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Would You Keep a past secret In Other To Save Your marriage Or Be Transparent? / This Is Why Men Must Be Protected From Women. My Horrible Experience. / Top 10+ Most Protected People In The World (2020 Updated) (2) (3) (4)

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The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Ourtruth247: 2:22pm On Sep 20, 2024
If I was ever going to get in trouble for making a post it has to be this one.

The more information I find the closer I believe I'm getting to the truth. I am fully convinced what I am about to share is as close to the truth as I have come.

I'm an going to share what I believe to the most protected secret throughout our history.

I'll also try to reveal how much we've been brainwashed and indoctrinated to not even consider it.

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Ourtruth247: 2:32pm On Sep 20, 2024
What is this secret?

I'll go straight to the point:

Pictures and videos of our world before the invention of the camera are the most protected secrets.

This might sound like a contradictory statement but it isn't. I don't think the camera was invented for the first time in the early 1800s. I believe the camera and video recording technology has been on this planet for thousands of years.

The date for the invention of the camera is a convenient fabrication by the controllers of our world to dismiss any questions regarding the validity of the history we are given prior to the so called invention of the camera.

They can make up any story from the dawn of man to the 18th century and everyone has no way to refute it because there were no cameras to take pictures as evidence.

I believe there are videos and photos of our world before the last reset and they are kept and occasionally viewed by the human controllers, and any normal human like me and you that stumbles upon such will immediately be killed.

I also believe that whatever you find in those videos or pictures will confirm most of what I've been saying for the past three years.

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Ourtruth247: 2:41pm On Sep 20, 2024
Take a moment to think

Take a moment to ponder on what I am about to say.

Even if you don't believe any of the things you have been reading from all of the threads I have created so far, you would at least agree with me that the Egyptian civilization had advanced knowledge of mathematics, physics and engineering

If they had this knowledge, then they also had knowledge of optics; a branch of physics. If they had knowledge of optics, certainly they should have been able to create a camera to capture images. A camera is nothing compared to the Great pyramid in terms of scientific complexity.

If the Egyptian civilization which supposedly existed thousands of years ago had the knowledge that would have allowed them create a camera, why then would it taken humans more than 4000 years after to create the first camera?

I believe pictures and videos have always existed in our planet for thousands of years. We just have to find them and see what the past was truly like.

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Vicboy1(m): 3:08pm On Sep 20, 2024
Ourtruth247 what are pyramids used for and are teleportation technologies real ?
Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by gotnel: 3:19pm On Sep 20, 2024
Good to read from you again.
Well done sir


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by illicit(m): 3:37pm On Sep 20, 2024
Oh no

Not again...

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by ATEAMS: 3:46pm On Sep 20, 2024
Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by 3nity7: 3:53pm On Sep 20, 2024
Conspiracy theorist well done. We have clues about how the world look like before the advent of cameras through drawings and paintings.
Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by popo1494: 4:35pm On Sep 20, 2024
Conspiracy theorist well done. We have clues about how the world look like before the advent of cameras through drawings and paintings.

Some were even inscribed like a summary of what the images or the
art work depicts for better understanding of what happened

A typical example is the way the first generation movies and story line was usually drawn in books and the story of the images will be written with it so as your seeing the images you’re reading what brought about it before the advent of modern and camera way of doing movies and story line emerged

If you’ve been by any chance privileged to get some storyline from some very old lived grannies you probably must have come across one

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Ourtruth247: 4:40pm On Sep 20, 2024
Conspiracy theorist well done. We have clues about how the world look like before the advent of cameras through drawings and paintings.

Anyone can draw or paint anything and present it as historical fact. Doesn't necessarily make it true.

Pictures and video footage are the only verifiable forms of historical truth.

Hence why the date assigned to the invention of the camera is very important. Makes every history before this date easy to fabricate.

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Ourtruth247: 5:06pm On Sep 20, 2024
History isn't an empirical science

I think we conflate history with sciences like physics, chemistry and mathematics. These are empirical sciences. Their theories and laws can be tested and validated by anyone.

The theories and supposed facts of history cannot be tested
or validated unless with supporting evidence like photos and videos, or using some advanced technology like time travel to see for yourself what actually happened.

But because we are taught all these subjects simultaneously we tend to erroneously assign the same level of confidence we assign to the facts of mathematics and chemistry to history. This is a very potent form of mental manipulation

Did the second world war happen in 1914? Yes it did. There are photographs and videos validating the events.

Did the battle of Hastings happen in 1066? Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Based on my research it probably didn't. And we don't have any pictures or videos that prove that it did anyways.

The history we have is basically just a bunch of stories originally written by people we never saw photos of.

The controllers of our world even made this obvious in the naming of History. It's basically "His Story" - A story written by the victors.

They like these sort of word plays where they hide the truth in plain sight. Like we have with the FOUNDING fathers of America - an allusion to America being found as opposed to being built.

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by okoroemeka(m): 5:17pm On Sep 20, 2024
Take a moment to think

Take a moment to ponder on what I am about to say.

