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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Your Future Husband May Be Someone You Already Know (See Picture) (282 Views)
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Your Future Husband May Be Someone You Already Know (See Picture) by Haykaymos(m): 12:12am On Aug 14, 2024 |
Dear Future Wife, Hope you are very well. 😊 Perhaps you need to keep an open mind because your future husband may be someone you already know. It’s possible you have been walking past your future husband every day, without you knowing it. He may be someone you already know, but you’ve just not been paying attention to him because he doesn’t look like anything important to you today. Instead, you’ve been looking elsewhere. You may need to keep an open mind and look again. You may need to change your unrealistic expectations and standards as far as your future husband is concerned. For your information, your future husband may not be presented to you already made, with all the qualities you would like to see in your desired future husband. ===== If there is a guy who you know or who is interested in you, and he has at least the basic qualities you would like to see in your desired future husband, then I strongly think the guy is worth a second look, and should be given an audience. Hear what he has to say to you. Listen to what he has got to offer you. Is he productive? Does he have a job or a business from which he earns a regular income? Is he teachable? What are his visions for the future? What are the things he has on the ground now? Do the things he has on the ground now reflect that he is capable of achieving his visions for the future and on schedule? If they do; if he is productive; if he has something doing from which he earns a regular income; and if he is teachable; then I strongly think you should think twice before you turn him down. For all you know, he may just be the answer to your prayer for your future husband in disguise. You may be shocked to see what he will look like and what will become of him in the next six months, one year or five years. He may look fresher and become richer because of productivity. ===== That’s exactly why you need to ask God to open your eyes; so that you can start looking at your potential future husband based on how he could be or how he should be in the next couple of months or years; and not just how he is today. Take a few moments and ponder on these things. Thanks for reading and for staying tuned. Till I come your way again some other time by God’s grace, I wish you the very best as you ‘shine your eyes’ in order to see your desired future husband! ===== If you are interested in learning more about this topic, feel free to read my new, life-changing ebook titled, "LADY, IT'S YOUR TURN TO GET MARRIED: How To Make Your Future Husband Find You, Connect With You, And Get Married To You, Within Just 8 Months" today. Send me a simple message on WhatsApp that reads "From Nairaland" on 08149985435 now. And I will continue the chat with you as fast as I can. Let's keep this conversation going! Go ahead and share your thoughts or questions on this topic in the comment section. Looking forward to hearing from you! Your friend, Ayo Akinlade (AY The Bridge) Relationship Consultant & Author P.S: Below is a picture of former President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, and his wife, former First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama. You will agree with me that while Barack Obama was asking her out, she never in her wildest imagination thought that Barack would one day become the President of the United States of America.
Re: Your Future Husband May Be Someone You Already Know (See Picture) by Haykaymos(m): 1:03pm On Aug 14, 2024 |
If you are interested in learning more about this topic, feel free to read my new, life-changing ebook titled, "LADY, IT'S YOUR TURN TO GET MARRIED: How To Make Your Future Husband Find You, Connect With You, And Get Married To You, Within Just 8 Months" today. Send me a simple message on WhatsApp that reads "From Nairaland" on 08149985435 now. And I will continue the chat with you as fast as I can. Let's keep this conversation going! Go ahead and share your thoughts or questions on this topic below. Looking forward to hearing from you! |
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