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Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year - Politics (6) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year (28289 Views)

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Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:19pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

While we recognize that in the general development of history the material determines the mental and social being determines social consciousness, we also - and indeed must - recognize the reaction of mental on material things, of social consciousness on social being and of the superstructure on the economic base. This does not go against materialism; on the contrary, it avoids mechanical materialism and firmly upholds dialectical materialism.
“On Contradiction,” (August 1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 336.
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by RuggedBiafran: 12:20pm On Aug 14, 2024


War is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions, when they have developed to a certain stage, between classes, nations, states, or political groups, and it has existed ever since the emergence of private property and of classes.

Mao Zedong
“Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War” (December 1936), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 180.

Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:20pm On Aug 14, 2024

Always repeating the same hogwash as if any nation ever disintegrated by the few agitators going to their national assembly to seek for separation. You Yorubas are just so dangerously cunning in nature. You know the truth but wickedness, treachery and cunning nature won't let you guys do what's right or support what is right and just, tufiakwa
Stop the flip-flops and stand firmly rooted on what you advocate...

Stop highlighting failed referendums and also talk about successful ones.

BIAFRA will be a NEW Nation...free of drug dealers like Tinubu and Jihadist like Buhari and his corrupt class as leaders cool

If in any process there are a number of contradictions, one of them must be the principal contradiction playing the leading and decisive role, while the rest occupy a secondary and subordinate position. Therefore, in studying any complex process in which there are two or more contradictions, we must devote every effort to finding its principal contradiction. Once this principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved.
“On Contradiction,” (August 1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 332.

While we recognize that in the general development of history the material determines the mental and social being determines social consciousness, we also - and indeed must - recognize the reaction of mental on material things, of social consciousness on social being and of the superstructure on the economic base. This does not go against materialism; on the contrary, it avoids mechanical materialism and firmly upholds dialectical materialism.
“On Contradiction,” (August 1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 336.
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by RuggedBiafran: 12:20pm On Aug 14, 2024
Ranting Nonsense


In approaching a problem a Marxist should see the whole as well as the parts. A frog in a well says, “The sky is no bigger than the mouth of the well.” That is untrue, for the sky is not just the size of the mouth of the well. If it said, “A part of the sky is the size of the mouth of a well”, that would be true, for it tallies with the facts.
“On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism” (December 27, 1935), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 159.
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by RuggedBiafran: 12:20pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity begging rants....


If a man wants to succeed in his work, that is, to achieve the anticipated results, he must bring his ideas into correspondence with the laws of the objective external world; if they do not correspond, he will fail in his practice. After he fails, he draws his lessons, corrects his ideas to make them correspond to the laws of the external world, and can thus turn failure into success; this is what is meant by “failure is the mother of success” and “a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit”.
“On Practice,” (July 1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, pp. 296-97
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:21pm On Aug 14, 2024

Our plan is what the Scottish government had with the U.K. It's an agreement to consult over the independence of Catalonia. And we will not abandon this plan until the end.

Carles Puigdemont
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:22pm On Aug 14, 2024

We show each day that we are prepared to act as an independence state... Not just in exceptional moments.

Carles Puigdemont
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by RuggedBiafran: 12:23pm On Aug 14, 2024

We show each day that we are prepared to act as an independence state... Not just in exceptional moments.

Carles Puigdemont
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:23pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

For years, "Sorry, I don't speak French" has been the reflexive response of English-speaking Canadians to a request, a comment, or a greeting in the other official language. Part apology, part defiance, it is a declaration of the otherness. That is not me. I don't do that. The language barrier is her, at this counter, now.”
― Graham Fraser, Sorry, I Don't Speak French: Confronting the Canadian Crisis That Won't Go Away
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:24pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

Yes, Ireland shall be free,
From the centre to the sea;
Then hurrah for Liberty!
Says the Shan Van Vogh.

Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:26pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

“I believe that we now have a duty to remove the aggressor from our land and to regain the Arab territory occupied by the Israelis. We can then engage in a clandestine struggle to liberate the land of Palestine, to liberate Haifa and Jaffa.” — Gamal Abdel Nasser
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by DWickedLandLord: 12:26pm On Aug 14, 2024
Lawyers don't turn down charity donations
EZ Finesse I mean work
Vacation homes must be built and RR are still for sell

For Ndi Anambra, it's still fvck Simon Ekpa and anybody that loves him
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:26pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

“Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:27pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

The Zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal basis in history." -Malcolm X
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:27pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists (Jews) do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews.” — Albert Einstein
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:28pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

“Actually—and this was where I began to feel seriously uncomfortable—some such divine claim underlay not just 'the occupation' but the whole idea of a separate state for Jews in Palestine. Take away the divine warrant for the Holy Land and where were you, and what were you? Just another land-thief like the Turks or the British, except that in this case you wanted the land without the people. And the original Zionist slogan—'a land without a people for a people without a land'—disclosed its own negation when I saw the densely populated Arab towns dwelling sullenly under Jewish tutelage. You want irony? How about Jews becoming colonizers at just the moment when other Europeans had given up on the idea?”
― Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by SonofElElyonRet: 12:28pm On Aug 14, 2024

Go back to your native language and you would realize you're more of a comedian than a critic

Meaning of terrorist is clear and both you and Ekpa fulfill the requirements in every material particular. You are the one who needs to attend a de-terrorist class like boko haram elements
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:29pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

[T]he State of South Carolina having resumed her separate and equal place among nations, deems it due to herself, to the remaining United States of America, and to the nations of the world, that she should declare the immediate causes which have led to this act….

[A]n increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. . . .

For twenty-five years this agitation has been steadily increasing, until it has now secured to its aid the power of the common Government. Observing the forms of the Constitution, a sectional party has found within that Article establishing the Executive Department, the means of subverting the Constitution itself. A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that that “Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free,” and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction. . . .

On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States. The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy. . . .

We, therefore, the People of South Carolina, by our delegates in Convention assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, have solemnly declared that the Union heretofore existing between this State and the other States of North America, is dissolved, and that the State of South Carolina has resumed her position among the nations of the world, as a separate and independent State; with full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do

Article of secession 1860
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by RuggedBiafran: 12:30pm On Aug 14, 2024
You are a ranting comedian...

the MEMO is clear cool


Meaning of terrorist is clear and both you and Ekpa fulfill the requirements in every material particular. You are the one who needs to attend a de-terrorism class like boko haram elements
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:30pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.

The hostility to this institution commenced before the adoption of the Constitution, and was manifested in the well-known Ordinance of 1787, in regard to the Northwestern Territory.

The feeling increased, until, in 1819-20, it deprived the South of more than half the vast territory acquired from France.

The same hostility dismembered Texas and seized upon all the territory acquired from Mexico.

It has grown until it denies the right of property in slaves, and refuses protection to that right on the high seas, in the Territories, and wherever the government of the United States had jurisdiction.

It refuses the admission of new slave States into the Union, and seeks to extinguish it by confining it within its present limits, denying the power of expansion.

It tramples the original equality of the South under foot.

It has nullified the Fugitive Slave Law in almost every free State in the Union, and has utterly broken the compact which our fathers pledged their faith to maintain.

It advocates negro equality, socially and politically, and promotes insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.

It has enlisted its press, its pulpit and its schools against us, until the whole popular mind of the North is excited and inflamed with prejudice.

It has made combinations and formed associations to carry out its schemes of emancipation in the States and wherever else slavery exists.

It seeks not to elevate or to support the slave, but to destroy his present condition without providing a better.

It has invaded a State, and invested with the honors of martyrdom the wretch whose purpose was to apply flames to our dwellings, and the weapons of destruction to our lives.

It has broken every compact into which it has entered for our security.

It has given indubitable evidence of its design to ruin our agriculture, to prostrate our industrial pursuits and to destroy our social system.

It knows no relenting or hesitation in its purposes; it stops not in its march of aggression, and leaves us no room to hope for cessation or for pause.

