries that ban GMOs aren't stupid e.g Italy,Russia,e.t.c
We have achieved alot with hybridization; 41days broilers, high yielding Hybrid F1 tomato, peppers, cucumber e.t.c high yielding maize varieties, early maturing maize varieties e.t.c
Nigeria as a developing country Doing GMO
is like looking for unnecessary trouble.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by cococandy(f): 8:16pm On Aug 27, 2024

Carry ur mouth and learn .

Truth is here, cos na so so folo folo una like:

I didn’t get my biotech degree from YouTube

And before you fix your mouth to say western this western that, it was from a Nigerian university.

If anyone is doing follow follow, it’s you.

So easy to get on a conspiracy bandwagon
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Earthkumy(m): 8:20pm On Aug 27, 2024


This write up is a prove that one who controls the crops control the world food chains

The crop can't be replanted or reproduce on their own.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by femi4: 8:20pm On Aug 27, 2024
My first degree was in biotechnology and it hurts my heart to see people spout conspiracy theories related to GMOs

Without them, half of the plants we eat today would’ve been unpleasant to eat
You are wrong. Our forefathers were eating those plants naturally before science came
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by cococandy(f): 8:25pm On Aug 27, 2024
You are wrong. Our forefathers were eating those plants naturally before science came

Science didn’t come. Science has always existed. We keep improving on it as a species. But it has always existed. Your forefathers practiced science in their own little way. And they manipulated plant genetics as well.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Omalicious1: 8:26pm On Aug 27, 2024


Another smooth deception...why don't we just allow things to be in their natural state? Let me guess, they discourage Africans from cultivating their own crops (in their natural forms), then force these GMO seeds down on them...after cultivating, harvesting and consuming these plants, years later, they will now predict a pandemic that will be deadly...what is their aim? DEPOPULATION

1 Like

Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by passion007: 8:31pm On Aug 27, 2024

I used to have a group where I do free training on this stuff. I think I need to do it again to help a lot of people. If you are interested in this....just let me know.....I my consider teaching people again.

This is my quota to help Nigerians during this food shortage crisis.

Get real - Nigerians cannot produce enough food to feed the nation. There is acute food scarcity and hunger with a never-before-seen hyperinflation.
It's all well and good to say produce your own veggies but you know that advice is merely performative. Only 25% of men in Nigeria own lands, and only 4% of women, so what are the others (majority) going to do? What about the children - 43% of Nigerians are aged less than 15, so who is going to grow enough veggies to feed them?

Even if GMOs cause cancer (there is no evidence that this is the case), would you rather live up to 60 and die of cancer, or die at 25 of starvation?

It is clear that Nigeria has no choice unfortunately - food insecurity is a real and greater threat to the country than all the reasons you have against GMO foods. If people can afford it, they should buy organically grown foods but for the people who can't afford the cost, it is best to have an alternative.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Bimpe29: 8:32pm On Aug 27, 2024
May the protection of Allah continue to be with us.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by JuanDeDios: 8:36pm On Aug 27, 2024
I once tried out planting foundation maize, DK maize variety and the one known as SC (you should know who produces the last two). The yield from foundation maize beat the other two hands down after being subjected to a most adverse rainfall pattern that year, with loads of pest invasion amid NPK and urea fertilization. That was the year I swore to stick with OPV and foundation maize and ran away from these exotic brands.
Interesting. Very interesting. I hope someone will do a proper study on this, with other variables noted and controlled for, to see how far it holds.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by sniperwolf(m): 8:40pm On Aug 27, 2024

Wrong sir. Broilers are not GMO, they are hybrids, product of long time selective breeding, they have parent stock and grandparents stock. There is different between Hybrid and GMO. The only GMO that I know of in Nigeria today is The TELA maize that FG is pushing. All others maize, pepper, tomatoes seeds from seed companies are hybrids.

Broilers are genetically modified for meat by growing rapidly.
ISA Brown layers are genetically modified for egg production
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by caye(m): 8:48pm On Aug 27, 2024
My first degree was in biotechnology and it hurts my heart to see people spout conspiracy theories related to GMOs

Without them, half of the plants we eat today would’ve been unpleasant to eat
You didn't check out well who wrote your different textbooks.

It was an agenda.
Ppl with agenda wrote your textbooks.
Why is it that for over 10000 yrs, mankind ate organic food , then suddenly within 30-40yrs, GMOs are now the saviours if humanity?

Why is it that in the arctic regions of the world, world natural seeds are preserved in preservation chambers, and billionaires like Bill ( kill Bill) Gates are buying massive farmlands ?
What are they preparing for?

