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Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 8:13pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Hello everyone! I have been away for months because I've been dealing with a lot of personal stuff. What I am about to share is another aspect of my research. I will try to reveal something that most of us have had in front of us all along but never paid attention to. This revelation will add another layer of evidence to the topic I have been trying to share for the past few years on this forum If you are new to the information, please visit my most recent thread titled: "Every shocking evidence I have found for the past 11 years." I go indepth into the research from the beginning to where I am presently at. However, this thread is an extension of this research and provides more information. Prepare to have your mind blown and your beliefs shattered. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by FitCorper: 8:21pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Hmmm 1 Like |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 8:22pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
The premise of my research This whole research is predicated on my belief(backed by evidence) that humanity's true past has been hidden from us. Our true history has been deleted and replaced with a fabrication; a fabrication that we all believe as fact. Our human civilization as we know it is very recent on earth; a previous more spiritually, more physically, and more technologically advanced civilization was here on earth even as recent as 500 years ago. Their history has been removed, there lands repopulated, their technology stolen and released slowly to us as inventions, their magnificent structures and buildings inherited and repurposed and their artworks which we can't reproduced to day have been assigned to fabricated names. This is the premise of my research and I have created a lot of threads to provided evidence for this. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 8:35pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
The universal principle of showing Whether you believe it or not, there are universal principles that control our actions on this physical plane. I am not speaking from a place of ignorance but from a place of experience and knowledge. Actions have consequences, however there are ways to prevent those consequences from happening. One of those spiritual principles is the principle of showing. It is a principle that requires that the person or group of people that have committed an evil action on another person or group of people(an action that has serious spiritual and moral consequence) must SHOW the victims that they did so, and if after showing the victims and they refuse to SEE and ACT, then such person is absolved of any karmic repercussions. This is why the powers that be always hide the truth in plain sight; they have to show it to you. All you have to do is to see and act. This principle is important to understand as it relates to the things I am about to share. 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 8:41pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Hiding the truth in plain sight Hiding the truth in plain sight is the strategy that the controllers of our world use in abiding by the universal principle of showing. They put the truth right in front of us and it's our responsibility to see it and act accordingly. If we don't then THEY HAVE THE RIGHT to continue maintaining dominance over us. This is why the information I am sharing is so important. When humanity as a whole see the truth, then they lose their spiritual hold over us. I will illustrate this point in further posts. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Harddiskng(m): 8:43pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Ourtruth247: There is some truth here. It takes another form “speaking”. When the enemy “speaks” to you about it’s evil intentions on you. You must refute it, speak back to the enemy pr their evil intent takes hold on you. For this to be 100% valid, it seems you must be blameless though 3 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 8:53pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Harddiskng: This is a variation of the another principle: If the enemy tells you or shows you what they are about to do to you, it's your responsibility to reject it and act to prevent it. If they show you and you don't act, then you've implicitly given them permission to harm you. 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 9:21pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Perfect physiques Like I have shared many times, our current civilization is very recent on this earth. A different kind of human civilization was on this earth a couple of hundred years ago. They are the ones that built most of the great cities across our world. A recent event occurred that wiped them out and their souls were put into our current bodies; made to reincarnate endlessly on earth; having no memories of their past lives. Most of their buildings and art were destroyed by the enemy but some still exist today. All of their artwork has been given fabricated names, dates and creators, and they've all been termed as renaissance art. Art that still marvels us today. In my opinion, renaissance artworks depict this previous civilization and the world they lived in. And when we observe the physical appearance of the people in these pictures, we notice how physically fit they look. Every single human adult in these paintings and statues look like they went to the gym everyday. I find it weird that all the renaissance painters and sculptors made every human in their art to look muscular and fit, including the women - Or were these people a representation of the people who lived at the time. You would think that at least the painters would carve a fat or malnourished person. Remember all of this flies in the face of our contemporary history. We are told that most people during the renaissance period were poor, sick and starving. 10 Likes 1 Share
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by FitCorper: 9:30pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