Even if you don't believe any of the things you have been reading from all of the threads I have created so far, at least you would at least agree with me that the Egyptian civilization had advanced knowledge of mathematics, physics and engineering

If they had this knowledge, then they also had knowledge of optics; a branch of physics. If they had knowledge of optics, certainly they should have been able to create a camera to capture images. A camera is nothing compared to the Great pyramid in terms of scientific complexity.

If the Egyptian civilization which supposedly existed thousands of years ago had the knowledge that would have allowed them create a camera, why then would it taken humans more than 4000 years after to create the first camera?

I believe pictures and videos have always existed in our planet for thousands of years. We just have to find them see what the past was truly like.
that the Egyptians are clever there is no doubt but the notion of them having advanced knowledge maybe questionable,it maybe advanced in their time but nothing to compare with what we have now,it is on record that Egypt was invaded and colonized by the hyskos in the seventh dynasty bc,and this invading hyskos defeated the Egyptians by using two things previously unknown in Egypt,the horse and the chariot.if they are so clever like you think they are how do they not know how to build a wheeled vehicle.
The pyramids was accomplished with nothing more than brute human strength,pulleys levers and an imaginative thinking,also your theory about cameras existing in the pre historic times may also be flawed,there are numerous eye witness account from the conquistadors that invaded the ancient incas mayans and the Aztecs,no record of a camera device also explorers like Marco polo went from Venice to shores of the china sea and Burma without seeing or documenting an instrument like the camera,even in feudal Japan they kept records,even the twice mongol invasion of Japan in 1274 was carefully documented and recorderd by court historians,this people keep records and preserve images by paintings and sculpture,the support technology like the moulding and grinding of lens that will help to make a camera was not available until the 12,the century,of most mysteries and conspiracy theories in the world today the answers could be found in the most unlikeless of places,the Vatican secret archives,this heavily secured vault has 83 kilometers of shevels packed with more than 80,000 texts,100,000 letters and numerous seized inventions, devices,secret books, secret correspondence that span almost 1000 years

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Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by 3nity7: 6:00pm On Sep 20, 2024

Anyone can draw or paint anything and present it as historical fact. Doesn't necessarily make it true.

Pictures and video footage are the only verifiable forms of historical truth.

Hence why the date assigned to the invention of the camera is very important. Makes every history before this date easy to fabricate.
I don't agree with you. What about the egyptian drawings? And sculptures and paintings that has been discovered and excavated all around the world dating century BC?
Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Leniroyal: 7:48pm On Sep 20, 2024
Dude going gaga with conspiracy
Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Georgekyrian(m): 8:17pm On Sep 20, 2024
We move
Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by PapaNnamdi: 8:27pm On Sep 20, 2024
Dude going gaga with conspiracy
Do you know from his conspiracy he accurately concluded that ancient civilization had electricity and conducted it through waves

Yes waves in the air, no wires or connection just waves,
People called him all sorts,

But I actually found an African that built a generator that powers electric appliances using waves, he said he was taught in his dreams when he sleeps
The man was quickly extradited to the United States and no one heard of him till today,

This happened in 2021


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Vergovert: 9:00pm On Sep 20, 2024
Search for anything on "Tartarian" or "the modern day prophet" on FB and see things for yourself.

I saw a video of a sidewalk built like escalator which can take you from one bus stop to another. It was built in France before 1800.

You don't even have to walk, you just hop on it and you're on your way to your destination.

The latest available technology is still crude compared to what was obtainable before the great reset.


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by galadima77(m): 12:33am On Sep 21, 2024
It's funny people still think reality ends with what they've been told, taught and can perceive with their five senses. Smh

The puppeteers are doing a great job if you ask me. Because I personally don't have the OP's strength to level-up anyone.

Truth isn't for everyone.


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Bebold: 1:03am On Sep 21, 2024
Don't be too fast to refute completely any new knowledge that comes your way.

Time makes our lives a puzzle.

What you hear today may make more sense to you next year, when an event occurs. wink


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by realmindz: 10:55am On Sep 25, 2024
that the Egyptians are clever there is no doubt but the notion of them having advanced knowledge maybe questionable,it maybe advanced in their time but nothing to compare with what we have now,it is on record that Egypt was invaded and colonized by the hyskos in the seventh dynasty bc,and this invading hyskos defeated the Egyptians by using two things previously unknown in Egypt,the horse and the chariot.if they are so clever like you think they are how do they not know how to build a wheeled vehicle.
The pyramids was accomplished with nothing more than brute human strength,pulleys levers and an imaginative thinking,also your theory about cameras existing in the pre historic times may also be flawed,there are numerous eye witness account from the conquistadors that invaded the ancient incas mayans and the Aztecs,no record of a camera device also explorers like Marco polo went from Venice to shores of the china sea and Burma without seeing or documenting an instrument like the camera,even in feudal Japan they kept records,even the twice mongol invasion of Japan in 1274 was carefully documented and recorderd by court historians,this people keep records and preserve images by paintings and sculpture,the support technology like the moulding and grinding of lens that will help to make a camera was not available until the 12,the century,of most mysteries and conspiracy theories in the world today the answers could be found in the most unlikeless of places,the Vatican secret archives,this heavily secured vault has 83 kilometers of shevels packed with more than 80,000 texts,100,000 letters and numerous seized inventions, devices,secret books, secret correspondence that span almost 1000 years

A combination of ignorance and arrogance, in the sense that you think you know from the little knowledge you have acquired to think that the pyramid could have been made by pulleys. Dude! Where did you come from?