I have my conclusions.
Your job is to find out the truth yourself.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by blowjohn(m): 8:55pm On Aug 27, 2024
I think this thread is sponsored by one of those Big-pharma stooges. It could be the IITA or another.

Guys you recall how they brought out a virus and immediately made one mRNA vaccine?

I Believe you must have read the scandal that ensued after Twitter acquisition when Elon brought out the "Twitter Files"

How about Fauci? Didn't he sound and seem innocent as this thread at first?

How big was the campaign that forced even governments to bow down to that almighty force behind COVID?

It's all a frenzy at reaching your genes!
Food is one way they are using here. They have other means like advanced radio signals...

They can pollute or manipulate the weather just so famines occur and their GMO comes to the "rescue". Like Plandemic, Like Weather manipulation, like Mind Control, Like online Propaganda Teams.

The sly fox, cyclops
We locked in an idiot box
The video slots broadcasting Waco Davidian plots
They own YouTube, MySpace
When this ignorant shit gon' stop?
They monopolizing news, your views
And the channel you choose
Propaganda, visual cancer
The eye in the sky, number 5 on the dial
Secret agenda, frequency antenna, Dr. Mindbender
Remote control, soul controller, your brain holder
Slave culture, game's over
What's a fox characteristic?
Slick shit, censored misinformation
love-vendor the station, over stimulation
Reception, deception, Comcast digital Satan
The fox has a bushy tail
And Bush tells lies and fox-trots
So, I don't know what's real (what's real)

Nas..... Sky fox


1 Like

Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by GambaOsaka: 8:57pm On Aug 27, 2024

You are the one getting it wrong. Go back to the writer that s(he) is just a writer who has successfully written rubbish. Always try to understand a subject before embarrassing yourself. And OP...stop reposting everything. Ha ba!

You failed to mention OPV (open pollinated varieties), which are heritage seeds. Hybrid or no hybrid... GMO or no GMO....seeds are supposed to be cheap. NGOs and governments are supposed to make it almost free all over the world. But businessmen have successfully succeeded in monetizing them. Please, go research OPV. Stop justifying nonsense.

If you want the world to not go on hunger, seeds should be almost free. Go check out the coats of these hybrids and GMOs. Lol. Anyway, only farmers who don't know about natural farming will keep buying hybrids and GMOs.

If it's not a corporate plot, why are seeds out of the reach of farmers? You try to divert the story that Africans are only victims. You aren't smart, na. Na corporate plot to remove gardening and farming from common men. Only billionaries will soon be farmers. This is the game...amd.they can control the world. But they will fail. Let them stop using you to write what is going to destroy the world. And OP...stop reposting everything because of the front page. Ha ba!

While they are resistance to certain diseases, they aren't to many others. I am a farmer, and I can tell you that you can not successfully cultivate seeds these days without spraying chemicals if you dont know about natural farming. So, stop playing. Resistant seeds dont mean reduced pesticides spraying. In fact, from our experience, it is more spraying.

That's the idea. They started by saying they are for industrial usage so as to get acceptance. Now that they have gotten that, they are already using writers and poster like you like to promote seeds for human consumption. Lol..

Give us proofs and references for this. I can supply you many evidences of GMOs and pesticides causing cancer.

Lol. Dey play. You know zero about farming. Farmers till because of soil compaction and not pest issues. So, how does this come into play. You are just writing rubbish. Instead of this useless writer to do what is right and talk to farmers....nope. he don collect money to promote GMOs..lol

Which clean track record? Should we start posting references of GMOs and cancers? Lol. Dey play.

As long as it is extraction of gene, it is unnatural. Period. Stop promoting death. Breeding without extraction is OK...that's hybrid. Like a black and white sleep together and produce a kid with both genes. That's naturally made. But when you extract gene...dey play. Even artificial insemination, though artificially done, but there is no extration...so, there is no danger. But when you go inside and pull out a gene and then insert in another...that is where the wahala is. So, get it right before you write nonsense.

Stop playing smart. You also dont know it, too. OPV is what you should use here. OPV vs. GMO vs Hybrid. Stop playing smart.

Lol. Smartie. When we restore our climate... When we stop burning carbon into the air, we will have 10 to 100 times more harvest from every plot of land we use. So, we will be able to feed the world. Period.

GMO is a term used for extracting genes, which is bad. These people are already aware that it is bad...so, they have gone back to the drawing board. Now, we have a new method of transferring genes from one place to another without extraction. This is how HIV is said will be cured. This tech is used in Agric and medicine. It is changing everything. Many natural seed producers are already adopting it.