While I know the world we know it today has been so twisted to give the Caucasian race superiority over every other race, when you deeply ponder on the world as we know it, so many things don’t make sense except the teachings of the Bible which is in my opinion the only constant book on earth. But as for these paintings it could be as a result of a very hardworking and disciplined era. Sex wasn’t glorified this much like we do today. In fact I strongly believe they only indulge in sex for the purpose of procreation. It’s no secret that “sex washes away muscles”. All in all, it would’ve been quite interesting to witness first hand how they lived in that era (where time travel would be important). Focus ur research on time traveling if you can. God be with you, cos I know how dangerous your journey here is. 4 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Carcholce: 9:37pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Ourtruth247: There’s a reason for this. You’ll notice the sculptures were depicted with flaccid and small joysticks, they represent self control, while erected penis represents lack of self control and sexual frustration. When one is able to raise their consciousness to the higher energy centers, the penis will become less active and be in its smallest and most flaccid form. The sculptures depicts sex transmutation which is widely talked about in all holy books around the world. E.g, the Holy Bible. The stored energy is then used in body arts and modifications. 9 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by FitCorper: 9:37pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Ourtruth247: Bro try and be prayerful, cos if you think Nigerian sorcery is powerful then you’re in for a rude awakening, cos the people you’re going up against are badder than us in sorcery. When you take a look at the financial market manipulations you just gats acknowledge say who program that foreign exchange (forex) chart na from another dimension entirely. 9 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Carcholce: 9:38pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
FitCorper: Ohhhh, God bless you. I just dropped my comment before I saw yours. You know the story. 2 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 9:39pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Nudity and freedom Another thing we notice in renaissance paintings is the excessive amount of nudity displayed in the photos and sculptures. Almost every painting depicts naked men and women with almost perfect physical appearances. Another thing to note is that being nude all the time makes no sense if you were living in a cold continent with freezing winters and chilling nights. Not only does it depict nudity, it also depicts a kind of lifestyle that is different from the lifestyle you'd expect a people living with little food and constant wars. In these pictures we see a certain unique kind of freedom; we see people who don't look like they have ever fought any wars; people at peace with nature and themselves. 9 Likes 1 Share
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Carcholce: 9:40pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Ourtruth247: Bro. Those sculptures were used to send a message even for millions of generations to come. Only the awaken ones can see the message. Think about it, sculptures as ripped as these but with small joysticks? Think about it. 2 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 9:48pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
For some reasons I am not able to post pictures. Pictures are integral to the stuff I'm sharing. This has never happened to me on Nairaland before so it's very surprising. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by FitCorper: 9:54pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Carcholce:This is the part I still don’t understand. It has been proven that being in control and transmutating energy makes the penis more robust and fuller, hence my confusion with the pictures. On the one hand it indicates a high level of discipline to maintain that physique and then again a penis that small is as a result of excessive meat beat. Or could it be true that penile size is genetically predetermined? 2 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 9:56pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Issue with uploading pictures As I proceed I'll just be describing the pictures I would want to attach to a post. You'll have to go online and find them yourselves. For the nudity and freedom post, just Google "Renaissance art" and you'll see that almost all the paintings depict nude women and men. They say art imitates life. Were women during the renaissance just walking around naked with almost perfect bodies? Or did they reflect the lifestyle, people and culture of the time. Were they also walking around naked during the cold weather? Or were people of the time impervious to cold. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by FitCorper: 10:01pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Ourtruth247:The women could feel more comfortable walking around semi naked as everyone would be viewed as a human being and not necessarily a sexual object. 1 Like |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 10:06pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Angels everywhere Another thing you see in these reinnaisance pictures is the depiction of winged humans or what we would call angels. This depiction of humans with wings isn't a one time thing. It's found in almost every painting. We see photos of humans alongside other winged humans. Were the reinnaisance painters coming up with similar ideas of art or were they depicting what they saw in their reality. My research has taught me to observe everything closely. And not only do I observe these winged humans scattered around reinnaisance art, I also observe sculptures of angels littered across renaissance sculptures. Is this the truth being hidden right before our very eyes? PS: For the pictures, just Google "Angels in reinnaisance art" and "reinnaisance sculptures of angels" 4 Likes 1 Share
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 10:16pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
The painter of the Sistene chapel The paintings on the roof of the Sistene chapel marvel us till this day. They represent a feat of art that is unrivalled. On the roof of the Sistene chapel we see marvelous artworks that adorn the length and breadth of it. Unsurprisingly we see the same naked, physically fit men and women, and we also see the angels. Now I've always found it weird that a chapel would have the drawings of naked people on its roof. Imagine you looked up at the roof of your church and saw naked people, wouldn't that make you sexually excited? If you've read my threads in the past you would know my thoughts on this: The Sistene chapel was never a chapel but a building built by the previous civilization but it was co-opted by our current controllers and turned to a church and it's actual history was erased. But the most interesting thing about the Sistene chapel is the truth hidden in the name of its supposed painter We are told that the painter of the Sistene chapel was a man known as Michelangelo who was responsible for other reinnaisance paintings and sculptures But when we look at the name Michelangelo, it basically translates to "Michel the angel" Is this another truth hidden in plain sight? Were angels on earth in the not too distant past? Let's dive further. 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 10:28pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Paradise on Earth What I'm about to say my trigger a lot of people but it's simply my opinion based on my research I think the paradise promised to Christians and Muslims has already happened and we are currently in the aftermath of that paradise. I find this to be a sick joke by the controllers having millions of people expect something that has already happened, and mocking the fact that they have no memories of it even though it's shown to them in so called artworks and structural remnants of that paradise. The 72 virgins, the reigning with god and his angels, paradise, mansions etc, all of these are different versions of a story that has already happened and can even be seen in the depictions of the renaissance art and the beauty of the structures of the past. The book of revelations isn't a prophesy of the future but a revelation of the past mixed with Christian doctrine to obfuscate the truth. 12 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by ATEAMS: 11:48pm On Sep 15, 2024 |
