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Urgent Help needed : Miscarriage, Incompetent Doctor Or Pre-mature Scan? - Health - Nairaland

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Urgent Help needed : Miscarriage, Incompetent Doctor Or Pre-mature Scan? by GuyInTheMirror: 3:59pm On Sep 23, 2024
My wife is 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant (last period Aug 14) and blood test and urine has confirmed pregnancy.
Since last week Wednesday we have been noticing light spotting occasionally. Sometimes we see tiny clots of blood in her deejay.

We were at the hospital today and paid a lot of money for evaluation.

Doctor says :
1. he has confirmed that no signs of ectopic pregnancy (tubal) .
2. He however said he is unable to see a gestational sac in the uterus. He used a small scanner that I personally doubt its efficacy.
3. He said the only other thing that can cause a non visible gestational sac is a complete miscarriage since he is sure there is no ectopic pregnancy.

Now he has referred us to another laboratory for a scan on Saturday (pregnancy will be 6 weeks and 4 days at the time.)

My question is,

1. shouldn't he be doing a transvaginal scan instead of a pelvic scan as that is more accurate ?
2. Is referring us to another lab a subtle admittance that their equipment is not adequate ?
3. Is it possible to have a complete miscarriage and just experience light spotting like my wife is having? She only notices it when she wipes and even the doc said what he saw during examination is not a cause for concern.

Please advise me as I am really loosing my mind here.
Re: Urgent Help needed : Miscarriage, Incompetent Doctor Or Pre-mature Scan? by yomi007k(m): 4:21pm On Sep 23, 2024
No need to lose your mind.

The spotting with clots may lead to miscarriage.

Repeat a pelvic scan elsewhere or if you like do transviginal scan for second opinion.
Re: Urgent Help needed : Miscarriage, Incompetent Doctor Or Pre-mature Scan? by GuyInTheMirror: 4:26pm On Sep 23, 2024
No need to lose your mind.

The spotting with clots may lead to miscarriage.

Repeat a pelvic scan elsewhere or if you like do transviginal scan for second opinion.
Thanks for your response, the hypothesis here is maybe my wife ovulated later than we thought and the pregnancy is not as old as it seems.

We are thinking the spotting may be signs of implantation.

We plan to wait for 1 week and do a TransVaginal this time and not pelvic.

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Re: Urgent Help needed : Miscarriage, Incompetent Doctor Or Pre-mature Scan? by GuyInTheMirror: 11:19am On Sep 24, 2024
This is to give an update.
We were at diagnostic center and did a trans-veejay today.

The sonographer said... he is unable to see a gestational sac, he noticed however that the endometrium is significantly thickened.

He also said no signs of ectopic pregnancy.

And miscarriage is also a doubt cos most miscarriages will still show gestational sac except its complete miscarriage of which the bleeding will be heavier and significantly more noticeable.
Is it possible to have a complete miscarriage and not have any signs of it?

He asked again if we had a positive pregnancy test and we told him we have tested thrice in different places and result is positive.

His suggestion is that the pregnancy might be younger than we think, even if my wife last menses was Aug 14 he feels if she ovulated much later pregnancy might be younger and so making it difficult to see a gestational sac even with Trans-veejay.

Now we asked him what could be causing th blood clot, he said there is no sign of ectopic pregnancy same thing the gynecologist said he thinks the clot may be due to changes in the uterus or even from fibroid(my wife has small fibroids) .

The conclusion is that we wait for 2 more weeks and come back for a scan.

Any inputs is welcome.

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