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Appeal For Help In Securing A Visitor Visa To Attend A Workshop In The UK - Education - Nairaland

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Appeal For Help In Securing A Visitor Visa To Attend A Workshop In The UK by Nigeriakan: 4:02pm On Aug 07, 2024
I am a graduate student at a federal university. I applied for a grant at the British Museum and my application was approved. I was asked to attend a mandatory workshop in the UK early September.

I struggled here and there to gather the money to apply for a Nigerian passport and a visitor visa last month. Unfortunately, the Visa application was refused. I received the sad email yesterday, and since then I've been feeling too bad. One reason for the refusal was a doubt on my credibility, with a hint that I might not want to return to Nigeria after the one-week training. Sincerely, I have no such plan.

Now, I'd like to apply a second time, by next week. But the issue is, I'd spent much of my savings on the first application. I do not have enough money to apply again.

I want to appeal to good-hearted Nairaland members to please assist a brother in need with any amount. Thank you.

Also, if anyone knows how I can secure the visa, please help me.

Thank you.


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