It has recently obtained control of the Government, by the prosecution of its unhallowed schemes, and destroyed the last expectation of living together in friendship and brotherhood.

Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should consent longer to remain in it. It is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. We must either submit to degradation, and to the loss of property worth four billions of money, or we must secede from the Union framed by our fathers, to secure this as well as every other species of property. For far less cause than this, our fathers separated from the Crown of England.

Our decision is made. We follow their footsteps. We embrace the alternative of separation; and for the reasons here stated, we resolve to maintain our rights with the full consciousness of the justice of our course, and the undoubting belief of our ability to maintain it.

Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:31pm On Aug 14, 2024

While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.
It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:32pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

Occupation, curfew, settlements, closed military zone, administrative detention, siege, preventive strike, terrorist infrastructure, transfer. Their WAR destroys language. Speaks genocide with the words of a quiet technician.

Occupation means that you cannot trust the OPEN SKY, or any open street near to the gates of snipers tower. It means that you cannot trust the future or have faith that the past will always be there.

Occupation means you live out your live under military rule, and the constant threat of death, a quick death from a snipers bullet or a rocket attack from an M16.

A crushing, suffocating death, a slow bleeding death in an ambulance stopped for hours at a checkpoint. A dark death, at a torture table in an Israeli prison: just a random arbitrary death.

A cold calculated death: from a curable disease. A thousand small deaths while you watch your family dying around you.

Occupation means that every day you die, and the world watches in silence. As if your death was nothing, as if you were a stone falling in the earth, water falling over water.

And if you face all of this death and indifference and keep your humanity, and your love and your dignity and YOU refuse to surrender to their terror, then you know something of the courage that is Palestine.”
― Suheir Hammad
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:32pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

Nothing in my view is more reprehensible than those habits of mind in the intellectual that induce avoidance, that characteristic turning away from a difficult and principled position, which you know to be the right one, but which you decide not to take. You do not want to appear too political; you are afraid of seeming controversial; you want to keep a reputation for being balanced, objective, moderate; your hope is to be asked back, to consult, to be on a board or prestigious committee, and so to remain within the responsible mainstream; someday you hope to get an honorary degree, a big prize, perhaps even an ambassadorship. For an intellectual these habits of mind are corrupting par excellence. If anything can denature, neutralize, and finally kill a passionate intellectual life it is the internalization of such habits. Personally I have encountered them in one of the toughest of all contemporary issues, Palestine, where fear of speaking out about one of the greatest injustices in modern history has hobbled, blinkered, muzzled many who know the truth and are in a position to serve it. For despite the abuse and vilification that any outspoken supporter of Palestinian rights and self-determination earns for him or herself, the truth deserves to be spoken, represented by an unafraid and compassionate intellectual.”
― Edward W. Said
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:33pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

"Zionism is the modern expression of the ancient Jewish heritage. Zionism is the national liberation movement of a people exiled from its historic homeland and dispersed among the nations of the world. Zionism is the redemption of an ancient nation from a tragic lot and the redemption of a land neglected for centuries. Zionism is the revival of an ancient language and culture, in which the vision of a universal peace has been a central theme. Zionism is the embodiment of a unique pioneering spirit, of the dignity of labor, and of enduring human values. Zionism is creating a society, however, imperfect it may still be, which tries to implement the highest ideal of democracy - political, social and cultural - for all the inhabitants of Israel, irrespective of religious belief, race or sex. Zionism is, in sum, the constant and unrelenting effort to realize the national and universal vision of the prophets of Israel."

Speech to UN General Assembly, 1975

LOUIS BRANDEIS (U.S. Supreme Court Justice)
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:34pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

"Long before the emergence of Hitler I made the cause of Zionism mine because through it I saw a means of correcting a flagrant wrong ... The Jewish people alone has for centuries been in the anomalous position of being victimized and hounded as a people, though bereft of all the rights and protections which even the smallest people normally has ... Zionism offered the means of ending this discrimination. Through the return to the land to which they were bound by close historic ties ... Jews sought to abolish their pariah status among peoples ... Can Jewish need, no matter how acute, be met without the infringement of the vital rights of others? My answer is in the affirmative. One of the most extraordinary features of the Jewish rebuilding of Palestine is that the influx of Jewish pioneers has resulted not in the displacement and impoverishment of the local Arab population, but in its phenomenal increase and greater prosperity."

Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru (Prime Minister of India), 1947
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:35pm On Aug 14, 2024
Unity Begging ...rants

BERTRAND RUSSELL (Nobel Prize Laureate)
"I have come gradually to see that, in a dangerous and largely hostile world, it is essential to Jews to have some country which is theirs, some region where they are not suspected aliens, some state which embodies what is distinctive in their culture."

Zionism and the Peace Settlement in Palestine, 1943
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:36pm On Aug 14, 2024

First he appeared in the realm inanimate;
Thence came into the world of plants and lived
The plant-life many a year, nor called to mind
What he had been; then took the onward way
To animal existence, and once more
Remembers naught of what life vegetive,
Save when he feels himself moved with desire
Towards it in the season of sweet flowers,
As babes that seek the breast and know not why.
Again the wise Creator whom thou knowest
Uplifted him from animality
To Man’s estate; and so from realm to realm
Advancing, he became intelligent,
Cunning and keen of wit, as he is now.
No memory of his past abides with him,
And from his present soul he shall be changes.
Though he is fallen asleep, God will not leave him
In this forgetfulness. Awakened, he
Will laugh to think what troublous dreams he had.
And wonder how his happy state of being
He could forget, and not perceive that all
Those pains and sorrows were the effect of sleep
And guile and vain illusion. So this world
Seems lasting, though ’tis but the sleepers’ dream;
Who, when the appointed Day shall dawn, escapes
From dark imaginings that haunted him,
And turns with laughter on his phantom griefs
When he beholds his everlasting home.

I did not know you loved Rumi.
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by nairalanda1(m): 12:39pm On Aug 14, 2024
Ranting Nonsense

It is easy to mock what we do not understand.” — Leo Tolstoy

7. “Mockery is a weak person’s imitation of strength.” — Eric Hoffer

8. “Mockery is often the result of a wounded spirit.” — Steve Maraboli

9. “The art of mocking is also the art of insult.” — Edmond de Goncourt

10. “Do not mock the crocodile until you have crossed the river.” — Sudanese Proverb
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by SonofElElyonRet: 12:41pm On Aug 14, 2024
You are a ranting comedian...

the MEMO is clear cool

Nope.. you and Ekpa are the dangerous terrorists that need to be taken of circulation..
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by Ojiofor: 12:52pm On Aug 14, 2024
My major concern is for all Biafra agitators to stop using violence, gunmen and guerrilla style warfare to agitate for Biafra because it's an effort in futility. Igbos have paid enough price with their blood and money, we cannot continue to waste more Igbos in the name of fighting for Biafra. No African country can ever secede from its parent nation without the help of the Western or Eastern Powers.

Biafra agitators must realize this sad truth.

Because of crude oil and other mineral resources, Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas will never want Biafra to secede because they are too scared to exist without free crude oil money. That is why I pray everyday for crude oil to lose its global market value sooner than later so that Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas can become tired of wanting Nigeria to remain as one. They erroneously think Igbos want Biafra because they want to control crude oil alone, but they are very wrong.

Most Igbos desire for Biafra is to enable us Igbos chart our own course devoid of derailment by others. We believe we can build a global power nation from scratch by exploring our people's ingenuity in craft, entrepreneurship, trade and technical knowhow. It won't be easy but it will be achieved with time. We need our own indigenous technology no matter how crude it is. We need to solely be in charge of our people's security. Just take a look at how insecure Nigeria has become out of Hausa-Fulanis and Yoruba President's wickedness and incompetency. A whole country of 200million plus p people cannot secure their own borders, cannot secure their local farmers, cannot secure their highways and forests, what then makes Nigeria a country? Sharing allocation gotten from selling crude oil? Very shameful.

