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Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by helinues: 9:52am On Oct 13, 2024
All liars would eventually end up inside a blackhole


Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Franzinni: 9:52am On Oct 13, 2024
And you believe this trash ?


Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by BigDawsNet: 9:52am On Oct 13, 2024
Only way to confirm is to have access to a Time Machine
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by FatimaAbubakar(f): 9:53am On Oct 13, 2024
How was he able to preach with his head cut off? Where is the mouth located? Na wah for una sef.


Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Kvarachi: 9:54am On Oct 13, 2024
1. If all these early Saints were matyred for their faith in Jesus Christ, and we're more zealous, and did not escape by Rapture, how do today Christians think they wont evangelise for Jesus in a more wicked world, and escape by Rapture?

2. How will someone cope when all these saints will be receiving their golden rewards on that day, and some people who haven't done anything but think they will receive the same reward?

3. How did Catholic Church fall off so badly? No more Bishop like this...
Just a question, which day are you all expecting and waiting for?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by bizzibodi(m): 9:56am On Oct 13, 2024

Bible? It has been found to contain lies and contradictions.
Logic? So who created that complex and powerful creator?
Why are you reasoning like a head slammer?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Kukutenla: 9:57am On Oct 13, 2024
These are fables created by your so-called Christian fathers — all of them non-Israelites aka dogs — who had no direct connection to Jesus Christ and His apostles except for the fables they created to inject themselves into the movement to control it for themselves. And as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7 vs 6, all the dogs — non-Israelites— would do with that which is Holy — the Gospel— is trample it, turning it into lies by way of their many pagan delusions and ideas into that which is unholy and use it as a tool with which to shackle and destroy the lives of the gullible with— they steal, kill and destroy. undecided

After Jerusalem was destroyed and Judah was laid bare beginning in 70 A.D., over 1/3rd of Jews in the land were massacred and the remaining were scattered to all ends of the world. I question the suggestion that a good number of Jews remained in Rome after the last war of the nations which likely took place in the place called Megiddo. undecided
Matthew 7vs 6
“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.
Can you explain clearly how you got to know Jesus was referring to non-Israelites as dogs. If your interpretation is true that non-Israelites are the dogs, who are the pigs then?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Babangidapikin: 10:00am On Oct 13, 2024
I hope someone won't try it, because some people have entered Lion dens to test their faith and endup rested ... Although I have heard of the headless chicken and Magicians like Xaviers can perform the headless stunt but if the Man is preaching there is no magic involve ..men of faith not the celebration of airstrip that even a sugar cane farm and power generation firm can have.
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by oluwaseyi0: 10:01am On Oct 13, 2024
Only way to confirm is to have access to a Time Machine
Not necessarily

They should just repeat it in this time of camera and easy verification

To me, any miracle that happened in the past or anywhere in the past but can't be repeated is a fraud

Red sea was divided but can't be re-redvided - fraud

Fish swallow someone but can't re-swallow in 2024 - pure fraud

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Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Samunique(m): 10:02am On Oct 13, 2024

Why are you always angry?
The guy is possessed with the spirit of manipulation, deceit and heresy.
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Bruno3000(m): 10:03am On Oct 13, 2024
That guy is demon-possessed, one of the signs is being angry always. Just keep him one side.

Why are you always angry?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by bixton(m): 10:03am On Oct 13, 2024
These are fables created by your so-called Christian fathers — all of them non-Israelites aka dogs — who had no direct connection to Jesus Christ and His apostles except for the fables they created to inject themselves into the movement to control it for themselves. And as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7 vs 6, all the dogs — non-Israelites— would do with that which is Holy — the Gospel— is trample it, turning it into lies by way of their many pagan delusions and ideas into that which is unholy and use it as a tool with which to shackle and destroy the lives of the gullible with— they steal, kill and destroy. undecided

After Jerusalem was destroyed and Judah was laid bare beginning in 70 A.D., over 1/3rd of Jews in the land were massacred and the remaining were scattered to all ends of the world. I question the suggestion that a good number of Jews remained in Rome after the last war of the nations which likely took place in the place called Megiddo. undecided

Let it be a fable that is real and living not a fable that is dead. Let those who believe in it be at peace with it and live eternally and not those who would find themselves in Hades.
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Expanse2020(m): 10:04am On Oct 13, 2024
Lamba Lamba
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Elliotwaveforec: 10:04am On Oct 13, 2024
Ogedengbe of Ilesha did the same when Ibadan fighters cut off his head! He even repositioned the head and lived and was captured by the Ibadan and given a tribal mark on the cheek and forced to fight on their side

You go fear 'Apaji'


Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by tiswell(m): 10:06am On Oct 13, 2024
🤔 Let me guess! If I were in your shoes, I would chose a homosexual any day over your scammers-in-the-lords who only come to steal, kill and destroy you and your generations after you. 🥱
just sharraap!
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Natbrowny: 10:09am On Oct 13, 2024
Op. Do u av Quora Account?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Samunique(m): 10:10am On Oct 13, 2024

Your Jesus was killed he no fit carry himself!
John the baptist was beheaded his head was helpless!

And many other disciples were killed and there was no miracle!

Of what use is this miracle if the head didn't join back to the neck?