The term GMO must be stopped. This is the ONLY way out. This writer has just complicated this issue. Period.

I will not want to mention the tech here cos it is another story for another day. If this thread makes the front page, I am sure someone will write about it.

My Recommendation
Start a garden. Produce your veggies. Sure, you will have to buy expensive seeds cos there aren't no cheap seeds any longer, but it may be the first and last time you buy them. Even if you buy later, you will still be saving a lot of money. Produce your tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, sweet corn, ugu, green vegetables, and fruits....like pineapple, pawpaw, watermelon, etc. Also, raise grass-fed meat, eggs, and milk. You can do it....you can produce 10 eggs for your family daily without stress...what about working out feeding your family 3 to 4 chickens weekly instead of buying frozen meat from the market. You can do it. Go learn this.

I used to have a group where I do free training on this stuff. I think I need to do it again to help a lot of people. If you are interested in this....just let me know.....I my consider teaching people again.

This is my quota to help Nigerians during this food shortage crisis.

You sound educated, but obviously not in science.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by rocoh(m): 9:02pm On Aug 27, 2024
Your head is there. Thanks for your explanation, you just won a follow.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Tektronics12: 9:03pm On Aug 27, 2024
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Cti28(m): 9:06pm On Aug 27, 2024
May the God of Nature bless You and Your seed for this exposure of scientific deception!

You are the one getting it wrong. Go back to the writer that s(he) is just a writer who has successfully written rubbish. Always try to understand a subject before embarrassing yourself. And OP...stop reposting everything. Ha ba!

You failed to mention OPV (open pollinated varieties), which are heritage seeds. Hybrid or no hybrid... GMO or no GMO....seeds are supposed to be cheap. NGOs and governments are supposed to make it almost free all over the world. But businessmen have successfully succeeded in monetizing them. Please, go research OPV. Stop justifying nonsense.

If you want the world to not go on hunger, seeds should be almost free. Go check out the coats of these hybrids and GMOs. Lol. Anyway, only farmers who don't know about natural farming will keep buying hybrids and GMOs.

If it's not a corporate plot, why are seeds out of the reach of farmers? You try to divert the story that Africans are only victims. You aren't smart, na. Na corporate plot to remove gardening and farming from common men. Only billionaries will soon be farmers. This is the game...amd.they can control the world. But they will fail. Let them stop using you to write what is going to destroy the world. And OP...stop reposting everything because of the front page. Ha ba!

While they are resistance to certain diseases, they aren't to many others. I am a farmer, and I can tell you that you can not successfully cultivate seeds these days without spraying chemicals if you dont know about natural farming. So, stop playing. Resistant seeds dont mean reduced pesticides spraying. In fact, from our experience, it is more spraying.

That's the idea. They started by saying they are for industrial usage so as to get acceptance. Now that they have gotten that, they are already using writers and poster like you like to promote seeds for human consumption. Lol..

Give us proofs and references for this. I can supply you many evidences of GMOs and pesticides causing cancer.

Lol. Dey play. You know zero about farming. Farmers till because of soil compaction and not pest issues. So, how does this come into play. You are just writing rubbish. Instead of this useless writer to do what is right and talk to farmers....nope. he don collect money to promote GMOs..lol

Which clean track record? Should we start posting references of GMOs and cancers? Lol. Dey play.

As long as it is extraction of gene, it is unnatural. Period. Stop promoting death. Breeding without extraction is OK...that's hybrid. Like a black and white sleep together and produce a kid with both genes. That's naturally made. But when you extract gene...dey play. Even artificial insemination, though artificially done, but there is no extration...so, there is no danger. But when you go inside and pull out a gene and then insert in another...that is where the wahala is. So, get it right before you write nonsense.

Stop playing smart. You also dont know it, too. OPV is what you should use here. OPV vs. GMO vs Hybrid. Stop playing smart.

Lol. Smartie. When we restore our climate... When we stop burning carbon into the air, we will have 10 to 100 times more harvest from every plot of land we use. So, we will be able to feed the world. Period.

GMO is a term used for extracting genes, which is bad. These people are already aware that it is bad...so, they have gone back to the drawing board. Now, we have a new method of transferring genes from one place to another without extraction. This is how HIV is said will be cured. This tech is used in Agric and medicine. It is changing everything. Many natural seed producers are already adopting it.

The term GMO must be stopped. This is the ONLY way out. This writer has just complicated this issue. Period.

I will not want to mention the tech here cos it is another story for another day. If this thread makes the front page, I am sure someone will write about it.

