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Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. - Health (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Ttipsy(f): 3:07pm On Sep 02, 2024
Take him to Rehab
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Jayrow08: 3:15pm On Sep 02, 2024
He no longer does his mechanic work (which he was very good at).
This is a very serious matter my brother.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by whytediamond(m): 3:18pm On Sep 02, 2024
That boy is a light but some people don't want him to shine. It's not by beating or shouting.

Your family should go into a place of prayer. It's an attack.
Stop yarning thrash.

You don't bring religion into what is curable with care and love only.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by 50JBL: 3:18pm On Sep 02, 2024
Best weeds to take.
Local or regular weed. Highness 20%
Pori or arizona or sk....30%...mixed with jedi..20%
Loud......50%,..very stable behaviour but eyes fit red and person fit dey drop things for ground. Like holding a phone,it will fall,holding cigarette,it will fall,drink or water,it will fall. Body starts shaking,user starts fidgetting....bad for health

Kolos.....pinch size...1k...1500.
1 drag.highness 75%....
User would start starring at nothing,behaviour irrational,coordination zero..extreme cases ...user runs mad for like half a day and if him head no strong,it might be everlasting. Colos users are always slim,dirty,have bony structure ,no fat,they hardly eat,always paranoid,if u meet any that is fat,then na fake colos. They can't walk in a straight line,they can't stand straight,they are almost like zombies ....drug highness usually wears off after like 5hrs...constant usage would lead to insanity ,as the blood stream has been introduced to it,so user might graduate from half wrap to 3wraps 4 wraps a day. Their words are always slow,eyes blurred......the drug is expensive and its almost dragging price with a liter of petrol.

The babanla drug of the masses....
Highness takes the whole day. It's addictive,makes u look older and miserable,causes restlessness,its expensive and for that amount of dosage...might end up with cardiac arrest. Users always have huge body weight loss,looking like hiv patients,m3mory loss,etc... death drug...

Trams. Any dosage gets u high and very active.
Time for it to wear off takes days.
Users tongues are always blue,they have energy,but lack appetite to eat,sleep,or do anything meaniful. They can't even poo, affects the whole nervous system of the body and could lead to instant death on overdose...

Skuchie......Highness starts after 30mins,with blurry eyes,lack of coordination,slow speech,drunkard kind of movement,loss of memory,contains all the drugs in this world mixed together as cocktail. Very addictive a liter goes between 2500 to 4k depending in your location.very expensive and a fast killer to the kidneys..

Just take local weed and pori mixed with jedi and u go dey alright.

which one be CSP?
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Sagacity10(m): 3:21pm On Sep 02, 2024
Follow the advice of Dr Abel Damina. Let him continue to take more weeds. He should not fight through addiction. Lolzzzzzzzz
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Bazztadewu: 3:30pm On Sep 02, 2024
Codeine.opoids, cough syrub.... almost same level with trams and skuchi3s. Infact its a major ingredients to skuchies.addictive and expensive. Adverse side effects...
Americans call it lean. Ud be in another planet.
Face looks tired,eyes red,delayed speech,slow speech,ghost mode,prone to accident if driving,it's worse than alcohol.
which one be CSP?


Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Franking: 3:44pm On Sep 02, 2024
He's probably no longer taking weed but on kolos.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by SMT042(m): 3:53pm On Sep 02, 2024
I felt your pains . Imagine watching ur brother going astray right before ur eyes . Go to NDLEA in Enugu State office and make inquiries about their rehabilitation process. It will cost you some money but u won't regret it . Thank me later.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by laivwire(m): 4:00pm On Sep 02, 2024
Lock him up in a self contained room. Pass his food through a door. After few weeks, he will completely withdraw from the effects
of the drugs. You can then release him. Make sure the bathroom is not with a bath basin so he does not drown himself.

This is a wicked method for rehab. Do you know how bad withdrawal symptoms are especially when you go cold turkey?

Rehab centers are much better where the victims can be supervised and cared for.


Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Silentgroper(m): 4:20pm On Sep 02, 2024
Those of you suggesting to lock him up should know that the cold turkey method is a dangerous aversive therapy. You may have suggested it based on experience, and yes, it works but there is something called extreme withdrawal symptoms that can be life-threatening.

@OP if you want to do this please make sure of two things
1. That you have tried other methods
2. That you do it under the supervision of professionals

It would be a plus if his family or a therapist confirmed that he is helplessly trying to stop it too.

Him suffering from the withdrawal symptoms is best for him .

lock him up, toe his hand and legs with no movement .. Only feed him and give him water under supervision ..

Then let the withdrawal symptoms kick in . Only then would he realize what he has done to himself...
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Digmygold: 4:23pm On Sep 02, 2024
Take him to a Mental Health Institution and stop washing your dirty linen in public.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by descarado: 4:23pm On Sep 02, 2024

Thanks, but which do you think is better, Rehabilitation and development association or PRAWA? Again, do you know of anybody they rehabilitated and the person is very fine now and didn't go back to substance abuse again?

Please don't be offended that I'm asking too many questions.
He is not a Dr.
He just made suggestions
Go to the places he mentioned and make inquiries.
Or if you can't, send somebody.
He tried a lot.
Don't abuse that.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by descarado: 4:25pm On Sep 02, 2024

This is a wicked method for rehab. Do you know how bad withdrawal symptoms are especially when you go cold turkey?

Rehab centers are much better where the victims can be supervised and cared for.
What do they know.
The same way they beat mentally deranged person up in those white garment churches

As if that will make the person better
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Silentgroper(m): 4:25pm On Sep 02, 2024
1st time and only time I took Colos was insane ..

it was like I couldn't feel myself existing ... it felt like I was lost in space ..

Ever since, I not gone back to it ...
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by TheGift: 4:40pm On Sep 02, 2024
My fellow nairalanders, I seriously need help with my younger brother. He has practically gone mad due to substance abuse. He takes weed like water and not only that, he also takes ice (mkpulu mmili).

We are tired of talking. Even our village vigilante had arrested him and beaten him in the past yet nothing changed.

He no longer behaves normal. He doesn't bath. He no longer does his mechanic work (which he was very good at). He now chases customers away.

Please does anyone know anything that can be done about it? I have thought of taking him to a rehabilitation centre but there is none that I know of. Meanwhile he's in Enugu in case anybody wants to make a suggestion.

I need recommendations please, aside prayers because we have been praying about it already.

Thank you all.

From the title, I was going to say, this is not a weed matter , but the last sentence in your first paragraph confirmed my thoughts already.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Twoclans(f): 4:42pm On Sep 02, 2024
Substance abuse scares the living day light out of me .

I don't wish it for my enemy.


Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Satazaa: 5:00pm On Sep 02, 2024

Give him DMT. Take this advice seriously. Next time e near ice, na him brain go rebel for am. DMT stopped my 20 year old weed habit dead in its tracks!
whats DMT oga, haba, advise is needed
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Satazaa: 5:03pm On Sep 02, 2024

I have had a family go through this. Forgive serious thought to my advice.
Government rehab centers aren’t very effective. The reason is that I suspect supervision is poor and there is lackluster behavior from the attendants. Drugs too actually get inside the facilities from friends and relatives of the patients through compromised securities and members of staff.
Big private rehabilitation centre is the best but they are prohibitively expensive.
*I will suggest you find a room that is devoid of any structure that can harm someone like standing fans, bedsheets that can be improvised and used for hanging, mental spoons, bed stands, electric cords etc. there should either be a camera or peep hole through which one can monitor the patient, toilet facilities and good ventilation.
*You must also make access to a health practitioner (nurse or doctor) possible and quick. Because during withdrawal period, patient may become restless, start sweating profusely and even refuse food entirely. The nurse can give injection to calm him down or give intravenous fluids to serve as food and water. It’s very important to make sure injections for calming him down is giving as last resort and in a measured way so he doesn’t get addicted to it too.
*At every point in time, you must ensure he isn’t left with somebody that he can overpower easily. It’s a time you guys must eschew emotional sentiments. You are at war. We have heard cases were mothers are strangled or stabbed.
*you can also get to know the substance that he abusers and that calms him when he is violent and showing withdrawal symptoms. You can give him at those points but then you will in a smart way be reducing the quantity at every time or be mixing it with a harmless substance that resembles it to weaken it. The idea is to ween him off it gradually overtime.
*** it’s important however to know that this method of incarceration at home and even getting him substance may make you contravene the law. ITS VERY RISKY. So you will have to weigh your options and be very shrewd.
Do not leave him unkempt and unfed so you will not look entirely bad if you get involved with police over his matter.
Absolutely brilliant insights and commendable analysis