The story na Fable, tales by moonlight!
And that's my own!
But your red pant stealer of a prophet was able to split the moon bah

Don't you believe that ??
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Chikel20000(m): 10:12am On Oct 13, 2024
These are fables created by your so-called Christian fathers — all of them non-Israelites aka dogs — who had no direct connection to Jesus Christ and His apostles except for the fables they created to inject themselves into the movement to control it for themselves. And as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7 vs 6, all the dogs — non-Israelites— would do with that which is Holy — the Gospel— is trample it, turning it into lies by way of their many pagan delusions and ideas into that which is unholy and use it as a tool with which to shackle and destroy the lives of the gullible with— they steal, kill and destroy. undecided

After Jerusalem was destroyed and Judah was laid bare beginning in 70 A.D., over 1/3rd of Jews in the land were massacred and the remaining were scattered to all ends of the world. I question the suggestion that a good number of Jews remained in Rome after the last war of the nations which likely took place in the place called Megiddo. undecided
after all dis rubbles....ur point is?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Chikel20000(m): 10:14am On Oct 13, 2024
They will still not believe ...even if heaven where to open n God talks from on high ...they will still use their deluded mind to stop d gospel
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Everfrank(m): 10:15am On Oct 13, 2024
Any evidence of this bogus claim?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by paskal16: 10:19am On Oct 13, 2024
Be sincere with yourself is there a God?
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Usmanovic95(m): 10:21am On Oct 13, 2024
No evidence, you go explain tire
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by angelboy01(m): 10:21am On Oct 13, 2024
Walked headless and continued preaching for 9 frigging kms🤡. Always ludicrous stories without verifiable sources, well if you believe in a talking snake and donkey this is one small step on the road named delusion😅.
If parrots and othee birds can talk what makes other animals not to talk. I might not believe the beheading story but about animals talking yes it's possible because the creator of heaven and earth can work in mystery so rest.
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Basicend: 10:22am On Oct 13, 2024
These are fables created by your so-called Christian fathers — all of them non-Israelites aka dogs — who had no direct connection to Jesus Christ and His apostles except for the fables they created to inject themselves into the movement to control it for themselves. And as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7 vs 6, all the dogs — non-Israelites— would do with that which is Holy — the Gospel— is trample it, turning it into lies by way of their many pagan delusions and ideas into that which is unholy and use it as a tool with which to shackle and destroy the lives of the gullible with— they steal, kill and destroy. undecided

After Jerusalem was destroyed and Judah was laid bare beginning in 70 A.D., over 1/3rd of Jews in the land were massacred and the remaining were scattered to all ends of the world. I question the suggestion that a good number of Jews remained in Rome after the last war of the nations which likely took place in the place called Megiddo. undecided


Anytime there is a Christian topic, you quickly jump out of your grave to come and fight / criticize it. .


Saul of Tarsus did worst than you before the Light came to him, and hit him. .

I won't further argue with u, coz you have been noticed here. . .

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Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by chipet67(m): 10:26am On Oct 13, 2024
This one na tales at sunlight.
I am a Christian, but I don't believe in cunningly devised fables.
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by nedekid: 10:28am On Oct 13, 2024
How was he able to preach with his head detached from his body especially with the vocal cords split?
This only thing this story proves is that no be today lamba start.
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Basicend: 10:28am On Oct 13, 2024
Walked headless and continued preaching for 9 frigging kms🤡. Always ludicrous stories without verifiable sources, well if you believe in a talking snake and donkey this is one small step on the road named delusion😅.

Your name says it all. .
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by TechCapon(m): 10:29am On Oct 13, 2024
Religion will turn you to Mumu for real, only a brainless sheep will believe this shlt
Christianity of old are powerful not the watered down version of what we have today. I believe the story


Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by miketayo(m): 10:29am On Oct 13, 2024

Your peeps they speak am! And they speak in tongues on Sunday after all the abuse!

Holy spirit will even help them abuse me self!

I will tell you, your religion is evil if we are being logical
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by RebirthPhoenix(m): 10:29am On Oct 13, 2024
The man whose head was cut off, he picked up his own head in his hands & continued...

Bishop Denis and his companions were so effective in converting people to Jesus that the pagan priests became alarmed over their loss of followers.

In his days (200 A.D.), the persecution against the church was so intense, but it never deterred him & his compatroits.
He would go into the streets openly to preach Jesus in the heat of the persecution.

The Roman governor arrested Denis and 2 others, & after a prolonged imprisonment, he beheaded them on the highest hill in Paris (now Montmartre).

However, in the most shocking of events, Denis picked stood up, picked up his head in his hands and began to preach the gospel of Jesus, walking for another 6 miles before he eventually fell & went to be with the Lord.

How far can you go for the gospel of Jesus?



I been wan talk something,, but your name done settle everything
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Honestey: 10:30am On Oct 13, 2024
If you believe this look into the mirror and call that one looking back the last thing you did inside toilet today.
Re: Denis: The Bishop Who Preached With His Beheaded Head by Lastmessenger2: 10:32am On Oct 13, 2024

Your peeps they speak am! And they speak in tongues on Sunday after all the abuse!

Holy spirit will even help them abuse me self!
keep your little,daughter,100 miles,from this slowpoke

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