My Recommendation
Start a garden. Produce your veggies. Sure, you will have to buy expensive seeds cos there aren't no cheap seeds any longer, but it may be the first and last time you buy them. Even if you buy later, you will still be saving a lot of money. Produce your tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, sweet corn, ugu, green vegetables, and fruits....like pineapple, pawpaw, watermelon, etc. Also, raise grass-fed meat, eggs, and milk. You can do it....you can produce 10 eggs for your family daily without stress...what about working out feeding your family 3 to 4 chickens weekly instead of buying frozen meat from the market. You can do it. Go learn this.

I used to have a group where I do free training on this stuff. I think I need to do it again to help a lot of people. If you are interested in this....just let me know.....I my consider teaching people again.

This is my quota to help Nigerians during this food shortage crisis.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by ezechi24(m): 9:17pm On Aug 27, 2024

You are the one getting it wrong. Go back to the writer that s(he) is just a writer who has successfully written rubbish. Always try to understand a subject before embarrassing yourself. And OP...stop reposting everything. Ha ba!

You failed to mention OPV (open pollinated varieties), which are heritage seeds. Hybrid or no hybrid... GMO or no GMO....seeds are supposed to be cheap. NGOs and governments are supposed to make it almost free all over the world. But businessmen have successfully succeeded in monetizing them. Please, go research OPV. Stop justifying nonsense.

If you want the world to not go on hunger, seeds should be almost free. Go check out the coats of these hybrids and GMOs. Lol. Anyway, only farmers who don't know about natural farming will keep buying hybrids and GMOs.

If it's not a corporate plot, why are seeds out of the reach of farmers? You try to divert the story that Africans are only victims. You aren't smart, na. Na corporate plot to remove gardening and farming from common men. Only billionaries will soon be farmers. This is the game...amd.they can control the world. But they will fail. Let them stop using you to write what is going to destroy the world. And OP...stop reposting everything because of the front page. Ha ba!

While they are resistance to certain diseases, they aren't to many others. I am a farmer, and I can tell you that you can not successfully cultivate seeds these days without spraying chemicals if you dont know about natural farming. So, stop playing. Resistant seeds dont mean reduced pesticides spraying. In fact, from our experience, it is more spraying.

That's the idea. They started by saying they are for industrial usage so as to get acceptance. Now that they have gotten that, they are already using writers and poster like you like to promote seeds for human consumption. Lol..

Give us proofs and references for this. I can supply you many evidences of GMOs and pesticides causing cancer.

Lol. Dey play. You know zero about farming. Farmers till because of soil compaction and not pest issues. So, how does this come into play. You are just writing rubbish. Instead of this useless writer to do what is right and talk to farmers....nope. he don collect money to promote GMOs..lol

Which clean track record? Should we start posting references of GMOs and cancers? Lol. Dey play.

As long as it is extraction of gene, it is unnatural. Period. Stop promoting death. Breeding without extraction is OK...that's hybrid. Like a black and white sleep together and produce a kid with both genes. That's naturally made. But when you extract gene...dey play. Even artificial insemination, though artificially done, but there is no extration...so, there is no danger. But when you go inside and pull out a gene and then insert in another...that is where the wahala is. So, get it right before you write nonsense.

Stop playing smart. You also dont know it, too. OPV is what you should use here. OPV vs. GMO vs Hybrid. Stop playing smart.

Lol. Smartie. When we restore our climate... When we stop burning carbon into the air, we will have 10 to 100 times more harvest from every plot of land we use. So, we will be able to feed the world. Period.

GMO is a term used for extracting genes, which is bad. These people are already aware that it is bad...so, they have gone back to the drawing board. Now, we have a new method of transferring genes from one place to another without extraction. This is how HIV is said will be cured. This tech is used in Agric and medicine. It is changing everything. Many natural seed producers are already adopting it.

The term GMO must be stopped. This is the ONLY way out. This writer has just complicated this issue. Period.

I will not want to mention the tech here cos it is another story for another day. If this thread makes the front page, I am sure someone will write about it.

My Recommendation
Start a garden. Produce your veggies. Sure, you will have to buy expensive seeds cos there aren't no cheap seeds any longer, but it may be the first and last time you buy them. Even if you buy later, you will still be saving a lot of money. Produce your tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, sweet corn, ugu, green vegetables, and fruits....like pineapple, pawpaw, watermelon, etc. Also, raise grass-fed meat, eggs, and milk. You can do it....you can produce 10 eggs for your family daily without stress...what about working out feeding your family 3 to 4 chickens weekly instead of buying frozen meat from the market. You can do it. Go learn this.