Welcome back BoSS |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Lordsugar(f): 12:21am On Sep 16, 2024 |
You’ve shared something useful, thank you. |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Vicboy1(m): 4:54am On Sep 16, 2024 |
Ride on |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by ItisWell22(f): 5:44am On Sep 16, 2024 |
Interesting read. Waiting for the rest of it. FitCorper: You’re right. It’s typically expected that a fit male be fit down there, while the unfit obesed male has tool as tiny if not almost absent; as depicted in the images. But then again, the penis has some musculature which allows it get erect and rest as needed. Muscles typically grow (hypertrophy) with continuous use, as a natural way of adapting to increased usage. So it automatically means that when it’s less frequently used, it shrinks (atrophy). 4 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by FitCorper: 5:51am On Sep 16, 2024 |
ItisWell22: But nature made a way out to compensate for usage by giving us “morning wood”. So wether you engage in sexual act or not, as a male you are greeted everyday with an erect penis as soon as you wake up and even in your sleep too. So it’s still usage. 2 Likes |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by ItisWell22(f): 5:55am On Sep 16, 2024 |
FitCorper: Usage pass usage. Good morning. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by FitCorper: 6:08am On Sep 16, 2024 |
ItisWell22: ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Rexymania(m): 6:41am On Sep 16, 2024 |
Ourtruth247: Hmmm this is deep |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 7:20am On Sep 16, 2024 |
I'm now able to post pictures. Check back on the previous posts to see the pictures I attached to them for better emphasis 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 7:56am On Sep 16, 2024 |
The Millennial reign of Christ and the Dark ages The dark ages is a period in history that mainstream historians say lasted for about `1000 years; supposedly between 500AD and 1500AD. This period was marked by wars, barbarism and lack of scientific development. What if I told you that this was a lie? What if I told you that this period actually represented a period where the previous human civilization attained tremendous technological and spiritual development and created a paradise on earth with magnificent buildings, structures and artworks as we see in the renaissance art Now let me blow your mind! Based on my research, the date given as the end of the dark ages is actually the end of this advanced civilization or what I call the great reset. This 1000 year period is called the dark ages as an insult to the humans who lived here before. This period was when the vibration of the earth was too powerful for the controllers to exercise control and they were held captive in a world they claimed to be theirs. The period was DARK for them, but a paradise for humans. This is hinted in the so called book of revelations chapter 20: "I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time." This dovetails to my other threads about the true reptilian nature of the controllers who have the physical form of a humanoid crocodile with wings as various ancient cultures have described them. These beings live in deep underground caverns across the earth, hence the "abyss" The chapter also goes on to mention a 1000 year reign of Christ on earth, where humans on earth would experience a paradise on earth free from the dominion of the great serpent. Like I said before, the controllers mix the truth with doctrine and dogma to confuse us, but if we are perceptive enough, we can see it. The serpent here isn't referring to a single being but a race of beings. And like I have said many times before Christ is a highly spiritual being operating on a very high level consciousness. Let's delve even deeper. 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Revelations Of A Shocking Truth (pictures Included) by Ourtruth247: 8:23am On Sep 16, 2024 |
Proof of the paradise on earth: The great deception Before I proceed let me make something clear: Our historical timeline is false. Civilizations that coexisted have been strewn across a long timeline and assigned different dates. For emphasis I will again share pictures of parts of the united states during the world fairs of the 1800s and then I will share pictures of so called ancient rome and ancient greece. The controllers give all these different dates, when in fact they all coexisted and were built by the same people and then destroyed by the same controllers using advanced weapons that shouldn't have existed at the time. In the first picture below we see the world fairs buildings in America during the 1800s In the second picture we see ancient greek and roman structures, with columns and similar design built almost 2000 years before the world fair buildings in America In the third picture we see the earliest photos of India with the same structures but in very bad condition as if in the aftermath of a great disaster. And in the fourth picture we see the colosseum in rome; a structure supposedly partly destroyed by an earthquake in the 5th century, yet no fixing was done. Just to emphasize my point even more clearly I will use an football example: Image if there was an atomic bomb that hit major football stadiums in England and killed off almost everyone that existed at the time. Lets say Old trafford suffered the worst and was almost decimated. Anfield suffered a bit but most part of it still stands, but Stamford bridge remained intact. Using the analogy above, this is what the controllers have done; They put the date of the construction of old trafford as 4th century BC because the effect of the bomb was severe. They put the date of the construction of Anfied as 14th century, and then put the date of the construction of Stamford Bridge as the 19th century. Then they destroy all the cameras, internet and other advanced forms of storage to hide the truth of what happened and then blame it on earthquakes and fires. Then they reintroduce the camera and the internet as a new inventions to prevent the new human civilization from asking questions. 6 Likes 1 Share |
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