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30 Percent ROI With Monthly Salary Opportunity - Investment - Nairaland

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30 Percent ROI With Monthly Salary Opportunity by Newbielearner(m): 5:20pm On Aug 05, 2024
There's a platform where you can earn 30% of your investment per month. We call it investment but it's simply game purchasing. This is not ponzi. It's trading with NFT. You can do a research on nfts.

It's different from meme coins, etc.

After registering , if you can get 5-6 NFT participants; people to register and invest, you can be paid $50-$100 per month as an employee. However, employee promotions ends August 15th.

Your work would be to keep providing guidance, information, technical assistance and encouragement for your team members.

Minimum to start is just $36.

If you're interested, contact me via the details here or dm.

I can provide a short guide in a group on how to invest, withdraw and refer others.

Guidance on how to invest and earn $50 per month with your 30% returns on this gaming platform would be repeated every 48 hours till the offer expires.

Note, this is an early bird information. You can sit back while others take the risk and share their stories for you to finally join.
Re: 30 Percent ROI With Monthly Salary Opportunity by wittywriter: 5:27pm On Aug 05, 2024

There's a platform where you can earn 30% of your investment per month. We call it investment but it's simply game purchasing. This is not ponzi. It's trading with NFT. You can do a research on nfts.

It's different from meme coins, etc.

After registering , if you can get 5-6 NFT participants; people to register and invest, you can be paid $50-$100 per month as an employee. However, employee promotions ends August 15th.

Your work would be to keep providing guidance, information, technical assistance and encouragement for your team members.

Minimum to start is just $36.

If you're interested, contact me via the details here or dm.

I can provide a short guide in a group on how to invest, withdraw and refer others.

Guidance on how to invest and earn $50 per month with your 30% returns on this gaming platform would be repeated every 48 hours till the offer expires.

Note, this is an early bird information. You can sit back while others take the risk and share their stories for you to finally join.
I wonder why peeps will be investing into platforms when they can earn actively or passively by trading...it's no brainer that these platforms are into trades.

Re: 30 Percent ROI With Monthly Salary Opportunity by Newbielearner(m): 11:28am On Aug 06, 2024
Your point is valid.

I think it's wise to do both. While some platforms do the trading for you, you also trade yourself. Don't put your egg in one basket.
Re: 30 Percent ROI With Monthly Salary Opportunity by Newbielearner(m): 11:14am On Oct 07, 2024
The opportunity still stands. Now it's monthly.

$60 per month and 30% returns isn't a bad idea.

Reach out to me if you need assistance.

Thank you.

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