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Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Bintasukai: 5:24pm On Sep 02, 2024
whats DMT oga, haba, advise is needed

Na google be your best bet now.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by KiNg0G: 5:42pm On Sep 02, 2024
Substance abuse scares the living day light out of me .

I don't wish it for my enemy.
you still de use?
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by TheGift: 6:01pm On Sep 02, 2024
Get able bodied men to seize him, bind him totally, then take him to either of the two places below:

1 - Rehabilitation And Development Association - Enugu

No. 2, Onwe Close, Garriki, Enugu. Enugu.Enugu.

Management and rehabilitation of drug addicts....

2 - Prisoners Rehabilitation & Welfare Action (prawa) - Enugu

Eastern Regional Office,104, Chime Ave. P.O.Box 256, Box 15501,UNEC, New Haven. Enugu.Enugu.

The first step is to try to get them to make the decision themselves .
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by cyrusmillz: 6:10pm On Sep 02, 2024

Give him DMT. Take this advice seriously. Next time e near ice, na him brain go rebel for am. DMT stopped my 20 year old weed habit dead in its tracks!
Them talk say person wan craze, you say make them give am DMT . This same DMT ?

Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by femi4: 6:41pm On Sep 02, 2024
My fellow nairalanders, I seriously need help with my younger brother. He has practically gone mad due to substance abuse. He takes weed like water and not only that, he also takes ice (mkpulu mmili).

We are tired of talking. Even our village vigilante had arrested him and beaten him in the past yet nothing changed.

He no longer behaves normal. He doesn't bath. He no longer does his mechanic work (which he was very good at). He now chases customers away.

Please does anyone know anything that can be done about it? I have thought of taking him to a rehabilitation centre but there is none that I know of. Meanwhile he's in Enugu in case anybody wants to make a suggestion.

I need recommendations please, aside prayers because we have been praying about it already.

Thank you all.
It's medical not spiritual
Stop weed addiction and he's free
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by chidan1214: 6:47pm On Sep 02, 2024
nor b weed, nah some other concoction.

weed, original weed nah god plant and e nor dey make anybody run mad

u fit nor understand
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by horia: 7:04pm On Sep 02, 2024

Him suffering from the withdrawal symptoms is best for him .

lock him up, toe his hand and legs with no movement .. Only feed him and give him water under supervision ..

Then let the withdrawal symptoms kick in . Only then would he realize what he has done to himself...

It works, but also let him know how dangerous it is
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by shoodboi2: 7:10pm On Sep 02, 2024

I wouldn't underestimate the weed as well. There was a study that linked weed with triggering and worsening psychosis and schizophrenia.

Yep, there are different strains of weed. And most people cannot even afford the most expensive ones. Canadian loud, one of the best strains for those who love weed, was like 35k several months ago. I suspect the price would have gone up with all these exchange rate palava.

Ice should be around 1k to 2k for comparison.

But the other things he talked about, like her brother being dirty and all, not wanting to do anything, and being very aggressive are usually symptoms of ice and not weed. Ice is a very powerful and horrible drug. Anyone who takes it will look lean, more like a stick. You will see all the bones in their body. They will look dry and hungry, and they will have the constant fear that people are after them. This is what caused the irrational behavior he talked about.

Weed can cause these too, but I doubt the dude can afford the top strains that can cause this madness.


Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by tete7000(m): 7:26pm On Sep 02, 2024
Lock him up in a self contained room. Pass his food through a door. After few weeks, he will completely withdraw from the effects
of the drugs. You can then release him. Make sure the bathroom is not with a bath basin so he does not drown himself.

Withdrawal symptoms will want to make him tear the whole place apart. If they follow this method, they must be ready for some violent reactions from him. Withdrawing from drugs can be very hard.

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Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by ThatIfaExpert: 7:29pm On Sep 02, 2024
My fellow nairalanders, I seriously need help with my younger brother. He has practically gone mad due to substance abuse. He takes weed like water and not only that, he also takes ice (mkpulu mmili).

We are tired of talking. Even our village vigilante had arrested him and beaten him in the past yet nothing changed.

He no longer behaves normal. He doesn't bath. He no longer does his mechanic work (which he was very good at). He now chases customers away.

Please does anyone know anything that can be done about it? I have thought of taking him to a rehabilitation centre but there is none that I know of. Meanwhile he's in Enugu in case anybody wants to make a suggestion.

I need recommendations please, aside prayers because we have been praying about it already.

Thank you all.

Contact us for spiritual deliverance in a traditional way. God will heal him through us.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by ThatIfaExpert: 7:31pm On Sep 02, 2024
My fellow nairalanders, I seriously need help with my younger brother. He has practically gone mad due to substance abuse. He takes weed like water and not only that, he also takes ice (mkpulu mmili).

We are tired of talking. Even our village vigilante had arrested him and beaten him in the past yet nothing changed.

He no longer behaves normal. He doesn't bath. He no longer does his mechanic work (which he was very good at). He now chases customers away.

Please does anyone know anything that can be done about it? I have thought of taking him to a rehabilitation centre but there is none that I know of. Meanwhile he's in Enugu in case anybody wants to make a suggestion.

I need recommendations please, aside prayers because we have been praying about it already.

Thank you all.

Contact us today for his deliverance in a traditional. God will heal him through our authentic charms
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Bintasukai: 7:36pm On Sep 02, 2024

Them talk say person wan craze, you say make them give am DMT . This same DMT ?

Okay, you never hear say na craze dem dey take fight craze. Okay, if you never hear that one, you go at least don hear this one. When craze jam craze, 1 craze must calm down.

On a serious note, it would do him a lot of help if used with sense and respect for the substance.

Once he uses DMT, it’s going to reset his mind. And all the neural pathways that lead to his meth addiction will be blocked and his brain will create new healthy pathways, that don’t intersect the dopamine pathways that the addiction caused. All of a sudden he won’t remember that he is craving meth, even if he comes across any of his addiction triggers (like sighting his dealer, or seeing other “friends” using, etc)

Not saying that it is the silver bullet as utmost care must be taken when using DMT.

Also keep in mind that it may not work. But if it works for him, he won’t even have withdrawal symptoms talk less of the addiction itself.

In a nutshell, DMT will help his brain heal from the trauma that is meth addiction.

And it is non addictive

PS - on a lighter note, this part will sound like lie but I swear to God it’s true, I could literally feel the DMT moving around within my brain, almost as if when you are scanning a laptop. when I used it for my weed addiction). tbh quitting weed was not my intention for using the substance, I used it for my crippling social anxiety, but the DMT did a side mission and helped me stop that addiction as well.
Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by Citizen10: 7:41pm On Sep 02, 2024
Substance abuse....it's better you never start it at all. Whether ice oo or weed oo or even simple alcohol. Don't start. Stopping will be very very difficult. If not impossible

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Re: Help! My Younger Brother Is Going Mad. by ECOAY: 7:44pm On Sep 02, 2024
Drugs... cry cry

Brings back terrible memories... Is you brother willing to change and stop substance abuse? undecided

Prayer helps but most importantly the abuser must be willing and ready to do away with the substance..

If not all you efforts will just be a waste of time

Ipray Allah gives you strength to endure

What kinda dead advice is this... undecided too many ignorant people...

He doesn't know the withdrawal effects it's more dangerous than the abuse itself

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