I used to have a group where I do free training on this stuff. I think I need to do it again to help a lot of people. If you are interested in this....just let me know.....I my consider teaching people again.

This is my quota to help Nigerians during this food shortage crisis.

We need people like you in this world
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by Father4all: 9:22pm On Aug 27, 2024
Rubbish. GMO is bad.. Those promoting it are EVIL
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by sagitariusbaby(m): 9:31pm On Aug 27, 2024

You are the one getting it wrong. Go back to the writer that s(he) is just a writer who has successfully written rubbish. Always try to understand a subject before embarrassing yourself. And OP...stop reposting everything. Ha ba!

You failed to mention OPV (open pollinated varieties), which are heritage seeds. Hybrid or no hybrid... GMO or no GMO....seeds are supposed to be cheap. NGOs and governments are supposed to make it almost free all over the world. But businessmen have successfully succeeded in monetizing them. Please, go research OPV. Stop justifying nonsense.

If you want the world to not go on hunger, seeds should be almost free. Go check out the coats of these hybrids and GMOs. Lol. Anyway, only farmers who don't know about natural farming will keep buying hybrids and GMOs.

If it's not a corporate plot, why are seeds out of the reach of farmers? You try to divert the story that Africans are only victims. You aren't smart, na. Na corporate plot to remove gardening and farming from common men. Only billionaries will soon be farmers. This is the game...amd.they can control the world. But they will fail. Let them stop using you to write what is going to destroy the world. And OP...stop reposting everything because of the front page. Ha ba!

While they are resistance to certain diseases, they aren't to many others. I am a farmer, and I can tell you that you can not successfully cultivate seeds these days without spraying chemicals if you dont know about natural farming. So, stop playing. Resistant seeds dont mean reduced pesticides spraying. In fact, from our experience, it is more spraying.

That's the idea. They started by saying they are for industrial usage so as to get acceptance. Now that they have gotten that, they are already using writers and poster like you like to promote seeds for human consumption. Lol..

Give us proofs and references for this. I can supply you many evidences of GMOs and pesticides causing cancer.

Lol. Dey play. You know zero about farming. Farmers till because of soil compaction and not pest issues. So, how does this come into play. You are just writing rubbish. Instead of this useless writer to do what is right and talk to farmers....nope. he don collect money to promote GMOs..lol

Which clean track record? Should we start posting references of GMOs and cancers? Lol. Dey play.

As long as it is extraction of gene, it is unnatural. Period. Stop promoting death. Breeding without extraction is OK...that's hybrid. Like a black and white sleep together and produce a kid with both genes. That's naturally made. But when you extract gene...dey play. Even artificial insemination, though artificially done, but there is no extration...so, there is no danger. But when you go inside and pull out a gene and then insert in another...that is where the wahala is. So, get it right before you write nonsense.

Stop playing smart. You also dont know it, too. OPV is what you should use here. OPV vs. GMO vs Hybrid. Stop playing smart.

Lol. Smartie. When we restore our climate... When we stop burning carbon into the air, we will have 10 to 100 times more harvest from every plot of land we use. So, we will be able to feed the world. Period.

GMO is a term used for extracting genes, which is bad. These people are already aware that it is bad...so, they have gone back to the drawing board. Now, we have a new method of transferring genes from one place to another without extraction. This is how HIV is said will be cured. This tech is used in Agric and medicine. It is changing everything. Many natural seed producers are already adopting it.

The term GMO must be stopped. This is the ONLY way out. This writer has just complicated this issue. Period.

I will not want to mention the tech here cos it is another story for another day. If this thread makes the front page, I am sure someone will write about it.

My Recommendation
Start a garden. Produce your veggies. Sure, you will have to buy expensive seeds cos there aren't no cheap seeds any longer, but it may be the first and last time you buy them. Even if you buy later, you will still be saving a lot of money. Produce your tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, sweet corn, ugu, green vegetables, and fruits....like pineapple, pawpaw, watermelon, etc. Also, raise grass-fed meat, eggs, and milk. You can do it....you can produce 10 eggs for your family daily without stress...what about working out feeding your family 3 to 4 chickens weekly instead of buying frozen meat from the market. You can do it. Go learn this.

I used to have a group where I do free training on this stuff. I think I need to do it again to help a lot of people. If you are interested in this....just let me know.....I my consider teaching people again.

This is my quota to help Nigerians during this food shortage crisis.
please do well to add me. I have enough land to start with.
Re: 10 Myths About Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) by FuckSilly: 9:37pm On Aug 27, 2024

Not true.
You're wrong and ignorant

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