Common man, you are so ignorant and have no idea what the pyramid is, to you, it’s just a block of bricks arranged together.
You are on the same level of people that laugh when they say the earth is billions of years old because to them, their brains cannot fathom the possibility of a billion years and a billion galaxies. In summary, you have a small mind and I love how people ignored you because you are impossible to school

Please don’t reply me, it could be frustrating engaging someone with a low mind who think they are so smart. It’s like a primary school boy arguing with his professors mate that there are only nine planets in the universe


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by realmindz: 11:29am On Sep 25, 2024

Do you know from his conspiracy he accurately concluded that ancient civilization had electricity and conducted it through waves

Yes waves in the air, no wires or connection just waves,
People called him all sorts,

But I actually found an African that built a generator that powers electric appliances using waves, he said he was taught in his dreams when he sleeps
The man was quickly extradited to the United States and no one heard of him till today,

This happened in 2021

Some things the op says are true, many people’s brains unlock and begin to receive information from other dimensions or begin to recollect their past lives memories. The Maxwell guy was moved to US and has since be silenced. He doesn’t talk anymore and people even thought he was dead. He later came out this year making a video that he’s alive but it all looks suspicious.
We all know of otematum on nairaland that was writing a history of universe, his write up were beyond extraordinary and according to him, he said his brain unlocked and he started writing.
He has gone silent too for over a year now and nothing heard from him, I hope he is alive or probably he has been captured by this powers


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by PapaNnamdi: 10:00pm On Sep 25, 2024

Some things the op says are true, many people’s brains unlock and begin to receive information from other dimensions or begin to recollect their past lives memories. The Maxwell guy was moved to US and has since be silenced. He doesn’t talk anymore and people even thought he was dead. He later came out this year making a video that he’s alive but it all looks suspicious.
We all know of otematum on nairaland that was writing a history of universe, his write up were beyond extraordinary and according to him, he said his brain unlocked and he started writing.
He has gone silent too for over a year now and nothing heard from him, I hope he is alive or probably he has been captured by this powers

Otems own is even more painful, I am sure he has been captured or his access to source has been wiped.

The Zimbabwe guy, I don't believe that video, probably another person with cosmetic surgery or an AI,


Re: The Most Protected Secret In The World. by Zhunnurayn(m): 11:51pm On Sep 25, 2024
that the Egyptians are clever there is no doubt but the notion of them having advanced knowledge maybe questionable,it maybe advanced in their time but nothing to compare with what we have now,it is on record that Egypt was invaded and colonized by the hyskos in the seventh dynasty bc,and this invading hyskos defeated the Egyptians by using two things previously unknown in Egypt,the horse and the chariot.if they are so clever like you think they are how do they not know how to build a wheeled vehicle.
The pyramids was accomplished with nothing more than brute human strength,pulleys levers and an imaginative thinking,also your theory about cameras existing in the pre historic times may also be flawed,there are numerous eye witness account from the conquistadors that invaded the ancient incas mayans and the Aztecs,no record of a camera device also explorers like Marco polo went from Venice to shores of the china sea and Burma without seeing or documenting an instrument like the camera,even in feudal Japan they kept records,even the twice mongol invasion of Japan in 1274 was carefully documented and recorderd by court historians,this people keep records and preserve images by paintings and sculpture,the support technology like the moulding and grinding of lens that will help to make a camera was not available until the 12,the century,of most mysteries and conspiracy theories in the world today the answers could be found in the most unlikeless of places,the Vatican secret archives,this heavily secured vault has 83 kilometers of shevels packed with more than 80,000 texts,100,000 letters and numerous seized inventions, devices,secret books, secret correspondence that span almost 1000 years

Well well, not a conspiracy theorists but one thing is certain, the ancient Egyptians had a technology far beyond what our history tells us. The pyramids are not just mete structures built with human labor and pulleys and levers.
Research on it, each block weighs around 20tonnes, 20k kilograms!!! How do you do that with wooden pulleys obtained back then and lift it one above other up to around 150 metres, above all with laser like smooth Precision cuts. Will they do that crude cutting files? The top of the pyramid is one quarter of an inch off center, after placing 2million plus blocks, what a precision!!! Even modern technology architecture is yet to achieve such feat. Again there's a proven theory by Nikola Tesla that the pyramids in could possibly have generated electricity by vibration or solar energy (can't recall) it's in coinciding parameters with distance of the sun, and facing true north. With all this we will be very unfair to say our ancient people have nothing of advanced technology. But I don't buy thing of conspiracies. We can say something happened that reset the advancement and it was lost in history

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