Honestly God needs to help Nigeria breakup for the greater good and peace of Nigerians.

If Nigeria break up now, everybody will get sense and work harder to develop and secure their own country. As it is now, every tribe, mostly Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas are only after being in charge of crude oil and sharing it among those in power to use to intimidate the poor Nigerians who worship them as elites angry

Miscreants and mischief makers will not be allowed to dictate for the good people of Igboland.
Majority of you that are agitating for Biafra actuaaly do not understand what Biafra was all about and how it ended.
Now read statement of surrender from Major Gen Philip Effiong on Jan 16 1970.
Read the last line of his statement very carefully.Biafra died in january 1970 stop disturbing us with your scam agitation.

LAGOS, Nigeria, Jan. 14 (AP)—Following is the text of the surrender document signed here today by Lieut. Col. Philip Effiong, who was a major general and is act ism as leader of the Biafrans:

I, Philip Effiong, do hereby declare: I give you not only my own personal assurances but also those of my fellow officers and colleagues and of the entire former Biafran people of our fullest cooperation and very sincere best wishes for the future.

It is my sincere hope the lessons of the bitter struggle have been well learned by everybody and I would like therefore to take this opportunity to say that I, Maj. Gen. Philip Effiong, officer administering the government of the Republic of Biafra, now wish to make the following declaration:

That we are firm, we are loyal Nigerian citizens and accept the authority of the federal military Government of Nigeria.

That we accept the existing administrative and political structure of the Federation of Nigeria.

That any future constitutional arrangement will worked out by representatives of the people of Nigeria. That the Republic of Biafra hereby ceases to exist.
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by PaNnamdi: 12:54pm On Aug 14, 2024
This is exactly what I have been talking about.

This is the only way to get Biafra. This is what Nnamdi Kanu failed to do which he is paying for today under DSS detention. Nnamdi Kanu should have followed international diplomacy and lobbying.

Lobby US, UK or Russia through their government lobbyists organizations or individuals.

Every government in the world have those that have the ears of the President and government. If Donald Trump win US Presidential election in November, Elon Musk will become US President and government's number one lobbyist.

Lobby US or Russia and get Biafra diplomatically instead of using senseless guerrilla warfare that can never work till Jesus Christ returns which only ends up killing Igbos and destabilizing Southeast region to the joy and excitement of most Yorubas.

Stop the senseless guerrilla warfare in Southeast in the name of Biafra agitation and follow international diplomacy via lobbying US or Russian government to help plead the cause of Biafrans.

This was how Israel became a State in 1948 after the end of World War II, all Biafra agitators must follow same template of lobbying US or Russian government.

Igbos have paid more than enough price trying to get Biafra, so anybody using violence or Guerrilla warfare in the name of agitating for Biafra independence from Nigeria is an enemy of Ndigbo and must be resisted by all Igbos. What Igbos need right now is peaceful, silent agitation through international diplomacy and lobbying.
What if I tell you that this method can't work I can give you 100k if you are able to prove me wrong in replies.

Don't back away ooo I will debate you specifically here.
Re: Simon Ekpa Hires A US Lobby Firm At ₦205 Million A Year by Benzigler: 12:57pm On Aug 14, 2024

If in any process there are a number of contradictions, one of them must be the principal contradiction playing the leading and decisive role, while the rest occupy a secondary and subordinate position. Therefore, in studying any complex process in which there are two or more contradictions, we must devote every effort to finding its principal contradiction. Once this principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved.
“On Contradiction,” (August 1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 332.

While we recognize that in the general development of history the material determines the mental and social being determines social consciousness, we also - and indeed must - recognize the reaction of mental on material things, of social consciousness on social being and of the superstructure on the economic base. This does not go against materialism; on the contrary, it avoids mechanical materialism and firmly upholds dialectical materialism.
“On Contradiction,” (August 1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 336.

This is one very unintelligent post

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